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Evaluation and Assessment of Various Managerial Skills - Carnival Plc

University: Icon College of Technology and Management

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4100
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: M/508/4457
  • Downloads: 1502
Organization Selected : Carnival Plc


The environment in which a company operates is quite dynamic in nature and it changes on a continuous basis. Therefore in order to manage the business in an effective as well as efficient manner, the right kind of policies, as well as procedures, should be made by managers to run the company, which will allow them to take their company forward over a longer period of time. Globalization has compelled managers to take their respective organisations on a global level. Managers, nowadays, are not only responsible for making necessary decisions but are also responsible for managing the overall workforce of the organisation in an effective as well as efficient way. Some of the skills that are required by the manager are Leadership skills, Co-Ordination Skills, Team Work, etc. Carnival plc is a big company in the travel and tourism sector it is well known for its services in the tourism industry (Kraft, 2012). The company is having around 1,20,000 employees all over the globe and growing. The net annual income of the company is also fairly high at 2 billion dollars. The current report will be going to have a detailed discussion regarding the need of various types of managers with varied managerial skills.


1.1 Different types of management styles used for working in an Organization

For the purpose of effectively managing a business, a company needs to hire managers with talent and skills. Each association needs to ensure that it is overseen legitimately and in a viable way, this is just conceivable if administration of organization has essential information of the considerable number of stuffs that wins inside a situation and have the experience to handle different issues that happens over time frame. Keeping in mind the end goal to oversee association legitimately, Management can select any of the administration style out of different ones which are accessible. These styles are described in detail as takes after :

  • Authoritative administration Style: Under this, the chief of the organization utilizes distinctive sort of abilities to manage the entire association in a compelling and in addition effective way. The supervisor has the ability to coordinate staff individuals and subordinates. He will utilize his energy to coordinate individuals and won't counsel with them more often than not for any choices (Hunt and Weintraub, 2016). What supervisor would state, the general population inside organization needs to tolerate as he has the expert to do as such. Under this, The director will force his choices on subordinates and individuals of organization.
  • Participative Management Style: This is a kind of management style in which management will try to increase the overall participation of its employees and workforce within the decision making of company. Management will try to improve its working by making sure that decisions taken by company and its management are with the consent of all individuals who work within company, so as to motivate them to contribute for company and its growth.
  • Affiliative management Style: A pioneer would ensure that an appropriate sort of chance is being given to people to take their feelings and proposal in a portion of the significant basic leadership of association. This sort of style will enable individuals of workers to have a feeling of having a place for organization and will inspire them to do well for a more extended time frame (Boso, Cadogan and Story, 2013).
  • Free – Rein Management Style: Under this kind of management style a managerial person would not interfere within the decisions of subordinates and make them free to take necessary decisions regarding their job works, this would allow company to grow at a very faster pace because the hurdles of constant approval from top management will not be there and decisions will be taken at the subordinates level only

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1.2 The Various leadership characteristics required for an organisation

There is a contrast between a Leader and an administrator. A Leader would lead individuals in a productive method to get the outcomes which is wanted by the organization. The activity of pioneer is to right things and the activity of chief is to do things right. A pioneer ought to have certain qualities to lead an organization in a viable and additionally effective way. These aptitudes are examined in detail as takes after:

  • Communication Skills: It is one of the most important skill that an individual must carry. If the leader or manager would not be having enough communication skills to express themselves. The leader or manager shall be aware of all the aspects of how to communicate with various factors of an organisation like employees, customers, suppliers etc. this will allow manager to maintain a better as well as healthy working environment within the organisation.
  • Team Orientation: A pioneer or a leader should have the correct learning of different parts of group administration and introduction, he is dependable to ensure that group is adequately and productive overseen to grow business and general well-being of organization. In the event that he would know how to deal with a group, he will have the capacity to lead them and see each person inside it.
  • Innovation and Creativity: This is one of the most important factor, an individual shall have proper innovative thinking as well as creativity which will allow him to grow business in an effective as well as efficient manner. He should be able to see future as to what consumers can like and dislike and then make business decisions accordingly ( Boso, Cadogan and Story, 2013).

