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Discussion About Implications of Various HR Models - Vodafone

University: University of Leeds

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4538
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HRM201
  • Downloads: 1158

Question :


As a human resource management consultant, you are invited by the Vodafone company in order to advise them on a possibility of conducting their HR practices in respect to complete more work effectively at marketplace. The board of directors want to address the following tasks:

Task 1

Generate the appropriate HRM models and evaluate the approaches of the company in the management of its human resource. (900 words)

Task 2

Critically explain the HR functions in the organisations which include recruitment and selection, HRD, motivation and performance) in context to human resource initiatives. Provide appropriate recommendations in order to improve the activities. (1800)

Task 3

On the basis of criteria identified in the previous tasks, evaluate a number of HRM software programs that are available off the shelf and evaluate which one of these software programmes would be mostly provide advantage to the organisation. (650 words)

Task 4

Through your advice to the company evaluate the characteristics of effective leaders taking into consideration all the issues identified in the previous tasks. Draw on the relevant models to justify your analysis. (650 words)

Task 5

Provide presentation, citations and referencing

The work will be submitted in the report or in the essay format.

Assessment criteria

  • Capability to identify the HR issues to the performance of the Vodafone company.
  • Depth analysis of the identified issues.
  • Explain the issue faced by Vodafone through implementation of relevant theories and models.
  • Ability to achieve a personal synthesis by drawing relevant conclusions and making recommendations by the analysis and evaluation of the appropriate facts.

Report structured

  • Table of contents
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Discussion/ Literature Review
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Appendix

The successful completion of the will be assessed in:

Evaluate the key functions of Human Resource Management, workforce management, people management, and intellectual capital management

Elaborate the systems and structures that support effective workforce management, people management, Human Resource Management, and intellectual capital management in a variety of cultural contexts and through a variety of case study examples.

Provide a workforce management, people management, human resource management, intellectual capital management plan, and design a valid recruitment and selection system for appropriate cultural contexts and labour market scenarios.

Evaluate the systems and tools which are used in the various interpretations of management of the labour force and the conventions which may be used in these various contexts.

Provide awareness research in the evolution of human, people, workforce management of resources and the related challenges facing organisations in a variety of cultures.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Vodafone


Human resource management is an activity of designing, organising, leading and controlling the acquisition and development of functions of the company in context of achieving pre monitored aims in an appropriate and adequate manner. In addition to it, with in a company, HR division play an effective role as it concern with the effective use of available resource and keeping relationship between employees and employers for obtaining profitability increment. HR department of an organisation assist in managing the workforce and human capital with the help of human resource practices like performance management, performance appraisal, training and development and reward system (Akingbola, 2015). Whereas, in order to accomplish the same, leadership plays a crucial role which is basically concern with offering motivation and direction for achievement of business aims and objectives in an effective way. Leadership indicates to an ability of encouraging and inspiring employees and providing them with guidances in context of a specific task so that they can accomplish it in an appropriate way. This assignment is based on Vodafone which is a British Multinational telecommunication company. This corporation was established in 1991 and it is one of the world's leading telecom and technology service providers. This report will discuss about implications of HR models for the development of administration, importance of recruitment and approaches of HRD. Further, it will explain about characteristics of effective leader that are taking into consideration all the issues identified in the tasks.

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Relevant HRM models and analysis of the approaches of the company

In an organisation, the HR department of company use different models, approaches and conceptions for the effective management and administration of the human resource. According to Willyerd K. (2015), Organisation's culture is also a crucial element which plays an effective role in proper management of the company so that workforce can perform their roles and responsibilities in effective manner in term of accomplish particular goals and aim of the firm (Arena and Uhl-Bien, 2016). In order to it, human resource is analysed as one of the important assets because they are directly related to creating better working culture so that each individual can make their contribution in order to achieve the expected aim in an adequate way. It is also crucial for the company to assure that they design and apply adequate human resource plans and policies which will essential for the workforce to make their participation in activities of firm and maintain competitiveness in that sector in which company is operating. There are several models and approaches that can be use and implement by the company to manage the employees and maximise the productivity. Some of these models and approaches affiliated to management of the manpower, accepting motivational attributes, hiring skilled employees, training workforce to improve their competencies at work (Baltaci and Balcı, 2017). In context of Vodafone, human resource manger of the company mainly focusing on development of analytical abilities, driving workplace plan of action and making effective employee relations for exploiting effective position in the competing sector. In context of it, there are several models and approaches, some of them are described as below:

