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HR's Roles in Development of Teams and Organisations

University: UK college of Business and computing

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3442
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/508/0594
  • Downloads: 682

Table of Content

  2. TASK 1

Question :

Questions- This assessment will cover following questions:

  • KFC is a food chain across the globe. Evaluate employee knowledge, skills and behaviours needed by HR professionals.
  • Elaborate the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance.
  • Implement  the knowledge and understanding of the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) make contribution to employee engagement and competitive advantage.
  • Generate ways in which performance management, collaborative working and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment in the KFC organisation.

Answer :

Organization Selected : KFC


Development of an individual depends on the planning and policies of HR. It is decided by the HR department to provide training and development to an individual by providing some tasks (Turner, 2014). By training an individual, it is the role and responsibility of HR department to set an individual in a team and motivates their team spirit so, that it would be helpful for the organisation to achieve the desired goals (Turner, 2014). This project report would be focusing on the development of an individual, team and organisation all together in such a way that, the enterprise would be able to achieve its desired goals and objective.


P1. Knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR

Human resource's manager of KFC is conscious for right recruitment and hiring so organisation can get the best talent in organisation, to attract the best talent manager has clearly defined knowledge, experience and behaviour required to work with KFC based upon his experience, organisation objective and nature of work, which is given below (Hogan, 2017).

Communication skill

Employee of KFC has to deal direct with customer so communication skill is must be very good. Effective communication skill comprises good writing skills, active listening, non verbal communication, being empathic and ask for feedback etc. (Sessa and London, 2015).

Quick learner

H.R want to its employee as quick learner because employees has to deal with different problem with different complexity so they must be quick learner and self managed learned so that KFC can get advantage of its employee learning as organisation learning (Sessa and London, 2015).

Education and knowledge requirement

Food industry is so sensitive because of its nature of work, KFC committed to provide quality food top its customer so HR check education and experience for employee for all department so that they are able to make their policy according to food industry requirement for instance working in production department required employee must be post graduate in food and beverage, Food Design Project Experience, authorised license (Aarons and,., 2015).

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Leadership quality

KFC allot its work in teams in every department so HR want its employees have optimum leadership quality so that in manager can appoint any person as team leader according to their work performance (Sosik and Jung, 2018). Leadership quality include passion and commitment, strong interpersonal skills, motivation and conflict handling skill, courage, high integrity, strategic planning skills, cooperation etc.

Analytical and problem solving skill

Employees must have strong logical reasoning so that they are able to solve any problem as soon as possible. To check the logical brain in employees HR take maths and reasoning test in job recruitment process (Sosik and Jung, 2018). Employee must able to implement science and piratical experience in real life like moisture absorption,, melting and glass transition temperatures, degrees of crystallinity.

Computer literacy-

KFC maintain it's all data online, it uses the latest software like CRM, human resource information system, human capital management, finance management software like SAP ERP, comindware, Microsoft dynamics GP (Woodcock, 2017). HR want employee at least have basic knowledge of compute so that it can easily adopt the latest computer technical solution used in KFC.

Time management-

KFC have deadlines in respect of customer demand, production, and food projects and marketing efforts. So its is very important that employee must have sound time management quality so that organisation will not face problems regarding customer satisfaction (Woodcock, 2017).


Human behaviour is most unpredicted nature and behaviour. KFC's employee has to work with this uncertainty of customer behaviour so working in this required so much patience to avoid unnecessary conflict (Macdonald, Burkeand Stewart, 2017). KFC kitchen also test the patient level in employee with cooking activity for instance proper ingredients check, decoration of food, vegetable chopped in various shapes. KFC can not comprise with health and safety of its customer so it wants its employee to follow all the hygiene and food making standard to be followed (Macdonald, Burkeand Stewart, 2017).

Auditing Of Personal Skills Of Employee

In every employee there are some personal skills with the help of which he can perform better in an organisation. Set of personal skills include:- Communication skills, Honesty towards work, Technical Competency, Determination and Persistence, Team player attitude and Problem solving skills (Taylor, Doherty and McGraw, 2015). Now, here Jane Cambridge, is an employee who is newly appointed as a graduate trainee Human Resource Manager. Audit of personal skills of Jane Cambridge are as follows:-

Personal Audit Of HR Manager In Various Aspects.


· Here, the strength of newly recruited candidate is:- he is familiar with the use of Internet; E-Mails; MS-Word & Power Point.

· He is quite comfortable with the verbal communication but, written communication skills are just so-so.

· Although, Jane Cambridge is not good enough in solving such skills. He is indeed required to make improvement in respect of such skills. But, he provides more than one solution to any problem.


· His weakness is:- he is not familiar with the use of MS-Excel; Database management skills and use of HR software. He needs to improvise this skill.

· He needs to improve his written communication skills in a better way reason being making reports and presentation skills are really not up to the mark.

· He seriously required to improve his listening, because without being a good listener one cannot be a good speaker.

