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Importance of Business Structure

University: Lancaster University Management School

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 10 / Words 2376
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: BUS0005NFBNM
  • Downloads: 1625
Organization Selected : River Island


Business structure is highly essential factor which in turn helps out in making the process much more effective and smooth running (Bloor and Chance, 2013). Human resource is the main factor which is key holder for every kind of business whether it is small or large scale business.

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Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Quality Control which is mainly known as the process in which there are various kind of entities which helps in reviewing the quality of all kind of factors which are mainly involved within production. ISO 9000 mainly defines the quality control which is mainly part of quality management which are focused upon the fulfilling the needs of quality (Collis and Hussey, 2013). There are three kind of aspects which are emphasised upon approach:

  • Various factors like control, job management and well managed process along with the identification of records.
  • Abilities like knowledge, skills, experience and qualifications.
  • There are various kind of soft factors like personnel, morale level, motivation and quality relationships.

Inspection can be stated as one of the major concept for the quality control, where there is physical product which is being mainly examined in visual manner and the end results will also be analysed as well (Drucker, 2012). There are products inspectors which are being mainly provided with the lists and descriptions for unacceptable product defects which are cracks or the surface blemishes as en example. The quality of the outputs is at risk if any of these three aspects is deficient in any way.

Quality Assurance can be stated as way which is being utilised for preventing the mistakes along with defects which are being used in manufacturing the products. Thus, avoiding the issues when the solutions and services to customers which is ISO 9000 defines as the part of quality management which is highly focused upon the needs which has to be fulfilled. This mainly creates the defect in quality assurance which is highly different from the defect determination along with rejection in quality control and thus it has been mainly refereed as shift left which is highly focused upon the quality earlier (Earl, 2012).

The terms "quality assurance" and "quality control" are often used interchangeably to refer to ways of ensuring the quality of a service or product. Term control is being utilised for describing the 5thphase of Defining, measuring, analysing, improvisation, control model. Quality assurance mainly comprises of administrative along with procedural activities which are being applied within the quality system with the motive of meeting up the needs and objectives of the product which in turn can be fulfilled. This is the systematic measurement alo0ng with comparisons of standard and thus monitoring process which is mainly associated with loop of feedback which confers error prevention (Gilboy, 2016). This is mainly contrasted with quality control and focused upon the output process.

Quality confirmation incorporates two standards: "Fit for reason" (the item ought to be appropriate for the expected reason); and "right first time" (slip-ups ought to be disposed of). QA incorporates administration of the nature of crude materials, gatherings, items and segments, administrations identified with creation, and administration, generation and review forms (Günzel and Holm, 2013). The two standards likewise show before the foundation of creating (designing) a novel specialized item: The assignment of building is to influence it to work once, while the undertaking of value confirmation is to influence it to work constantly.

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“Demand, Supply and Equilibrium Price”

Demand is the quantity for the commodity or the service where the people are willing and thus they are able to purchase various prices over certain tenure. Demand is the need of consumer or can be stated as needs or the desires for own kind of product or the service for owning the product and experience of the services (Khanagha, Volberda and Oshri, 2014).This is mainly constrained by the willingness along with ability of consumer and this will be mainly constrained by the willingness along with ability of the consumers for which the good is being paid at reasonable price offered.

Determinants of Demand

There are mainly five determinants of demand and among the most essential one is price of the good which is highly related to the products and they are mainly either substitutes or complementary. Situations mainly drive the three which are incomes, their tastes along with expectations.

Law of Demand

The law of demand mainly governs about the relationship among the quantity which is demanded along with price. There are various economical principles which mainly describes the something which is already known and if the price rises, there will be less purchasing and vice versa (Saunders, 2011). Hence, the law of demand which is only true if all other kind of determinants which will not change. In economics, this is mainly stated as ceteris paribus. Therefore, law of demand mainly states that this term will be demanded in quantity for the goods and services which is highly related to the price.

Supply is the total of all kind of goods along with services which are mainly produced by an economy over the given period of time. Supply is the amount of resource which is mainly present for the customers. When supply is being talked about, it is mainly being refereed to aggregate supply. Mainly typical tenure is of one year.

In microeconomics, demand and supply are the economical model which is being used for price determination within the market. It is being stated as holding else equal in the competitive market along with the unit price for certain goods and services (Van Caneghem and Van Campenhout, 2012). This will in turn vary until it will be settled down at certain point where there is demand of quantity which will be supplied in equal manner. This will mainly result in economical equilibrium for quantity and price transacted. Economical equilibrium is the state or point where the economical forces like supply and demand are mainly balanced out. However, when there will be no external influence, value of economical variables will definitely not change.

