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Mistakes to Avoid While Writing Comparative Essay

28 Nov 2022 2007 10 minutes
 Everything to Perceive About a Comparative Essay

One of the frequent tasks given to students during their academic careers in writing essays. Though there are various types of essays written, many students question what a comparative essay is? What it is supposed to accomplish? How to write comparative essay? If you have the same query, you are at the right place, read the blog further to get all the answers and know what a comparative essay means:

What Is a Comparative Essay?

A comparative essay is one of the different types of essays. In this, a writer compares two or more items simultaneously. The basis of comparison is similarities or differences as per the essay writer. The motive of this essay is:

  • It should focus on highlighting the differences and similarities systematically.
  • It should analyze or compare two subjects and then define their pros and cons. 
  • It should give clarity of the particular area to its readers.

A comparative essay can also be called a comparison essay. It evaluates two topics either by comparing or contrasting them. It works intending to choose one among many, on different basics. 

After learning the definition of comparative essay, let us move ahead and know how to write it:

How Not to Write a Comparative Essay? 

Writing a comparative essay is tricky sometimes, as the entire thing is about the organization. One needs to be very careful while working on this type of essay. These essays require deep analysis to discover differences or similarities between the subjects to be researched. It is the reason why the essay writing service Toronto is becoming the need of an hour. To create an effective essay, you need to consider the things you must avoid while writing it:

  • Do not take subjects that are totally different. It is so because it will be so general for everyone to understand and won’t have any impact on the reader. For selecting an appropriate topic, you can ask professionals "write my essay".
  • Never use considerably similar topics. In this, you won’t be able to construct the main body of your document. It is due to a lack of information about the same. 
  • Do not construct obvious thesis statements. It will leave a negative impact on your readers. A thesis statement should not be under-researched and should tell something the audience already knows.
  • Do not ever skip the presentation format of a comparative essay. It is a crucial thing to be kept in mind while developing this essay. If not done correctly, the reader will get confused and be unable to understand your content. 
  • Do not follow an unclear structure while writing this type of essay. If done so, everything will get messed up and confuse your reader. 
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Now you have an idea of how to write it; so, let us now consider the procedure to follow while constructing it:

Structure to Develop Comparative Essay 

The basic comparative essay structure is similar to other types of essays. Just like them, it consists of an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs according to the need or specifications, and a conclusion paragraph. 

To create an effective comparative essay, you need to focus on its structure. As it is crucial to write the entire essay in an organized manner. Thus, have a look at the methods using which you can write a well-structured essay:

Point-By-Point Method

This method is also known as an alternating method to write a comparative essay. In this method, you must organize subjects or items according to their similarities and differences. It makes the writer’s work easier, as he can handle two different things. This method is used where details are required. Here is the structure followed by this method:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • Para 1: Point A of both subjects
  • Para 2: Point B of both subjects
  • Para 3: Point C of both subjects
  • Conclusion

Block Method

Compared with a point-by-point method, the block method is easier to use. While using this method, you have to divide all the information according to the criteria. It means that the first paragraph will be discussing everything about the first subject considering all the parameters and so with the other paragraphs as well. Also, ensure to maintaining consistency while creating all the para, means writing everything about a subject in the same order as others. This will be more clear when you will look at the comparative essay example.

Given below is the structure of the Block method:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • Para 1: Points 1,2,3 of Subject A
  • Para 2: Points 1,2,3 of Subject B
  • Para 3: Points 1,2,3 of Subject C
  • Conclusion

Mixed Paragraphs Method

According to this method, one paragraph should explain only one aspect of that subject. In this, you have to handle only one point at a particular time. This method will be beneficial for you as it allows you to provide equal weightage to every subject and on the other hand, enables a reader to identify the comparison point easily. 

After understanding all the methods of creating a comparative essay, this is the time to consider the steps to write a thesis for it:

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How to Write a Thesis for a Comparative Essay?

Each comparative essay must have a thesis statement. It is crucial to have a thesis, as it helps the writer to narrow down the main focus of the entire essay. In addition, it helps a reader to understand the area to focus on. It can also be termed the focus statement of the writing piece. So, the question arises here is How to write a thesis for a comparative essay?

There are two major things to keep in mind while crafting a thesis statement : 

  • Firstly it should tell the name of all subjects used in the essay.
  • Secondly, it should make a declaration about, the similarities and differences between all the subjects in the content.

It might be a little challenging for you, so do not hesitate while taking thesis help from an expert. Although a thesis statement should be informative, it should not provide everything related to the topic. 

After getting along with the thesis statement, have a look at what the introduction of the comparative essay is all about:

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How to Write a Comparative Essay Introduction?

An introductory paragraph is a must for all writing pieces. The process to develop it can differ, but the motive remains the same for each of them. In comparative essays an introduction should introduce all the subjects you will analyze in your content. An introduction must:

  • Hooks the readers and sets the tone to be followed in the content
  • Provides history or background information about the topic to make the reader connect
  • Contains a thesis statement, which briefs about the topic
  • Provide structure to be followed while constructing the essay

This is all about how to write a comparative essay introduction. Consider some examples to be more clear.

Bonus: Comparative Essay Example

Here are some comparative essay examples to make your work easier:

  1. High School vs CollegeHigh School Vs College
  1. Harry Potter vs Draco MalfoyHarry Potter Vs Draco Malfoy

Wrap up

After getting along with the information provided above, you must be confident enough about how to write a comparative essay on your own. Flag this blog and consider it every time to be clear about writing this type of essay. If you have all the knowledge about comparative writing, but do not have enough time to construct it from scratch, you can use the essay typer tool available on Global Assignment Help’s website.

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