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Focus On Ideas, Thinking & Knowledge Of Education

University: University of Greenwich

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3366
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: EDU20005
  • Downloads: 944

Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • Write a literature review on an issue of interest which can be understood as one which has a ‘global dimension’, and which has implications in terms of ‘education’.
  • How is the issue understood and framed in respect to the global context?
  • Analyse an educational issue from a global perspective.

Answer :


The term education can be defined as a process through which persons receive and provide systematic instruction in the school and university to understand meaning of words, action and activities. Education is a mandatory aspects for all individuals and countries which are developing as well as developed as it enlighten better experience to discuss, teach and train. Further, the existing report consider detail description about the challenge of exclusion about children, individual and person who are disable to get right education at right age. Along with this, the report highlights on available published knowledge in context of issue and its framed or structure at global level (Zajda, 2015). In the last, importance of issue and understanding of ideas related with current thinking and knowledge will be focused in the report. A comparison will be made between the educational trends and figures especially in the context of United Kingdom as compared to Romania.

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Literature review on global dimension

According to Phineas Rueckert, 2019 education industry is a crucial part for an country and individual which leads government to become a developed country. With the increase in the education aspects health and seniority of society will be improved. Along with this it also improve in the economic of country by recruiting better individuals in product and service sector. But in the present scenario, majority of the industries are performing their work at global level. Due to this dynamic changes are faced in the country that generates different gaps in the performance and actual results. So to fulfil or overcome from the gaps education industry work as an important phase which leads country and its residents to perform their work in effective manner. Low professional knowledge, improper management in education industry and less contribution of teacher in educational field (Youssef, 2014). Moreover, the current issue of exclusion in education demonstrate that globalisation leads companies, economic and other resources of organisation at global level but due to the less improvement in education. Their are several challenges are faced by UK which generates complexity in society to perform the work. It also states that with right education it is easy for individual to get proper education for performing their work with rapid speed and in effective manner. The issue of situation related with education helps management to perform work in effective manner that is used for enhancing the skills of persons at professional level. Along with this, the authors also state that in Romania, due to complexity and ineffective coordination between government and education system, there are many additional challenges. Their are various challenges will be faced by management that creates issue in education level at international level such as lack of funds, untrained teacher, lack of learning material and exclusion of disabilities in education. (

According to Anne Wilkin, 2016 Globalisation leads society with positive aspects as well as negative aspect. In this there are various challenges are faced by management that impacts on a country in positive and negative manner. It determines that with globalisation organisation leads management to perform work at global level. In this there are various challenges will be completed such in context of UK education is at developing stage (Wals, 2014). This governs that problems and issue related with school are faced by management such as variable fees, huge expenses of higher eduction etc. must be improved to achieve more success in legislation of organisation. Additionally, the authors have stated that in Romania, the education is at a developed stage and the stakes are higher when compared to UK at the population of Romania succeeding at it.

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Understanding of the issue from global perspective

According to Mushtaq, 2014 Issue related with educational perspective are exists at a large level because whole individuals required education for completing their work with in exact manner. This governs that it is mandatory for a country to develop educational strategy which is utilised to overcome from the issue at global level. Further, the existing report is focused to deliver and formulate quality education for individuals. Educational complexity which is present in this market is focused on exclusion of education with disabilities as students will be existed among all world places. This determines that it is essential for management to perform their work in effective manner with the combination of discrimination and lack of training there are several teaching methods to perform work with proper right to get better education in all field irrespective of gender, age and usually to perform work with high benefits. The global challenges will be understood to frame the work at global level that is used to get enhance knowledge of individuals at global level (Van Hees, Moyson and Roeyers, 2015). From the perspective of fact education work as the universal human right that is common for all world people. In simple words, disability in education refers to lack of resources. Like, there are various task will be performed by education such as training and development, seminars etc. with motive of performing work with rapid speed. A combination about discrimination work vulnerable to provide right education is at a similar level in UK and other countries such as Romania.

Interest and benefit to get knowledge with globalisation language

In the present scenario, majority of current organisation are performing their work at international level. Along with this by dealing with educational issue it is easy for management to generate interest among individuals to get high education with more efficiency. In order to exposed knowledge it is also seen that with proper skills and capabilities it is easy for performing all projects to provide education at large level. In the context of educational skills it is determine that by getting more benefits to leads educational level by generating better results to perform education and generating as well as enrolling more number of individuals for getting more number of education for getting long term benefits and to complete the overall education within a respective age (Spohrer, Stahl and Bowers-Brown, 2018). Along with this the major benefits which is gained by UK that are gained from education relates with society and professional services. It is a positive side, for the management to complete the work with rapid speed that accomplish goals of through improving better performance as well as organising those facility which leads management to perform work in organised manner.

