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Work Base Learning -Reflective Writing

University: N/A

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3795
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: MN5F13FB
  • Downloads: 177
Organization Selected : AMSR Restaurant


Learning is described as the natural process which consists of knowledge that results in making the life of person healthier. This is most vital factor for development of human body and to take decisions by which they can easily face challenges which comes in their way. The concept of work based learning is evaluated as adding new factors in the existing learning which is directly connected with the career goals (Renninger, and et. Al., 2014). This contributes in the overall professional development of employees. In the present report AMSR Restaurant is taken into consideration whose location is  West Midland in the United Kingdom. The firm is operating at small scale and they are providing variety to services to their customers. Moreover, the present report includes personal and career role, professional development and training needs. Above this work based plan is executed, evaluation and monitoring followed by report of reflection.


Future careers and roles which are required for personal and professional training

Career is considered to be as the most important aspect in everyone's life which includes employment and a certain amount of monetary income is generated for day to day survival. This generally includes all types of jobs which individuals have to perform in which they have to make particular decision making and choose the correct field or a certain stream, why choosing the correct college or university for making a proper career. This can be influenced by many factors which are generally related to the values which one has in life, personal satisfaction, common interest, several weaknesses and opportunities (Savickas, 2013).

This should be done after doing a proper research and analysing the self interest which can be justified by making the correct choices in career. Each of such dreams have a particular line of education and a person should be properly qualified with correct knowledge and intelligence to reach the eligibility of the chosen career. No person should compromise in such factors.

My role for my career is upon the AMSR restaurant job as an expediter. Many activities which are taken under this rule shall be communicated with proper information regarding the unit of food and the production to another one. It can sometimes be very e difficult to manage all the things together. however in case everything which revolves around the production of food for example kitchen, your the main aim is to make the food reach the correct table and without any delay the most challenging thing here is to properly co-ordinate the job with correct time management and without having any disputes. Several dispute can arrive within the food production team which should be dissolved so that the main goals and objectives and objectives can be achieved. This is one of the workload which will be present always in my current job.

In future I am considering myself playing the role of a dining room manager which is actually about providing direct supervision and making proper strategies to manage all operations which are performed in a dining room. This also requires me to properly corporate and co-ordinate among all the services related to food. Later the number of customers which have to be increasing in the coming months will also increase the responsibilities in my job profile. Adding to that a dining manager should properly provide correct training to all the staff members and employees who will increase the efficiency and the skills while preparing the food for customers (Di Fabio and Maree, 2013). This will increase the satisfaction level among the customers after using the food services. This job profile will also provide the responsibilities of removing or adding food items from the menu and include incidental actions. Creating the proper scope of maintaining the costing of food and all the beverages plus, tracking and measuring whatever financial transactions are made in the restaurant. Adding to this it will make me to create the correct financial transactions and a proper budget so that a necessary items for costing can be avoided and ample amount of expenditure can be done on food items which are actually required. This comes along with several raw materials such as vegetables and other extending products which need to be maintained which includes keeping a proper payroll and the records of bookkeeping auditing.

Personal training is also important to enhance growth at internal and external level which will improve the way of performing activities. In future becoming a professional in the same field will require having practical knowledge as well there will be many chances to learn about being the proper manager in ASMR restaurant. At personal level I am trying to learn about the dining room managing stuff as well as detailed information about jobs description. Many seniors and other co-workers are going to get included in a better position so that honest reviews can be taken from them about my performance.

The main criteria will be to develop and properly rectify all the issues which will help me in pursuing the hotel management course and making the correct career choice in life of becoming a dining room manager (Fogarty, Rapoport and Rapoport, 2017).


Identify personal and professional learning for developing proper future career role.

Learning as well as developing are the two most important elements which are required for an individual or any business organisation to recover from any challenges and survive in a competitive market. This situation can only be fixed when there are proper professional men employees who are properly trained in their own section and have correct knowledge. Proper improvement in skills and application will help them achieve their respective roles in this job (Verbruggen, 2012).

There are multiple number of personal and professional skills which have to be developed being in the role of dining room manager. The prominent requirement here is to increase the number of customers and their satisfaction level through properly maintaining all the activities which are connected to the food services. Restaurant is mostly known for the prominent quality and the taste of food it provides. I should have known all the technical methods and create the proper plants for protecting the four and making the employees take proper safety and hygienic measurement. There are many ways through which employees turnover can be reduced and create proper policies so that staff will be motivated in a favourable way which will ultimately increase the efficiency of their work. One of the best methods of creating such policies is to get them experience and develop their learning skills and provide them there most preferable job. Proper tactics and methods should be applied so that in case of any failures which shall not be directly affecting upon the restaurants goodwill.

