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CHCECE017 Foster the Holistic Development and Wellbeing of the Child in Early Childhood

University: Southern Cross University

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 25 / Words 6154
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: CHCECE017
  • Downloads: 1052

Question :

Some of the requirements of this questions are like:

  1. What is gross motor movements.
  2. What is fine motor movements.
  3. What are the effective physical development of child.

Answer :

Assessment Instructions


The purpose of this learner workbook, assessment workbook, simulation diary or logbook is to provide a guide of instruction and information in relation to the relevant assessment tasks. As a learner, you will be provided with information relating to your assessment, including how they are to be completed and submitted. Therefore, it is important that you fully understand the assessment instructions given by your trainer to avoid issues such as academic misconduct, submitting past the due date and providing incomplete assessments, which you will be required to resubmit. If you fail to understand or need more clarification on the assessments, you are required to contact your trainer/assessor for further information.

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Assessment Task

The aim of assessments is to test your knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the topics being taught within a given course. This will be done by using an assessment criterion which shows what you need to do to achieve the appropriate level of competency. For the purpose of completing a written assessment, you are required to:

  • Complete each question, including any sub-questions;
  • Provide in-depth research on the topic, using appropriate primary and secondary sources;
  • Respond using a clear structure (e.g. Introduction, points of argument or fact, conclusion), including references to the sources used.

All assessments required to be completed are compulsory as it is a required condition of your enrolment. 

Assessment Requirements

The assessments within this document can be completed through several approaches such as:

  • Observation of real, indisputable actions as they occur;
  • Written or oral task such as reports, role play, work samples etc;
  • Portfolios;
  • Questions, or third-party evidence, in which the relevant document (observation document is to be completed by the agreed third party.

All documents relating the third-party observation is to be provided to your trainer/assessor as this will be used in determining your level of competency. Third-party evidence can be obtained from supervisors (e.g., from the workplace), or clients/customers. 

Please be informed that all assessments are to be typed up. Any handwritten assessments will not be permitted unless approved by the trainer/assessor. You must also comply with assessment policy and procedures at

Simulation diary (if required): You will do the simulation tasks as a part of your course in the designated simulated environment.

During the simulation session, the student is required to meet the following requirements:

  • Follow the dress standards -enclosed shoes, appropriate clothing (no shorts or skirts)
  • Be aware of relevant procedures in case of accident, emergencies, evacuation
  • Follow the start and finish times, breaks, work routines, etc.
  • Follow the policies on personal phone calls and personal emails.
  • The attendance for simulation sessions will be monitored as per ‘AIBTGlobal’s Monitoring Student Attendance and Academic Progression policy and procedure.’
  • Students should follow the standards of behaviour and comply with ‘AIBTGlobal’s Student Conduct Rules’.
  • Students should come prepared for the planned activities for simulation.

Observation/demonstration/simulation (if required):

You may be required to perform tasks/works/assessments through observations, simulation, or demonstrations. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with a list of demonstrations, logbooks, simulation diary or any other related documents for tasks/works/assessments. The observation, simulation or demonstration can occur in the workplace, or the training environment such as workshop, or simulation labs. During observation, demonstration or simulation, you will be provided with necessary information (e.g., timeframe) and equipment and/or materials to complete the task. You are required to perform the work, task or assessment in accordance with the required instructions. 

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Competency Outcome

Upon completing the following assessments, your trainer will either mark the assessment indicating S for satisfactory or NS for not satisfactory (requires more training). If you, as a learner/trainee, receive satisfactory marks for all assessments within this module, you will be graded a “C” for ‘Competent’. In vice versa, “NYC” for ‘Not yet Competent’, in which your trainer will provide adequate feedback and give you a chance to resubmit. If your second submission of assessments is still NS, you may be required to (i) resubmit assessments on the third attempt or (ii) redo the course unit again, which requires re-enrolment. Please be aware that the third attempt of resubmission or re-enrolment to the course can result in additional costs/fees.

