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Promotion of the Well-being and Resilience of Children


  • Unit No: 18
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 12 / Words 3110
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: F/600/9780
  • Downloads: 1611

Question :

There are many ways through which well-being and resilience can be promoted among the children and young people. Well-being is a positive attitude and a good self esteem. Resilience is the ability of a person to adjust or adopt new situation or changes in their lives by coping with them. It can be better understood by answering all the below stated questions.

  • Why is the promotion of the well-being and resilience of children and young people is important?
  • How is the development of self esteem and the social and emotional identity in children and the young people is supported according to their age and their understanding level.
  • How it helps in providing children and young people to have positive outlook upon their lives?
  • How will the health needs be responded of children and young people?

Answer :

Organization Selected : Children's Society Charitable Trust


Well-being can be described as a positive state which is related to enjoyment of life, being able to connect with others, having ability to overcome challenges and a sense of purpose and control. It includes all faces of life like mental, physical, and social well-being. On the other hand, resilience is related to person’s ability to cope up with changes and challenges along with the way to face difficult time. It is based on person's biology and social situational factors. Resilience and well-being are dependent on both; internal and external factors. Thus, report will outline the importance of promoting resilience and well-being of children and young people.


1.1 Factors influencing well-being of children and young people

Relationships: Good relations are the most important for child's well-being. They have a natural need to connect with other people and belong to some social group (West and, 2014). A child's ability to develop good relationship can lead him to path of getting the best out of life.

Emotional Security: Emotion stability is derived by surroundings of a child as the individuals feel secured by loved ones and family. Emotional stability helps the child in accepting society and environment.

Health: It is important for the children to be healthy and have knowledge about what keeps them fit. Child needs to follow a healthy diet for his well-being.

Self Esteem: Healthy self-esteem can act as child's armour to face challenges against world. It helps them to handle conflicts easily and firmly (Shanafelt and Noseworthy,  2017).

1.2 Importance of resilience for children and young people

Development of self-esteem and positive disposition towards learning: Good self-esteem can help children to derive what they desire. Young people’s self-efficacy can be improved by handling the major responsibilities or situations.

Key of coping with change and transition: Children and young people who are facing adversity are in better position to cope with challenging environment. Apparently, resilience helps people in dealing with the changing environment and dynamic surrounding with creativity of own mind.

Development of perseverance and independence: Resilience focuses on free and unsupervised play of children so that they can gain as much independence as possible which is helpful in child's growth (Ryff, 2014).

Develops sense of challenges and setbacks: Resilience of children initiate child to be self-aware and recognize every feeling in the form of words which help them to prepare for challenges and setbacks which they can face.

1.3 Effective ways of promoting well-being and resilience in work setting

Encouraging children or young people to take a part in physical activity: It is important to encourage young people and children to take part in physical activity as it helps in promoting emotional and mental stability. Participation of young people can be increased by removing personal, social and environmental barriers which include factors like lack of time, unsafe neighbourhood, weather, family influence, culture, etc.

Hobbies and interests: Developing hobbies and interest helps in promoting well-being and resilience in work setting (Shanafelt and, 2014). Hobbies can make adults or children more appealing and can improve their mood, increase confidence, reduce stress and help them to work with more efficiency. Hobbies become more valuable if it has been done in the work environment.

Promote self-help skills and independence: Independence helps in cultivating self-confidence which helps them in realising their capabilities to face challenges and also, it helps in developing skills which are useful to self.

1.4 Ways of working with carers which promote well-being and resilience in children

1.4 Ways to working with carers  

Planning and implementing wide range of activities for children: Care takers of children implement or plan various activities for young adults like child play activities, encouraging new hobbies like music, dance, yoga, craft projects, sports activities, etc. Indulging in these activities with carers make the child more self-efficient(Promote the wellbeing and resilience of children Essay,2017).

Encourage participation and involvement in activities or experiences: Participation of children can improve and develop the relationship with other children. Helps in building in self-awareness and improves confidence among children (Newman,  Tay and Diener, 2014). Children and young people have right to seek information about the activities organised for them.

Role Model: Carer can be a good role model by setting their objectives and considering a range of operational activities for children. Good role models helps children in increasing their interest towards activities which are beneficial to them.


