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Employability Skills


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2869
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Introduction to Employability Skills

Employability skills can be defined as a set of achievements and personal attributes that make the individual capable enough to be successful in their chosen occupation. In addition, employability skills are typically considered important qualification for many job perspectives. For the purpose to carry this report, I have selected Cromwell hospital which is located in London. This hospital was founded in the year 1981 with excellence in patient care services. Cromwell Hospital has effective marketing efforts, Thereby, it is preferable health destination for patients of UK. This hospital is offering an outstanding level of expertise and high technology equipment range of clinical services, surgical specialties and medical. The Hospital has established a reputation for innovation and it is continuously investing in the advanced diagnostic and treatment technologies to cure patients. The Cromwell Hospital is internationally renowned hospital that provides treatment to both adults as well as children. I am working as a staff nurse in this hospital, I have a responsibilities to take care of patients. This report will help in determining the own responsibilities and performance by developing interpersonal and transferable skills. Moreover, this report will assist in understanding the dynamics of working with others and also it will help in developing the strategies for problem solving. Please also go through the sample of human resource mangement of "Hotel Hilton"

Task 1

1.1 Responsibilities and Performance objective as a Staff nurse

Being a staff nurse, I am responsible for nursing care of patients in Cromwell Hospital. My performance objectives are based on the job role. My effective work will help in achieving the organization goal as well objectives. As a staff nurse, my responsibilities in Cromwell hospital are as follows:

  • Admitting and discharging patients.
  • Technical nursing care of patients.
  • Administration and assistance of medicines and injections.
  • Preparing patients for medical procedures and clinical tests.
  • Rounds with doctor.
  • Giving and receiving reports.
  • Handling technical process such as, enema categorization, wound dressing, preparing for therapies and clearing up after procedures.

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In the context of my responsibilities, my performance objective is evaluated under these core components. You may also go through the sample on "employee relations"

  • Stress management of patients: Being a staff nurse, I have to always take care of patients by providing them effective services. Due to medical treatment sometimes patients feel demoralize and stressed. Thereby, my performance objective will be to establish effective communication with them and keep them motivated for treatment so that they can recover eas

  • In dept knowledge: Furthermore, As a staff nurse it is very important for me to have deep knowledge of all the medicines and injections in which I am assisting doctors for giving treatment to patients. Thus, another performance objective is to have deep knowledge of all the medicines and their effects on the patients.

  • Dependability: My next performance objective is to create dependability and reliability in my work So that patients can trust on the treatment which I am giving to them.

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1.2 Effectiveness against performance objectives

Following methods are used in order to monitor the effectiveness of my performance,

  • Stress management of Patients: Stress is the common cause of ill health. Thereby, to lower down the stress of my patients, I will encourage them for regular exercise and meditation. Exercise is the most logical style manages stress. Moreover, Relaxation and meditation also reduces stress in the body. With the help of these techniques I will help in reducing the stress of patients which will further help me in achieving my performance objective.
  • In depth knowledge: Being a Staff nurse in Cromwell hospital, it is essential to have deep knowledge of my work criteria and enhancing my skills in providing better services. I will develop my knowledge in medication and other nursing services so that I can efficiently treat patients. For this, I will study medical related books and attend the workshops as well as seminars. Further, I will also take references from internet for attaining deep knowledge of my work criteria.
  • Dependability: Moreover, developing effective communication with patients will help me creating positive impact over patients. With the help of this positive attitude, my patients can rely on me for their treatment.

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1.3 Recommendations for improvement

Being a staff nurse, once I had faced an issue where a patient was provided wrong medication. The medicines had an opposite effect on patient and patient went into serious condition. To resolve this issue, I have identified some points for improving services that will also help me in enhancing my employability skills.

To improve medical services, I will start maintaining medical records of patients and will study the medical history of all patients before treating them. These records will help me in identifying the precaution to be taken with particular patient and what types of medicines are beneficial for their health. Furthermore, I will also make sure that patient gets medicines and treatment only from the person who knows all the medical history of patient and has efficient knowledge of the medicines. These points can assist me in improving the services and will also save me from committing mistakes with patient’s health.