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1.3 Communication process within an Organization

It is essentially required for a relationship to complete correspondence process through which their delegates can pass on and compose with each other. In this way there are finishing strategy which an affiliation can pass on their polices, frameworks and musings with each other in all the more convincing and beneficial way, these techniques are talked about in detail as takes after:

Forward and informal communication

Inside an organization there is distinctive kind of correspondence channels. These are formal and additionally casual correspondence channel. The formal channel is the one which is trailed by different associations. Carnival Plc is an organization which additionally takes after the formal channel viably inside its business. Under this channel, the correspondence will be transmitted through a chain of importance of administration and it decreases the misconception and is normally more precise than casual correspondence. Then again, Informal correspondence makes error and such correspondence does not have any confirmation and consequently these can not be utilized as a principle correspondence channel inside the association (Black, 2012).

Upward, Downward as well as Horizontal communication

It is a process of communication, under which the communication flows in a movement from upward to downward or downward to upward or in a horizontal form within various departments of Carnival Plc. This is a traditional method of information and data flow within an organisation.

Various Models of communication

A Model of correspondence was set around Elwood Shannon, depicting the different parts of correspondence. These comprise of different components and these are depicted as takes after:

Sender: It is the person who chooses to send the message.

Encoding: The subsequent stage is encode the message in an appropriate shape.

Message: It alludes to the message or the data that must be conveyed to the person.

Decoding: It alludes to Decoding the message that has been sent to the individual recipient. The substance of the message is made comprehend by this procedure.

Receiving: He is the one to whom the message has been sent, The recipient is a definitive goal of the message and the data ( Froehlich, Segers and Van den Bossche, 2014).

Barriers of Communication

There are distinctive kinds of boundaries that exist in an association, which makes it troublesome for the association to execute powerful correspondence inside the association. These hindrances can be as dialect, societies, physical and hierarchical boundaries. It is very vital that association make a point to diminish the effect of these hindrances on the association in the more drawn out run, with the goal that profitability can be expanded.

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1.4 An analysis of different organisational culture and change in an organisation

Organisation culture is different and it depends on the nature of every business that what is going to be the environment within an organisation. Culture is an element of Internal environment of an organisation. Carnival Plc make sure that organisational culture remain intact so that business can grow and prosper over period of time. Carnival Plc is moderate size organization offering different Hotel and different administrations to its clients and it has a place with friendliness industry. The way of life inside the association is very novel and it thinks about each worker as a relative, with the goal that they can get the sort of feeling of having a place for the organization (National Research Council 2013). As indicated by Charles Handy, The association culture is of different kinds, it can be portrayed as takes after:

  • Power Culture: It alludes to the way of life that works in an organization and depends on control and expert that a man has and the specialist of that specific individual works in organization. On the off chance that the administration of organization will more legitimate in nature and not participative then it might hurt the working of business going ahead.
  • Role Culture: It fundamentally implies that diverse sort of parts are doled out to various individuals in association and the entire association chips away at the premise of the part that are being doled out to them.
  • Task Culture: It fundamentally implies that assignments are designated to people inside the association and assets are given to them to playing out the undertaking viably and in addition proficiently. In the event that this culture wins in an association the examination of workers are made in light of the execution in dispensed undertaking. Carnival Plc Operates on this culture as the organization doles out errand to people inside organization and their execution is then checked properly (MAYER and Quick, 2016).

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2.1 Evaluation and Assessment of Various managerial Skills in Hotel Industry

Hotel industry has a place with accommodation and in this manner it is very critical that clients are served well else they won't swing to the inn again and this will be a negative for organization going ahead. With the end goal of compelling administration of Company the director of Carnival Plc needs to have the accompanying aptitudes that will empower it to do well:

Communication: It is a very important skill that is needed within managers so that people within the company can be managed effectively and productivity can be enhanced by reducing the level of miscommunication.

Decision Making: It would essentially imply that the administrator might have the Guts to take vital choices which will be urgent for a definitive well being of organization. He should know how to set aside choices at the correct opportunity to get vital open doors that exist in the market. Carnival Plc is ensuring that its director does gangs these abilities which will assist it with growing in future ( Gunawan and Aungsuroch, 2017).

Leadership Skills: A manager shall know the various leadership skills to lead people in general as well as difficult situations.

Change Management: The manager should also lead change effectively so that business can act according to the necessary changes that takes place in external environment. These changes can be related to process, service etc.

