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Hospitality Operations


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Table of Content

  1. Introduction


Hospitality operation management defines the management of hotel which provide better guest experiences to their customers. Multi facilities are have to provide by every hotels to people. Hotel needs to reduce their cost and improve customer providing services in order to earn more profits and attract large number of people. Performance of front office is plays an important role in every hotel. Front office is responsible to provide all related information to their customer which people want know about. The present report is based on city centre hotel which offer varieties of services to people. It provide better quality of food and best hospitality services. It have to frame menu related plans which beneficial for them to meet their target and goals and objective. It has attractive front office department and maintain housekeeping services in order to maintain cleanliness in hotel. City centre hotel is an 3 star hotel, they want to upgrade their hotel in order to become it 5 star hotel. Old hotel consists only 100 rooms, one coffee bar. On the other hand, new hotel consists 200 rooms, mini suits and executive floor (Law and ., 2013).

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Assignment 1

Rooms division, facilities and security department.

City centre hotel needs to maintain their rooms division department in order to allot rooms to their customer. The activity of allotment of rooms is depends on the demand and needs of their customers. Further rooms division manager is responsible for housekeeping and front office department. As city centre hotel is a global brand hotel which provide varieties of facilities. They need to recruit best person for handling overall operations of the organization. Leaders and managers are responsible to opted cost management strategies for attaining desired goals and objectives. Leaders and managers are responsible to divide rooms according to the needs of their customer. They have to offer best quality of services in each and every room. Rooms division manage is responsible for effective leadership and operation of entire rooms division department (Myung, McClaren and Li, 2012). This department consist following factors which are as aligned below:

  • Financial responsibilities which are related with rooms division. It is the responsibility of managers and leaders which it effectively handle by them.
  • Higher authorities are responsible to meet customer satisfaction objective. Hotel have to provide netter quality of goods and services in order to attract their targeted audiences and meet their expectations (P. Crick and Spencer, 2011).
  • People who agree to take room in hotel and in that for time then they become guest for the hotel. So that, hotel have to meet guest satisfaction target.
  • They have to offer luxurious services to their customers which provide full satisfaction to them.
  • Hotel have to maintain relationship with their customer and build trust among them.
  • Also organization is responsible to maintain secure and safety environment in hotel for people in which they can easily survive and spent more time.
  • Rooms division department include various other functions such as front office, house keeping, security and much more.
  • Every hotel have to build trust among people by develop safe and secure environment within premises (Pegg, Patterson and Gariddo, 2012).

Hotels have to maintain good environment in which people can easily stay. Leaders and managers are responsible to motivate their subordinates inn order to meet corporate goals and objectives. They are able to maintain standard of rooms and improve management of city centre hotel. Rooms division manager is responsible to manage overall operations of the organization. They have to manage performance of hotel in international market which attract large number of people. Also rooms division is responsible for economic centre of hotel and budget of hotel as well. They have to provide best customer services which is the first as well as last impression in front people. Cost management strategies are opted by organization in order to minimising the cost and maximising the profits and revenues. Through this people can easily survive in international market (Sigala, Christou and Gretzel, 2012). Effective cost management plans are helpful for companies to meet their long as well as short term target.

Facilities stands for extra benefits to people in order to raise standard of hotel and build trust among people. Hotel is responsible to maintain good and safety environment within premises which maintain performance of organization. They needs to frame some plans and strategies related to food providing services, security and other services. Some various types of facilities which provided by city centre hotel to their customers are as aligned below:

  • Hotel offer varieties of food stuff according to the taste and needs of their customers.
  • Free Wi-Fi or internet on which people spent more time.
  • Luxurious services in order to meet satisfaction of people and fulfil their demand.
  • Hotel provide party hall to their customer in which they can organize party.
  • Offer mini fridge in every hotel along with higher quality of TV and AC
  • Maintain safe and secure environment in hotel in which people can easily spend time (Wadongo and ., 2010).

Hotels are responsible to maintain safe and secure environment with in hotel. Whenever customer are check-in in the hotel then they are responsible for health and maintenance of people. Some security factors which hotel is needs to follow them are as follows:

  • Hotel have set CCTV camera for proper security of their customer. Cameras are help to identify hidden mistakes and conflicts which are arises with in premises.
  • Automatic locking systems are opted by these hotels for maintain proper security with in organization

Key Operational Issues Affecting Front Desk

Front desk or front office or reception can be define as a face of any organization. It is a first place a outsider, guest, business person visits and interact with a staff. The prime duty of a front desk is to answer every possible question that is putted to her in relevance of the company. In hotel industry the work of front desk can be categorise as taking reservations through phone and mails. He/she has also to deal with complaints and problems by customers. He/she has to be very polite calm and fluent in language regardless of a behaviour of a visitor. Front desk have many areas of work to assist the day to day of business they are working for, such as fixing appointments, filling various type of forms, keeping records of various activities in hotel, and many other office works for the sake of running an organization (Zhang, Joglekar and Verma, 2012).