Assessment Appeals Process

As a learner, you have a right to appeal a decision or outcome of an assessment if you feel like it was made unfairly. However, this complaint must first be resolved with the trainer/assessor before lodging an appeal. If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, then a written application of the appeal can be made to the course coordinator, outlining the grounds for the appeal in accordance with the complaints and appeals policy and procedures at

Special Needs

Learning adjustments can be made for any candidate who has special needs (e.g., a student with a disability). However, the trainer/assessor must be well informed about this so they can immediately implement the necessary adjustments and have it ready before commencement.

Additional Evidence

If at any event during or after the assessment process, the trainer/assessor requests you to provide additional information or an alternative submission to establish your level of competency, then you are required to do so. However, you must do so in a way that avoids any issues of privacy or confidentiality.


All information provided to us regarding your job, workplace and employer will be kept confidential in accordance with the relevant law. However, it is your responsibility to check that all information provided to us does not involve details unrelated or not agreed upon for disclosure. For example, information about your employer, colleagues and other related third parties who might be involved. Although we may require information about these other parties, it is your responsibility to check that valid consent has been given from these individuals before providing us with the requested information. This process of obtaining information from the relevant parties must also be done in accordance with the relevant law.

Recognised Prior Learning

Any candidate may apply for credit transfer which they wish to count towards their course credit following the application and assessment process of the credit transfer policy and procedure.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct includes plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion, or any act or omission by a student which attempts to circumvent or defeat the integrity of the College’s assessment process. Without limiting the scope of the definition of academic misconduct, examples of plagiarism, cheating and collusion are provided below:

Plagiarism is defined as taking someone else’s work or ideas and submitting it as their own. This may include acts such as, but not limited to:

  • Copying the direct words of a sentence or paragraph presented in a source, without referencing it or giving it proper acknowledgement. This also extends to any structure used in completing the assignment; and
  • Submitting the same assignment as another learner who either is currently or has previously completed it and presenting it as their own work.

Cheating occurs when you behave dishonestly in an attempt to obtain an unfair advantage in any form of assessment. Examples of cheating include:

  • Failing to adhere to examination conditions, for example, speaking or communicating with other candidates in an examination, bringing unauthorised material into the examination room, reading or attempting to read other students' answers, leaving the examination or test answer papers exposed to another student’s view;
  • Impersonating another student or arranging for someone to impersonate a student in any assessment task;
  • Purchasing assessment items from a contract cheating or ghost-writing service and presenting them as the student’s own work;
  • Allowing others to complete any assessment task and/or submit an assessment task which is not the student’s own work;
  • Fraudulent representation of any required documentation, for example, prior qualifications, or medical certificates.

Collusion is defined where a learner collaborates with another learner currently enrolled or graduated to produce an assessment which is submitted as their own. This may involve two or more learners working together to produce the content of an assessment before submission.

Plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion is a behaviour that is strictly prohibited, therefore, prior to completing your assessment it is advised that you refer to our Academic Misconduct policy and procedure at to ensure relevant compliance. If you are found committing any of these acts, you will be investigated in which the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. As a result, it is important that you raise any questions regarding plagiarism, cheating and collusion with your trainer before submitting the final assessment.

Student Details

Student ID: _____________________________________________________________

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________


I declare that

  • The content in this document is my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it has been copied from any other source, except where acknowledgement/reference has been made.
  • The content in this document is my own work and no part of the work has been copied from any other student who is currently studying or was graduated from the college.
  • I have read and understood all instructions and requirements for the work, task, or assessment that is assessed by my trainers and/or assessors. The understanding includes the submission date and time.
  • I will keep a copy of my submitted work (e.g., logbook, or assessment).

I have read and understood the assessment policy and procedures, and academic misconduct policy and procedures:

  • I will perform my work to the best of my ability.
  • I will not commit academic misconduct stated in academic misconduct policy and procedures. Academic misconduct behaviour may result in ‘not competent’ result of the unit of competency.
  • I understand if I receive not satisfactory for my work/assessment/task, it will result in not competent result for the unit of competency. This can result in work/assessment/task resubmission and re-enrolment of the unit of competency which can incur additional costs/fees to me.
  • I understand that any assessment/task/work deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.
  • I give permission for my assessment/task/work to be reproduced, communicated, compared, and archived for the purposes of detecting academic misconduct and to fulfil any related College’s policy and procedures
  • I am aware that if I disagree with the assessment/task/work result, I have the right to appeal the result. I will follow the complaints and appeals policy and procedures at
  • I take full responsibility for the correct submission of this assessment/task/work in the required place/channel with the correct cover sheet.