One need directly connected to the professional learning and development required in the role of a dining room manager is to properly manage the time in which the food is being served to the customers which helps them in becoming loyal to the restaurant. Search skills and knowledge are used to retain buyers for a very long duration of time and is useful for taking care about everything which is connected from reducing the food and serving it. The main aim here is to actually position a proper link which can be formed in coordinating the different units and designation in the dining room (Lent and Brown, 2013).

A proper training plan should be created so the smart objectives can be achieved. This is a part of creating a value based reflection for achieving all the goals. This is created for maintaining a personal development in the career and self improvement. This can be developed on SMART objectives for determining the factors that can help employees to assess their interest. Furthermore, PDP helps in creating action plans by undertaking value, awareness, reflection etc. This sole aim of PDP is personal development related to a specific career so that one can make improvements in self. There are different types of advantages that can be gained by making changes in self. Furthermore, it helps in bringing the transformation which make a person active and change for better, thus, a PDP plan has been created by following SMART objective for Dining room position which shown below:



Expected results




Supervision as dining room manager

Development of rules and regulations which are to be followed by employees.

To prevent or avoid any disputes and increase efficiency.

Resistance to accept the change and abide by the rules in a true meaning.

It has to be achieved within 1 month from this date.

I have to start this but I am confident to become a good supervisor.




Evaluation of ways of in which motivation can be improved

            The term motivation is linked with wants, need and desire of a person which are inbuilt in an individual.  In context of management term, it can be reflected as the action of motivating the employees in order to achieve their set business objective and goals. This factor is plays a very vital role in motivating employees to perform their best in the desired time period thus developing positive environment at work place (Meijers, Kuijpers and Gundy, 2013).  It results in management of changing nature of people who are working in organisation. This is majorly the responsibility of HR to influence team member to achieve their goals but this can also be executed by the leaders.

            There are various tools and techniques used by firm for motivating employees to achieve business goals. These tools are used by HR at work place for enhancing productivity and these are discussed below as:  

            Communication- This is the tool used for transformation of evidence from one place to another. There should be effective communication channel implemented at work place in order to avoid issue. It is useful in order to maintain healthy relationship with the other individuals who are executing their working. I am using this tool for making effective two-way communication process so that employees can easily share their ideas and also the problem which are faced by them can be resolved. Example: For the dining manager the top most preference is given to top management in order to make employees which they are supposed to perform. This results in minimising conflicts so that work productivity will not be hampered (Parker, 2014).

            Reward - This is the most effective way of motivating employees in order to achieve their set targets. Rewards can be in the form of monetary or non-monetary benefits but they are of great importance for enhancing productivity of employees. Example of reward are bonus, vacations, incentives, medical facility etc. These are the basic need of individuals and these offer are given when employees perform their best at work place. Employees always want that organization should value their employees in order to retain them for long time duration. Example: In AMSR restaurant I am playing the role of dining administrator so I can motivate them by giving monetary rewards on achieving best performance. This will result in motivating employees for achieving their set business goals and targets.

            Socialize- This activity is line with others asked with assembly of people and conducting meeting in business organisation. This results in making a connection with others. Also, there will be refreshments which will be provided to all people who are present in the meeting. This is a way which will help in socializing and forming of a bond which is beyond the context of organisation. It also leads to enhancing of teamwork which will help in achievement of overall objectives and goals in the given time frame. For an example, if I am a dining manager than I can organise some informal meetings such as picnic which will help in getting knowing other in a personal manner. This will help in creation of an amicable environment so that employees can work in an effective manner (Shields and et. Al., 2015).


Train and mentor- This activity is related with providing training and development programme to employees. This is done in order to capture attention of customers in order to execute their working. It consists of educational programmes, programming language. This result in providing pathways by which employees can grow at the professional work area. Training helps in making the employees adopting themselves to the outside working environment by considering the change factor. Example: As I am playing the role of dining manager so I should ensure that training is given to all the individuals in order to grow and achieve competitive advantage. This results in generating high revenues for business.


            Challenges: This factor refers to the problems which are faced by employees in an organisation or outside the boundary. They affect the productivity of person in negative manner but also there can be positive impact if these issues are resolved. There are various opportunities which can be achieved by firm apart from the challenges. This is the most effective method in order to encourage employees to grow by facing the obstacles which hinders their growth. This results in development of team working as individuals are facing similar type of challenges at work place. Example:  The dining managing director have the responsibility to analyse the trends which are arising at the market place. The most challenging task for a worker is to adopt the change and make themselves adjust with the working pattern at work place (Ferrara and et. Al., 2012).

            The above explained are the methods which are used by firm for motivating employees in order to achieve their goals in set time frame. There should be focus on evaluating the performance of employees by using any of the above method and accordingly rewards can be offered to them. From the above analysis it is determined that the most useful way of motivating employee is by giving them monetary reward in order to carry out all their assigned functions effectively.



