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Formation of Personal Development Plan- Asda Stores Limited

University: The University of Edinburgh

  • Unit No: HRM6001
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3904
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: BUMGT5970
  • Downloads: 827
Organization Selected : Asda Stores Limited


The effective and significant planning of the one’s growth and planning will assist the organisation to improve quality of products or services that will support the organisation for improving functional efficiency of operations which will help firm in improving the quality of actions that are been taken by an individual. The proper management of one’s skill set and life long learning assist the organisation increase effectiveness of products or services which are taken within the firm (Ogbonnaya and, 2017). The management of high performance working will help the organisation that will help the firm to increase effectiveness of goods and improves one’s performance and working capability. For the report, Asda is chosen as enterprise of context. It is a UK based, retail enterprises.

The report will lay emphasis on the development and formation of a personal development plan (PDP) of an individual that will help the individual to assess his growth in past 12 months and in coming 12 months. Various strategies related to the growth and development of the skill development and lifelong learning is been evaluated with career development of an individual and his team. A personal blog on the development of high performance people using the high-performance working is been discussed and presented with the impact of a path goal theory on the effective working of an individual as the part of the team is been presented.

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Question 1

a) Create your own individual PDP that shows evidence of your development achieved in past 12 months and in next 12 months

The suitable scheduling of the retail functions and the activities assist the firm to improve effectiveness of retail operations that will help an individual and as well as the organisation that will help the firm to improve the quality of retail functions in a very significant manner. The proper management of the personal skills and development functions assist the firm top enhance the quality of work and operations that are been taken in knowledge. In order to have proper management of retail operations and activities which are been chosen in the consideration by an individual. A proper SWOT analysis on the personal level that will help me to have an effective and suitable management of personal skills and knowledge in an effective and significant manner. This will help me to develop an effective and efficient personal development plan (PDP) for my growth:

SWOT Analysis  
Strength Weaknesses
  • The biggest strength possessed by me is that I have a very good verbal and non verbal communication skills that will help me to improve my overall performance. This skill help me to have a better communication with a wide range of people at the work place, improving my performance level at the selected organization.
  • The second biggest strength tat is been possessed by me is the effective IT skills that makes me stand apart from other staff at the work place. This supports me to have an effective placing of the wide range of technical operations at selected retail enterprise. Besides this, it will help the firm to improve their work process in order to gain a suitable output.
  • The biggest weakness that will be taken in the consideration by me is the effective time and resources allocation. The lacking of this skill is the major hindrance that affects my overall work operations that are been taken in the consideration at the workplace. I strongly feel the need of improvement within this factor.
  • Other major weakness that is been possessed by me is the lack of proper leadership skills that will impact the overall operations which will help the firm to have a sustainable growth and development. The lack of leadership skills have affected me to guide others and thus have the suitable output in an effective way.
Opportunities Threats
  • The major opportunities that are been possessed by me is that I have a good scope of improvement in the IT field. This will help me to excel at the work place and have a good improvement in my overall output.
  • Along with this, the proper management of the communication in the verbal and non verbal form will help me to enhance my performance in much effective and significant manner.
  • The absence of leadership and proper time and resource management skill will help me to carry out the effective placing of business operation within the firm. Besides this, it will impact the overall performance of selected firm's operations that will support the effective placing of business operations in an effective way.

The personal development plan (PDP) in past 12 month is as follows:

Skills improved Activities and actions taken Time taken
IT skills Attained various seminars and workshops that helped me to have a significant exposure to improve my IT skills that will support the effective growth of my personal performance in an effective and significant manner. The effective planning of cloud computing and networking skills have helped me to improve my overall work capability and lead the firm to increase the quality of products and services that are been taken within the organization. 6-7 months
Communication skills Different seminars and personal development workshops are been taken and attained by me that will help me to enhance my skill set as an employee at the selected firm. Besides this, it will help me to create better networking with other people. 8-9 months

The personal development plan (PDP) in upcoming 12 month is as follows:

Skills to be improved Activities and actions taken Time taken
Time and resource management skills Various learning measures will be taken in the consideration by the effective placing of the various action plans that assists the organization to improve effectiveness and other functions which will assist me to improve my performance at the selected retail enterprises. Besides this, I will consult with different experts and people to guide me to carry out the effective time and resource management skills. 10- 12 months (Depending upon the extent of operations)
Leadership Skills This is the most important skill that is meant to be chosen by a firm to improve quality of products and services which are looked after by me to carry out effective placing of the business operations and thus will lead the growth of the individual within a firm. 9 – 12 months

b) Produce an illustrated report that assesses how strategies for skills development and lifelong learning may enable career development

The proper handling of the skill enhancement and lifelong learning is very important in the effective placing of the employees in the significant placing of the employees that assist the firm to improve effectiveness of functions and thus will help the selected business entity for evolving of the products and services which are chosen by the firm (Fu and, 2017). A wide range of strategies and action plans are meant to be considered to help the organization to enhance and have a good growth and setting up of the strategies to have a significant and effective growth. Some major strategies for the skill development and lifelong learning that are considered by the firm are as follows:

  • Setting up priorities: It will assist the organization to improve quality of services and the activities which is chosen by the firm will help the firm to carry out retail operations and thus will assist to improve quality of products and services. This will help the selected organization to gave a good rise in the business operations and thus support the proper following of retail functions which will help the retail enterprise for meeting their customers needs and requirements in much effective manner. This will also assist the organization to improve the quality of services and lead firm to enhance level of knowledge and understanding of an individual employee to improve his job skills and work performance level in a very significant manner. Besides this, it will help an individual to have a significant improvement in one's personal skills and work capability at the work place. Besides this, it will lead to the proper management of the business plans that are been set within an organization to improve the quality and extent of operations in much suitable manner. The setting up of the priorities assist organization to have an effective and efficient team that will help the organization to enhance the quality of operations and activities that is chosen by selected retail enterprise. This will help the organization to enhance their operations to a greater extent. The rise in performance will cause he increases in retail functions and thus, improves overall performance and skill set of an individual. Other than this, it helps in proper allocations of the roles and responsibilities within a team.
  • Scheduling the actions: this is a very important factor that is been chosen by the firm. The proper handling of business operations will assist both the business organization and the person. Besides this, scheduling of the retail activities will help the fir to enhance the quality of operations by planning them in most effective and significant manner (Saridakis, Lai and Cooper, 2017). This will lead an individual to have a good idea about the actions and activities that are required to be followed to have a good rise in the overall performance of the individual. It also helps the firm to enhance the quality of business operations performed by an individual. This will help them to carry out the business operations and improve service and product quality of the selected retail enterprise. Besides this, the planning or scheduling will cause the firm to distribute the resources that are been available to the firm in much effective and significant level. This will help the organization to enhance their output by undertaking suitable measures. Besides this, the scheduling will assist the organization to have the proper allocation of the resources and the roles to the individual working within the team. The scheduling of retail operations and activities will lead to the proper handling of rise in the action plans and other activities which is chosen by the selected retail entity to have an effective handling of operations that will support improvement in business operations and thus will lead to the significant improvement of individual and team performance. The proper management of the placing of the activities will improve the overall retail operations in an effective and significant manner.
  • Setting up the positive environment: this is the major strategic measure which are chosen by the firm. It will also assist the selected retail organization to support retail operations in a very effective way. Having a supportive and efficient placing of the positive work environment improves the work performance of the firm (Saridakis, Lai and Cooper, 2017). The placing of the positive environment will help the firm to have development in much effective and significant manner. It will assist the fir to improve overall skill set of an individual. Besides this, it supports firm to improve the effectiveness of operations chosen in consideration by the firm. Having a positive and motivating surrounding will help an individual to have an appropriate execution of retail activities, that will help the organization to enhance their performance. The positive environment will help them to have an effective team building and thus will improve the staff coordination in an effective and significant manner. This leads to the proper placing of the business activities and action plans that are been followed by the firm to have a good improvement in the performance and will lead to effective management of business operations and activities.

All these strategic operations and action plans will help the firm to have a better development of the career and their job role within an organization. This will enhance the quality of operations and other functionalities of organization for its team and every individual employees in a better way. It will also help the individuals to gain the benefits of life long learning process. Take assistance from our professionals and buy assignment UK services if you are pursuing studies in UK.

Question 2

Produce a concise summary in blog

How may high performance people be developed by effective performance management?

XYZ, 10 November, 2018

The proper management of the high performance working and thus placing of the effective and efficient work force within the firm to carry out the business operations that affect the operations of a selected business firm in much effective way. It also assists the firm enhance the effective placing of HRM functions and thus supports the carry out a wide range of business functions and thus leads an effective placing of strategies and action plans to have a high performance working within the firm. The proper placing of the business operations and activities will assist firm in improving overall HRM functioning and action plans which causes the firm in having a high level of performance by adopting the effective placing of the business activities in much suitable and significant manner.

The high performance is widely based of the proportional or performance management of the firm as it helps the organization to enhance the quality of services that are been taken within the selected retail enterprise, Asda. This has helped me to enhance my overall operations that will lead to the effective placing of the business operations and thus will lead to the suitable management of the skill sets and qualities of an individual at the cited retail firm. As high performance working is dependent on the proper performance management, the firm is required to look after it in more serious and effective manner. The performance management measures like appraisal, work assessment or any other operations will improve and evolve their work performance. Proper management of HRM functions and activities will help the organization to enhance the HRM activities and measures performed within a business enterprise. This assists the proper management of employees to improve their efficiency to perform operations that are been chosen in the firm. The appraisal measures that are been taken within the organization will help the selected enterprise to have a suitable assessment of the level of functional operations and their capability to perform at the Asda. Besides this, it will improve the collaboration of the various teams and their team members in order to carry out the business activities and operations in much suitable and effective manner (Fu and, 2017).