Scientific management model- The main focus point of this model and concept is on administrating each person for improving effectiveness by utilising efficacious or fair monetary motivation system. Every individual has their own skills and abilities which they use for accomplishing the aims and objectives of the business in set time frame. Therefore, HR administrator takes an initiative to find out each personnel's ability & skill and put them into use in an effective way. Cause of it, there will be less option of generating confusion between workforce so they can do their work and allotted task in more appropriate way without facing any issues. On the other hand. If the respective company fails to do in similar way then the outcomes which will be provided to the firm are drastic that highly affect the functioning of firm in unfavourable manner and instantly influence brand value of organisation. At the same time, by making fairness in its reward system and provide monetary benefits according to that then the company can retain its employees for long term (Baškarada and Watson, 2017). At the time of salaried and providing compensation to workforce, company assure that the benefits which are provided by them to the employees should be able to fulfil their survival needs and others according to them to offer high level of employees satisfaction.

If the management of the respective company implement this model then the organisation can manage its human resource by making fairness in its financial motivation system. When employees are fairly rewarded for their effective performance then there are less or nil chance to occur issues and conflicts which will help in effective management of the workforce.

Human relation Theory- It is another model and concept which is also crucial and important for the effective management of the human resource. It mentions that monetary reward is not only way to encourage employees regrading brand value. There are different other components that are effective like promotion, monitoring employees efforts and providing them a chance to involve in business activities so that they can feel important and they can retain with the company till long term. In addition to it, administrating efficiency in communication plays an important role in organisation's working environment as it mentions that transparency and clarity in communication assist HR administrator to minimise and close the gap between team members and encourage them to work with effective collaboration and cooperation. Moreover, communication often based upon organisational structure which explains their entire working process (Cascio, 2015). Whereas, maintaining and administrating communication channel in company help HR managers to make control on issues and conflicts between employees in context of achieve maximised level of profitability and productivity in proper manner. Another factor which a company consists in handling analytical approach and managing employees is evaluation of the employee's performance that they are executed effectively in their allotted work. If they are not perform well then the management of firm provide training and development sessions to them so that they can make improvement and increment in their skills and knowledge. It will help in retaining them within organisation for long time and assist in their personal or professional growth. Moreover, empowering each individuals to be flexible for making any type of modification and alteration in the business and business environment in context of making development in the entire performance of Vodafone in an effective and efficient manner.

With the utilisation and implementation of this model, the firm can manage its human resource because it will not only consider finance in term of motivating employees. The management of the company will make focus on other things like improving their skills by training program and deliver then correct information about specific task and work. It will help in development and growth of employees and minimise the chances of arising problems.

If the management of the respective company effectively implement these models and approaches then firm can mange its employees in appropriate manner. Then they will help in accomplishing the set business goals and objective of organisation most appropriate way. This will help in building an effective position of company in the specific sector and industry in which it operate its business (Kamoche and Newenham-Kahindi, 2015). By formulating crucial plans and policies, providing training and development programs to employees, the firm can administrate manpower and encourage them to work in structure way.

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Discussion of the organisation's HR functions

In an organisation, there are several functions of each department. Simply, a company have different department which performance several activities for the growth and development of the company and effective management of employees. Accordant to Harness J. (2019), HR function of a company mainly work for improving profit margins and productiveness of the firm. So there are various functions that are perform by HR department. These functions are recruitment & selection, motivation, performance management etc. For acquiring aggressive and competing position within marketplace, HR manager of Vodafone take an initiative to utilise various strategies related to human resources in terms of improving the process of recruitment and selection. In it, recruitment and selection is an most crucial function of HRM because it is an activity of hiring skilled and qualified workforce which assist in performing business activities in effective manner and help in accomplishing the business objective in adequate manner. Moreover, recruitment and selection are differ in nature because it considers its own set of process and activities to fill the vacant positions in firm in an effective manner. Recruitment indicates to the process of getting attention of individual, assessing them and short-listing term as per the vacant job role. Whereas selection is an activity of choosing and selecting people within shortlisted candidates by analysing their skills and knowledge according to vacant post.