2.1 Importance of social and emotional identity

Recognition and value: Social and emotional identity helps children and young people to recognise and value their place in family. It helps individuals in generating high self-esteem, confidence and leads them towards healthy life (Conti and Heckman, 2014). Children can foster strong sense of identity and increased sense of self-esteem by providing them positive feedbacks.

Relationships: Children should me made learn the ways to form good relationship which will help them to form new friendships and connections. These abilities can be achieved by ensuring that they have ample of opportunities for active play, participation in hobbies which interest them and positive feedback by parents or mentors.

Positive self-image: Positive self-imageis required in order to make children feel emotionally secure. Children and young people who feel emotionally secure are more likely to have positive disposition towards learning.

2.2 Ways to identify self-image and identity in children and young people

 Respect for individuality of child: Child individuality should be respected by parents or mentors by performing activities like making child to be themselves, allowing them to dream, providing them with a variety of activities or experiences (Goyal and, 2014), making children know how to help and work with others as well as praising and encouraging children for achievement

Encourageself-image and identity: Self-image and identity in child can be encouraged by making them interested in celebration of all cultures. It can also be encouraged by using planned activities which help children to know about the issues relating to self-image, esteem and identity. Networks and resources can be used to introduce the positive role models who can relate with child’s identity._D1

Encouraging positivity: Positivity can be ensured in child's life by ensuring representation of child in setting through displays, posters and other materials with making them read books which contains positive images and stories.

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2.3 Recognition and value of own abilities, talents and achievements

Children can recognise their abilities, talents and achievements by spending time with their parents, teachers or care takers or indulging in any creative activities with exploring positive outcomes and benefits related to state for self and others. Encouraging child to focus on strengths and achievements rather than weaknesses can also help child to identify own abilities and talents. Success and progress of child should be celebrated by parents in order to motivate the children. They should be praised and given with feedback for activities performed by them (Bethell and, 2017).

Emphasis should be laid on those skills or activities which are transferable from one area to another. Children should be able to communicate their feelings and thoughts about themselves, about their experiences, current circumstances and future plans with key people who can help them in realising their self-identity. Encourage child to take pride in own self-image, ethnic cultural and sexual identity. Observing child in various environments and relating to other children when they are doing activities alone or in group can also help them in knowing about their abilities.

2.4 Involving children and young people in decision of life.

Involving young person in their own learning is an important part of assessing and supporting their progress. This can be done by motivating children and young adults to learn or by giving them a sense of control of their own life. Various ways which can be followed to increase participation in decision-making is by listening to needs and ideas of child, providing them positive feedback or by discussing targets for work or behaviour.

2.5 Contribution of goals in building self esteem for children.

Goals and targets contribute towards building self esteem of children or young people. Completion of goals or targets give children a sense of achievement and success which has a positive impact on self esteem and increases of motivation level of children. Goals set should be challenging and realistic in nature which are easily achievable by children. Positive expectations of capacity and behaviour of children, with consistent feedback and support can help them to achieve targets (Sage, 2015). Goal setting can help children to impose their own values and ambitions, which helps them to learn persistence and develops their ability to persist. Children who set goals are more focused and know what they want and try hard to achieve it.


3.1 Integration of work with children in regard to open, trustworthy, respectful and reliability

Good communication, building trust is key to work with children. It involves listening questioning, understanding needs and demands of young people. Increasing involvement of child in decision affecting their lives also helps in creating trusts of young adults towards other people. To build a rapport with young people it is important to work with honesty which promotes improvement in life of children (Hastings, Miller and Troxel, 2015). Children activities should be judged on fair basis and judgement should be consistent in nature and appropriate words or language should be used in front of children while judging them.

3.2 Approaches which encourage children and young people to have positive outlook on their lives

Positive attitude in children can be build by encouraging children to be active problem solvers or find solutions to problem which they are facing. Showing Love or affection or by building a relationship can also help in developing positive attitude of children. Young people should be shown ways to set goals and targets and supporting them in achieving those targets. Views and opinions should be positive in nature which help them to achieve set targets. Inner strength should be build in children to fight with disappointments (Carrus and, 2015). Praising task done by children can motivate them in building positive attitude which will help in increasing self esteem of young adults. Supporting child in developing talent and strength is also a great way to develop a positive outlook on their life.