· Also, on providing solutions to the problem, that arise in form of disputes at the workplace and the remedies to those disputes that are given from the HR side.

· He is also required to work on the interviews that are conducted by him for recruitment purpose of new employees in different department in the organisation.

· He is not good enough to make use of his verbal communication skills with the motive of solving any problem that arise in the organisation.


· With the increased use of globalisation and technology he should enhance and have a complete hold on these skills so that, he may ensure growth in his career.

· Training programs are greatly helpful for the employees. Reason being, it increases the skill and efficiency and promotion opportunities for those employees who are effective and efficient at workplace.


· There are many candidates who are good in these skills and can perform in much better and effective way as compared to that of Jane Cambridge.

· Higher competition enhances expectation of employees that are working in the organisation with their full efficiency. So, question of being fired works as a threat in the mind of the employee regarding whether he would be able to exist in the company or not.

Now, there is a need for training and development for each individual, in respect of improving the knowledge; skills and behaviour of that employee (Macdonald, Burke, and Stewart, 2017). Until and unless, an individual would not be given the training as to the skills that are required to perform any particular task he would not be able to compete any further in that industry. Following are the benefits of providing training and development to an individual:-

  • Improved Employee Performance:- After, providing training and development to an employee who has joined newly in an organisation his performance would be improved like anything (Macdonald, Burke, and Stewart, 2017). He would be able to perform the given task in a better and faster way with more accuracy. Along with this, the confidence level of that employee would also be boosted which would also result in the performance of organisation.
  • Improved Satisfaction And Morale:- With the enhancement in the efficiency of employees the investment done on their training also prove to be fruitful (Macdonald, Burke, and Stewart, 2017). From training the employee also gets a supportive workplace. Employees who are appreciated, for their enhanced work performance feel quite satisfied and challenged towards their work.
  • Increased Productivity And Adherence To The Quality Standards:- With implementation of training, the productivity of employees also gets increased (Taylor,Doherty and McGraw, 2015). The increased efficiency of employees results in the successfully accomplishment of project assigned.
  • Increased Innovativeness in the Implementation Of Strategies:- The training program started for the transformation of the unskilled employees in skilful somewhere leads to the innovative thinking in them and that only helps in increasing the turnover and potential market share of company (Taylor,Doherty and McGraw, 2015).
  • Enhances Reputation And Company Profile:- Implementation of strong, effective and successful training strategy leads to the development of brand of employer (Cummings and Worley, 2014). With the help of training company becomes more attractive in the recruitment of potential employees. The training being given to the employee could be of any type with respect to the work and responsibilities of an individual.

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P2. Professional Development Plan

For every employee there's a need of creating a completely professional plan in an organisation so that he may be able to complete all those goals in an organisation that are assigned to him/her (Cummings and Worley, 2014). This plan is a document that an employee creates to outline the objectives; activities; resources and targets that relates to the overall development of employee as a professional.


Current level

Target Level


Required Time Frame

To Improve Information Technology Skills

Jane Cambridge is quite familiar with the Field but, requires a lot of effort to improve these skills.

Janes aims at performing its best in this sector, so as to give its best performance before the management.

He should attend the classes, seminars and take coaching to improve these skills.

1 month

To Improve Communication Skills

Verbal and written both the skills are required to be improved with the motive to be remain on post of HR.

In this Jane targets to improves his soft skills so that, she can later on present anything before her superiors in an effective way.

Coaching, seminars and help of You Tube can be taken to make it more effective.

15-20 days

To Improve Problem Solving Skills

It is not up to the mark in the organisation.

Jane here targets to effectively work on these skills with the motive of getting an opportunity to enhance the effectiveness.

Company's should arrange seminars, and problem solving games and quizes to improve

1 Month

P3. Differences Between Organisational and Individual Training; Learning And Development

Basis Of Difference



1. Process

Here, an individual increases its knowledge by its effort.

Here, the organisation lays focus on the overall development of its employee.

2. Innovative

One has to be creative in every sense to build up intellectual ability and also developing the analytical and problem solving skills.

In an organisation, the training is given by the organisation that, focuses on the skills an individual can groom up and polish them with the motive of working with innovative mindset.

3. Critical Thinking

An individual has to use his critical thinking ability with the motive of solving problem with the practical mindset.

An organisation, has to put his employees in a situation where they can use their mind so as to solve the problem by doing the brain storming.

4. Emotional Engagement

By spending, a lot of time in analysing the things and knowing the mindset of people one gets emotionally attached to all those things.

By working in an organisation, and following the culture over there, an individual gets, informal and emotionally attached to all those persons with whom he has worked.

So, these are the differences in the learning; training and development of an organisation and that of an individual. Now, Innovation can be implemented in recruitment of an employee. KFC follows this strategy. So, the recruitment of an individual can be done by way of sourcing other than that of adverts. After that, there comes chat boats and preselection (Cummings and Worley, 2014).