In Vodafone, it is an act by which the administrator makes and attempt to identify well qualified people with an adoption of diverse techniques to develop the productiveness in proper way. In the respective company, skilled workforce help in accomplishing the business goals of firm in set time frame and maintain the brand value and position in competitive sector (Leroy and Peiró, 2018). The involvement of each plan of action and tactics plays a crucial role in sustaining and surviving the business long term in specific industry. In which sector, Vodafone operate is business, the level of competition is high there. So if the company have skilled and capable manpower then they will help organisation in running the business of the respective firm in adequate manner or gaining rival's benefits. Selection and hiring of employees create a huge impact upon the company positive as well as negative. For instant, if the firm recruit wrong applicants then it's result will be drastic and they can affect the working process and devise mismanagement between each functions of the company. It will, also affect the economic condition and productiveness of organisation in negative manner.

Therefore, analysing the individual talent or skills help both employee and employer to maintain effective working environment where workforce can do their work in appropriate manner with facing any issues. There is a divergence in recruitment and selection functions reflecting a company's plans, strategies and perspective to administrate employees. Skilled and knowledgable individual show the core workforce of a company and candidates are hired as per their skills and talent. (Morley, Heraty and Michailova, 2016). In various organisations, skill structure have been developed and used to find out talent or abilities effectively for potential workforce. Recruitment and selection is a complicated and complex act and process. In addition to it, there are various methods of recruitment and selection which can be effective to hire a well qualified employees as per the job profile. Some of these methods are interview, online selection by utilising social media, employee referral, campus placement and others which help Vodafone to reach wide range of population. Each of these methods considers its own process and role which make them differ form each other. Apart form it, a number of methods or activity are available to choose effective and right individual for a specific job role. It consists; application form and CV, online screening and short-listing, aptitude test, interview, presentation, personality profiling and group discussion etc. Whereas, it is the responsibility of superior of the company to choose and select appropriate method which help in hiring and selecting skilled and knowledgeable person. So that they helped in making development and growth in the business of company in term of enhancing productivity and increasing profitability.

According to Miller E., (2018), motivation is an another HR function which is crucial, to encourage employees. In Vodafone, it is also crucial to encourage employees so that they feel motivated and do their work with more effectiveness. When workforce of the company is motivated then they show more interest in performing their roles and responsibilities in accurate manner (Pareek and Rao, 2015). There are different ways which can be used by the management of the company to encourage and inspire workers like appreciating them, training and development, incentives, bonus, compensation and reward etc. When employees are going to perform regarding a specific task the the administration can appreciate them that they can have effective skills and competences so they can do this work in appropriate manner. It help in encourage manpower so that they can feel motivated.

Training and development is an another method and way which can be utilised by the administration in context of inspiring worker. For example, when employees are going to perform in context of a new task and project then management of respective firm can conduct training and learning sessions so that they can gain basis information about the work and make improvement or increment in their skills and knowledge. If the company will not do it then employees will not have information about that technologies which the firm will use in its new task and project. If employees will work without having knowledge about them then it negatively affect the firm. By providing chance of participation in decision making, to employees, the company can also motive and inspire the employees.

Distance Training: Under this technique, it is a cloud based training program that empower superior to identify their workforce potentiality and also motive them to provide better training program with an intent of exploring their hidden talents or skills in an impressive style. In relation to Vodafone's manager, by the application of distance training program company is able to make their manpower to perform competitively and also to grab all sort of current or emerging growth opportunities in order to gain competitive advantage among competitor in an innovative way.

According to Pollock S. (2018), performance management is an effective function which is important to analyse the execution of employees that how they perform in a task (Petrick, 2017). Effective performance management is more than just creating a work environment where employees can work in adequate manner. With the help of this human resource activity, the management of Vodafone can have information about its good performer and bad performer. So that when the company is performing towards a difficult task then it can easily involve its skilled employees and accomplish expected outcomes in set time frame. If the HR administration do not perform this activity of performance management then the firm will not aware with performance of its employees which can be negatively affect the company. To manage the performance of them, receptive firm can provide them training and development program.

Dive to automation: This kind of advanced technology is regraded as one of the effective system which help organisation to maintain its internal process in aspect of managing payroll activities. Hence, with the implication of such technology it enable establishment to enhance its overall sales performance and productivity ratio in an expeditious way (Ratten, 2015). However, in context of Vodafone its manager make an effort to use this technology which aid them to keep all its employees payroll details and record them in a safe manner. Due to which, they were able to control the occurrence of conflicts or disputes among manpower and can build better working culture in an improved way.

