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English for written academic Purpose

University: University of St Andrews

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2810
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: EAPB3017
  • Downloads: 1323
Organization Selected : TESCO


you need to submit a completed electronic copy. Please refer to suggested word counts for each task included within this portfolio.

Assessed Learning Outcomes (LOs):

  • Produce cohesive and coherent elements of academic writing.
  • Read, compare and summarise written academic texts.

Academic writing [Comparison of two elements of the student body in the English higher education system.]

Academic reflective writing [Reflection on your own challenges in higher education]

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Section 1: Portfolio Evidence I

Self-evaluation checklist

Below is a list of the skills you will need when working on extended pieces of writing during your university career. The work you do on the EAP 1 course will help you develop these skills.

Tick the appropriate box for each skill, according to how well you think you can do this at the beginning of this course. Look again at the checklist throughout the course in order to identify areas for independent study.

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Section 1: Portfolio Evidence II

Literature Research (Recommended word count 400 words)

1. Find four texts for your research. For each text fill in the table below with the relevant information.

Question title: (Write your question title below)



Type your reference here in the way that it will appear in your paragraph (in text citation) and in the reference list at the end of your work (full reference).


Summarise or paraphrase the information you are going to use from what you have read. Do not use direct quotations.


Evaluate the information you have written in the notes section and say why it is relevant to the question you are answering.

Mirowsky, J., 2017.Education, social status, and health. Routledge.

Educations forms a unique dimension with different social status, economic status, qualities which are important for health. In today's world social status of a student is the beginning of their adulthood and which works as a bridge between two generations which starts with education and move upwards.

This information written in notes is relevant to the question asked. This shows that how social status of a person affects their education, their earnings, their occupational status as well as it affects the household wealth and income. Students with lower social status faces financial problems when they opt for higher education.

Saghafian, M. and O’Neill, D.K., 2018. A phenomenological study of teamwork in online and face-to-face student teams.Higher Education,75(1), pp.57-73.

Studying in traditional way and studying online reflects its effects in many ways as students studying online remain already preoccupied with their work and cannot bond with other teammates and does not have leadership qualities while students studying face to face develop a bond with their team mates and have an ability to develop leadership quality.

This information is related to the question asked below as there is a huge difference in online studying and traditional face to face classroom studies weather it is in terms of developing leadership quality or developing teamwork or in terms of quality of education.

Mitchell, M., Palacios, V. and Leachman, M., 2015. States are still funding higher education below pre-recession levels.Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy. (10). p.71.

Higher education funding is very important specially for lower social status. Increased tuition fee and quality of education affects the students with different status. This has reduced the college affordability and shifting for students. This increased tuition fee has also affected the quality of students and quality of education they are getting.

This information is related to the question asked below as lower economic status students faces financial problems for getting admission in the colleges with higher fees structure or higher tuition fees for higher education. And if they get admission in those colleges then they need to cut of their spendings according to their status.

Fonolahi, A.V., Khan, M.G. and Jokhan, A.D., 2014. Are students studying in the online mode faring as well as students studying in the face-to-face mode? Has equivalence in learning been achieved?.Journal of Online Learning and Teaching.10(4). pp.598-609.

Nowadays learning is shifting from traditional classroom studies to online learning. So, it more important to find out that both the type of learning is done fairly or not or if equivalent learning is provided in both the cases or not and what are the challenges faced by the students studying online or the students studying in a traditional style.

This information is relevant to the question asked below as there are different challenges faced by both the students who are studying online and who are studying in traditional way. It is seen often that students studying online gain more learning but gain fewer marks as compared to students who study in classrooms gain less knowledge but more marks.

Complete this form before you submit your portfolio.

Type a few comments below in relation to how well you have addressed the

following criteria in your written work. Do NOT give one-word answers.



A. Has a clear structure including an introductory sentence and a concluding sentence.

Yes, I was given a brief about the structure including introductory sentences or concluding sentences.

B. Has features of academic writing.

I have tried to include all the features of academic writing


C. Has compared directly between the two student bodies. (Q.1.)

Yes, I have compared both the student bodies directly and their effects.

D. Has commented on what we learn from the comparisons.

Yes, I have tried to comment on the learning outcomes of this comparison

E. Has commented on their own experience. (Q.2.)

I have commented on my own experience

F. Has followed the word count (Q.1. 500 and Q.2 300 +/- 10%).

Yes, I have followed the word count


G. Has used all four references.

I have tried to use all the relevant references

H. Has in-text citations which follow Harvard style. E.g. (Coughlan, 2014).

I have done citations in the questions below in Harvard style.

I. Has avoided plagiarism.

Yes I have avoided plagiarism


J. Writes accurate sentences.

Tried to write accurate sentences.

