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Health Safety & Environment in the Energy Industry and The Downstream Oil & Gas

University: Coventry University

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4088
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: 501OGE
  • Downloads: 291
Organization Selected : Buncefield Oil Terminal


Safety and security at the workplace is the most important things to make the business effective and efficient. Every company make sure that their business operation will not harm anyone so that they start various strategies of health and safety for protecting the people from hazardous issues. This report determine the health and safety of the Buncefield Oil Terminal is the biggest company which supplies oil and fuel in large quantity. This file includes the issues of health and safety which is experienced at the Buncefield. Different theories and practices of health, safety and environment are explained in this report. Successful management of safety and risk in the Buncefield is the element of UK downstream gas and oil sector. Different problems related to the safety and health of accident at Buncefield in 2005 are analysed and determined in this report. There is also the evaluation of how the accident of company will influenced the oil and gas sector of UK. The accident at the gas and oil industry is the biggest and powerful explosion which is occurred in UK. Exacerbation of asthma, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath are most common health problems which is happened due to accidents.


1. Issues of health and safety faced at Buncefield.

The blast of the Buncefield which occurs in the large fire that powerfully affects over the storage tanks which is 20. this pollution will affects the health of the people in short and long term. There are the two department of emergency and accident which is near to the place where accident is occurred. The fire is burned for many days and cover the large section of England in pollution. Explosion and fire is the main causes of health problem which is due to the blast. The workers and the people in the industry faces the health problem which is due to flammable gases and vapours. Flammable gases which is released from the blast of tanks in the industry and it is in the form of vapours and hydrogen sulfide these gases will affects the health of people adversely (Al Hashmi, 2017). Due to ineffective management system of health and safety in the company will leads to the problem accident. Measurement of the performance is necessary which is used to track the safety and security in the business operations. Oil and gas industry have to use the effective procedure, conditions and environment which protects the workers of the company from the

In the process of tank filling the management system does properly followed and it is deficient. Before this fire incident the pressure is increases on the people working in the company. The people of UK are suffered from various health diseases because the fire was did not stopped for many days. At this period of time medical treatment is given to the 244 people in the department accident and emergency (Baldwin and Black, 2016). All the people who are admitted in the emergency department are divided into three parts such as workers, public and services of emergency. The senior manager of the company gives advised to their worker that they go and take check-up in the A&E departments due to adverse effects of smoke on health of the people.

Symptoms of fire are identifies in the 120 people like 62% people are suffered from the problem of respiratory system. 18% people are faced the problem of headache, 33% faced injuries and 8% people are faced the issues of anxiety which affects their health. This incident is happen because the tank was overfilled and large amount of gasoline is overflowed due to accident and there is the formation of vapour cloud and this will result in the huge explosion (Allford, 2016). The explosion of fuel makes the gases positioning in he environment so this will affects the system of respirator in the public.

The most common problem of health is due to the irritation in the respiratory system like exacerbation of asthma, sore throat, shortness of breath and cough. The company faces the problem in the instruments of safety and it will increases the issues factors of human. This will affects the environment of the country and greater number of people are faced the problem due to the blast at Buncefield. The company further decides to implement new safety systems in the business operations to measure and prevent the nature and health of people from this kind of incidents in the future (Almond and Esbester, 2019). Effective and efficient management is required in the company for the protection of the health, safety and environment while working in the business atmosphere.

The incident of oil and gas industry will affects the mental health of the people also because the gases which occur in the environment which is harmful for the health of people. The employees who are working in this environment of workplace are faces the stress, exhaustion affected the mental and physical health of people. These gases is highly affects the environment and it will makes the

The main impact on the health are the problems headache, anxiety and symptoms of respiratory. Most of the injuries are seen in the people who are working in the Buncefield because they did not aware about the health of people working in the workplace. This will leads to the high damages to environment and it affects the life of animals also. The company did not uses the effective machinery and equipments in the workplaces which will leads to the major accident because they do not make the safe and secure environment for the people.

The smoke contains the carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide etc. and these gases will highly affects the environment (Atkinson, Cowpe and Painter, 2016). There is no proper management of staff because at the time of accident none of the staff members are available so there is no proper leadership in the business of oil and gas industry. Other companies of the country also have to faces the problem in their business operation due to the explosion of gases in the environment. In the organisation due to harmful gases the people will experienced the problem of headache because people inhale these harmful gases and it will leads to the various issues related to the health.