Henceforth, with the utilisation of above explained HR strategies it motive Vodafone to enhance its market share or size and also can enlarge the employees productivity ratio in an effectual way among rivalries (Shields and et. al ., 2015). On the contrary, Vodafone manager face various challenges while practising such innovative tactics within its recruitment and selection process that may increase the possibility of arising conflict or disputes inside firm's working environment. In the views of Nikoletta Bika, 2019, With the inappropriate management of available resource, superior face different types of issues during recruitment process like lack of time in filling the vacant job position, recruit cost, decision making and etc. which influence organisation's proficiency ratio(Recruiting methods FAQ: A guide to terms and strategies, 2019). However, for enriching the employee retention ratio and also to attain sustainable growth or development, there are some methods which has been suggested for Vodafone to improve its recruitment and selection process which are discussed below:

  • Centring more on capability rather than years of experience: Most of the organisation HR mainly seeks for experiences in particular field that may restrict superior to analyse each personnel abilities and capabilities in certain area (Snell, Bohlander and Morris, 2015). However, if vodafone hr make an attempt to put more focus over candidates skill, iq level, education qualification, knowledge related to learn, practice, experience, facilitate, insights, shop, field, attitude towards acquiring unpredictable business environment changes. Due to such initiation, it assist HR to recruit highly capable and talented manpower who can contribute their best effort towards an accomplishment of business goal.
  • Build a strong employer brand online: Under this, if Vodafone HR uses multiple social media platforms, Instagram, Facebook, twitter then it enable them to generate a long term relationship with candidates across the globe as well as can hire best workforce for vacant job position in an amended mode (Akingbola, 2015).
  • Invest in referrals: In this, if Vodafone manager generate an effective referral program in which they can encourage its existing personnel to refer some skilled candidates who can effectively impose best effort for an achievement of establishment goal. With the help of this, Vodafone can enlarge its overall profit margin ratio and also can improve brand reputation among competitors in an innovative manner without any hindrances.

You may also like to read - Various HRM Models & Software Programmes

Evaluation of the number of HRM software programs

The HRM software is design to manage business processes, various transactions and agreement. It allows management or organisation to focuses on people's work style. It is an information technology that stores all information that are linked with management policies and practices of an organisation (Arena and Uhl-Bien, 2016). In this, all information of employees are stored in one database. It can also provides centralized perspective of employee's workforce by alliance of applications such as performance, planing, development, management, etc. There are some HRM software which are attain by organisation to manage culture and environment of workplace.

  • UltiPro software- This software is based on human capital management and this is design to manage company's payroll by managers. The design of this software has proper functioning program which helps manager in recruiting new employees in organisation. It can also help in managing, processing and calculating payroll of employees. With the help of this, time of labour can be manage effectively so that there development can be occur. The data that are stored in this software helps management to promote employees according to their performance. This can help the company to compensate management and various survey identification in workplace. It offers role access in task completing to employee such as setting goals and pay managing. This software offers employee's benefits through mobile and computer devices. Many managers can manage million of records of employees and people of organisation.
  • Bamboo HR- this software provides human capital management service software. This system has a dashboard in which all information about employees are separately described. It has different sections in which report, record of vacation, personal information all occur differently. It is design according to employee specification such as contact details, image, qualification and other information (Baltaci and Balcı, 2017). The users of this software can see birthdays and regular time of workplace of employee. It also has a tracking system of applicant that handle all hiring needs of an organisation. In this, it show list about job opportunities including the number of hiring people and duration of post. This software is easy to running but it is an expensive software and lack some functions which allow combination of other software services.
  • Paycom- It is a human resource technology which provide online payroll of employees for businesses. It also provide some other services along with human resource management. This software provides services such as storage of documents, management of expenses, E-Verify and on-boarding. With the help of this software, company's growth eventually increases and they doubled their business size. In this software all departments are categorised differently such as sick leave, paid holidays, insurance policy, health membership, stock purchase plan and many other (Baškarada and Watson, 2017). This software also ensures about changes that are reflected in the system. It stores data of one employee in one place so that user does not find difficulties at time of searching about employees of an organisation. This software plans an effective insurance plan in the industry. It also handle sensitive information about employees and appreciate numerous responsibilities of workers.

