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Management of Human Resources - Britannia Hotels

University: Greenwich School Of Management

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 10 / Words 2453
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MN2706K
  • Downloads: 1106

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Organization Selected : Britannia Hotels


Management of human resources (HRM) is a vital aspect of service industry. It is the skills and the employees performance that marks service quality provided by the organisation to its guests. This assignment will help to understand HRM and its relation to employment laws, recruitment or selection process and training or development. The assignment will consider the case study of Britannia Hotels for studying the importance of HRM and its dependence on other factors for developing organizational performance. Britannia Hotels was founded in 1976 by Alex Langsam and is headquartered in Hale, UK (, 2018). The group has 53 hotels in the UK and employed 12000 staffs. Therefore, this assignment is aimed at analysing the different roles of HRM, selection and training process and importance of invoicing creativity in the hospitality industry.

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1.1 Job description and discussion of person specification in Britannia Hotel

In order to recruit a person there is a requirement of providing appropriate job description and person specification to make everything clear.

Job description of the General Manager in Britannia Hotel

Job title

General Manager

Reports to

Chief Executive officer

Job duties

  • The General Manager has the duty to manage the effectiveness by recruiting, training, selecting, planning and providing educational opportunities.
  • Need to develop strategic planning by studying the financial opportunities and recommending objectives.
  • Building company image collaboration with the government, customers, and employees and enforcing the ethical business practice.
  • The General Manager is also responsible for proper making communication with the entire organisation staff and creating affirmative environment.

Job responsibilities

The General Manager is responsible for all the jobs starting form the top to lower level. Apart from that, the manager is also responsible for obtaining profit contribution form the staff and achieving the business objectives.

On the basis of the job role, there is a requirement of appropriate person specification which is helpful for selecting the candidate according to the desired skills.

Person Specification


The General Manager is need to have some skills such as:

  • Critical thinking skills which can be helpful for tackling critical situation
  • Effective communication skill to make sure the roles and responsibilities are defined to the staff members
  • Need to have the ability of multi tasking and make sure all the projects are on the right track
  • Need to have basic computer skill because it is daily required in the organisation
  • Need to have the financial skills to make sure to have the right track of the financial resources and budgets to be allocated in a proper way
  • Need to have the decision making skill to take some effective decision for the benefit of an organisation

Education qualification

Need to have 3 years Masters degree in business administration


3-4 years experience in the same department and 1-2 years experience in the same industry

M1: Evaluating recruitment aims and recruitment process techniques using HRM theories

In usual cases, the recruitment process in Britannia Hotels is aimed at meeting current needs of organization or in case the organization has the objective of redesigning its organisation. As per the views of Garavan and et al. (2016), recruitment process needs reference to theories of both recruitments as well as selection as they cannot be observed in isolation. As opined by Connell et al., (2015), the use of several HRM models like that of the Warwick model, Harvard model and model of Tichy and Devanna have created an overall perspective for management of human resources in organisations. Henceforth, according to Dhar (2015), these influences are reflected on the recruitment processes and its relative aim. The aim of recruitment process at Britannia Hotels is realising importance of HRM framework and integration of all HRM practices.

The aim is synergised into various sequential steps in order to fulfil its motives. The steps are as follows:

  1. Identification its necessity in terms of vacancy of a particular job role
  2. Updating job profiles and their description
  3. Determining areas of key performance
  4. Adhering recruitment policies
  5. Considering recruitment sources
  6. Choice of appropriate methods of recruitment
  7. Developing recruitment strategies
  8. Placing advertisement using a suitable communication medium
  9. Allocate sufficient time to receive responses
  10. Screening
  11. Evaluation and control

The theory that is utilised for evaluating recruitment process is that of Espoused theory. This theory which includes organizational learning, learning behaviour of people and the troubles associated with it. The Espoused theory was formulated by Argyris and Schon which was used to questions the actions of organisations and relate to the theory in use. According to this theory, behaviour of people is termed as mental models of which people are always unaware of. Moreover, when the organizational theory is adopted and practices then the behavioural effects that are observed is the espoused theory (Arvidsson and Niessen, 2015). The espoused theory determines whether the desired outcomes are observed. This finally helps to understand the importance of the present organisational practices and whether it requires modifications. Similarly, in case if recruitment process of Britannia Hotels can be evaluated by using espoused theory. The espoused theory shows an approach which directs that outcomes need to be assessed to determine the effectiveness of the applied recruitment process. In this case, determining performance of the organisation and identifying the KPIs will help to understand whether recruitment of new employees has helped to garner the required benefits.

1.2 Comparing selection process

The service industry is comprised of several industries which may be the food, travel and tourism and industry, hotel industry. The hotel industry takes the lion's share of service sector. As per Kang (2018), selection process within an organisation is highly expensive but it tends to provide better people within the job role. The service of hotel industry process is much better than the tourism industry. This is because the hotel industry includes accommodations, recreation as well as food services. In that case, the recruitment for the hotels occurs or a larger canvas compared to food industry. On the other hand, according to McGuire et al. (2018), the tourism industry is far bigger than the hotel industry. Hotel industry is a part of the tourism industry and hence the selection process is basically dependent on the potential of the employees and recognition of desired skills. For a particular job, role is sought for in tourism industry. As argued by Kylmäkoski and Lindeman (2015), selection process is rather simple, inexpensive approach and definitely straightforward in the UK. References work a lot and therefore discrimination and biases are rampant in selection process of tourism industry. On the other hand, as per Neupane (2015), in hotel industry, the right attitude and required professional skills are important for selection process. However, in most of the cases chefs use consulting agencies to get an assured way to get selected in an organisation.

D1: Interdependence of selection process in sub sectors of hospitality industry

The different sub-sectors of the hospitality industry include lodging and accommodation, food and beverages and tourism.

Lodging and accommodation

This industry includes all forms of hotels and resorts that provide facility of accommodation. As per Nithya et al. (2018), accommodation is a broader sector that involves services of lodging and food. Usually, hotels provide scope for breakfast but food and beverages are also available in the coffee shops present in the hotel thus this sector is generally dependent on the foodservice industry in order to provide them with food and beverages when required by customers.

Food service

The food service industry is a composite of taking away or home services of food, accommodation, outdoor catering, transport services. These restaurants are heavily dependent on the inbound tourist as well.

Travel and tourism

As per Peters et al. (2014), it is often said that tourism in synonymous to hospitality as tourism shares major part of the hospitality industry. This means that it consists of several factors that collectively answer to needs of tourists that are served holistically. The tourism industry includes the accommodation as well as food service

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