Most of the people enjoy staying in hotels and look forward to the various facilities provided by the same. Hotel industry consist of services comprises of accommodation to travellers. It operates 24 hours a day and moves towards providing best satisfaction to their ultimate customers. People at front desk have to be very attentive and should be up to date about the running issues in hotel. For example, if there are issues in kitchen regarding delivery of order and customer is misbehaving with you pointlessly, he/she have to solve the issue in a very calm manner but sometimes what goes wrong at front desk which adversely affect their performance is handling so many issues at a time, as all things have to be managed properly. The best way to handle such issues is to listen the customer properly and answer them appropriately and apologise for the inconvenience they had to face because of hotel fault.

The largest number of people are engaged in the department of housekeeping which is the important part of every hotel. Around more then 50% employees are working in this department. The managers and leaders are responsible to maintain overall operation of organization. In the department people have to improve their leadership skills and try to motivate their subordinates. Motivated employees are help organization to meet their corporate goals and objectives. The main importance of this department is that it maintain clean and safe environment in hotel premises. Housekeeper is responsible to check rooms on the daily basis.

Rooms must be clean which attract large number of people. In order to maintain safe environment hotel have to frame plans and strategies. This step is beneficial for organization in order to met their long term and short term goals. Some responsibilities of housekeeper are as aligned below:

  • They have to safety equipment and improve their leadership skills.
  • They needs to motivate their employees in order to attain corporate goals and objectives.
  • They have to provide better customer services to their customers and meet their satisfaction level with offer best services.
  • They have to clean guest room in a timely and effective manner. Also public areas are clean by them and in order to maintain their performance in international market.

Also they have to keeping records of their work performance.

  • They need to maintain financial records and improve performance of company.
  • They to follow guidelines which are in the interest of hotel and their members.
  • The main importance of housekeeping is conducting guest surveys which are helpful for them.
  • The housekeeper responsible to conduct room's inspection on the daily basis. Regular view of maintenance books are beneficial.
  • They have to recruit best people for hotels in order to complete task in a timely and efficient manner.

In every hotel or every type of organization operational issues are created which having impact on the overall operations of the premises. Operational issues are created when performance are not conducting well. Various types of challenges are faced by this department to meet their goals and objectives. Lots of operational issues are having bad impact on the performance of company.

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Assignment 2

Owners of City Centre are developing their hotel by improving it from a three star hotel to five star luxury hotel. For this they require to invest in this project but this require a better strategy as their plan includes to have 200 bedrooms in newly developed hotel further this will have suits, executive floors for those who wants to held any business meetings over there this will also features executive rooms. 200 rooms will also include single as well rooms for two person(Anderson and Xie, 2010). This expansion needs to be organised in a way so that owners can get better revenue which is estimated by them. Better food production should be there as food is the main stuff which comes in mind of a person when he listen the word “Hotel”. Hence a City Centre with such an expansion plans requires to expand its food and beverage facility.

As in new hotel there are 200 rooms out of which some are for two persons. Hence total population of guest will gets increase so to entertain them with the services which they desire it is required by them to properly understand the fact that they require best food and beverage services so that they can satisfy their customers(B. DiPietro, Cao and Partlow, 2013). Food beverage service system should be efficient so that they can offer the right quality of food to their customers within right time so that customer will not get offended. Several theories are there which contains certain procedure through which this department can increase its efficiency in serving food to guests.

Autocratic management : It is a management style in which manager will take decision by themselves without consulting with anyone. In this managers will not communicate with their subordinates for any decision they will take such decisions without any interference of any person. Because of this the steps which were taken in order to complete any task will only reflect the judgement of managers. Hence if the manager of food and beverage department of City Centre will follow this leadership and operational theory then it may then he can take quick decisions against any problem which they facing. But there are some disadvantages also which includes that prior discussion with subordinates can include better ideas to complete any task but it may be possible for him only in case where he will consult such strategies but autocratic style of management doesn't include such a procedure(Bharwani and Butt, 2012). Hence because of this there will be lack of better ideas in case of communication of any decision is not there with employees. As expansion plan includes several elements but the elements which are related with food and beverage departments should be addressed to employees which are working there. So that unique idea if any can be easily implemented in such improvement programme.

Operational management can be helpful in order to manage the activities of Hotel City Centre. As it can be referred as the administration of business activities so that they can enhance the efficiency of entity. Highest level of efficiency should be achieved by enterprise through organisation its activities in a way so that managers can get the best possible results out of it(Brotherton ed., 2012). Food and beverages should posses quality so that customers or guest can get attracted towards the food of hotel and they feel satisfied after having it.

Menu plan should be diversified in order to earn enhanced revenue so that organisation can meet with the level of expectations which is predetermined by it. Evaluation of management theories and various other concept can reduce the cost of production and rendering any services by enhancing the level of efficiency. Costing plan should be arranged in a way so that each and every item can be priced on a level at which it consist of desirable profit margin and it should also be affordable. So that food and beverages offered by such department can be on a level which can be considered as affordable. Some operational management theories and the concepts which are contained in them can be followed so that managers of City Centre can improvise its cost structure in order to enhance the profitability and revenue and also by following these concepts they can increase productivity of hotel.

