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Legislation and Laws in the Health Sector

University: Regent College of London

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2818
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/3467
  • Downloads: 1314

Question :

The scenario of this report is based on a roles of individual in relation to evaluate practices and principles in the context of health care professionals. The portfolio is divided into following parts:

  • Reflection upon self-practice and analysing the role in relation to legal practices and healthcare industry.
  • Critical reflection on the concept of clinical governance.
  • Analysis of Nursing and Midwifery council in UK along with discussion on the role of ethical practice.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Service On a Plate


In health and social care sector it is important to follow all the legislation and laws while providing services to the patients. At the time of providing a service it is important to ensure that all patients are treated equally within the health care organisation. The present report will cover practice and legally analyse in relation to legal principles. Along with this, the components of clinical governance will be analysed. Apart from this way clinical governance is implemented in a health care organisation will be discussed.

Part 1 Reflecting on aspect of practice and legally analyse in relation to legal principles.

Role in relation to legal principles which apply to health care professionals working in the UK. At the time of working in healthcare it is important for healthcare professional to follow some legal principles that are as follows

The UK strategy structure for wellbeing and social care is set of out of standards of good practice in the administration and lead of wellbeing and social care inquire about which think about record of legitimate prerequisites and different models (Rattan, Wakley and Chambers, (2017). These principles can easily protect and promote the interests of patients and services providers. Thus, policy framework lead to sets out principles and responsibilities at a high level which consider relevant legislation in the UK. It leads to be supported by operational arrangements and guidance. Some of the principles which is applied in health and social care are safety, competence, ethical conduct, transparency, legality, benefits and risks etc. At the time of providing treatment it is important to ensure safety of patients so that it cannot get harmed while taking treatment (Nelson, and Staggers, N2016). In health and social care hazard which are risky need to be kept away and locked. Further floor should be kept dry so that chance of fall can be reduced. Shielding customer from hurt is one of the vital thought for social care laborers inside the UK. More often than not customer exploit social care administrations which are in helpless position and face budgetary, mental and media troubles which prompt make them inclined to potential damage.

Further, as per the data protection act it is important to keep all patient’s information confidential. Confidentially in health and social care is known as the key part of for maintaining dignity for those who are taking services (Van Zwanenberg and Harrison, 2018). Data controllers are known as the people and organisation which decide the way personal data is processed. All the information provided by patient should be kept in hand of authority and destroyed when not longer in use.

Furthermore, as per the equality act 2010 each and every patient should be treated equally within the firm. Services users belong to different cultures and religious should be treated equally without making any discrimination. Services should be provided to them according to their requirements and ensure that values and beliefs do not get affected.

It is important for health and social care workers to maintain the organisational policies and wellbeing of the clients all the time. There are some situations occur in which they are not able to device it (Holmes, Elliott and Steiner, 2014. ). Therefore, these types of situation lead to build more dilemmas. I encounter situation in which conflicts occur between care workers and service users due to different views, beliefs and cultures. Hence conflict can affect the quality of services which are provided in health and social care organisation. An individual has right to take the law in their own decisions

Care to ensure the viable qualities of physicalstate and social care rehearses , the accomplishment of the game plans, laws, controls and codes of preparing in correspondingly with national and nearby methodologies and laws to client of the organization is amazingly significant and crucial. Benchmarks and controls must be taken after continually by the care specialists, so this movement is especially intricate (Desova, Dorofeyuk and Anokhin, 2017). It is the preparation according to the laws and codes, credits are suitably kept up to ensure that the organization commitments. Data Protection Act must be checked by the agents and the client does not have any benefit to reveal any basic information, simply the ideal individual would entrance have the capacity to the data under the Data Protection Act. Prosperity Regulations (COSSH) Control of risky material headings. It is at precisely that point that the use of chemicals and materials, this is guaranteed by law. Simply the right individual methodologies in Agents, chemicals, and other compound segments in the rack, washed holders are shot continually. Unharmed place to store explosion and other equipment, and methodologies it is the primary commitment. Security careful steps are completed or not must be checked suitably by the organizations authentically. Inventive vitality, Health and Social Care Board is the point of convergence of the notice signs to stick properly (Faeghi, Proussaefs and Lozada, 2016). End the way, always flawless and disorder free, it ought to be done by the present staff and laborers. Distinctive laws and headings, game plans, and will give getting ready and addresses are supervisors in their work, which is straightforward and peril adequately free staff on the law and methodologies.

