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Responsibilities of Marketing Function - Coca Cola

University: Regent College

  • Unit No: 2
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 4 / Words 1014
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0486
  • Downloads: 1054

Table of Content

Question :

This unit is based on case of Coca Cola which is famous brand after Apple and Google which offer drinks to customer across the world including following aspect

  • Determine key roles and responsibility of marketing function related to Coca Cola
  • Demonstrate roles and responsibility of marketing in relation to wider organization context
Answer :
Organization Selected : Coca Cola


Marketing is an broad concept for company for promoting as well as advertising products in front of customers. Basically it is used by firm to create as well as satisfy customers by understand their needs. Thus, it can be said that marketing is premier components which bring various innovative ways to invite as well as attract number of users (Hamilton, 2011). Along with this, it refer to different activities which relate with buying, advertising, selling and distributing products to customers. Present report is based on Coca-Cola, was biggest and famous brand after Apple and Google. This company offer different drinks to their customers in over the world. Current assignment discussed about various key roles and responsibilities of marketing functions and its relation with organization in order to attain desirable goals and objectives.

P1Key roles and responsibilities of marketing function

Concept of marketing:

Marketing play as an important concept which used by the company to analyse the customers needs and wants and at the same time also build better relationship by providing them quality products and services. The main purpose of marketing concept is to satisfy customers needs by fulfilling their requirements. In this context, there are some marketing concept with current and future trends:

  • The production concept: It is one of the important concept which relate with the manufacturing of the quality products and services. Along with this, number of customers are willing to pay low price for quality products,. Thus, Coca-Cola produce high quality drinks at affordable cost which may leads in enhancing the customers demand.
  • The product concept: Under this concept, customers are attract towards the new and innovative products as manager of Coca-Cola focus on making quality products in order to invite them towards their services. In this, manager appraise product quality to increase their profitability.
  • The selling concept: This is also an important concept in which company promote their products in market with the aim of influencing customers to buy its products (Joshi, 2012). In context of Coca-Cola, they also use effective selling tactics and tools to enhance their overall sales at market.
  • The marketing concept: Under this concept company tries to compete their competitors by producing quality products and services (Lehmann and Bengart, 2016). In this customers is a king for business in which they determine their needs, target market, profitability and many more. By this concept company easily improve their brand image and at the same time also grab customers attention towards the company products.

Apart from this there are some roles and responsibilities of marketing functions in context of Coca-Cola which may helps in attaining set goals and objectives in appropriate period of time.

Product: It is one of the important role of marketing manager of the company to produce quality products to customers by understanding their needs and wants. For this, Coca-Cola evaluate the market needs and produce quality drinks which may contribute in enhancing their profitability and at the same time also grab customers attention.

Price: Setting product price is important duty of marketing manager because it directly helps in increasing profitability level at market place. In this context, Coca-Cola set their drinks price affordable which leads in grabbing customers awareness. It directly contribute in inviting larger number of loyalty customers towards them.

Promotion: This is one of the important duty of manager to promote products and services by using effective promotional activities. With the help of this company easily communicate with customers and provide them information of the products. Along with this, its also contribute in capturing customers attention towards the products. All these helps in creating strong customers base.

MIS: One of the main duty of manager of company is to take right decision in which they gather customers views and feedback towards the company products and services. Mainly, it is refer to computerized database which helps in making reports as per daily basis (Lin, Li and Wang, 2015). With the help of this company easily maximize their profitability level and at the same also improve productivity level.

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Along with this, marketing process also is used by Coca-Cola for improving their productivity level which may leads in attaining competitive advantage at market place.

The marketing process of Coca-Cola

Situational Analysis process

Marketing strategy

Marketing Mix Decisions

Implementation and control

  • Situational analysis: It is one of the important step of marketing process in which Coca-Cola determine customers taste. For attaining better results company have to understand both internal and external environment in order to operate their activities effectively (Lovelock, 2011). With the help of this, manager of Coca-Cola tale right decision and improve overall performance level of the company by serving quality drinks at affordable cost.
  • Marketing strategy: Under this, manager of the company define the strategic plan in which manager carried out market research to set market segmentations, targeting and positioning. Through which, Coca-Cola enhance their productivity level at market place.

Marketing mix decisions: It is relate with tactical decisions which may take as per marketing strategies. Basically it includes product, price, place, promotion all these are helps in influencing customers to buy company products and services in appropriate time

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