Critical thinking is just an ability of analysing the concept of any particular object by considering its facts from each angle and thinking from each perspective to reach a logical conclusion. One can think critically by asking more and more questions and gathering the information related to them (Salas and, 2017). It is brain storming which is done, for solving any situation by evaluating the facts and the data available thereby. The purpose here is to motivate, out of the box thinking of employees.

P4. Continuous Learning And Professional Development To Drive Sustainable Kfc Business Performance

Continuous learning is the part of the continuous development and improvement of skill and knowledge. Continuous learning help to learn new technology and improve outcome services. Professional development improve capability, maintain of business, knowledge, skill and customer Clint services.

KFC refers to employee continuous development of workers skill and knowledge. Continues learning is personal learning is about the increasing the professional level. For the development need to adapt professional and personal learning (Bourne, 2016.). Continuous learning define practices and professional learning define knowledge and performance. KFC provide there employee continuous learning throw the job rotation, training, customer services and new task. When employee work daily on new task so the employee improve there professional skill and knowledge. KFC show the employees they are important for the company (Kotlarsky, van den Hooff and Houtman, 2015.) Continuous learning improve KFC productivity, employee job satisfaction. Professional development KFC organise conference, seminar, research, skill based training, increasing duties and responsibility or workshop for the employee develop there professional knowledge. Professional knowledge develop workers retention, build confidence and credibility, make success planing and improve efficiency. Learning and development flexible framework, focus on worker's performance, create new work role.

P5. High Performance Working Contributes To Employee Engagement And Competitive Advantage

High work performance improve firm productivity, capacity to effectively attract, employee development and retain workers personal performance. In short high work performance help to achieve goal.

KFC give there employee reward according to workers work performance. The rewards in the case, bonus, incentive, appraisal and increment (Armstrong, 2018). When the company provide employee high performance practices and motivation, so the employee are attracted there job and company development. When KFC employee contribute high working performance than the company provide the employee work motivations for the employee than the company provide performance related pay in team and individual, promotion, flexible benefit, equal opportunity polices and increment (Kotlarsky, van den Hooff and Houtman, 2015).

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When employee are highly motivated for there work than that employee are provided working benefit. If any company employees are highly motivated for there work the company working environment is healthy and safety. Competitive advantage of KFC help to achieve task and greater benefit and services (Serrat, 2017). Competition between the employee for the reach there work and goal or services. In KFC employee competitive advantage is the make batter work environment, high level of productivity, capacity utilisation, effective distribution channels, effective use of technology in the production process.

P6. Approaches To Performance Management

Performance management is the process of evaluate the employee performance throw the feedback, accountability and analysing the work. KFC use different approach for the measuring employee performance (Lussier and Achua, 2015).

Behavioural approach:

KFC define the employees' behaver in the organisational and work. It concisest the workers for there behaviour is response to the need to access for work motivation. When KFC employees behaviour are good in the work place the works are satisfies for working condition.

Result approach:

KFC use result approach for the measure the employees work performance. In some case the KFC use result approaches. It is straight forward concept. This measure the rate on the basis of employee performance (Bourne, 2016). This approaches include financial, customer, learning and growth of the organisation. This approach motive worker for there work, because of employees work result are good so that employee job performance is good and customers satisfaction level also good.

Quality approach

In this approach KFC focus on product and customer services. Throw this approach KFC reducing errors and achieve goal and objective. This approach include assessment employee and employer, problem solving team work, use multiple sourcing to evaluate performance and involving internal and external factor (Serrat, 2017).

Attribute approaches:

KFC use this approach employee work performance rating, behavioural rating, communication, team work, judgement, nature, and creativity etc. scale use KFC for analyse employee performance(Kotlarsky, van den Hooff and Houtman, 2015 ). KFC use this approach for the customer services and its simplicity for the organisation.

Comparative approaches

KFC use this method for the team work performance. It will be ranked on the highest to the lowest work performance (Armstrong, 2018). Threw these techniques the company compare the workers work performance.

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The above project report lays emphasis on the development of an individual; team and organisation. Here, it focuses on the different set of skills, knowledge required by the individual to perform the different tasks of an organisation in an effective and efficient manner. The assignment lays its emphasis on the different roles and responsibilities of an HR Manager, that he is bound to fulfil (Salas and, 2017). The auditing of different set of skills that a HR Manager should have with the motive of identifying different training and development needs to accomplish any task with full effectiveness and efficiency. Further, the project lays emphasis on the Professional Development Plan, that, shows the skills that are still required to be improved and measures that should be taken to improve those skills (Salas and, 2017).

The report further lays emphasis on the differences of different organisational and individual performance on the basis of training; learning and development. It emphasizes the need for continuous learning and sustainable development for maintaining the business performance.

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Books And Journals

Aarons, G. A. and,., 2015. Leadership and organizational change for implementation (LOCI): a randomized mixed method pilot study of a leadership and organization development intervention for evidence-based practice implementation.Implementation Science.10(1).pp.11.

Anderson, D. L., 2016. Organization development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage Publications.

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