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2.2 SWOT Analysis of Mangers as well as of his abilities

I would conduct a personal SWOT analysis to assess my strengths as well as weakness of myself that will help me to perform better and effectively for my company:

Strengths: I should require legitimate organization capacities which help in using as quality in achieving needed targets. The boss should require awesome social capacities which empower him in keeping up strong association with their partners and their dependable customers. Effective correspondence enables the partners to bestow musings to their executive with a particular true objective to causes them in working of business in suitable way. My strengths gives me confidence to handle even the toughest of situations.

Weakness: I might know about his shortcoming, and how changes in the same can be made ought to likewise be evaluated by him in an appropriate and successful way. A portion of the shortcoming might be absence of certainty, open talking and so on. These ought to be successfully overseen. I shall work hard in future to improve my weakness in an effective manner (Tartakovsky and Cohen, 2014).

Opportunities: I might be sufficiently given open doors for sustaining his abilities and picking up learning by appropriate preparing and advancement program being started for these directors, with the goal that they can get the open doors at the opportune time.

Threats: Threats may happen on account of low sureness level and open discussing chief which unfit him to perform well that has negative impact on the execution of business as well. Non attendance of dauntlessness enhance feeling of uneasiness through which the execution of chief should start declining and thusly he can't achieve his pined for centres in given due dates.

Thus from the above analysis it can be said that I do contain certain technical knowledge and skills that will boost my career within the hospitality industry in an effective way.

2.3 Prioritization of different objectives as well as targets to develop potentials of manager in business

The managers of organisation shall choose the important tasks that will allow the company to grow and prosper effectively.

Deadline: It is the obligation of trough to set due dates for his assignments and those due dates might be accomplished in a powerful and in addition effective way. On the off chance that there will be no due date for errands, the supervisor would be come a slouch and won't perform productively (Golmohammadi and Mellat-Parast, 2012).

Research: Research work urges the director to enhance his understanding which influences him to ace in performing practices in different zones of fields. Through this he can take distinctive new exercises which are significant for business and perform inside prescribed period. Carnival Plc has faith in enlisting these directors who do have such aptitudes with the goal that they can take business forward. This backing of abilities gives managers a confidence to lead the business in a more effective as well as efficient way.


3.1 Lead and motivate a team to achieve desired objective at Carnival Plc

To take business forward it is very fundamental to accomplish the coveted and set targets and for accomplishing those destinations, it turns out to be very important to outline an arrangement for driving the group and legitimately reach to those coveted objectives. A few challenges may emerge in driving the group, these troubles should be overwhelmed by the director, a portion of these challenges are:

Proper alignment of different goals as well as objectives: The objectives and targets ought to be set for each person in the group and later on their execution might be evaluated.

Motivation: The director is mindful to ensure that its group is completely persuaded to accomplish the wants targets of the organization and don't consider it as an obligation or work stack.

Work Culture: The director should ensure that work culture inside the association is well disposed and a representative feels cheerful to work in organization (Oppong and Gold, 2016).

3.2 Managerial decisions for achievement of goals and recommendations for improvement

The goals of Carnival Plc are laid down by the Top management of company. These goals can be in terms of quantitative as well as qualitative growth. The different decisions shall be , the various aspects of managerial decision are:

  • Safety of employees
  • Motivation
  • Training as well as development
  • The necessary promotions and appraisal techniques.

Decision Making Model

It is a kind of model which are utilized by the administration for taking powerful choices at the work put, it also help them to work in an effective manner. As an insightful organization, the Decision Model is a reliable depiction of business basis. It is, by figure desire, not a physical model of how that business method of reasoning is to be completed specifically development. It isn't even a model for how that business justification is to be bestowed through technique manuals or planning materials. Or maybe, it is an academic arrangement for the full and intensive detail of that reason (Parker, 2012). From this full and exhaustive specific, if the goal is to robotise it, a Decision Model can be changed over into no less than one target progresses through fitting arrangement frameworks. If the goal is for individuals to tail it down, a Decision Model can be changed over into whatever association is most viably referenced by individuals. It is also basic to understand that the Decision Model is a model and not just a summary.


