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Implication of Digital Technology in Business - Marriott Hotel

University: UKCBC College

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 30 / Words 7492
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MGT208
  • Downloads: 1138

Question :

Digital technology plays a significant role in increasing productivity and also the performance of the business. The research project is undertaken to determine the challenges that small businesses face when they implement digital technologies. The company chosen is Café Portrait, UK.

  • Application of appropriate research methodologies that can integrate knowledge in the research process.
  • Conduct the research revelatory to the business project.
  • Communication of research outcome to relevant stakeholders.
  • Reflection on use of research methodologies and related concepts.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Marriott Hotel


With time, there are many changes that has place in relation with technology. It is important for the companies to make sure that they use technology so that they are able to deliver high quality services. There are many companies that deliver their customers with similar type of products and services. Thus, it can be stated that rate of competition is high and so customer have wider option of choosing the products or services (Adams and Simnett, 2011). There are certain set of expectations that individuals have and when they are not able to perform their set of roles in appropriate manner, then it causes serious issue for the business. The process of considerations is required to be made on identifying the areas in which development can be made. Main focus of any organization is to gain maximum profit and this is only possible when they are able to understand preferences of service users. Main focus of present research is made on determining the implication on digital technology on business activities. In a company there are different types of issues identified and these problems are required to be taken proper care and support. When the rate of support from the side of management is highly effective, then it becomes favourable enough for the employees to support the firm to grow.


P1 Research proposal which clearly define question and hypothesis with literature review

Implementation of technology has both positive and negative issues. In order to conduct the research in appropriate manner, Café Portrait is taken into consideration. This is a type of firm that falls under hospitality sectors and aim at providing their customers with high quality services. Cited firm understand the requirements of their customers and aim at fulfilling them. However, there are some of the issues that are being faced due to which growth of the firm gets negatively affected (Büyüközkan and Arsenyan, 2012). Employees are the face of company as they present the services or products that are delivered to them. When workers fail to perform their full efficiency, then it has negative impact over the business.

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Aim: “To understand the implication of digital technologies on business activity: A study on The Marriott hotel, UK.”


  1. To comprehend the business activities at Café Portrait, UK.
  2. To identify the digital technologies used at Café Portrait, UK.
  3. To evaluate the impact of digital technology on business operations of Café Portrait, UK.
  4. To recommend and suggest methods through which Marriott hotel, UK, can improve their digital technologies effectively and efficiently.

Research questions:

  1. What are the business activities at Café Portrait, UK?
  2. What are the digital technologies used at Café Portrait, UK?
  3. What is the impact of digital technology on business operations of Café Portrait, UK?

There are different researches that are carried out on similar topic and these are helpful enough to develop in depth understanding regarding the current research topic. There are different areas that are covered and this will enable to determine appropriate outcome:

As per DurmuÅŸoÄŸlu and Barczak, (2011), there are many companies that have come up and these are focused on attain their set of goal that are developed by the firm. In small medium business, total numbers of people involved are low and so that it becomes easy to control the business. There is various type of business activities that are included and these are carried out so that rate of customer’s satisfaction can be raised. With this respect, main use of technology is done for marketing and production aspects. In accordance with the business operations that are carried out, there are many departments that work together with common goal. More specifically, it includes human resource management. In each of the departments, there is support of workers required so that they are able to put on their full efforts in each of the job that they are given. It is important that proper focus is made on monitoring employees so that the areas in which development made are identified and appropriate steps are taken with the help of which the rate of performance is improved. Customers have certain set of expectations and these are considered, then they are able to make interpretation of suitable support from workers. In context with the technology used, it can be stated that firm has both positive and negative impact (Kumar, Kumar and Tyagi, 2013). With this respect, below given are the positive impacts of technology to the firm:

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High quality services: Advancement in technology is done so that they are able to make analysis of customers’ requirements and in delivering customers with high quality services. New or updated technology is used so that management is able to make sure that high support and appropriate care is provided to service users.

Understanding requirement of customers: There are frequent changes identified in preferences of people. Business can grow only when they are able to meet the needs are requirements in appropriate manner. When set of needs are fulfilled, then it becomes favourable enough to understand them and to attain the set of objectives.

Effective support employees: As per the laws and policies, it is required to make sure that all the workers within the business needs to be provided with all type of tools and equipment’s. This is done so that they can perform effectively and efficiently.

Among all the above mentioned positive impact of technology, there are also negative impact caused to the firm or are also considered as issues faced when use of technology is used. With this respect, below given are some of them:

Budget of the company: In order to make use of new or updated technology, there is high cost involved. It is important to make sure that appropriate steps are taken so that they are able to make appropriate analysis of the total budget (The Importance of Information Technology In Business Today, 2015). In conditions when plan made by the business is not effective enough, then it becomes difficult for the firm to attain their set of goals and objectives. Apart from this, there are also frequent changers that take place and this becomes difficult for the business to make appropriate changes on regular basis.

Training to workers: When new or updated technology is used, then it is required to make sure that proper training is provided so that they are able to make of the technology in appropriate manner. In all these process, there are issues faced in relation with cost as all the workers are needed to be provided with training.