Parental management style : It is a leadership style or a managerial approach which in fact involves a person who treat their subordinates as his family members. Hence he or she will dominate them but simultaneously such a managers will guide his subordinates(Brotherton, 2013). In exchange of trust upon subordinates leaders only wants that the employees will remain loyal for him and they perform in enterprise in a way with their total potential in order to give better results to entity. Front office department of City Centre deals with guest and they introduce them with each and every amenities which are available in hotel.

X and Y theory methods : These two methods of operational management can be used in order to motivate the employees so as their performance can be improved which will be helpful for both the enterprise and for employee himself. As performing well can develop the skills of individual worker who is working there in organisation. Motivation can be a reason of increased performance. Theory X and Theory Y was propounded by McGregor in his book 'The Human Side of Enterprise'. Theory X represents authoritarian style of leadership and on the other hand theory Y represents participative leadership style(Chon and Yu, 2012). If the employees of City Centre Hotel possess less motivation then manager should use theory X so that the employees can get motivated through it. As in this work is managed on an initial level so that its completion can be gets insured very easily. On the other hand if the employees of City Centre hotel feels pride to cover their work then managers should opt participative leadership style i.e. theory Y. Those managers who opt for this style of motivation feels that they can allot the task to the workers and they can take such decisions which is required by the process.

Contingency Theory: This theory is all about the way in which managers can deal with the uncertainties. This theory claims that there is no any particular or specified way in which any operation can be maintained hence manager should cover his responsibilities as per his best judgement that what is the best way to get out of such situation. There is no a particular style in which a person can lead any process. Every single activity of a manager depends on his own discretion(Law and ., 2013). Hence front office department of City centre should manage its activities as per their best judgement. So that they can take quick decisions against any adverse situation or through which they can make better judgement. And in this case only they will be accountable for such work hence it can be said that both benefits and hazards are on manager of any process.

Systems Theory : System theory is all about discovering new patterns through which any organisation and its managers can handle any critical situation in an systematic way so that efficient and desired results can be achieved easily without any distraction from the path of growth and development(Myung, McClaren and Li, 2012).

Chaos Theory : It is basically a mathematical theory which can be implemented in management and operations of any entity(DiPietro and Wang,2010). It is primarily focused towards the behaviour of dynamical method which are extremely sensible towards the initial conditions. As these dynamical changes between initial and its following situations can make impact over the output.

Cost efficiency is the must achievable factor as without achieving it a company cannot be considered as profitable. Because if its margin of profit is not high then it will have satisfy with less or sometimes with no profit and no loss situation for instance in a competitive market competitors may require to reduce the price of their products in order to attract the customers of targeted market(J. Harrington and C. Ottenbacher, 2011).

City centre Hotel is now developing itself from a three star hotel to a five star hotel with many new and updated activities. Better action plan is always required by any entity if they planning to make any new step in order make development. Then they require a better leader with an improved leadership style.

Customer Service Tips : These can be effective for attracting customers and to provide them what they actually want. There are customer service tips which should be followed by cited entity in order to make better customer base and earn their faith in business entity. Such tips are described in detail as follows :

  • Front office managers are those with whom guest gets interacted in the very beginning hence they should possess such techniques through which they can impress them and they can frame a better image of City Centre in front of them.
  • They should greet their guests with best wishes so that they feel comfortable by entering in a new environment(Kusluvan and ., 2010).
  • Greeting should be age appropriate as well as they should also take care of Gender factor while addressing someone.
  • They should always stay available in case of need for their guests.
  • Front office department should give preference to those customers who are in front of them rather than giving preference to them who are communicating with them through call.
  • They should never judge their guest by their first appearance. They should personally communicate with them so that they can understand each and very fact about their customers.
  • They should never give negative response for anything if it is possible for front line staff to manage the requirements of hotel guest then they should satisfy such requirements. But if it is not possible for them then staff member should apologize for it.


From the above mentioned individual report it can be concluded that operational management techniques are very useful for any entity for the management of its organisational operations. There are several functions which is required to be performed by the front office, food and beverages department and some other department. Operational management provide some theories through which they can perform their business operations during and after the implementation of development plan for it.


  • Anderson, C.K. and Xie, X., 2010. Improving hospitality industry sales: Twenty-five years of revenue management. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
  • B. DiPietro, R., Cao, Y. and Partlow, C., 2013. Green practices in upscale foodservice operations: customer perceptions and purchase intentions.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
  • Bharwani, S. and Butt, N., 2012. Challenges for the global hospitality industry: an HR perspective. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.
  • Brotherton, B. ed., 2012. International Hospitality Industry. Routledge.
  • Brotherton, B., 2013. Hospitality and hospitality. In Search of Hospitality.
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