3.3 Encouraging young people to respond positively to challenges and disappointments

Vision and goals: Children should be encouraged to set goals and targets so that their progress can be recognised or celebrated. Providing them with structure which consists of clear strategies as to what they are aiming for and help them in defining mission statement.

Building resilience and perseverance: They can be build by regularly encouraging child to do new work (West and, 2014). It also includes outside support and inner strength which consist of caring relationships, positive role models in family or communities, self control, thinking skills, confidence, positive outlook and responsible participation.

Positive role models: Parents and adults can be positive role models for children by understanding and showing kindness towards children or by supporting child's self esteem (Schmitt and,2014). Providing support when they struggle and help them to understand why plans weren't successful and ask them to re-plan or try again.

3.4 Ways to encourage young people to express their feelings, views and hopes.

One to one discussion: When child is encouraged to discuss situations with parents or mentors or with some other children, this activity helps them to present their views or feelings in front of everyone. This activity also helps in understand nature and behavioural ways of child.

Role play: Children can be asked to play role of any other person which can include parents, friends or other person like flower man, shopkeeper, famous personality etc. These type of activities help in developing self confidence among children and help them to reflect their own feelings, opinions etc.

Experiences of other people: When parents share their real life experiences with children, it helps them in facing same difficult situation easily(Shanafelt and Noseworthy, 2017).

Music and art: Music based activities consist of experiences such as listening to music or watching someone plays an instrument, singing song or dancing or moving to sound helps' child in positive emotional development, and helps in gaining better coordination. Get Nursing Assignment Help at great deal with upto 50% OFF.

3.5 Ways to support children which shows impact of their own actions and behaviours

Experiences of other people: When parents share their real life experiences or stories  with children, it helps them in facing same difficult situation easily. It also motivates them to face particular situation with positive attitude.

Drama: It is used to express and explore feelings of human. It is an imaginary way to allow excitement in young adult life. Also helps in developing awareness of own feelings as well of others.


4.1 Ways to support children to recognise, value and meet their health needs.

Self esteem: Encouraging development of self esteem helps children in recognising importance of meeting their health needs(Newman, Tay and Diener,  2014). Self esteem can also be developed in young adults by allowing them to take healthy risk which help them to build confidence in them.

No blame approach: Children should be praised after every activity or task performed by them. Blaming them for not performing well will develop feeling of negativity in them. They should feel special which will help them to discover unique techniques and talents.

Discussing choices: There should be an open discussion with children about their choices so that it can help in knowing their views and opinions.

4.2 Ways to encouraging children to make positive changes of their health needs.

Positive healthy habits can be developed in a child by providing them with information about consequences so that they can make right choice. Encouraging development of self esteem so that children can feel confident about choices made by them. Positive habits can also developed when parents or mentors are involved in activities performed by child so that they can help them in making right choice. Choices should be also offer to kid about what they want to eat or play which helps in increasing feeling of independence in them.

4.3 Risk which concern health and well-being of children and actions which can reduce them.

Health risk which are not beneficial to child well-being includes illness, poor diet, poor life style, accidental or non accidental injury(Conti,  and Heckman,  2014 ). These risk in child life can be reduce by planning proper meal for them, supporting them in making decision, help them in making right choices, keeping child away from dust.

4.4 Importance of relevant people in consideration to child health

Relevant people may include parent, own line manager or supervisor, Informing them is important as they will help child in recovering from health related issues and will also take care of them in time of sickness. They will also help in developing self esteem and confidence and also help in encouraging positive changes about diet.

4.5 Procedures which need to be considered about child's health and well-being.

Protecting child and promoting their welfare is inter related activity and responsibility. Support should be available promote welfare of children and families when they are at risk of not getting adequate care or protection. Personal details about health of child should be confidential and should be access by only those people who are closely related to young adult. Parents have a right to respect and should be involved in matters concerning their child.

Prevention of child abuse requires a multi disciplinary approach, effective management, clarity of authority and responsibility, training of personal in enterprise working with children. Concern relating to child should be recorded with date, time and details(Bethell and, 2017).

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Report includes the importance of promoting resilience and positive well-being of children. Further it includes development of social and emotional identity and self esteem in line with their level of understanding. It also includes ways through which young people and children have positive outlook in life and procedures which need to be considered about child's health and well-being.

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