My own practices related to the legal principles is that I used to provide services to patients according to their requirements. I ensure that an individual feel comfortable while discussing their health issues. I tried to maintain dignity of patients so that their beliefs and values do not get affected. All the personal information provided by service user is kept safe and secure so that they do not face any issues while sharing their information. It lead to help me in providing high quality services to patient through following all the legal principles of health and social care (Van Zwanenberg and Harrison, 2018).

Part 2 The concept of clinical governance

The components of clinical governance

Clinical governance is known as the framework through which UK health and social care firm and their staff become responsible for continuously improving the quality of patient care. It is defined as systematic approach for maintaining and improving quality of patient care in the National health services (Phillips, Hall and Kijakovic, 2017). It leads to become important framework which is responsible for continuous improvement the quality of their services and protection high standards of care. There are some main components of clinical governance that are as follows

Risk management: Risk management lead to involve consideration of risk to patients, risk to the firm and risk to practitioner. Risk to patent is known as compliance with statutory regulation which assist in minimising the risk to patients. In respect to reduce patient risk it is important to make sure that system is regularly reviewed and changes can be made (Smith and Goodwin, 2017). For instance, through audit and learning from complaints. Further risk to practitioner take place while making sure that healthcare professionals are suffering from against infectious diseases. To make sure healthcare professional are not immunised with working in the safe environment.

Clinical audit: Clinical audit is can be considered as a review of clinical performance. The refining of clinical practice is known as the result of measurement of performance against agreed standards. It is one of the effective way through which doctor, nurses and other healthcare professional can easily measure the quality of the care which is provided to a client. Further as per the review changes can be made in the system (Grant, Ring and O'donnell, 2015).

  • Education training and continuing professional development: It is essential to provide proper care to the patients. For this purpose, they required to have proper skills and knowledge so that they can easily provide quality services.

Evidence based care and effectiveness: Services which are provided to the patient should be of good quality and evidence based. The national institute of health and clinical excellence is accountable to provide national guidance in respect to provide national guidance for promoting quality health services and prevention and treatment (Teare, Horneand Mohammed, 2017).

  • Patients and career experience and involvement: At the time when trust is of offering higher quality care then it is essential to work in partnership with patients. It leads to include gaining a effective knowledge and concerns of those who use their services through involving them in their work.
  • Staffing and staff management

Staffing and staff management is important to make sure that all patients received high quality services. In respect to work in well supported team and for managing all the complex cases it is important that each and everything is got well managed.

Produce a critical analysis of how clinical governance is implemented in a health care organisation.

Clinical governance will facilitate the proper handling of operations which will support in the effective increase in the capability of the health care entity and provide a good satisfaction level of their clients and customers (Favreau, 2017). The utilization of the principles of corporate governance is as follows:

  • Education and training: proper educational measures and the training method will support in suitable rise in the operation of company. The efficiency of work force will be improved and customer satisfaction level will be raised.
  • Clinical audit: the clinical audit will help the firm to make the suitable assessment to the quality standards of product and services that are been used by the firm.
  • Clinical effectiveness: it will aid in effective improvement of operations and will have a effective growth in the functions of organisation in a better way. This will improve the safety measures of the firm.
  • R & D: this will support a good growth in the operations of the enterprise and will support an effective increase in the effectiveness and efficiency of firm. The R & D department of the cited firm will allow the firm to develop a high quality products and services for their customers.
  • Openness: It will help the firm to identify and discuss the loop holes and weaknesses that are been prevailing in the management of the firm. This will improve overall effectiveness of health care entity.
  • Risk management: it will prevent the loss of resources and time due to risk factors of the organisation and will help the entity to mitigate them in a very effective way.
  • Information management: the gaining of the proper information which is gathered by firm will help effective improvement in the efficiency of the firm (Lee, 2017).