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________

ONLY If assessment/task/work is required to be completed as part of a group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below:

If you are NOT instructed to complete the assessment, work, or task in a group or in pairs, you or any other student will NOT fill or sign this section below and MUST NOT work in a group or in pairs. Failure to comply will result in not satisfactory result of required work, assessment, or task.

The content of this work/task/assessment is completed by the students named below. All students acknowledge that the assessment, work, or task must be completed by everyone’s equal contribution and in accordance with the requirements. All students declare that no part of this assessment, task, or work is taken from or completed by any other student. If the assessment, work, or task cites or paraphrases information from other sources, reference and acknowledgement of those sources must be provided.

Student 1:

Student ID: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Student 2:

Student ID: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Student 3:

Student ID: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Student 4:

Student ID: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Also check out: Identify and Respond to Children and Young People at Risk



Activity 1A

Estimated Time

20 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to assess and monitor children’s physical skills and development.


  1. Define fine motor movements.
  1. Define gross motor movements.
  1. When movements require more than one skill, a child will need to be able to co-ordinate. Give three different types of co-ordinating skills and activities that would require each.
  1. What should you look out for when observing the physical development of a child?
  1. The skills of doing work-related tasks by using movements of the small muscles present in our hands and wrists is known as fine motor skills.
  2.  Gross motor skills includes the ability to develop important muscular movements like coordination of arms and legs. It is a part of child's motor learning.
  3. Three different types of co-ordination skills are: Motor coordination, Hand-eye coordination, Foot-eye coordination.
  4. Physical development of a child is judged by observing their master movements, balance over their body. Examples of physical movements are Rolling, Crawling, Sitting, Standing, Walking, Grasping and picking up of objects with their tiny fingers.

Activity 1B

Estimated Time

30 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to plan and provide appropriate experiences and opportunities to foster each child’s fine and gross motor skills, and fundamental movement skills through play.


  1. Create or use a timetable plan of activities for an age group that you are familiar with. Ensure each child has opportunities to use fundamental movement and fine and gross motor movement skills.
  1. How does this timetable help to ensure all children, no matter what session they are in, get the opportunity to practice each physical skill set?


Age: 5-7 years

 Fundamental movement

Jogging, Running, Jumping, Hopping.

 Fine movement

Copying a triangle, Writing, Cutting with scissor, Buttoning clothes.

 Gross movement

Pedal a bicycle, Throwing a ball and then catch it after one bounce, Balancing on foot for 5-10 sec, Jumping over an object and then landing with both feet.

2. As per the above formulated time table contains various physical skill sets which include fundamental movements, fine and gross motor physical skills which support the children in order to provide growth and development in terms of physical durability. Hence the time table have enough physical skill set that promote physical strength and ability among children.

Activity 1C

Estimated Time

20 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to plan and provide experiences which challenge the physical skills and abilities of children and promote physical fitness.


  1. What can you do to provide physical experiences which challenge the physical skills and abilities of children?

Think about games that you can play and equipment that you can set up.

  1. What are the benefits of being physically active?
  1. Playing outdoor games and participation in sports are the physical experience that challenge the physical skills. Some of them are: Swimming, Dancing, Shooting a basketball, Do a somersault, Draw a person with a body, Walk up and down stairs without help.
  1. 2. Health Benefits of a physically active children:

Good academic performance, Muscular fitness, Long-term health, Brain health, Bone strength, Healthy weight, Cardio metabolic health, Heart and lung health.

Activity 2A

Estimated Time

20 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to assess and monitor children’s social skills and development.


  1. Provide a brief overview (around 100 words) of Erick Erikson’s psychosocial stages.
  1. For the following stages, list one indicator you can use to assess and monitor social skills and development:
  • Baby
  • Toddler
  • Young child.