It can be evaluated people have to faces lots of health issues and they cannot breath properly in the environment because the gases are very harmful which adversely affects the humans. Some of the workers are suffering from the mental stress and depression which makes ineffective and they are not focused in the worked which leads to the result of accident at Buncefield. Without properly managing the employees at the workplace company could not achieve the success and objectives. If the workers feels they are safe and secure at the workplace which will improve their performance and they will perform all the activities as per terms and conditions of the company (Baldwin and Black, 2016). So it is very essential to provide the safe and secure working condition in the company because it will motivates them to work effectively. Workplace must be consist of proper equipments of health and safety which secure the life of the people working within the organisation. Safety of the employees is crucial point in the business which makes the organisation effective and efficient in future. The people will mentally and physically affected by the thick smoke which is released from the accident at Buncefield. Because of the carbon dioxide the worker cannot breathe properly so that they faces the problem of asthma in their body which is not only for the limited period so they suffers in the long run of their life (Barua and Ansary, 2017). The success and growth of organisation is only depends on the safe environment in which the people will freely works without any tension in their mind. Which will makes them focused in their working and they will achieve the target of the company.

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2. Comparison of health, safety and environmental theories and actions

Buncefield is famous oil storage factory in UK where large number of workers offers their services. It is also known as Hertfordshire oil storage terminal because it is executed by Hertfordshire oil storage Ltd. It took place into hazards factory due to wide scale firing in 2005. where large number of people got fire and remaining was injured. The environment of the factory became smoke cloudy due to high fuel burning (Creutzfeldt and Hodges, 2016). Firing leads ground water pollution, transport disruption and explosion of chemical which is utilized for refining oil. There are various theory which can give guideline to keep workers health safe and hazardous free environment. Buncefield applies environmental and safety theories.

Health and safety theory:

ABC theory: This theory helps in accidental case and organization applies the theory in industry. It further classifies into three steps for example A,B,C.


behaviour of the workers plays significant role at workplace safety for example if a employees who posses positive attitude during task performance as result improves task achievement and if employees behaviour is negative during task performance and concern for their healths as result doesn't get profitability and fearfulness. Thus, human attitude plays huge role during task achievement. Generally it is not only give impact how employees perform task but also how feel safe during performance (French and Steel, 2017). There is an example to understand human behaviour such as positive peoples always try to give the best performance at workplace, whether situation is in favoured and unfavoured. The main reason of the positive attitude is that they maintain their well-being by getting positive outcomes of the behaviours. On contrary, a person who always keep complaining about environment safety, work pressure, safety practices etc. such kind peoples doesn't care about quality of the job which leads unsafe work habits and hazardous. Buncefield enable to understand workers attitudes during task performance.


Behaviour refers feelings or emotions i.e. happiness, depression and aggression of the person at workplace. Behaviour of the workplace plays crucial role for the workers. For example if workplace posses negative behaviour such as bullying workplace which leads phycological risk, health risk (cardiovascular health and poor mental) etc. for the workers. On other hand if workplace positive behaviour such as supportive job place which leads well-being and health safety for the employees or workers (Gephart Jr, Helgesson and Ganzin, 2018). Buncefield analyses behaviour of the workplace so that workers keeps positive attitude and gives high productivity at the workplace. Even this theory helps organization to introduces different types of skills for the workers where they learn and applies at job place so that workplace gives positive behaviour for the workers and employer. Organization is oil depot factory which requires high skilled worker at workplace so that they can fix up risk during finding. By the help of HSE officers Buncefield offers skill development classes for the workers so that they learn and keeps them safe during task performance. Skills are- Technical support skills in which learns worker to produce optimum gods by removing risky errors. Another is human skills where makes confident to worker so that they can work as leader under group (Gephart Jr, Miller and Helgesson, 2018). On other hand, connection skills is organized for the manager of the Buncefield who can observe each worker involvement in task performance.


