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Analysis of Leadership Styles and Approaches Used to Manage the Merger by Tesco

University: Stanford University

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2312
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: Lead300
  • Downloads: 1087

Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • Discuss the potential individual reactions and barriers to achieving successful delivery of this change program.
  • Explain the potential organisational or cultural barriers to achieving successful delivery of this change program.
  • Tesco is a UK based retail supermarket. Critically analyse the recommended leadership styles and approaches that might be used to manage the merger successfully.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Tesco


Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an company (Bush 2019). This involves different activities such as decision making providing clear vision and establishing achievable goals and providing followers with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve those goals. Hence this is essential for the organization to have effective leadership which help in improving the efficiency of the organization. The change management can be define as the process of brining change in the firm as well as organization in order to achieve the common goal. The present report is based upon TESCO which deals in providing grocery to the people. The headquarter is located in the Tesco house England. Further this report covers different changes in the organization which is essential for growth and expansion. Along with there are several aspect such as change programmes and the barriers which is essential for achieving the successful delivery.

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Identify and analyse the type of changes in the organization with the help of example:

The change is important as it help organization to avoid the stagnation while minimizing disruption as much as possible. The TESCO management must make sure that all there must be change implemented as this help in providing to make effective decision in the well define manner. Here are some changes in the organization which are explained down below:

Organization wide change: Organization-wide change is a large-scale transformation that affects the whole company. This could include restructuring the leadership, adding a new policy, or introducing enterprise and the technology. For example in the firm the changes occur after long time because this is a length process so for TESCO the company must make sure that changes should be done as it improve the efficiency of the employees by introducing new technology. Whether the results of the change are negative or positive depends on your organizational change strategies and their execution done by the organization.

Transformational change: This are the change which usually target the company strategies and their plan. Companies who adopt the rapid change are those who survive for the longer time period and make more profit. Hence this is essential for the company to have effective elements such as technological changes and adopt new cultural trends which make healthy relationship with the employees and the customers.

Personnel change: Personnel change is when a company employ mass hiring or lay off. Each of these types of organizational change can cause a significant shift in employee morale and engagement in the well define manner. In the context of TESCO the company must have change which is essential for improving the quality of the company.

Soft factor

These are the factor of the organization which are difficult to design and the principle factor are productivity, improvements drives etc. the set of values which are made to produce higher productivity needs to develop in order to bring change. There some factor which need to be consider such as top management sponsorship along with the share vision as these are the soft factor which effect the organization.

Soft factor challenges:

Sales Traction: This is one of the most common method which comes in the soft challenges. The businesses that has reached a steady momentum of new revenues are deemed valuable. So in order to continuous the successful business this is essential to have proper quality of services.

Sales stability: Stable and predictable revenues are more valuable than volatile revenues which directly impact the business. So in the case the company like TESCO must ensure the there must be sales stability so that firm can survive for the longer time period.

Hard factor challenges:


These are those factor which are somehow formalized, formally defined, implemented or otherwise affect the functioning of the organization and business processes. In the organization there is always the hard factor which shape the visible part of the working environment and also have direct impact on the performance of the company. These factor include formal organization structure and information system.


From the above conclusion it has been identified that soft and hard skills are the factor which directly impact the performance of the employees. Along with this, there must be changes should be implemented in order to improve the efficiency of the individual. There must be transformational change as this help firm to reshape the organization policy and structure so that better outcomes can be achieved.


Evaluate the potential individual reactions and barriers to achieving successful delivery of this change programme

There are many experience through out the life and which cause by the any situation in the organization. In the context of firm managers understand that employee responses vary greatly, so communicate regularly to employees during the transition and help in making changes in the organization (Cameron 2019). There can positive as well as negative change so that there must be proper feedback which should be taken by the management in order to make successful change for the betterment and growth of the firm. Small-business leaders should also remain positive but firm about the change process. Here is Kubler Ross model which help in providing insight of change management in detail manner.

Kubler Ross model:

The Kubler Ross model, or the five stages of grief, claim a series of emotions experienced by the ill patients prior to death, or people who have lost a loved one, where as there are five stages such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. This model was introduced by the Swiss American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying. Here is the stages which are explained briefly down below:

Denial:  This is the stage where the initial person have to survive or loss as this is consider as the common stage of death loss of the person life. During this phase the individual who puts on the temporary defence mechanism which takes time to process certain time from disturbing new and reality.