Other than this, the promotion of the collaborative learning will assist organization to improve efficiency of services and thus will lead the organization to adopt suitable measures to have a significant growth. It supports selected retail enterprise to have a proper improvement of the operations and thus will support the rise of business activities for having a good and deep perspective towards their work. The regular allotment of feedback's and implementing the proper changes accordingly will help the firm to enhance the quality of products and services that will assist the organization to evolve and set vivid range of perspective.

Hence, this can be summarized that effective performance management will help the firm to have high performance management improving the growth of an individual, his team and the retail firm as a whole.

Evaluate how high-performance strategies enable you to reflect on how to work effectively in a team

The high performance strategies like defining the job or performance roles within the organization, having a proper scheduling and work force planning, application of corporate values and having certain innovative tools and technologies etc. will improve the effectiveness of business operations and activities that will support the firm to have a good growth and rise in the operational capabilities of an individual to carry out the business activities and thus will help the organization to enhance their core activities. Different factors are required to improve business operations and HRM activities carried out within the firm. Various high performance strategies will have a good impact on the overall operations of the selected enterprise that assist the fir to improve the performance of an individual within a team. Some major high performance strategies that are been taken in the consideration are:

  • Creating and defining the clear job roles of an organizational leader: this is the most important part of the operations that are taken within organization as it will support selected organization to carry out HRM practices. The proper allotment of job roles and responsibilities will clarify the mindset of HRM operations that assists a firm for carrying out the business operations. Thus, it will enhance effectiveness of HRM measures and other business functions, helping organization to enhance the quality of operations and thus will leas to overall rise in business activities in a significant manner. The definition of the clear job role can be turn out to be the most tedious task for an organization that will help the firm to enhance it business activities and thus placing of HRM operations. Apart from this, it assists selected retail enterprise to improve the quality of operations and other activities that will support the possible rise in the appropriate placing of the business activities by an individual (Ogbonnaya and, 2017). The clarified job roles will improve the work performance which will help the organization to carry a wide range of retail operations. It formulates the suitable strategies and action plan that will help the firm to improve the interdepartmental communication process that will support the rise in placing of a wide range of activities and operations which are been implemented on a wider range of operations and other business activities to a greater extent.
  • Implementing the workforce planning with the strategic implementation of business plan: the proper management of the workforce activities and operations will help the firm to manage their business operations and activities to a greater extent. This will help the firm to enhance the effective placing of the business activities and other operations that will support the placing of efficient employee within the business activities that will support the effective management of organizational operations, thus will lead the fir to have a good development and management of a team to have a good placing of a wide range of business operations and activities that will help the firm to enhance their performance. The suitable rise in the placing of the effective work force planning will help the firm to improve a wide range of business operations and thus will help the organization to achieve its targeted goals and objectives. This will help the firm to enhance the quality of business operations and other activities in a very significant manner. The development of a strategic plan for having the high performance working will help Asda to carry out wider range of retail activities (Buchanan and McCalman, 2018). This will help the selected business enterprise for having an effective growth and thus carry out the wide range of business operations to a greater extent.
  • Incorporating the work ethics on the employee engagement planning: the placing of the proper work ethics and code of conduct is very important as it will help the firm to enhance the level of operations that are been carried out by selected retail enterprise in order to have a good increase in the quality and effectiveness of the business operations that will support the proper management of business activities and thus will lead to development of workforce management and lifelong learning plan. The evolution and establishing of an effective and efficient team will help the organization to enhance the overall performance and thus will lead the Asda to improve the quality of products and services. The team, bonding will help me to give out my contribution in the projects that is been managed by my team in a very effective way. Besides this, it will help in setting prop[er work standards within the firm to enhance the qualities and skill set of the employees, leading to the establishment of high performance working.
  • Implementation of innovative tools to carry out the communication process: the proper communication and interaction process will assist organization to improve quality to carry out high performance working that will lead the effective placing of a wide range of business operations. This will help the individuals to develop a better understanding about a job role and thus will lead to the effective placing of the business activities in a very effective way (Shin and Konrad, 2017). The placing of innovations within the selected retail organization will assist in improving and enhancing the overall performance of an individual within the firm, leading the organization to improve effectiveness of wide range of business activities. Other than this, it will lead an individual to have an effective placing of high performance working that will lead to the increase in a wide range of business activities. Other than this, it will motivate a person to give his best within the retail enterprise.

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Thus, on the basis of the evaluation and effective growth of the firm, this can be said that the proper placing of the business operations that will support a good rise in the placing of the individuals within the firm. The self management and handling of other work force will help the organization to improve business activities that will support the proper management of the individual's skill set and other operations that will help the selected retail enterprise to adopt suitable measures that will help the fir to handle the wide range of retail operations in a significant manner. The report laid the emphasis on personal development plan that will help the organization to enhance the personal skill sets and plan the development measures for about a year. Besides this, strategies of skill development and life long learning is been discussed and thus will help the retail entity to improve effectiveness of products and services offered by firm. The impact of high performance management on high performance working is been evaluated with the significance of high performance strategies on the working of an individual within a team is been analyzed.

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