Condition can define in various term such as reward and punishment consequences. Condition also important for motivation. Buncefield keeps balance between punishment and reward which leads loyalty of the worker at workplace. To maintain well-being at workplace organization offers health and safety policies to workers. According to policy if worker get injured during task performance at workplace, in that situation organization will pay all cost of hospital on the behalf of the worker (Hedlund and, 2019). Thus, it gives assurance to workers and their families. Oil factory offers reward strategy which is act as motivation for safety for the workers and leads behavioural change prolong time. Organization offers different safety policies to worker which is utilized during project. The main goal of the policies to give positive attitude along with safety for workers.

This theory is applies by the organization to keep worker safe and influences their attitude in positive during performing task. Even number of workers who got injure offers health and safety policies so that they give value of the industry.

Environmental theory

It is also utilized by the organization during incident. The main goal of the theory to keep workplace safe so that employee can do work safely.

Domino theory: It is specially organized to keep environment safe of oil industry which is pollutant after firing. It is based on the alignment of the events which is interlinked with incident. Heinrich proposes this theory model in which explains that unsafe act is liable for human injuries or accidents (Lee, and et al., 2016). That why it is also known as Heinrich domino theory model. Through the theory enables to understand incident factors which comes during unsafe actions.

Social environment: the attitude of the workers during task performance is careless, stubborn, unawareness etc. leads threat for the internal and external work environment as result faults in peoples.

Responsibility in person: Responsibility refers temper, nerves etc. leads physical hazardous of the workers.

Unsafe act or physical risk: Unsafe act occurs under construction when worker perform carelessly as result direct injuries or health risk.

Incidents: People collapse or unconscious during task performance or bump with object of machine. It is also lead injury for the worker on the job place.

Injury: it refers fractures, cuts, loses of limb etc. are lead direct incident.

Buncefield applies the environmental theory to elaborate condition of the workplace and workers. Environment is pollutant due to fuel burning which leads smoke cloud, ground water pollution and transport disruption. Buncefield applies the environmental theory to redeem condition of the workplace. Organization improves HR practices and working condition so that workers do work safely.

Health and safety practices

Buncefield fire is major fire of the UK where large number of people got injure. The main reason of the circumstances careless nature of worker during offering services and unawareness of safety practices. There are various health and safety practices which can apply during emergency at workplace. Even industry manager can take health and safety practices to protect staff at workplace. Practices are-

Health and safety programs: It is the best practices for the Buncefield fire because it gives guideline for safety and health of the employees at workplace. The main goal of the program to forbid job place from injuries, illness and deaths (Lindhout and Reniers, 2017). In this program helps to apply various practices for recognizing hazardous and raise ways for fixing hazardous so that they prepare men tall and keep safety from incidents. In the program learns worker how to protect themselves from hazardous and gives new trick to keep them safe during incident. It leads self dependency in individual workers and employers. Based on the program guideline offers financial hardship for worker and their families. This health and safety program can help organization for promoting health and safety at workplace by reducing hazardous. Even such kind program gives assurance to worker about their safety issues. It develops worker compliance along with laws and regulation. It improves engaging of workers at job place. Buncefield applies this practice in the industry and implement at workplace, as result it reduces compensation cost of the workers (Niemand, 2016). Guideline of the program improves productivity and can influence organization operations. Through the practices, Buncefield influences social duty of goals in the oil factory.

Health protecting agency: It is specially organized to prevent peoples from disease which occurs during accident. Buncefield takes helps of the agency to practices H&S theory where agency aware worker about health illness such as anxiety, respiratory infection and head ache. To reduces illness, agency gives instruction to put cap on hand, cover face from mask and wears gloves in hand etc. during task performance. Thus, organization utilizes practice to keep workers safe.

Environmental practices

Organization applies environmental theory in practices so that industrial environment gives positive aspect to the workers.

HR practices: Buncefield influences HR practices for the employees so that worker motivates at workplace during performing task. HR offers training classes to worker where trainer makes them learn how to operate machine and how to keep themself safe from hazardous. Even manager conducts various health and safety program for the employees and permits them to share their experience and skills. Before assigning task manager informs employees about health risk so that they perform cautiously (Sharma and, 2019). To promote self-esteem of employees offers opportunity to employees to explore creativity by the manager. Rewards strategy introduces by the manager for the employees so that they motivate prolong time. The main goal of the HR practices maintains well-being and keep them concern free from health risk.