1. According to Erikson's theory, each stage of an individual's life influence the results of succeeding stages whether positive or negative. This theory consists of eight stages of development:

 Approximate Age


 Psycho-social crisis


Under 1 year


 Trust vs. Mistrust


1-2 years


Autonomy vs. Shame/ Doubt

Early childhood

3-6 years


 Initiative vs. Guilt

Middle childhood

7-10 years


 Industry vs. Inferiority


11-19 years


 Identity vs. Role Confusion

Early adulthood

20-44 years


 Intimacy vs. Isolation

Middle adulthood

45-64 years


 Generativity vs. Stagnation

Late adulthood

65 and above


 Ego Integrity vs. Despair

2. Some indications of social skill and development in various age groups are:

Age group:

Social skill and development


 Offering you an object and then taking it away, Tricking you about where they hide.


 Sharing, Collaborating and Cooperating nature, Respecting boundaries, Patience.

Young child

 Problem solving skills, Use manners, Make and keep friends, Communicate effectively. 

Activity 2B

Estimated Time

20 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to plan and provide opportunities for different forms of social interaction between children during play with respect for each child’s interests, goals and development stage


  1. List four different types of social interaction.
  1. Suggest a way to encourage each of the above types of social interaction.
  1. Four different types of social interaction are: Cooperation, Conflict, Coercion, Conformity, Social exchange.
  1. Cooperation : Sharing toys, working together to achieve a common goal, helping each other,agreeing to compromise.

Coercion : Love of parents, respect for one's national flag, and fear of loneliness.

Conformity: Following traffic rules, giving greetings when you meet someone, standing and following a queue, following fashion trends, changing eating habits, education and career.

Social exchange: Reciprocity, asking someone out for a date, trusting someone to getting married.

Activity 2C

Estimated Time

20 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to create opportunities for children to participate in meaningful ways in group discussions and shared decision-making.


  1. Give three ideas for encouraging meaningful group discussions.
  1. Give three ideas for encouraging shared-decision making.
  1. 1. Ideas for encouraging meaningful group discussions are:
  • · A variety of points of view should be put forward and discussed.
  • · All members of the group should have a chance to speak, express their thoughts and opinions.
  • Group members should respond to honest and constructive feedbacks.

2. Ideas of encouraging shared-decision making are:

 Knowing and understanding the best available evidence.

 Recognising and acknowledging the need and importance of a decision.

 Incorporating the concern's values and preferences into the decision.

Activity 2D

Estimated Time

30 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to structure experiences in a way that promotes cooperation and conflict resolution.


  1. List four elements of an apology should you teach children about.
  1. Give an example of a time when you have resolved or prevented conflict.
  1. Give an example of a time when you have promoted cooperation between children.
  1. 1. Effective apologies require four main steps:
  • · Acknowledge the offending behaviour.
  • · State how the behaviour was hurtful, and express remorse.
  • · Make amends.
  • Promise about not repeating the offended behaviour again.
  1. I experienced a situation where two childhood best friends were fighting for playing a video game at the same time. Then I help them by telling them to divide their turns in period of half an hour.
  1. I promoted cooperation behaviour between two children in a situation when two siblings were not ready to compromise for a chocolate, demanded by a relative's little baby . Then I make them understand the value of giving and sharing and importance of social relationships.

Activity 2E

Estimated Time

15 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to promote a sense of community within the service.


Explain in around 200 words what do you do in your setting to promote a sense of community within the service.

You may wish to reference:

  • Communication with caregivers
  • Trips into the community
  • Empowering children.
  1. 1. Researchers have showed that children who are active enough to make their identity within a group are successful ones in academic performances and have ability to adjust in every situation and find a way to cope up with it. They are good with maintaining relationships and co-operating schedules within work and studies. Some of the most important skills children need to develop for lead a successful life are communication skills, interest towards social interaction, collaboration and problem solving skills by itself. There are many ways to build a sense of community are:
  • · Get involved with community organisation : Promote and wake up interest of children towards care taking of community by explaining them the importance and goodness of participating with help-providing organisations. Bring the children to libraries, gyms, churches.
  • · Hold a neighbourhood drive : Promote the children to get outside , take active participation in community-related activities. Take them to charitable events, expose them to the reality of world and motivate them to make at least a small change towards environment. Allowing them to host a neighbourhood clothing or food drive; to deliver foods and clothes to the ones who are in need.
  • Celebrate the good times : Participate in neighbouring parties and take your children along with you. Promote their interest in making new friends, establish new relationships with neighbours, invite them in parties. Children should have a tendency to enjoy and share their feelings and emotions.

