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Understanding Human Resource Management of British Airways

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 18
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4602
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HRM201
  • Downloads: 807

Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • British Airways is an airline company. Understand human resource management in the context of company.
  • Generate the impacts of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses.
  • Explain the recruitment and selection process in British Airways company.
  • Provide in-depth Understanding on training and development in service industries businesses.

Answer :

Organization Selected : British Airways


Human Resource Management is an strategic approach to the effective management of recruiting, hiring, developing and managing an organisation's employees (Alfes and, 2013). It is also designed to maximise the performance of employees, motivating and maintaining workforce within the business to accomplish organisational gaols. The main motive is to manage people, focusing on polices for overseeing employees benefit, performance appraisal and rewarding, training and development. In this report, the organisation chosen is British Airways, is a flag carrier and the largest airline in the United Kingdom. The first wide-bodied jet, and advent in 1976 of supersonic flight with contrasting new commercial opportunities and challenges. It was establish to manage two nationalised airlines corporation, British Overseas Airline corporation and British European Airways. This report is going to analyse the role and purpose of human resource management based on supply and demand for an organisation. The current state of employee relation and its law affects of human resource management in context to British Airways. Further, to determiner the job description and person certification within organisation, as well as assessing the contribution of training and development activities for the effective operation in an organisation.


1.1 Analysing the role and purpose of human resource management.

Human Resource Management is the process of managing and directing people in an organisation structured (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). It is an important function within an organisation which focuses mainly on recruiting and providing guidelines such as hiring, compensation, performance, safety, wellness and benefits of employees. In other words, it can define as a predetermined approach to manage people and the work culture of an organisation. There are some function of human resource management department in the British Airways are as follows:

Training and development: On the job training is main responsibility of human resource management department. This function makes the employee to understand their work process and get into job profile with ease. British Airways is more focused on training and development of their staffs for developing new approach. Main aim is to create learning culture where individual have the right to support, resources and motivation to take responsibility of their own personal development and benefit the organisation too.

Recruitment Process: It is the most challenging task for human resource management department (Birasnav, 2014). In this function a job description, publishing the job, sourcing the prospective candidates, interviewing, salary negotiations are done . British Airways are more focused on their recruiting process by selecting the right candidates that value to the organisation. Ensure that that the process of there are work are carried out effectively and successfully to meet the motive of organisation goals.

Employee Relationship: the term employee relation refers to company efforts to mange relationship between employers and employees. It is one of the good effective ways to ensure good employee relationship in human resource strategy that plays an high value on employees as stake holders on an organisation. In British Airways, the relationship between the superior and subordinates are good in nature. They resolve in identifying the deviation that arise in the workplace, effectively measuring the employees satisfaction with good communication in the working environment.

Role and process of Human Resource Management

Each organisation work towards the realization of one mission and vision (Boella and Goss-Turner, 2013). It suggest management team how to strategically manage people as business resources. The main role of Human resource management preparing or updating daily records relating hiring, transferring, promoting and terminating. It also explains the polices, procedures, laws and standards to the new and the existing employees. Where as process of HRM are recruiting, selecting, hiring, training, induction, orientation, evaluation, promotion and lay-off. It also overseas employee remuneration, performance management, employees relations. This efficient design of process depends upon the degree of correspondence of HRM, that process is subservient with each other. HRM has been described as concept with two distinct forms:

  • Soft Human Resource Management:The soft human resource management model emphasizes on individuals self direction and places, commitment, trust and self regulated behaviour at a centre of strategic approach of people. In Context to British Airways, soft human resource management describe the main motive at enhancing the commitment, quality and flexibility of employees. This model consider as an important resources for growth and development of employees and organisation too. Further this model, helps both the employees to grow respectively in their respective part.
  • Hard Human Resource Management:This hard model of human resource management involves in treating employees as one of the most important assets of an organisation (Bon and Mustafa, 2013). In British Airways, employees are treated as main resources for an organisation. With strong link within corporate business planing to identifying the work force needs of recruiting and selecting the best for organisation. Though their pay-off is not enough to retain in organisation.