In the positive manner, globalisation is an essential aspect for the country of UK because government and its residents are open to adopt new products and services. So the education level of individuals is an important aspect for management because it increases work performance of organisation for completing their work with rapid speed. Along with those the other challenges which is impacting on individuals by getting long term benefits through performing work with more efficiency and effectiveness by increasing educational level of individuals. On the other side, negative aspect relates with performing work by completing all task and projects with the implement of working around people and getting long term benefits to deal with issue of education.

However, it can be stated that in Romania, that there are a wide variety of international programmes that are adopted and implemented in the educational structure of Romania thus giving the educational level a wide exposure.



Importance of issue

Education is one of the most important aspect through which individuals are enhancing their skills and capabilities for completing the task with positive note. In the present scenario, it is mandatory for all persons to complete their work by implementing and utilising proper and right education in their work (Silove, Ventevogel and Rees, 2017). The important issue which is related with education is the exclusion of educational resources and their work performance so by selecting right educational field and methods it is easy for performing all work by completing all task in right manner. This also relates with education and its analyses data and information which is gather by individuals in terms of are more accurate and effective. Moreover, it is also important for country to develop right policy and strategy because it helps individuals for performing their work in effective manner.

Global issue

Global and globalisation refers to those methods and ways through which individuals are exchanging product and services at the international level. Current data and information relates with education relates with issue of organisation by managing all task in effective manner. The major concern about educational level relates with financial issue and their performance which is more related with those work areas that is present at global level. On the other side, educational terms which is impacting on business's performance as issue relates with exclusion of task and project by performing work with motive of dealing organisational problems and issue as UK is most represented country (Silova and Rappleye, 2015). However Romania is far better in the matter of Global upfront because their representation is limited yet it is of excellence where their scholalry vies and articles are always respected and heard.

Importance of issue in terms of education

The existing issue in this report relates with exclusion of individual disabilities but the fact and all policies states that education is universal right for all persons. But there are large number of persons are already disable according to work which is performed by society. In the context of education individuals relates with disability. This results persons are not able to complete whole task on daily basis due to lower attendance rate. Further, another issue which relates with management is concerned about those persons who denied to take right decisions because of problems and issue are always unique and different from past experience.

Analysis and exploration of issue to contribute and forecast work at global level.

This is not possible to understand and predict all future decisions related with education and details for each sector. To analyse the issue of disability preparation and completion of task will be done with positive approach that represent enthusiasm among individuals to make effective contribution in educational field. According to present scenario, the major benefits which is used is to increase potential of employee's as compare to other areas. Like, in UK Brexit is a political decision and reason which impact on educational level (Münch and Schäfer, 2014). Further, budget also work as positive approach to complete task as per connective basis. In Romania, however, the major contributing issue in the education was the social protests and revolutions that were carried out by the different students and unions of Romania so that educational institutions and level could rise overall.

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Direct and indirect link between groups and individuals from the context of issue

All the issue which are faced by management is due to completion of task and the issue which impacts on educational field on direct and indirect basis. This governs all the persons or individuals who are present in current market and exchanging products and services will be recognised as the part of globalisation. In UK education with same methods and course are present and available at different prices. Right education at right period will leads a country to overcome from the gap such as unskilled work-force, less number of expert services etc. With professional knowledge this is used by individuals to provide their services at global level. Example- Educated individual is able to get benefits from society such as to attract more number of investor from different countries (Lotz-Sisitka and et. al., 2015). It will enhance level of education so with appropriate benefits persons or individuals also work to enhance their work performance and government work with mode of completing their task with positive approach.

Ideas and practice and their link with social justice and inclusion

The term ideas as well as practices relates with educational level and task that are divided to delegate task within right manner. Globalisation generates various goals and new work areas due to which it is mandatory for UK to develop new education system. So skills must be improved with help of education that leads individuals to start an effective career in effective manner. Skills angels is the concept to develop better ideas with the main motive of organising an event that must be broader at the skills levels. With in the frame and structure of globalisation it is identified majority of organisation are offering their products at multi-national level. The main motive to perform with ideas and practices is to complete task according to current knowledge and ideas. School and university are the major areas through which persons and individuals are getting knowledge and ideas to complete work as per their task. This also governs to perform their task with motive of completing their work with positive approach through which ideas and practices relates with issue of inclusion and social injustice. With all aspects of completing work it is recognised that ideas not only encounter positive method to work but it also develops new ways and methods through which persons will complete their work through new aspects (Kalyanpur, 2014). This also governs that with the positive side, it is identified that proper education level must be implement in human behaviour from childhood stage.