Among all of these, the Paycom software receive many awards as with help of this software many company's attain numerous growth in a minimum year. It receive many awards in various departments such as sales and technology department. As this software has highest ranking from above software as it outstanding in managing programs and development. This software help employees to operate functions more efficiently. It result in increase of satisfaction of customers. With their strategy of single applications, cost of labour can be decreased and can drive engagement of employees.

Characteristics of effective leaders taking into considerations to identify issues

  • Effective leaders- It refers to those individual who have good skills, abilities, qualities and competencies like providing direction, guidances and inspiration etc. As per the view of Randol K. M. (2011), effective leaders involve two factors like traits of leader and skills of effectiveness. An effective leader have several essential qualities like confidence, communication, passion and motivation etc. These types of leader are that person who are work for the development of the company in each situation and encourage workforce to perform their roles and responsibilities (Cascio, 2015). So that organisation can attain its set business objectives in given time frame. There are different characteristics of leaders which make them effective leader, some of them are mentioned as below:
  • Risk taker- It is an essential characteristic of an effective leader. These kind of person are very innovative in nature and try to use new approaches even if they are not successful. For instant, in Vodafone, it is difficult to the leaders to make experiment to set up and maintain company's rival's advantages. Effective leaders determine it and make creation in firm by utilising their new and innovative thoughts and take risk in order to earn competitive edge in market.
  • Motivator- It is another effective characteristic of effective leader and with help of it they encourage employees so that they can do their work in more effective manner in different situations. An individual have this trait and quality, enjoy their work and effectively achieve their goals and desired objectives in appropriate manner (Kamoche and Newenham-Kahindi, 2015). These type of leader does not back down form complex situation and apart from it, they find the way to overcome from this situation. In Vodafone, the leaders who have this characteristic, help in encouraging workforce so that they can use their efforts and skills in completion the task in most appropriate manner. For this, they provide motivation sessions and provide their guidance to employees that how they can perform in better manner in a critical situation.
  • Clear communicator- This trait and characteristic also contains by effective leaders which assist them to make effective communication in share appropriate information with their staff members. It will help in deliver important information in adequate way and this quality improve if the person have capability and competency to listen. In Vodafone, with the assistance of it, leader can offer good advice and direction to team members and share accurate or reliable information in context of task, work and aim or goals.

Authentic leadership model

It is a concept of leadership that offer information about the traits and skills to be an effective leader. In 2003, this model is formulated by Bill George to determine the skills and competencies of a leader like motivation, awareness etc. According to this conception, authenticity is one of the crucial quality of a leader. It is essential for a person to consist some abilities and traits like risk take, good communicator, listener, self controller and others. The individual who are authentic leader, they have diverse characteristics such as transparency, effective communication and others (Leroy and Peiró, 2018). With the help of all these, they encourage workforce to do work in effective manner and sharing relevant information to workforce by making appropriate communication. In Vodafone, with the assistance of motivation, they can help in maximising the level of confidence of employees so that they can do they work properly. In accordant to Mulder P. (2019), effective communication assist in maintaining good working environment, promoting culture of trust and sharing reliable information. This model of leadership include some strategy like listen and share, realistic, constructive and others (Morley, Heraty and Michailova, 2016). With the assistance of them, a leader can perform the task in adequate amener in term of motivating employees and providing effective guidance to them.

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As per preceding defined content, it can be conclude that HRM is an effective activity and process of managing employees and the activities of a company. It is essential for appropriate operations of the firm so that administration of an organisation can effectively planning, organising and controlling its business. Different HR functions like recruitment & selection, motivation and performance etc. help in effective running the business of the company so that firm can accomplish its set and desired outcomes. Different characteristics of an effective leaders like risk taker, clear communicator and others help in development and growth of the company and gaining competitive advantages from competitive marketplace.


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  • Baltaci, A. and Balcı, A., 2017. Complexity leadership: A theorical perspective. International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management. 5(1). pp.30-58.
  • Baškarada, S. and Watson, J., 2017. Managing the exploitation-exploration tradeoff: how leaders balance incremental and discontinuous innovation. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. 31(4). pp.13-16.
  • Bligh, M. C., 2017. Leadership and trust. In Leadership today(pp. 21-42). Springer, Cham.
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