4.1 How own managerial as well as personal skills would help in career development

Personal and managerial skills allow an individual to grow as well as prosper in his lifetime. It will enhance the overall opportunities for an individual and will also further enhance the growth of institution or organisation in which he will work. The various benefits of effective skills development are as follows:

  • Decision devising
  • Growing and Improvement
  • Squad Administration

4.2 Career development needs, current performance and future needs for production of development plan

The authoritative capacities are vital in directors and these all expect an imperative part in the calling headway. It helps in achieving the affiliation and moreover labourer objectives (Keil M., Lee and Deng, 2013). There is a future needs to guarantee and edge an appropriate vocation advancement get ready for future, which abilities can be picked up, where upgrades can be made and so forth.

1 Time management skills It is on par and not too good. I want to improve my efficiency when it comes to managing time that will allow me to do well in my career. Specialist consideration in undertaking of time with practices as indicated by limits of work. Top Level Management 2 Month Information which were received from Colleagues.
2. Public Speaking My open talking level is adequate and I can speak to myself too my organization well before individuals. I have to enhance the front of my apprehension and faltering while at the same time talking before individuals. I can enhance this front by going to however much as open gathering as could be expected and talking in them and driving there with certainty. Senior Supervisors 75 Days Feedback from co-workers.
3. Decision Making I need to take some huge undertakings in my grasp that will abet me to do even well in troublesome circumstances and will upgrade my basic leadership. I will improve my decision making skills by effectively taking into consideration various aspects of this trait. Taking group jointly is a key while settling on powerful choice and along these lines it is very important to ensure that every one of the general population inside organization should work in tandem in an effective as well as efficient way. Top Management 60-100 Days Analysis of various decisions at different points of time.


Therefore, from the above discussion it is quite clear that managers needs to develop necessary skills and abilities to manage business in an effective as well as efficient way. In this manner it is very essential that an organization must contract proficient supervisors with right sorts of aptitudes and capacities to deal with their business adequately in future.

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Books and Journals

Kraft, P., 2012. Programmers and managers: The routinization of computer programming in the United States. Springer Science & Business Media.

Boso, N., Cadogan, J.W. and Story, V.M., 2013. Entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation as drivers of product innovation success: A study of exporters from a developing economy. International Small Business Journal. 31(1). pp.57-81.

Boso, N., Cadogan, J.W. and Story, V.M., 2013. Entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation as drivers of product innovation success: A study of exporters from a developing economy. International Small Business Journal. 31(1). pp.57-81.

Froehlich, D., Segers, M. and Van den Bossche, P., 2014. Informal workplace learning in Austrian banks: The influence of learning approach, leadership style, and organizational learning culture on managers' learning outcomes. Human Resource Development Quarterly. 25(1). pp.29-57.

MAYER, J.H. and Quick, R., 2016. Business Intelligence for New-Generation Managers. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PU.

Gunawan, J. and Aungsuroch, Y., 2017. Managerial competence of first‐line nurse managers: A concept analysis. International journal of nursing practice. 23(1).

Golmohammadi, D. and Mellat-Parast, M., 2012. Developing a grey-based decision-making model for supplier selection. International Journal of Production Economics. 137(2). pp.191-200.

Parker, L.D., 2012. Qualitative management accounting research: Assessing deliverables and relevance. Critical perspectives on accounting. 23(1). pp.54-70.

Keil, M., Lee, H.K. and Deng, T., 2013. Understanding the most critical skills for managing IT projects: A Delphi study of IT project managers. Information & Management. 50(7). pp.398-414.

Nielsen, K., 2013. How can we make organizational interventions work? Employees and line managers as actively crafting interventions. Human Relations. 66(8). pp.1029-1050.

Oppong, N.Y. and Gold, J., 2016. Developing local managers in the Ghanaian mining industry: an indigenous talent model. Journal of Management Development. 35(3). pp.341-359.

Tartakovsky, E. and Cohen, E., 2014. Values in the bank: Value preferences of bank frontline workers and branch managers. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 23(5). pp.769-782.

National Research Council, 2013. Education for life and work: Developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century. National Academies Press.

Black, G., 2012. The engaging museum: Developing museums for visitor involvement. Routledge.

Hunt, J.M. and Weintraub, J.R., 2016. The coaching manager: Developing top talent in business.

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