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1.2 Human resources planning based on an analysis of supply and demand

Human resource planning is the process of forecasting the future human resource requirements and determining how the existing human resource capacity of the organisation can be utilised. It focuses on the economic concept of demand and supply in context to human resource capacity of the organisation. In British Airways, it plays an important role and influences every employee because they are responsible for managing employees cost and performance. This is the most important task of human resource department in British Airways. As planning plays very important role in organisation right from the initial point of any businesses. Some of the planning practise in British airlines are as follows:

Forecasting demand and supply:  It is the second phase of human resource planning, forecasting demand involves determining the numbers and kinds of personnel that an organisation will be needed at some point (Chatterjee, 2013). Forecasting supply determines the internal and external sources such as promoting employees and identifying and ability to work in an organisation. In context to British airways, demand forecasting helps in estimating the future requirements to meet the competences of an organisation. It also help in estimating the right quality and right number. Further, with the help of demand forecasting British Airways analyses it demand for the product and services as well as sales figures in the market.

Where as supply forecasting of British Airways, like to measure the number of people employees available within and outside the working environment. It also analyses the potential of employees such as skills, learning capacity, flexibility within the working culture etc.. Thus both demand and supply are the essential part of an organisation as they are involving each and every factors of organisation. From acquiring right members till measuring the performance of employees that is beneficial for both the organisation employees to achieving their goals respectively.

Human resource planning in Changing environment: The changing environment of Human resource management includes workforce diversity, economic and technological change, organisational restructuring and changes that occur in the working environment (Chelladurai and Kerwin, 2017). It refers to the external forces to the firm that largely effects the management's and influence organisational performance. They includes rapid changes, evolving work and family issues, shortages of employees that arises in an organisation. In British Airways, the planning structured is done in very effective and flexible manner. That help them to adjust their sudden changes in an accurate manner. Further, it help in assessing the current human resource to adapt the changes in the technology by training their employees in right direction. With the flexibility in the working culture and also enhancing the economic forces of an organisation. Thus, the human resource planning in changing environment is very flexible and changes are adapted according to the requirements. This result in beneficial both for the employees and the organisation by adapting the Channing environment availability. So that its doest effect the organisation in inefficient manner.

Internal and external factors influencing human resource planning: Human resource planning plays an important role in such areas as workforce planning, employee and labour relation, training and development and legal compliance within the organisation (Chuang, Chen and Chuang, 2013). Some of the internal and external factors are government regulation, level of growth, advances upcoming technology etc.. In context to British Airways, there are both internal and external factors that influences the business organisation. They have adopted proper human resource planning so that over come with such barriers of internal and external factors. Such as high intervention of government, employees turnover in organisation, creating good environment for the employees so that they perform their best in an organisation. Thus, by effective planning of human resource management the factors influencing both internal and external environment can be overcome.

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2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations in British Airways

Employment relationship is the connection of employee's and employer when they perform certain work or services in the specified conditions for the remuneration (Collings, Wood and zamosi, 2018). It is the reciprocal conditions and obligations among the employee and the employer. Employment relation play crucial role in the British Airways in creating the healthy environment that beneficial for the whole organisation. The main attributes that help in positive employment relations:

Unionisation: Unionisation is the group of people who work against protection and promote the common interest of the employees. Trade union play the significant role in the British airways to secure the rights of the employees. Trade unions are almost independent from their employers. Due to the trade unions employee's remain stress free in the British Airways and feel motivated towards the work.

Besides that thestructure of the employment relations is very important to manage the different personality traits,capabilities,behaviour and performance of the manpower for the fully utilisation in the British airways. There are different types of structures that follow by the organisation but British Airways follows the Horizontal relationship which maintains the equality in the organisation. In this structure the powers are share from top to bottom and bottom to the top. The another important aspect of employee relation is theculture that influence the behaviour of the both employee's and employer of the British Airways . Culture is build within the organisation and healthy culture plays the crucial role in the British Airways. In healthy culture the powers and work equally distributed among the employee's.

Collective bargaining in industrial relations: The rights and duties of workers to match, negotiate and equalise with the basic rights and responsibilities with the employers is referred as collective bargaining (Ho Voon and et. al., 2014). Collective bargaining gives the power of homogeneous voice and negotiation hence the outcomes should be fair and equitable in the British airways to help in build the industrial relations in the organisation. It consists not only the wages, promotions and lay off and working patterns of the org

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