Improves working condition: To develop working condition organization introduces high level technology such as weight lifting, oil refining etc. through the practices' organization enables to safe environment from hazardous and safe workers' health as well.

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3. Recommendations on the successful management of safety and risk management in company.

It can be recommended that the company follow the various principles which helps to manage the safety and risk in the workplace that will do not affects the over all health and environment of the country and their people. Effective training and development is organised in the business which improves the working of the people. There is the responsibilities of the manager to manage all the functions of the business which the people work properly and there is no chances of misunderstanding so there is no accident in the future related to the explosion of gases and oil which affects the health of people. Organisation will maintain the successful management of the safety and risk in the company by proper knowledge and training to their employees so that they learn how to work properly and get the work done without any kind of accident.

Risk management involves the processes, principle for managing the risk in the business effectively and efficiently. So it can be recommended that management of risk focusses to reduces the chances of undesired events in the organisation. It will also eliminates the future undesired events which spoil the business (Theophilus and, 2018). This process firstly focuses on the evaluation and identification different issues which affects the health of the human and the company suffers loses due top the uneven problems.

Training is given when they uses any hazardous material in the business so that the worker will not harm themselves and affects their life. Safety and risk management focuses to identify the health hazardous which is exist in the workplace with the help of different techniques. With the help of techniques in the business it could finds the issues related to the risk and implement the effective measures to control the risk. The system safety and risk management which focuses to keep the proper records of the first aid treatments, inspections, investigations of incidents and training activities in the organisation.

Proper use and management of resources will makes for the safety of health and environment is essential in the business activities specially in the industry of oil and gas. The skills which used by the leader ion the Buncefield have to be effective that will motivates and inspire the employees so that they will done their business practices in the most effective and efficient ways. The task is allocated as per the skills and knowledge of the workers so that they will perform their job in the most appropriate way. The manager have to make the effective plan in the business so that the company will do not faces any major accident in the future. It is analysed that the companies of gas and oil are also aware about accidents and they take major steps to avoid these problems at the workplace. Safety and health management system includes the plaining, organising, implementing, evaluation and different actions is taken to improve the activities of different department of the industry (Walters and 2016). The management will decreases the cost of accidents and incidents occur in the business. The steps is taken for the continuous improvement in the business.

Manager of the Buncefield uses the two ways in managing the risk of the business which includes qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative method in the process of risk management will evaluates the risk on the bases of experience and experts. On the other hand quantitative method is used to evaluates the data in the risk of numerical data. Trained people in the workplace will make sure that they try to minimize the effects of risk on the business. Risk management minimizes the risk in advance and makes the company profitable. This will reduces the confusion between the workers and managers of the company. The primary needs and requirements of the company is only for the safety measures which is used to prevent the escaping of fuel from the tank which is stored in the tanks of oil industry (Antonsen, 2017). This measures of safety is required to safe from the flammable vapour and try to stop the environment pollutants from poisoning gases.

To reduces the risk and manage the safety of the people health the company will provides the insurance of life if they injured in the business then they get the specific amount on behalf of the insurance. This will motivates the employees and they work effectively which does not create any kind of risk in the organisation. The manager of the oil and gas industry have to make the effective strategies which which make the company famous in the UK downstream of oil and gas sector. Company will analyse the performance of the workers and if they are not in the right direction given them correct path that they make sure does not create the chances of accidents in the future (Pieper, Karvonen and Vaarama, 2019). All the work is properly allocated so that there is no mismanagement in the workplace. Recruiting the people who are skilled and knowledgeable which reduces the chances of the accidents and make the business essential which helps them in the future growth and success.


From the above study, it can be concluded that without properly managing business functions, a company may face various hazardous problems. For those in need, assignment help UK can provide valuable guidance. The oil and gas industry is particularly vulnerable, as accidents can lead to significant health issues for employees. These incidents negatively affect the health of workers because the gases involved are a harmful mixture that can impair breathing and damage the respiratory system. To maintain workplace safety, different theories and practices in health, safety, and environmental management are employed. Theories like the Domino Theory and ABC Analysis are used by companies to protect workers from risks within the organization. Proper management of safety and risk is essential, as it provides employees with the necessary training to handle hazardous machinery and equipment safely. Additionally, using a thesis statement generator can help clarify and strengthen the arguments in such complex reports.

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