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CHCADV001 Facilitate the Interests & Rights of Clients

University: Queensland University of Technology

  • Unit No: 10
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 3 / Words 831
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: CHCADV001
  • Downloads: 1241

Table of Content


Question :

This assessment will cover certain questions which are like:

  1. What are the rights and responsibilities of Angelica
  2. Give the common risk in relation to safety and wellbeing in Angelica situation
  3. What is the main aim behind protection of child and their health.
  4. Give the indicator of risk which determines the issues for Angelica’s child health.
  5. Explain adult disclosure and the effective scenario.

Answer :


11. Describe Angelica’s rights and responsibilities.

Ans. In Australia, there are no such rights of mothers technically in law. But, there are some responsibilities of mother such as duty of mother in bringing up the child. It also includes the responsibility of not harming the child and to protect the child.

12. What are the common risks to safety and wellbeing that may also be relevant to Angelica’s situation?

Ans. The main risk in Angelica's case is that she may harm the child while bathing because she is physically disabled and can't perform the act of bathing safely(Curryer,, (2020)).

13. Explain the risk or potential risk situations in this scenario.

Ans. The potential risk in this scenario is that Angelica may cause some injury to the child because she is unable to perform the basic functions of bathing and nurturing the child. Moreover, if she doesn't tell this to her husband, then her husband can also file a case against her in the court because it is the right of her husband to know every aspect of his child's right under the law of Australia.

14. What is the purpose of child protection legislation in health and community services contexts? How does it apply in Angelica’s situation?

 Ans. In Australia, the main purpose of health and community service is to ensure that no harm is caused to the innocent child. If The potential risk in this scenario is that Angelica may cause some injury to the child because she is unable to perform the basic functions of bathing and nurturing the child. Moreover, if she doesn't tell this to her husband, then her husband can also file a case against her in the court because it is the right of her husband to know every aspect of his child's right under the law of Australia. Any harm is caused to the child, then the authority can intervene in family matters. This absolutely applies in this case as Angelica can cause harm to her child due to her disability(Fraser and Stasa, (2021)).

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15. Describe the indicators that Angelica’s newborn child might be at risk in this situation.

Ans. The indicators in this case is that Angelica can harm the child while performing the act of bathing and daily activities of feeding the child. She can further harm the child in case of bringing up in the safe environment. Further more, Angelica would also be unable to cook food for the new born child as she is physically disabled.

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16. What is meant by adult disclosure? Does it apply in this scenario?

Ans. The adult disclosure means when the child discloses the acts of some person who fears the child or does anything that is legally wrong to the child. The adult disclosure can be purposeful or accidental. This would mean that the child tells some other person that any misshapenness is happened to him. This also applies to this case as the mother can cause harm to child. Moreover, anyone else can also harass the child due to the disability of mother(Mugadza,, 2019).

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17. In what way is there a conflict between Angelica’s needs and the policies and organisational requirements of the council service that she contacted?

Ans. The main problem between Angelica and council service is that Angelica wants to nurture her child by herself. But, on the other hand she is feared that the authority can take the custody of the child from her. The authority wants to take the custody of the child from Angelica because she is unable to give due care to

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