Activity 2F

Estimated Time

30 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to arrange the environment to encourage interactions between children as well as accommodating a child’s need for privacy, solitude or quiet.


Draw a diagram that represents the layout of your setting.

Explain in around 200 words:

  • How does it encourage interactions between children?
  • How does it accommodate a child’s need for privacy, solitude or quiet?
  1. It is Important to have interaction between children . Communication helps in gain information learn different language and develop social skills. Difficulty in conversation may reduce self esteem and affect the confidence of coming forward. Some strategies can be followed to encourage the interaction among children.

Set up small groups: Allow children to engage in group by making friends, encourage them to involve in some role plays. Interact with each child in the group, observe which child is less participating and feels left over , encourage him/ her to get involve.

Direct conversations away from yourself : It's always a good idea to initiate interesting conversation with children and discuss about any of the TV show they used to watch, try to open up with them that what they think about any particular character, what according to their prediction; will be the character's next move, what did they learn from the movie/ show, why would they liked it.

Creates a physical environment that promotes small groups : Create bookshelves, art corner in a room, limit materials so children have to share things with each other.

2. In order to provide solitude and quite place to children; it is important to give them some privacy where they can rest, take a nap and able to spend some “ME TIME” without any interruption. Respecting children's privacy is a part of a good parenting. Resting time create a calm mood for sleeping, quiet play or get indulged in crafts and arts of their own interest.

Activity 2G

Estimated Time

30 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to provide opportunities for children to investigate ethical issues relevant to their lives and their communities.


  1. Briefly define ethical issues.
  1. List four questions that could be used to make children investigate or think about relevant ethical issues.
  1. Briefly explain your setting’s values system.
  1. When a given decision, scenario decided in a society is not accepted by majority and creates a conflict within the members of the society due to society's moral principles is known as ethical issues.
  1. 2. 1. What if you see a child searching for food in a garbage?

2. What if you see a mother dog is crying for her little puppy , who got stuck in a drainage canal since 3 days?

3. What if you get to know that a friend of yours has beaten up by someone rudely?

 4. What if you get to know that your parents are about to get separated?

3. Value system is a set of consistent values which is used for the reason of ethical or ideological integrity. The 4 key values of ethical issues are : Beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice.

Activity 1A to 2G checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competence

(Code and Title)

CHCECE017 - Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the child in early childhood

Date(s) of assessment

Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner?

Yes No

(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity?

Yes No

(Please circle)

The learner’s performance was:

Not yet satisfactory


If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:

Feedback to learner:

Learner’s signature

Assessor’s signature

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Activity 3A

Estimated Time

30 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to assess and monitor children’s emotional development.


  1. Briefly define emotional development.
  1. Complete the table to demonstrate your understanding of how you can assess self-concept development.
  1. What contributes to self-esteem and how can we assess it?

1: Emotional development is a integrative process through which children acquire the capacity to understand, experience, express the emotions at different stages of life and to have sympathy for the feelings of others.


Stages of self-concept development

How you can assess it

The dynamic self

Through the conceptual thinking ability


No emotional mechanism is flowed inside the object


Create analysis and evaluation that fosters the mechanism of models and concepts.


Regulate durability and flexibility that create the situation which define integrated factor.

'Selfless' self

Generate thinking and emotional aspect for others.

3: The main contribution to self-esteem is confidence and independent decisive-making. We can assess it by taking our own decisions and by taking responsibilities of the consequences generated by taking those actions and ideas.

Activity 3B

Estimated Time

20 Minutes


To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to create opportunities for children to experience individual strengths and successes during play.


  1. Rachael is left-handed; she is struggling to use the scissors. Everyone else can use the scissors without problems ‘I can’t do it’ she says, I’m not very good at this’.

Suggest three things should you do to promote her individual strengths and successes.

Also Read: Philosophy and Approaches to Health and Safety at Work

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