Perception of workers: The type of perception that is carried out by individuals differs and there will be some among the workers who may not accept the technology. This way, it becomes difficult for the business to adopt the changes that they are willing to make. It is required to have proper support from the side of all the workers so that they are able to perform their set of roles in appropriate manner.

Customer’s preferences: The taste and preferences of individual’s changes on frequent basis and even after implementation of technology customers may not be satisfied. In such condition all the investment made is not suitable enough and thus it becomes a loss for the business.

There are different types of technology that are used by the business. In this context, it includes use of social media. This is one of the most effective sources that enable to make the business attain the set of goals in appropriate manner. Employees of the business are able to have direction interaction with customers. Further, there are many offers that are displayed on social sites and this enables to provide the business

In every business digital technology is play a major role to interact and communicate to each other at the work place. Its is use to exchange information at different department in business by internet. It is helps to worker to share the projects. Also digital technology can be used in the customer service department to serve customer on time while it may be causes distraction among people at work place. Digital technology can distract employees by uses of social networking at work place and it affects to decrease the productivity of personnel.

Digital technology can encourages innovation and creativity in employees. Employees can use many types of business technologies to create innovative and unique idea which can be used in growth of business and company expansion. it is use to promoting online business also. Digital technology can change the way of working of human resources managers to do their job at work place, it improves on the process of screening, recruiting, selecting. Submission of online resume is easier for both candidate and mangers. It saves time and make easier for human resource managers. Technology can used in find the performance level of employees and productivity of every employee. But some time it makes employees lazy because by the uses of technology many tasks are automated which makes employee lazy at work place. It kills employee’s creativity and skills.

Technology is useful to business operation because it makes work easy by automation, this automation gives guarantee to efficiency and helps to increase on production at work. Use of computer makes work easy and provide correct information. It reduces the errors of employee’s .But it is expensive to maintain. Technology is expensive to purchase. If technology is not well maintain then its performance will decline and its disadvantage to operation of business. Small scale business cannot afford the rate of hiring the technical person so they use to hire monthly tech contractor.

The digital technology can be used at anywhere, it eliminate the space and boundaries. It creates mobility which make easy to work at anywhere at any time. By the technological use in business operation, we don’t need to meet physically because information and data will be shared in real time. But technological uses is affects the workplace relationships. Interpersonal communication are important at work place to achieve an organizational goal. Employees become more reserve by technical communication and self-centred, which makes buried into their work .it is harmful for employees and organization .

Technology can improves the performance of employees and employees use many types of tool like computer, video conferencing tools .digital technology improves organizational communication. It helps to exchange ideas, messages and interaction with colleague’s .It is used to communicate formal and informal communication in an organization .for the success and fast growth of business it is necessary to use in operation .but some time it is risky especially when it comes to data security. Many employees comes with flash drive at work and this is risk for business because they may lick the critical data and important information and use it their own personal profit.

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P2 Research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research

Research methodologies consists of distinctive and important research factors that assists the investigator in determining an adequate method of conducting effective research. It provides various important tools according to the process of research which is selected by scholar. It provides appropriate techniques which is used by scholar for collection and transformation to get relevant information (El-Gohary, 2012). Further, method also ensures and assist researcher in conducting an ethical research process which aims at protecting the values, beliefs and perception of individuals. Moreover, scholar tends to select research methods and approaches on the basis of pattern of collecting information because combining the efforts of data and information with appropriate research techniques will play an important role in making the research more reliable and efficient. In this context, for understanding the impact of digital technologies on business activities of Marriott Hotel, there are some important research methods have been used by scholar such as:

Research Philosophy: It is considered as belief about the ways in which data about a phenomenon can be gathered, analysed and used. It helps investigator towards development of proper understanding about research aims and objectives which is entire research project. Every stage of research process is depended on assumption about the sources and the nature of knowledge. Research philosophy reflects the scholar's important assumptions and these assumptions serve as a base for effective research strategy (Ip, Leung and Law, 2011). There are mainly two type of research philosophies which are commonly used by scholars for conducting research such as positivism and interpretivism. It is has been acknowledged that the positivism philosophy is very difficult for scholar to be explained in precise and effective manner because it depends upon the quantitative analysis and observation that leads to statistical analysis. Further, Interpretivism philosophy includes qualitative approach of research and it also contains an unstructured format of conducting research that consists of interviews, focused groups and observation etc. Thus, in order to make research more reliable and effective, the researcher have utilized the interpretivism philosophy of research.

Research approach: It is an important of methodology that helps the researcher in demonstrating the effectiveness of selected research process. It also possess the essential tools that clearly determines the knowledge of collected essential information (Jehangir and et. al., 2011). In this project, scholar has collected and analysed information through application of some important theories and principles which helps in determining the reliability of collected information. Moreover, this method can be divided in two parts such as deductive and inductive approach. This inductive research approach continue with observation and proposed theories which are applied towards completion of research process as a result of observation Whereas deductive approach is mainly focused towards development of hypothesis on the basis of existing theory and them design the strategy of research for testing of hypothesis. In this, solution of research are hypothetical and helps researcher in generation of effective and relevant outcomes. However, in this study researcher has utilized deductive research approach as it is suitable in getting accurate results on the implications of digital technologies on business operations of Marriott Hotel.