1.4 Motivational techniques to improve quality of performance

Cromwell hospital is well known for its quality services to patients. Thereby, motivation plays a crucial role for employees of Cromwell hospital. Enhancing motivation at Hospital can improve the performance and raise the morale of the employees . There are huge ranges of motivational techniques which I can use for improving the quality performance at Cromwell Hospital. Some of them are as follows,

  • Creating a positive environment: I will create positive environment between my co workers and for patients to motivate them. I will encourage team work and idea sharing within the staff which will help in developing better work relationship and with the positive work environment I can motivate my patients and co workers.
  • Incentives: Motivation can be increased by providing co workers incentives for their effective work . I will design individual incentive for each employee to motivate them. Financial incentives are cash prizes, gift vouchers and meal passes etc. whereas, non financial incentives are extra vacation days, compressed work timings, recognition etc.
  • Recognize achievements: I will celebrate my coworkers achievements to motivate them by providing them employee of the month or star performer award. Recognizing team efforts plays important role in motivating them.

Task 2

2.1 Developing solutions for work based problem

Being a staff nurse in Cromwell hospital, I had to manage end number of patients in a day which creates stressful situations. There are following reasons for stress, those are like,

  • Anxiety related to job demands.
  • Ineffective leadership ability and inability to motivate staff.
  • Poor co worker relationship.
  • Work pressure and lack of supervisory support.
  • To overcome this problem of stress, I have started relaxation and meditation. This is a most effective way to reduce stress. The reaction at the time of stress is automatic; however, the meditation needs to be carried out by everyone with purpose. Meditation always helps in relaxing the body and overcoming from stress. Thereby seminar on meditation was organized by the hospital in which all the employees of hospital had participated effectively. The trainer described the benefits of meditation with the ideas of how to manage stress in the hospital. This development program helped all the staff to be stress free while taking care of patients.

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2.2 Effective communication styles at different levels

Every individual communicate in different style such as, Interpersonal communication, Nonverbal communication and written communication. The most common style of communication at workplace is verbal, nonverbal, written and interpersonal communication.

  • Interpersonal communication: While dealing with patients in Cromwell Hospital interpersonal communication is essential. Because this communication provide the detailed information about the problems . For Instance, if a doctor will ask his patients query formally. Than patient would be unable to share all the problems with doctor. Thereby, doctors and other staff of hospital have to establish interpersonal communication with their patients too provide them effective treatment.
  • Non verbal communication: Non verbal communication includes various modes of expressions, gestures, eye contact, touch and physiological responses etc. In Cromwell hospital nonverbal communication is equally important to communicate with physically handicapped patients.
  • Written Communication: Written communication involves the interaction that makes the use of written words. This communication is common in business situations. For instance, written communication is pursued in Cromwell hospitals with Doctors, Vendors, employees and clients by the use of emails, websites, letters, proposals, faxes, brochures etc.

2.3 Effective time management strategies

In today's competitive world effective management of time is very important. Thus, I have analyzed few time management strategies, these are as follows,

  • Prioritizing: To manage time effectively every one needs to differentiate that what is important and what is urgent. By setting work priorities employees can easily complete their task. One of the easiest way to prioritizing the task is that employees can make works to do list with series in ascending order.
  • Planning tool: Furthermore, Time management can be done by using a planning tool to improve the service efficiency (Kazilan, Hamzah and Bakar, 2009). Planning tools can include, pocket diaries, calenders, wall charts, index cards, notebooks and computers. By writing all the tasks and schedules in planning tool can make employees to focus on priorities.
  • Get organized: However, it is observed by many people that poor time management result from disorganization. Thereby, implementing the system of handling documents and bills in files and folders can save so much time of searching them in need. However, all records can be saved in computer and physical papers, bills and important documents can be managed in files and folders.
  • Avoid multitasking: Moreover, multitasking always consume more time while switching from one task to another, which result in poor work and loss of productivity (Brown, Hesketh and WILIAMS, 2004). Routine multitasking can lead to loose concentration and focus when required.