Motivation factors




Employer of the month

Monthly basis


On the basis of change

Weekly basis

Team building

Team is motivated on the basis of reward



Based on team meetings

5 months


Manger and Employee

6 months



Recommendation for possible solutions to overcome all issues

AMSR is mainly facing more than one issue which is due to the excess of competition in the market. This factor is actually responsible for all the external and internal matters in the current scenario there have been several hard many staff members are not performing well due to which the goals and targets became difficult to achieve (Boulmetis and Dutwin, 2014).

Along with this there is communication gap between all departments which is causing a lot of inefficiency in employees. this has ultimately led in decrease of the quality and facing several issues related to the quality of food. there are many loyal customers which are lost due to inefficient work and decrease the quality of food which had an adverse effect on the competitor’s and there customer base.

If this situation continuous then the closing of the restaurant is not that far in such extreme conditions several things have to be managed and overcome properly and the internal issues which are hindering in the performance of employees should be removed. The most possible way in this system is to actually encourage them in their respective fields. Recognition is also one of the most prominent factors which will help in encouraging the employees every person whom work harder need to get recognition in the organisation and outside as well (Breines and Chen, 2012). This will effectively increase the efficiency level and make them work even harder in achieving the goal within the correct form of time. This will later on also fill up the communication gap as the motivational factor will make them have a better understanding and needs of each others department.

It is very important for the restaurant to create their brand management again and for saving all the other loyal customers which are left. Teamwork is the most important goal which has to be achieved and it will bring along the trust and the bond of the team as well. Team work will help them achieve the goals in proper time plus trust each other so that the communication gap will be filled and increase in the customer satisfaction level will be gained again.

At ASMR restaurant using search factors the quality can be improved by making the employees hire in their position and let them perform their activities even in the difficult times.


Monitor and properly evaluate the process in  project.

Monitoring is the one activity which shall be exercised by each management organisation actually calculating the outcome in the standard management and explaining the difference and variance in the performance. It is actually a very general process which is used for controlling the unnecessary costing and several other activities which are the major factors in reducing the efficiency levels of the organisation and the employees (Nivel and et. Al., 2013). Evaluation is a way better method in management which is used by limited amount of resources and the project mentioned above will be correctly monitoring each and every department and eliminating the most ineffective factors in the organisation. The main reason of many employees leaving the organisation is mostly win the field disadvantage in the restaurant as the business handling is not done properly and their skills and efficient resources are not used properly. There are many evaluations done together for proper monitoring in order to make correct choices at ASMR restaurant. This continuous evaluation will help them achieve the proper goals and targets created plus this will also keenly observe each and every employee in case they feel this correct at any point of time. Also in case if we feel tourist the changes as per the environment then also this monitoring will help them develop in their own level.






This research has helped me in exploring new information which has increased my knowledge that can be used in practical life. I have discovered that it is significant in understanding values that are connected to social, psychological factors etc. which should be considered when it comes to a career job. Individuals look for higher satisfaction in the job they are currently working. This is one of the important factors which help the entity in retaining them for a long time. Apart from this, an organisation should apply various theories and approaches for resolving the conflicts in order to accomplish goals and objectives. It is useful in reducing time taken for achieving main goals of the organisation. The main role of a manager is to oversee that every activity is conducted in the right manner. It is about administering the overall activities and actions which can help the entity in getting results that can be beneficial for the company. While studying and carrying this research I developed my interest in the field of hospitality, particularly taking about, the role of dining manager. I have always liked the work done by a dining manager. This is what I want as my future career job which can provide satisfaction. I have also analysed that a manager can apply different motivational approaches for understanding and helping the employees to work in the company for a long time. It is useful in limiting the issues and increasing the efficiency of the workforce. A person should find out the job which has its his or her interest and while doing that, one may consider the factors or requirements which are necessary for gaining satisfaction. This can be done with the help of a PDP which is fruitful in determining the actual interest. According to me learning and development are important in shaping a person’s interest and life which give clarity in choosing the career. This, to a great extent, reduce the dilemmas or issue which I might face in future when it comes to selecting a career job. Therefore, I have used my knowledge wisely before making the decision to go for the role of a dining manager.


From the above report, it has been analysed that personal and professional learning is something which every person should and must get in his life. there are different kinds of career options available to an individual from home he or she has to choose one. It should be based on the factors considering emotions and other elements which may affect the choice of pursuing a course at the college or university. the main reason for getting education is to apply for job so that income can be earned for living a life without anybody's help. Also it is important to assess the skills and capabilities before joining a a job role as employees have to be handled patiently.

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