Emphasise ways in which patient and client involvement is managed in this system.

The client or patient will be deeply influenced by the effectiveness and rise in the efficiency of the legal measures that supports in the suitable rise in the functional ability of Clinical governance at cited firm. As the patients and the clients will be the integral part of the system, they will influence the overall functionality of the organisation and will be impacted by the changes or the alterations that are been implemented in the firm (Davis, 2018). The rise in the effectiveness will help the cited enterprise to make a suitable environment for their clients and patients and help them to meet the business operations and the other activities that are been followed by the management of the firm. Some major ways in which the patients or the clients lay a deep influence on the activities are as follows:

  • The legal obligations that are been implemented in the firm will have to be beneficial and effective for the patients and clients in order to sustain the effectiveness of the operations in a better way.
  • This clinical governance will allow the users or the clients to give their feedback or review over the health care services provided and the functionality of the professionals that will impact the overall functioning of the organisation.
  • They will look after that the legal measures that are been implemented in the social care firm will help in good growth of the performing ability of the firm.

Reflect upon how the principles of clinical governance have been implemented in the clinical establishments you have worked in

Various principles of the clinical governance is been followed by the firm which will support in good improvement in functional ability of organisation or the health care firm and ensure a good satisfaction level of their patients and the customers. These principles will support a good rise in the capability of organisation and will support a good rise in the capability of the organisation. This will help in better mitigation of different risk factors and management of the gathered information that will help in good rise in the compatibility and handling of the business activities by the firm. Other than this, it will facilitate the firm to come up with innovative ideas, products and services that will support a suitable increase in the operations of organisation and meet demands by their clients (Gürdal, KuzubaÅŸ and SaltoÄŸlu, 2017).


Analyse how three of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (UK) standards, contribute to clinical governance

Following standards of Nursing and Midwifery council UK plays a vital role in enabling proper clinical governance services as it establishes the use of code of practices which helps in maintaining line of practices of health care providers. Standards of competence for nursing practices are, professional values, nursing practices and decision making and communication and interpersonal skills (Standards for competence for registered nurses, 2017). These three standard plays vital role in practises of Midwifery and nursing practices in which professional values are the base of health practices which guides the individual path way to manage services of patients. Under professional values it is responsibility of health care providers to maintain confidentiality of patient information. Privacy of information can only be shard with registered family member of immediate guardian or with physicians. Further, it is the responsibility of individuals to deliver high quality of care services to serve users in any case. In accordance, it is important for the nurses to incorporate professional vales when delivering care services because it is foremost standard which contributes to clinical governance (Kajtazi and Moro, 2018). Apart from this, it is important for the nurses to have responsible decision making practices with regard to patient safety. Like in case there is no physician on round ad the patient is feeling restless than in such cases, the nurses holds authority to provide suitable medication. Thus, in accordance to such cases the individual neds to have ability of quick decision making for protect interest of hospital and service users. In addition, it is important for the nurses to have appropriate communication and communication skills because these are the standards which helps in establishing appropriate clinical governance where the nurses are responsible to sharing proper information about patient health and recovery to health professional and with family of service users.

Discuss concepts of ethics and explore how these standards also support ethical practice and their application to your clinical practice

Ethics plays a crucial role in nursing practices because these are code of practices which helps the individuals in managing safe and quality services of patients. In this it is important for the health practitioner to deal with patients calmly in order to understand their need. In case of health use individual become vulnerable and deny to medication. However, in such cases, it is important for the nurses to convince patients by making understand importance of recovery. Further, ethics in clinical practices are related to safety of patient with regard to their medical information (Position statement on the role of nurses and midwives in a national emergency, 2017). Under this, it s the responsibility of individual to ensure that information about services users and their education can only be shred worth directed physician and family of person. In addition, it is important for the nurses to implement the use of Principle of respect for autonomy where no matter how the patient is behaving it is duty of health care practitioner to serve patient effectively regardless of any differences. Thus, it can be said that standards of Nursing and Midwifery practices provides support to ethics of nursing in clinical practices.

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