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Personal and Professional Development- Travelodge Hotel

University: University of Warwick

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4862
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: ENTREP 1002
  • Downloads: 1252
Organization Selected : Travelodge Hotel


Personal and professional development is defined as process which conducted through individuals as well as business firms in context to meet with organisational challenges. It is related with productivity requirements of people and groups. This is long term procedure which should be conducted through organisations for managing capabilities of staff members. Personal development is related with learning of knowledge, personal productivity and skills in an effective manner (Calderhead, Denicolo and Day, 2012). This present report is based on Travelodge Hotel and it is private firm which is operating its business in hotel as well as hospitality sector in United Kingdom country. Under this given report mentions about the different approaches related to self- managed learning and use also use most suitable or effective approach. There are different methods under which the life long learning in professional as well as personal contexts to be more courages will be mention in this. There are various advantages of the self managed learning to a person. In given report discuss about activities and processes which are necessary to execute development plan in a systematic manner.

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1.1 Approaches to self-managed learning

Self managed leaning is refer as self- directed learning under which person can be take effective initiatives through their own in order to examining own learning requirements with the support or without of other persons. Once an individual know about its requirements of learning then they can easily define their learning objectives, aims and identify necessary resources used through them in order to learn those skills in better manner. It will be helpful in getting effective results. Some of the different self-managed learning approaches are given below:

Social network- In this modern era, it is one of the effective medium by which staff members will able to collect relevant information (Cleary and et. al., 2011). If there is no any habit related to reading to a person then they can get better knowledge from social media networks. In addition to this, there are many people which are connected with social media and interact with the each other.

Seminars and conferences- There are many business firms which want their staff members to gain some new skills for organise different conferences as well as seminars in better manner. Employees of Travelodge Hotel getting this type of opportunities to learn some new capabilities in order to rising their performance level in company.

Online courses- If there is an individual which wants to learn some thing new then it is a main source. With the help of internet, an individual can learn in proper manner. There are several sources such as E- learning to learn new things.

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1.2 Lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged

Learning is regular procedure which carried out in the life of an individual. These types of learning are helpful in reaching or achieving goals of company in better manner on professional as well as personal level. At the time of learning, an individual tries to gain some knowledge and new skills in them. In order to learn some thing new, there is a more time taken through a person (Cox, Bachkirova and Clutterbuck, 2014.). It will be helpful in making creative as well as innovative. Under this, there is a need that the perspective organisation will give support to person because it will be helpful in motivate and improving skills in effective manner. In addition to this, Travelodge Hotel plays a necessary role in motivating and encourage its staff members to bring effective knowledge and skills. From this better opportunities will captured by employees. There are different ways through which firm can encourage people given below as above:

Self- directed- Under this given method, person itself tries to evaluate opportunities which are exist at workplace. It will be helpful in motivating them and also try to give their better performance in an effective or proper manner.

Continuous personal development skills- It is necessary for people to monitor themselves with in short period of time in order to measure needs which require to be satisfied. In order to this, an individual should be compare its skills with the others.

Healthy competition – In this, it is a duty of business firm to conduct healthy compete among staff members so that they can use their skills as well as competencies in better manner. With the help of this, an individual will able to compete with another pepsin and analyse them in effective way (Desimone, 2011).

1.3 Advantages of self-managed learning to individual and firm

Learning is beneficial for people and through people they know about the new things. Every work which is performed through staff members in firm is also a learning. If in case an individual is more performed than it will be confident as comparison to the other people which are present at workplace. It aids in developing personality of person. There are many advantages of self managed learning are mention below as above:

Advantages to individual

  • It aids in making an individual self- dependent with the help of learning some new things and knowledge in an effective manner.
  • Self- managed learning increase confidence level of staff members along with their motivation. If they will be motivated then they will achieve aims of firm in proper time period.
  • If an individual lean some thong from self then it will learn to that person for long period of time.
  • Self-managed learning aids in bring accountability along with sustainability in an individual.

Advantages to Organisation

  • Self-managed learning aids in bringing some some creativity at workplace and it is beneficial for firm to develop some innovative products and make business successful (Forte and Flores, 2014).
  • IT is helpful in improving development of staff members for enhancing profit level.
  • If in an organisation, there are Self-managed employees then they will give their better performance.
  • Through this, staff members will use innovative ideas in business and it will provide benefits to company for enhancing its productivity n an effective manner.