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“Total Quality Management”

Total quality management is the process which mainly describes management approach for long term success by giving high level of satisfaction. In this kind of TQM effort, there are various kind of members within company which take participation with the motive of bringing improvisation processes, products, services along with culture which is being followed. There are mainly 8 kind of principles which are being followed by company and they are described below:

  • Customer Focused: It is being mainly determined by the level of quantity. There are various kind of tools and techniques which are being utilised for improvisation within quality like training employees, integrating quality and thus upgrading the system with new tools or software.
  • Total Employee Involvement: Every employee is mainly focused upon the attaining objectives. They have mainly dedicated themselves after the fear which can be obtained when mainly the empowerment has been occurred along with management which has provided effectual environment (Zott, Amit and Massa, 2011).
  • Process Centred: Sector of TQM is mainly focusing upon process thinking. This is the process which is the series of steps which has mainly taken up the input from the suppliers and thus mainly transforms within the output which are mainly delivered to customers.
  • Integrated System: There are various kind of different functional specialities which are mainly organised into the vertically structured sectors and it is the horizontal process which helps out in interconnecting the functions which are focused upon the TQM.
  • Strategical and Systematic approach: There is the critical part of the management of quality which is the strategic and systematic approach for mainly attaining the vision and mission of company.
  • Continual Enhancement: Major thrust of the TQM is continuous process improvement. It drive the company to adopt both creative and analytical in finding ways for becoming much more competitive and effective.
  • Decision making: Crucial data on the performance measures are mainly needed for knowing the company. It is being needed by the TQM for gather and thus evaluate the data which is being needed by company for improving the decision making accuracy, attaining the consensus and thus allow prediction which is mainly based upon the past history.
  • Communication: There were situations where there were many modifications which were being done on regular basis, effective communication which plays large part of maintaining the morale level and thus motivating the employee at all kind of stages, communication mainly involves the methods, strategies and timeline. There are various kind of factors which are being mainly considered for TQM that many companies can give definition of within some kind of format like set of core values along with principles on which operations are based upon. Methods of applying this kind of approach mainly comes from teachings of various quality leaders which are Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Armand V. Feigenbaum and many more.

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Health & Safety, and Equality

Health is one of the mots essential factor which is being utilised to make sure about the safety and healthy workplace for the employees and even the employer at the first place. There are some of the legal obligations which are being utilised for this purpose (Bloor and Chance, 2013). There are certain duties of all the employers whatever the business size is which are described below:

  • Design, provide and maintain the workplaces which should be safe and without any kind of risk involved with health.
  • There are various hazards which should be determined along with measures for risk controlling and that can be done by eliminating them which is not possible by reducing them as far as possible.
  • Making sure that the development of safe working places are being conducted and applied.
  • Applying the measures for minimising the risk for bullying and harassing.
  • Giving out first aid facilities.
  • Making sure that the various facilities which are being provided should be perfect in order so that working place can be much more comfortable for employees.
  • Making sure that the appropriate work equipment has been provided and thus it is mainly utilised and regularly maintained.
  • Giving out various health supervision as needed.

Employees’ Rights & Responsibilities

There are various kind of laws which are highly significant for employees along with there are responsibilities in appropriate behaviour for protecting the own well being. There are certain kind of right of employees which are described below:

  • There should be control over the risk of health along with safety as far as possible.
  • Needs to provide free of charge with any kind of personal protective and safety equipment.
  • There should be authority which should be made in order to get them in touch without any kind of discipline, if the employer mainly refuses for addressing the concern.


One of the main objective of Union is to secure equal opportunity and provide equal treatment to all working in finance sector. One of the main focus of Union is to support the quality agenda whenever it is possible and thus they mainly collect the basis of large groups and on the individual basis for large group members suffering from personal discrimination (Zott, Amit and Massa, 2011).

Equality law be came the law on October 2010. It mainly replaced the previous legislation and thus it is being made sure that there will be consistency in what the employees and employers will need to make the workplaces a fair environment and thus mainly comply with the law.

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From the above report, it can be concluded that the there are various kind of structures which are being formulated for running the process and conducting the operations in better and effectual manner. Apart from this, there are various kind of factors which are being discussed within report for accomplishing the objectives in effectual manner.


  • Bloor, D. and Chance, R.R. eds., 2013.Polydiacetylenes: synthesis, structure and electronic properties(Vol. 102). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Collis, J. and Hussey, R., 2013.Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave macmillan.
  • Drucker, P., 2012.Management challenges for the 21st century. Routledge.
  • Earl, D.A., 2012. STRUCTURE HARVESTER: a website and program for visualizing STRUCTURE output and implementing the Evanno method.Conservation genetics resources. 4(2). pp.359-361.
  • Gilboy, G.J., 2016. The myth behind China's miracle. InSEEKING CHANGES: The Economic Development in Contemporary China(pp. 1-16).
  • Günzel, F. and Holm, A.B., 2013. One size does not fit all—understanding the front-end and back-end of business model innovation.International Journal of Innovation Management. 17(01). p.1340002.


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