Task 3

3.1 Team roles and responsibilities in organization

In Current scenario Workplaces often divide employees into teams so that group of employees with related skills can collaborate and resolve the problems efficiently. Team based issue we faced at Cromwell Hospital is as follows,

  • Team Conflict: Team conflict is a social problem that occurs between two or more team members and that affects the efficiency of teamwork. Mostly team conflicts are caused because each team member has own values and thoughts but still they has to follow values of team. This difference in values and thoughts creates disagreement between team members and team conflicts arise. For Instance, if a right person is not provided the right responsibilities and roles than employee conflict can arise.
  • Lack of participation of all team: While working in a team, effective participation of all the team members is very important to do a teamwork. When a some team members do not participate in team activity or a task than it result as a weak team. being a staff nurse at Cromwell Hospital I was facing issue in my team because management has implemented a specialized team for customer support. But some of team members are not giving proper response to customers than it can lead to customers dissatisfaction and failure of team.
  • Ineffectiveness to recognize the performance of individual:At Cromwell hospital the another team issues was that management was not motivating and recognizing the efforts of team and team members. Which caused negative impact on team members and they were taking less interest in improving their performance.

In a team, every individual plays a important role in order to work effectively. To resolve the team issue of ineffectiveness to recognize the performance of individual team member. The management of Cromwell hospital can apply the following strategies,

  • Performance Appraisal: The organization can give performance appraisal to team members to recognize and reward their performance. This will increase their motivation and effective participation in team activities.
  • 360 Degree Feedback: Further, the management can use 360 degree feedback method to measure the performance of individual team members. This feedback can be taken from team leaders, co workers and supervisors.
  • Incentives: Moreover, Incentives also plays important role in recognizing individual employee's performance. Incentives can be of two types that is, financial incentive and non financial incentives. By recognizing individual employee's performance it can enhance their active participation in team work and resolve the issue of team conflict.

3.2 Process and team dynamics

Team dynamics deals with behavioral pattern and attitude of team. Team dynamics is concerned by the form in which team has been defined and processes are followed in functioning the team. Being a staff nurse at Cromwell Hospital, our team promotes effective communication and motivation is very important because a effective team generates more knowledge and information and increase the chances of better service providing.Team dynamic is essential for developing a successful team.

Team members works together to achieve same goals and objective. Being a staff nurse, I have to monitor the work of my trainee nurses and have to motivate them time to time for there efforts which is essential to resolve team conflicts and encourage there active participation in team work. In few places, team work is important in health and social care firm because of its decentralized policy. In Cromwell hospital everyone possesses different set of responsibilities. Thereby it is essential for all team members to actively contribute at workplace and consider their initiative of work.

3.3 Alternative ways to complete a task as team and achieve the goals

A team is formed to achieve the goals and objectives of organization. The alternative way to achieve the organizational goal can be termed by specialized works of team. Each team member possesses different roles and responsibilities, in which they will continuously work towards completing the assigned work in their expertise area which will result into increased profitability and sales of Cromwell Hospital. There some alternative ways to achieve the goals of team, those are as follows,

  • By Creating complete strategy and action plan including the description which is required to achieve the goals and objective of Cromwell Hospital.
  • Further, regular evaluation process also can be helpful to make changes and adjustment on successful completion of project.
  • Moreover, The team can achieve the goals and objectives by sharing the strategies with key people of the organization that can be helpful in creating supportive and positive attitude in team.


Employability skills can be improved by effective academic record with skills and attributes which enables the individual to manage in the constantly changing environment. Employability skills includes the effective technical skills along with soft skills such as, communication, creativity, professionalism, problem solving skills and team work etc. while understanding the employability skills, it has helped in developing the own responsibilities and performance objectives along with interpersonal and transferable skills. Hence, it has been concluded that improving employability skills and motivation at workplace can increase the sales and profits of the organization.

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  • Bakar, A. R. and Hanafi, I., 2007. Assessing employability skills of technical-vocational students in Malaysia. Journal of Social Sciences.
  • Brown, P., Hesketh, A. and WILIAMS, S., 2004. Employability in a knowledge-driven economy. Journal of education and work.
  • Cassidy, S., 2006. Developing employability skills: Peer assessment in higher education. Education+ Training.
  • Dacre Pool, L. and Sewell, P., 2007. The key to employability: developing a practical model of graduate employability. Education+ Training.
  • Houston, D., 2005. Employability, skills mismatch and spatial mismatch in metropolitan labour markets. Urban Studies.
  • Kazilan, F., Hamzah, R. and Bakar, A., 2009. Employability skills among the students of technical and vocational training centers in Malaysia. European Journal of Social Sciences.
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