2.1 Current skills and competencies against professional standards and organisational objectives

Audit of personal skills is conducted through a person because it aids in determining weaknesses as well as capabilities of person (Gamrat and et. al., 2014). In addition to this, there is a comparison among skills which are necessary to be. It is essential that person should continuously try to learn some new skills which aids to perform job in an easy manner. Under given table, current skills are given below:

Leadership skills 3 It is not easy to lead a team in proper manner. There are different skills which are necessary to be in leader in context to lead team in successful manner. From out of 5 I give ranked to me only 3 and I require to develop my skills more to became a successful leader.
Communication skills 3 In an organisation, better communication is necessary with the team members and superiors. It gives many benefits and helpful in communicating with any person in fair manner. If communication will be better then there will be no problem created main an organisation. I want to give 3 rank out of 5.
Listening skills 4 It is necessary that listening skill of person should be goods and it aids in perform different tasks in better manner. If I have better listening abilities then I will able to listen or understand issues of other people or team members at workplace.

Name: ABC

Address: 72, Nil Street , London, United Kingdom

Mobile number: 8879885886

E –

Objective: My objective is to provide better outcomes to firm through completing all tasks which are allotted to me. I will give my better performance with full honesty.

Qualifications: ·Bachelors in Human resource management ·Master degree in Human resource management

Experience: ·2 years of experience of with Thomas Cook organisation

Personal skills: ·Team leading skills ·Leadership skills ·Decision making skills ·Effective communication Skills

Date: 17 /May/2018


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2.2 Own development needs and the activities

In context to evaluate my skills, I need to conduct SWOT analysis through this I can know about my capabilities and well as limitations in an effective manner (Hamza, 2010). The professional and personal needs of an individual are different from each other. In addition to this, it is necessary for me to identity them and try to overcome from my weaknesses. In work on improving my abilities or skills in better manner. It will assess me to know regarding possible threats which can be occur in the future (Ifanti and Fotopoulou, 2011). On the other hand opportunities are helpful in improving my performance as well as efficiency. My SWOT analysis is given below:



· According to my opinions, my many strength is listening skills because I listen problems of my team members in proper manner and with full of patience. I have an ability to solve any kind of issues or problems of employees by providing satisfactory solutions in an effective or better manner. In addition to this, I am able to provide better solution to employees about their problems.

· My main weakness is that sometimes I get very nervous in different condition which comes. Most of the times, I loss my confidence if in case I do not have more information regarding necessary matters which are going to discussed at workplace. Under this I already notices that there is a requirement to me to make improvement in my communication along with the leadership skills in order to manage everything at workplace.



· There are different opportunities which keep to be coming in firm. It is based ion me to use effective opportunities to better manner (Lumpe and et. al., 2012). If in case I will make improvement in my problem solving and communication skills then it will get many opportunities.

· The main threats are competitors which can finish turn table at market.

2.3 Development opportunities to meet current and future requirements

At marketplace there are several opportunities which are available and it is necessary to recognise them in proper manner. It is necessary that I should have knowledge about my existing skills which are need to be improved. It will aids me to meeting with my existing requirements to enhance my productivity. The complex task is finding the development related opportunities. The current and future needs are given below:

Current needs- It is regarded as needs of an organisation which requires to be complete in possible manner. Most of the times, I will not able yo finish my work on given time so there is a need to me to develop current requirement to finish my work or tome on set time.

Future needs- Under this, I need to look on all activities which are present at the time of doing work in better or proper manner. In order to doing any thing in future, there is a requirement to me to make improvement in my skill of problem solving (Maskit, 2011). It is essential to develop this skills because it is main part of job and I want to do this very perfectly.

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2.4 Personal and professional development plan

In professional and personal development plan, all necessary objectives will achieved through an individual. These plans are helpful to staff members in making future well developed. The personal and professional development plan is given below as above:

1 Leadership skills 3.5 4 It is necessary skills in company. Regarding developing skills to need to take trainimg about delaing with peopel in an organsitaion in a proper of effective manner. 1 month
2 Communication skills 3 5 Under this, it will make improvement in my communication or interaction skills through communicate with more people by using my good communication skills. His can be better through attending different coaching as wel las seminars regarding this. It will be helpful in dealing with my team members in better manner. 45 days


3.1 Activities required to implement the development plan

There are different activities or process that are needed in order to implement an effective development plane. These are determined as below:

Problem solving and decision making ability Since it is more essential for the administrator to take an effective decisions appropriately because if judgement will be impressive then it will highly impacts on the growth and success of Travelodge Hotel. To enhance the decision-making ability, I will see judgements of popular judges, gain my knowledge in different field, by bring up to different cases of popular lawyers etc. June 2018 to November 2017 05/07/18
Time management skills It is more essential for the Travelodge Hotel in order to handles its time period so as to organise entire activities and functions on time. For accomplishing this, I am able to study about all time management scheme that has been utilized before by other organization. June 2018 to November 2017 05/07/18
Planning It is also important skills for me to plan an effective strategy to attract large number of the tourist towards travel and tourism services. In administration different planning approaches and tools has been characterized which can be utilized to create an effective plan for the hospitality industry. June 2018 to November 2017 05/07/18
 Communication Skills It is also important skill which help me to accomplish long term objectives and goals of company in an effective and efficient manner. In this I can used different channels of communication which support me to easily give information to employees. June 2018 to November 2017 05/07/18

3.2 Undertaking development activities as planned

There are different activities which are determined as below:

Week 1 In the opening entire disadvantage that are evaluated which is available in the hospitality industry. I have to Cognize the intellect due to which this difficulty has happen. Here entire workers that may acquire impacts with this problem should be advised regarding the same. Week 1
Week 2 In another week, entire skills or quality that are needed to be formed are rerecorded. Entire thought that will be utilized in planning or designing is studied. Entire activities which are should be conducted in written way. Same week
Week 3 In third week, compactness will be on personal skill improvement. Necessary cognition that are needed in the worker are checked. Needs skills and knowledge are to be developed Same week
Week 4 Taking Response Checking the execution of below tasks Taking feedbacks or commends are more important as well as necessary. In similar week
Week 5 Doing betterment Necessary betterment are organised Review everything In same week

3.3 Reflecting own learnings

The objectives and motives that has been interpreted by me in order to create my effective development plan (Meichenbaum, 2017). It help me to accomplish long term goals and targets of the Travelodge Hotel in an effective and efficient manner. Own learning is also beneficial foe me and hotel to maximise customer base in the organisation. Further, it assist to attract large number of visitor for the hospitality services and products. In order to lean more knowledge and skills I will attend different conferences and seminars which help me in different ways such as to increase profitability, performance and deal with conflict situation in an effective and efficient manner. For the plan, I have analysed different ways which are shown as below:

  • I am now capable in order to communicate all information and data in proper manner to the customers and employees who are working in the hotel.
  • With the help of proper learning, I will easily maintain long-lasting and strong relationship with visitors in an appropriate manner.
  • I can lead entire team members successfully with the assist of better training.
  • I can evaluate my own weakness and strengths in an easy manner which help me to improve my weak point (McNiff, 2010).
  • I am capable to communicate in different language which help to maintain loyalty and trust with clients in the Travelodge Hotel.

3.4 Updating development plan based on feedback

The development plan which is mainly based on customers and employees feedback which are determined as below:

Learning Needs Priority Activities to be Interpreted Resources Needed Target deadline Proof of Achievement
Time management quality Excellent Inscribing myself in order to attend this conference. Time 15/06/18 Written document of completion
Multi-Tasking quality High Here, an individual will be nominated various activities. Actual company Continuous basis Result of project interpreted
Motivation and leadership quality It is also high Already registered now so excellent communication that will be needed to convey the work easily. Time and Finance 01/10/18 Document of completion
Presentation quality and skill Medium 'Attending different sessions or events for which I have recruited. Time management 01/06/18 Written document of completion
Management quality Medium Trying to acquire extreme data from other sources Time and Finance 01/06/18 Certificate of culmination

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4.1 Solution to work based problems

There are various kind of issue that are available in Travelodge Hotel. There are main issues is disputes and conflict which is highly effects on business performance and profitability in a negative manner (Moon, 2013). Thus, it is identify as a role and responsibility of business manager in order to compete this in an effective and systematic manner. There are some issues which are present in organisation which are determined as below:

Language barriers: It is one of the main issue in the hotel which highly effects on the performance and profitability. In the business, large number of employees are work with each other but some are belongs in different culture which impacted on the productivity of company. In order to overcome such barriers manager of the hotel should try to provide effective training and development which assist to increase confidence and motivation level of employees (Moon, 2013). Thus, it is essential for the company to maintain strong and long-lasting relation with workers appropriately.

Conflict: It is another main issue in the hotel that highly effects on profitability and effectiveness of business organisation in a direct manner. In order to solve this type of issue, manager of the organisation should try to use different communication tool which assist to solve this type of issue effectively. This type of technique is highly essential for the business to easily communicate all issues and problems effectively. Further, it also support to reduce employees turnover and maximise sales and revenue systematically.