K. Spells and punctuates accurately.

Tried to do all the spelling and punctuations correctly

L. Uses a range of language.

Yes I have used a range of languages

M. Writes in an appropriate academic style (Q.1.) or reflective style. (Q.2.)

I have used reflective style

Section 1: Portfolio Evidence III

Think about the work you have done on this module and answer the following questions:

What went well? (approx. 50 words):

Information regarding the questions and the topic was easily available which was easy to understand and learn. Explanation of the topic was given appropriately and help form team leader was provided appropriately when required and has helped throughout the report. Word limit given made it easy to write the answers properly.

What areas do I still need to improve? (approx. 50 words):

Need to improve my written skills in expressing my thought or my point of view. Need to improve them so that is easy for others to understand the things we need to explain. Need to improve writing skills in writing a portfolio.

What actions do I need to take to make sure I improve? (approx. 50 words):

I will try to attend seminars, start reading related books, try to get learnings for seniors. So that all the flaws in written skills are removed and improved.

Section 2: Written Tasks

Please type your answer to question 1 below (500 words).

Choose ONE of the following titles:

(a) Identify and compare the challenges for students of lower and higher economic status in higher education in England

(b) Identify and compare the challenges for students studying online and students studying face-to-face in higher education in England

Make sure that:

  • Your text has an appropriate title.
  • You have used all of your four references (included as in-text citations) and that you include a full reference list.
  • You discuss and compare both bodies of students that you have chosen to write about
  • You have used a point by point approach.
  • You have written a minimum of two paragraphs


Write your title here: Write your title here: Identify and compare the challenges for students studying online and students studying face-to-face in higher education in England

There are many challenges faced by students studying online and students studying face to face in higher education in England. There are several studies available online and in face to face studies. Many institutions offer variety of coerces to students weather studying online mode or in classrooms . Nowadays online studies is gaining more popularity as compared to classroom studies as it is more convenient, cost effective and flexible. In fact it is seen that students studying online have more knowledge as compared to students studying in a traditional was as they have access to all the resources they want but results have not always been positive in fact there are some negative results of online studies which students faces(Mirowsky., 2017). According to a study students who study online theoretical subject gain more knowledge and gain better marks then students who study in classrooms i.e. classroom students faces many challenges to understand theoretical subjects and gain marks as compared to online students. While in practical subjects online students faces many challenges in understanding the subjects and gain fewer marks as compared to classroom students i.e. it is easy for classroom students to understand practical subjects more easily and gain better marks as they can get a live demonstration of instruments used and can understand them more easily and in a better way. Students who study in classroom face challenges in attending all the lectures taken by the faculty as they are bound by the time i.e. if they miss any lecture they need to understand that topic themselves while students studying online have a benefit that they can have their lessons whenever they want and at whatever times they want. A survey was done for students who learn mathematics online and students who learn mathematics face to face, performance of both the students were different(Mitchell, Palacios and Leachman., 2015). It was seen that students who learned mathematics online faced many challenges in learning it online and there performance was degraded while students who learned mathematics face to face faced no difficulty in learning it online and performed very well as compared to students who learned it online. It was seen that students who learn face to face faces more difficulty in overall learning as compared to online learning as each student has different learning criteria and differ in understanding and all of them need to understand in different ways which is not possible in face to face learning as they all get to learn in a similar way with same techniques while students studying only get to learn in the way they want and different students in different places get to learn in mixed way as they want. So according to a survey performance of students who learn online is much better than the students who learn in a traditional face to face learning and challenges faced by students learning in classrooms are more then students learn it online. Online students learn it with more ease. But we can say that classroom students have an advantage that they can also learn online themselves but online students cannot learn in classrooms themselves(Fonolahi, Khan and Jokhan., 2014).

Section 2: Written Tasks

Reflective Writing (300 words)

Make sure that you:

  • Write about your own individual situation.
  • Follow the word count.

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What impact might the situation you have discussed in question 1 above have for you as a student in higher education

As we have discussed above that challenges faced by students who study in traditional way is more than challenges faced by students who study online in theoretical knowledge but when it comes to practical knowledge then online students are at disadvantage while classroom students have an advantage of gaining more practical knowledge. So if I need to opt for higher education then I will opt for classroom studies as practical knowledge is way more important in higher education as compared to theoretical knowledge(Saghafian and Neill., 2018). If a student opt for higher education then that means they are capable of understanding any theoretical knowledge themselves even if they don't understand it online as many free online tutorials are available through which any student can learn. In higher education it is important to have practical knowledge as it is more useful in the future. Theoretical knowledge use used less as compared to practical knowledge. When a student has opted for traditional way of studying they have an advantage of learning practical knowledge way more easily and in a better way as well as they can learn it online themselves and also in classroom knowledge and individual can learn team building which is useful in the future. No doubt classroom knowledge have some challenges as need to attend all the lectures on given time i.e. they cannot miss it. There tuition fee is also more than online students studies. But in traditional way they get to learn things in a more practical way and they learn teamwork and develop leadership qualities which is more helpful in the future. Classroom students are given training in a way which is beneficial for them in future and can get pro at it.

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