In order to implement all ideas and thought, it is mandatory for individual to complete their work by adopting new methods and task that is used for performing the work to gain competitive edge in market. In the present scenario, with right practices, skills and education it is identified that education also helps the persons to perform their work in society with the motive of completing all task and activities as per ethics and social justice.

The term globalisation is also known as the completion of work with new methods and practices that is used to complete all task in organised manner. By considering this it is identified that with positive approach it is easy to manage work and their performance through approaching large number of customers by considering task and projects with motive of enhancing work performance to manage project through approaching large number of persons with the implement of education in different fields (Janks, 2014).

Educational industry consists of different aspects that are differentiated from each other. Education undertakes perspective of teacher, place, language, community and skills which are followed by management. This determines that it is mandatory for an individual to understand all inclusion steps for completing whole task in effective manner which concern about educations and qualification that provides by the country and learn by its residents to perform their work in effective manner. On the other side, education industry is growing with rapid speed in UK. This determines that government is open for all fields that is related with education. In the context of education industry inclusion refers to all people abilities, skills and healthy needs that is appreciated from members to improve the society standards for completing the task with positive approach. It also governs that management also introduce new body and distinct composition to perform overall task with motive of working as a valuable member of different countries and communities also.

In Romania, however, educational sector and its analysis works are consists of different steps which is related with planning and considering health based approach to understand holistic approach about trends and status related with education system. This results it is easy for organisation to manage resource that turned better and long term results for management by overcoming from different issue that is used to make long term challenges and overcome from different rules by overcoming different challenges (Hadjianastasis, 2017). This also results that with inclusion it is easy to improve long term benefits that is used to improve system related with education. With obtained information in inclusion and their work performance it is used to manage objectives and supporting better educational areas that work with aim of enhancing the work perspective from educational field. Innovation, redressing, economic enhancement in country to meet with specific learning that enhances skills and economic incentives to learn better outcomes in contextual to lead long term results and incentives among others.

Social justice relates with motive of completing whole work and to context long term benefits by which individuals are processed to develop long term benefits as well as to gain better education through which persons will gain higher education and process long term active benefits to determine better results to perform their work in minimum time period. It also results that it is easy formulate effective strategies by which people learn more materials to guide students for completing their work with more efficiency. In order to implement education with better approach all persons must perform their work by following guidelines to prepare lesson due to which better benefits will be gained but due to poverty it is complex to recognise that individuals (George and et. al., 2016). Existing scenario which is faced by management relates with organisational issue in which organisation perform their work with motive of empowering futures. It also work with broader motive of enhancing start-up capacity. Disabilities issue of education relates with career related options that is used to perform work as well as to make effective decisions for the upcoming scenario. So in order to overcome issue with both globalisation and education department to perform their work with motive of generating collaborative environment that enables teacher and education industry to modify and instant use of templates which are designed with motive of empowering more power and capabilities of individuals by utilising technological aspects like innovative classroom and digital learning experience.

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In the last, by the above report it is concluded that education leads individuals and a country to gain better performance and productivity in economy and society standards. Global dimension relates with increasing market size and to approach large number of customers which are beyond national boundaries in the country. Global task are also performed with motive of completing their work through understanding and framing those needs which fulfil the gap of actual performance and expected results with in organisation. Moreover, there are various issue are also monitored in education industry such as poverty in many countries, low financial needs, ineffective management and to generate knowledge among individuals for working as an angel skill that empowers capabilities of individuals to complete their work with positive approach. Global dimension and educations both are existed at global level as actions and activities which are performed at global level will be understand with approach of better education. Moreover, both globalisation and education are inter-related also which leads functions and operations in effective manner by interacting them on effective and ineffective manner. In the last, with social justice and inclusion it is easy for country to build better results in the economy of country by understanding and implementing new ideas and concepts.


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  • Eichhorst, W and et. al., 2015. A road map to vocational education and training in industrialized countries. ILR Review. 68(2). pp.314-337.
  • George, G and et. al., 2016. Understanding and tackling societal grand challenges through management research. Academy of Management Journal. 59(6). pp.1880-1895.
  • Hadjianastasis, M., 2017. Learning outcomes in higher education: assumptions, positions and the views of early-career staff in the UK system. Studies in Higher Education. 42(12). pp.2250-2266.
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