Lack of coordination: It is another main issue in the hotel that highly effects on business effectiveness. In the company, there are different employees are work but there is lack of coordination which is highly impacts on the organisation (Mwalongo, 2011). In order to sole this type of issue business entity should try to provide training to their employees which is effective and beneficial for the enterprise to increase their profitability and productivity ration easily.

4.2 Variety of styles to communicate

It is more essential and beneficial for the enterprise in order to launch effective style of communication in the organisation. It help business entity to maximise their sales and turnover systematically. Further, it help to attract large number of visitors in an easy manner. Communication style also help business entity to accomplish their long term goals and objectives systematically and effectively (Nicholls, 2014). There are some communication style which are determined as below:

Assertive communication style: It is identify as one of the effective and best communication style which help manager to easily communicate all necessary information and data effectively. An individual who people apply such type of style is more confident which assist them to deals with difficult situations easily.

Aggressive communication style: It is another important and beneficial style which play vital role in the hotel. With the use of this type of model that help to maximise sales and revenues of the enterprise.

Passive communication style: An individual who apply such kind of style is mainly feel powerless. It is also important and beneficial for the business organisation to achieve long term goals and objectives in limited time duration.

Submissive communication style: It is important style which is useful for the person to deals with conflict situation easily and effectively. In this an enterprise is more capable to maximise trust and loyalty of customers in the organisation (Owen, Fox and Bird, 2016). With the help of this style, manager of the hotel speak softly with their staff members which is beneficial for them to increase large number of the customers and attain predetermined objectives and goals easily.

Manipulative communication style: With the use of this type of style, manager of the hotel easily manipulate customers towards hospitality services like accommodation, transportation, garden, guide and many other facility. These are highly support company to increase customer base in the enterprise.

4.3 Evaluating time management strategies

Different time management strategies which are used and developed by the Travelodge Hotel in order to complete their all tasks on time to time. Some strategies are determined as below:

Setting priorities on goals: Under this, an individual who have been allotted entire tasks which is beneficial for them to accomplish their predetermined objectives and goals easily. Under this person who work easily and deal all conflict situations easily. Business entity easily achieve long term targets.

Usage of planning techniques: It is more essential for the Travelodge Hotel to implement all activities and policy which help them to maximise their profitability and productivity in limited time duration (Reeves, 2012).

Delegating work: It is identify as most effective and important tool which help company to increase their sales and revenues. If in the hotel excess of work load on the workers hinder on business performance and productivity effectively. This will assist in decreasing the work pressure as well as activity that will be performed on time to time.

Know how to use up their tasks: It is important and beneficial tool which is follow by the manager of hotel to complete their all task time to time (Stenfors-Hayes and et. al., 2010). It is the role of manager is to divide all work to the employees as per the skills and capability of workers.


From the above mentioned report, it can be concluded that personal and professional development is main part of the organisational and personal success. There are different self managed learning approach are used by the individual to increase their sales and revenues. Various ways which is applied by the company in order to encourage lifelong learning of workers which help to maximise their performance and confidence level. Own development needs and opportunities are also support individual to maximise their knowledge on specific matter. In the organisation, different problems are faced by the employees and manager, in order to solve this issue, business organisation used different kind of communication style and time management strategies which assist to maximise profitability and productivity of company.


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  • Cox, E., Bachkirova, T. and Clutterbuck, D. A. Eds., 2014. The complete handbook of coaching. Sage.
  • Desimone, L. M., 2011. A primer on effective professional development. Phi delta kappan. 92(6). pp .68-71.
  • Forte, A. M. and Flores, M. A., 2014. Teacher collaboration and professional development in the workplace: A study of Portuguese teachers. European Journal of Teacher Education. 37(1). pp .91-105.
  • Gamrat, C. and et. al., 2014. Personalized workplace learning: An exploratory study on digital badging within a teacher professional development program. British Journal of Educational Technology. 45(6). pp .1136-1148.
  • Hamza, A., 2010. International experience: An opportunity for professional development in higher education.Journal of Studies in International Education.14(1). pp.50-69.
  • Ifanti, A. A. and Fotopoulou, V. S., 2011. Teachers’ perceptions of professionalism and professional development: A case study in Greece. World Journal of Education. 1(1). p .40.
  • Lumpe, A. and et. al., 2012. Beliefs about teaching science: The relationship between elementary teachers’ participation in professional development and student achievement. International Journal of Science Education. 34(2). pp .153-166.
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