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Models in Education and Training

University: Regent College of London

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 6 / Words 1483
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: E/508/0986
  • Downloads: 1292

Table of Content

  2. TASK 1

Question :

The objective of this report is to evaluate the requirement of communication in respect of education and training practices. These practices will assist in determining how to analyze its appropriateness by considering:

  • Provide an application of theories, models and theories of learning in education and training.
  • Determine application of principle, theories and model of communication in training and education.
  • Evaluate application of model, principles and theories of assessment in training and education.
  • Identify the application of theories and models of curriculum development in specialism areas.
  • Discuss the application of models and theories of reflection and evaluation to reviewing own practices.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Service on a Plate


Training and education helps an individual in career development. It allows individuals to learn and gain knowledge on various subjects. Also, a person can learn own his own by applying various theories. These theories help in evaluating performance on the basis of knowledge and skills (Reece and Walker, 2016) Besides this, education provides basic learning to the person. It shows the way knowledge can be applied in life. Moreover, teacher must do reflection so that it allows to mentally process, analyse knowledge. This is done so that it can be used to change an outcome by utilising that knowledge. Along with this, reflection allows teacher to maintain progress in their teaching. It helps them to become an expert in their field by identifying weak areas and improving them. Reflection is an experience based notion that is based on some theories and models. This assignment will describe different theories and models of reflection and the way it can be applied in own practise. Furthermore, it will show theories and models of curriculum development and manner in which it can be applied in own area.


5.1 Analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation

In the recent era, reflective practise has grown in areas such as professional discipline. Each of them is having their own differences and meaning (Richey and Klein, 2014) The reflection practise helps in making improvement in performance by analysing the strengths and weaknesses. There are different models and theories of reflection that can be taken into consideration. It can help an individual in evaluating the performance. These models are as follows:-

Models of reflection

Gibbs model of reflection

This model helps in exploring a person’s behaviour in a particular situation. With this, it enables them to realise what changes can be done in behaviour. It consists of a reflective cycle that are as follows:-

  • Step 1 description - This stage helps a person to describe a situation in detail. This shows several types of questions that which person was involved, what happened, what others did, what you did, etc. By doing this, it helps in providing a clear view of whole situation.
  • Step 2 feelings – This stage helps a person to express his or her feelings regarding the situation. A person describes experience during particular situation (Fägerlind and Saha, 2016). Several questions such as what other felt about situation, what you felt, etc.
  • Step 3 Evaluation – This stage helps tutor to motivate person to evaluate the entire situation. In this, tutor asks on what positive things happened, what was negative, etc. By this, teacher finds out the root cause of problem so that it can be solved.
  • Step 4 conclusion- In this step, tutor develops conclusion to solve the problems. It becomes easy to find out solutions because root cause of problem has been already described above. A person can collect information about situation and use experience as well as skills to solve the same.
  • Step 5 action - This is the last step in which actions are taken to deal with similar problems in future. Also, in this, weak areas are identified (Duncan and Goddard, 2016) Moreover, it helps in reviewing the progress of improvements in weak areas.

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Kolb’s model of reflection

This model consists of four stages that is concerned with learner’s internal cognitive process. Also, it focuses on developing the concepts that can be applied in different situations. The four stages are as follows:-

  • Concrete experience- It refers to learning from other people or experience. This helps in finding out what actions has been taken by other people. It helps in observing their experience.
  • Reflective observation of new experience – In this, a person can learn from observation of situation. It will enable in making effective decisions. Also, it helps in viewing the situation in a different way (Spector and Bishop, 2014) It helps in better analysis of things.
  • Abstract conceptualisation- In this, a person starts thinking about situation. This helps in generating the ideas by understanding situation.
  • Active experimentation – It refers to implementation of ideas that has been generated above. Also, it includes taking risk and influencing others. By this, learners get the results by applying ideas.

Jenny moon model

He defines the reflection as common sense as form of mental processing including a purpose to apply complex ideas in a situation (Bompa and Buzzichelli, 2018). The five stages are described as below:-

  • Notice – It states that person cannot learn anything until he notices. Representation is of material as memorised and modified by the degree to which it is forgotten.
  • Making sense- It refers to getting to know material as coherent, but only relating to itself.
  • Making meaning – In this, there is the beginning of development as a holistic view. There occurs a sense of meaningfulness but not have much evidence.
  • Working with meaning – In this, there is the creation of relationship with new material and other ideas.
  • Transform meaning – In this evidence is given that shows new learning has transformed current understanding in reflective process (Kelly, Lesh and Baek, 2014).

Therefore, these models can be applied in order to evaluate performance of an individual. It will be useful in analysing the behaviour and knowledge of person. Moreover, it will enhance the reflective skills of individual. With this weak areas can be identified easily and more creative ideas can be generated to solve problems. Furthermore, it will allow individual to understand situations and environment conditions in better way.

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5.2 Theories and models of reflection can be applied to reviewing own practice

The above models can be applied by an individual in his or her own practise. This will help in finding out behaviour in critical situation. Also, it will help in taking effective actions to solve problems. Apart from this, model can be used to make improvements in education and learning. Besides this, it will be easy to understand situation in better way.

Gibbs reflective cycle – In this a situation can be taken while in was teaching in class. I observed that some students were making a lot of noise. This was because of lack of indiscipline among them. I have to analyse the entire situation around me. I have never faced this situation. So first of all in shouted on them. Then I talked to them that why they were making noise. I decided to organise an activity. I delivered my best efforts in this.

Another example can be given of this a situation was occurred. During my holidays I was staying with my friend. An incident occurred in which his father met with an accident. This was very shocking for both of us. I analysed entire situation. I helped him by making him feel better. I felt that he was very nervous and tensed. I should have done something that might have diverted his mind from this situation. But I did not know what to do and also there was no action plan that can be implemented.

Kolb's model – This model can also be applied in similar situation. In this I can use systematic process to make students quiet. I analysed the overall situation and though that it was my mistake. I was also not in disciplined manner. I was very lenient with them. I was not having any control on class. Thus, I need to improve my leadership skills so that I can manage and control students. For this I took help of my colleagues. They guided me in improving my skills. This boosted by confidence and I practised that again and again. This benefited me as I effectively handled the situation when it occurred.

Another example is when in college I decided to take part college basketball team. For this I have to get selected in team. It was my first experience. I had been playing basketball since long time. After getting selected I played my first match. I analysed that I did not play well.

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