Anger: Frustration may also cause employees to publicly question company leadership, especially if an already angry employee is assigned to a new boss. So the company must make sure that all the employees are working properly so that there can be no anger and grievances occur so that smooth functioning can be done in efficiency manner. Gossip and backstabbing, which can sabotage change efforts, can also result if employee anger is ignored or disturbed. There must be proper change in the organization and positive culture so that there can be less anger and and mis management in the organization.

Bargaining: This is the third stage the anger passes away the people starts to think about the different ways to figure out the best way from coming out from the situation. Bargaining may help to come to a sustainable solution and might bring some relief to those who are oncoming close to what they wish to avoid entirely the situation. The search for a different outcome or a less traumatic one may remain on during this stage and one cam overcome effectively so that all the outcomes may have quality decision.

Depression: This is the stage where people feel about how they feel sadness fear and regret . The employees of the organization may feel sad or regret so that suppose to end the life. There must be proper check and feedbacks should be taken so that employees may reduce the depression in the organization. Some common signs of depression include sadness, low energy, feeling demotivated, losing trust in god, etc.

Acceptance: When people realize that the change that is coming into their life is not going to make the grief go away, they resign to the position and accept it absolutely. The resigned attitude may not be a happy space but is one in which the person may stop resisting change and move ahead with it. This is consider as the last stage and help and help in making the employees to believe in the change and realise that acceptance is the best known way to overcome the hurdles.


From the above conclusion it has been identified that there must be acceptance which help in making effective services which is essential for the company to make changes the in the organization. By using this model there can be change which is effective and help in improving the productivity in the organization. This provide profit as well as market share in the organization.

Critical analysis of the theory

This theory help in understanding the emotions and feelings of the people in the well define manner. The positive side of this model is that it help in understanding the inner emotions and develop the liner method to figure progress in the individual performance. The negative side of this model is that the stages are not been demonstrated fully and the line is blurred between description and prescription. The resources, pressures, and characteristics of the immediate environment, which can make a tremendous difference, are not taken into stages.


Evaluate the potential organisational or cultural barriers to achieving successful delivery of this programme

Culture is the definition of the particular group and the people which have different language religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The word culture come from the French word mean earth and grow. There are different culture such as western culture, eastern culture and Latin culture which are effectively use in developing the growth of the individual. The culture is important in the organisation as this help in making to understand individual perception and believes in the organisation. This improve the working culture of the organisation in the well define manner which leads towards expansion and growth.

Cultural iceberg:

This is often consider as the iceberg which have both visible and invisible for the company. As these elements are consider as the failure and unable to recognise these parts of culture and the layers that compose them, as well as how they influence each other is the main reason misunderstandings occur when doing business globally.


Using appropriate models critically analyse the recommended leadership styles and approaches that might be used to manage the merger successfully

Leadership is the process which help in executing and influencing the behaviour and work of others towards accomplishment of specific goals in a given situation. Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce the subordinates to work with confidence and motivation.

Leadership style:

There are different kind of leadership which asst in providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people in the well define manner. There are basically three different types of leadership which are autocratic, democratic, laissez-fair.

Leadership approaches:

A good leaders are the individual who show the guidance and the path to the employees in order to achieve the desire goal and objective in the well define manner. There are different kinds of approaches such as pace setter and a transformational which make changes in the organisation for the betterment of the company. This help in making the good leader and also help people to achieve their task effectively.

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Hence, it is concluded from the report above that leadership and change management are crucial activities to be adopted by an organisation in relation to bringing in effective change within the organisation and enhance the scope of improvement in the company. It is essential to critically analyse the change type, in relation to find out soft factor challenges that might be experienced by the company. moreover, potential reactions and barriers are required to be evaluated to enhance the scope of attaining successful delivery of change programme. Furthermore, evaluation of the potential organisational or cultural barriers are also important to be understood. Lastly, appropriate models must be applied to critically analyse leadership approaches and styles to manage changes like mergers successfully.


Books and Journals

Bush, T., Bell, L. and Middlewood, D. eds., 2019. Principles of Educational Leadership & Management. SAGE Publications Limited.

Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2019. Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers.

Fleming, K. and Millar, C., 2019. Leadership capacity in an era of change: the new-normal leader. Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Kovacevic, M., 2019. Academic Leadership Skills: Managing Teams and Conflict Management. In University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China (pp. 246-257). IGI Global.

McGahan, A.M., 2019. My presidency of the Academy of Management: Moral responsibility, leadership, governance, organizational change, and strategy. Journal of Management Inquiry, 28(3), pp.251-267.

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