Research Design: It is also analysed as important set of procedures and methods which are utilized for collection and analysis of measures of the variables which are specified in research problems. It is also analysed general plan which is made by researcher to answer the questions of research. This method is considered as blue print of research process that needs to be followed by scholar for accomplishment of research effectively and efficiently. The essential elements of research design involves some strategies and important methods related to collection and analysis of data (Kasemsap, 2016). Research design is mainly classified within two groups such as exploratory and descriptive. In this project, deductive research design methods is selected and used for scholar for carrying out research as it easier and less time consuming process. This aids researcher in accomplishment of research effective and resolving problems related to study.

Sampling: It is important method which is used for conducting research by scholar for determining and targeting respondent from the selected large population. It is also analysed as determination of sample size for collection of data. These methods of sampling are mainly divided in to two parts such as probabilistic and non probabilistic sampling (Omotayo, 2015). Probabilistic is sampling is based in quantitative methods for selection of sample size which involves simple random, systematic, stratifies sampling etc. Further, non probabilistic sampling is based on theoretical perspective for selection of sample size and involves methods like convenience and purposive sampling etc. In this research project, scholar has selected simple random sampling methods for selection of sample size from the large population of employees of Marriott hotel. As the sample size of this research is 60 through which researcher can easily gather relevant information.

Data collection: It is important aspects which implies to collection of data from selected respondents in order carry out effective research on understanding implication of digital technologies on business activities of Marriott hotel. There are two methods through which scholar can collect data such as primary and secondary methods. In primary method, data is collected by using either Questionnaire or survey from selected respondents whereas secondary method involves collection of data from books, journals, article and online source etc. In this research project, researcher has utilized both primary and secondary methods of data collection. Questionnaire is formulated on the basis of objectives of conducting research to collect accurate data from respondents. Along with this, various important books, journals and literature have been considered by scholar to collect relevant information related to research topic.

Data analysis: It is analysed as process used by scholar for inspection, cleansing, transformation and interpretation of data with an objective discovering a relevant and useful information, suggestion of conclusion and providing support to decision making. In present context, for analysis of collect information, scholar will make use of thematic methods which helps in interpretation of findings of research and information by using various charts, diagrams and figures (Pantano, 2014). It is most effective method as it helps in providing clear understanding about the outcomes of research and providing recommendation. These graphs and charts reflects clear understand about feedback and information provided by respondent related to organization,

Ethical consideration: It is analyzed as determination of right and wrong situation which is faced by scholar while collecting the information. In this research, there are some problems have been faced by researcher in collection of data at initial stage because employees was not providing their support but after taking consent of their supervisor they have provided support in completion of research and provided information (Pot, 2011). Information collected from books, literature and articles is properly cited by scholar. It is also ensured that no unethical practices have been applied by scholar for carrying out research.


P3 Conduct primary and secondary research by using appropriate methods and techniques

In research project, data analysis is a procedure which is acquired to convert, remodel and revise a specific information with a view to arrive on certain conclusion of given problem or situation. It can be done through by various methods as per demands of domain. In context of research, data analysis supports investigator to appear better outcomes of study. It also contributes in structuring the findings from several sources of data collection like survey research.

Cost: This key element is one of the important for researcher to conduct research activities in systematic manner. Thus, it is vital for investigator to keep adequate fund for implementing research activities. As the cost of research is not so much high because the researcher select 60 respondents for gathering relevant information.

Time: It is also an important element in which research have to set all the activities with appropriate time of complete the research activities. With the help of this, researcher can easily execute activities in appropriate manner.

Ethical issue: At the time of implementing research activities, researcher face various issues and obstacles that directly affect entire activities of the research. Along with this, the main issues faced by the researcher is time and cost (Wallace, Wilson and Miloch, 2011). So that it is important for researcher to make a effective plan in which they easily perform research activities. In addition of this, researcher also keep all the information confidential about customers and worked as well. It help in conducting research activities in ethical manner.

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For completion of this research, the questionnaire method is utilised in order to identify customers' opinions or viewpoints.

Contact no:
Q1. Since how long you are visiting Café Portrait?
A. Last six months
B. Less than six months
C. Since one year
Q2. Do you think that the organisation is using digitalisation in its food processing and delivery services?
A. Yes
B. No
Q3. Does adoption of innovative tools and techniques really affect working activities or operations of any business?
A. Yes
B. No
Q4. What initiatives have UK government taken in response to development of digitalisation?
A. Fast and ubiquitous connectivity to all people
B. Reduce tariffs on internet or data networks
C. Conduct programmes to improve technical knowledge of individuals
Q5. Which one is best digital technique for business to facilitate its activities?
A. Creating own website
B. Starting a blog
C. Establishing a social media presence
D. Mobile marketing
Q6. What is the main benefit of digitalisation for Café Portrait?
A. Reduce time and production costs
B. Enhance Information Preservation
C. Stay Competitive and successful
Q7. What is major challenges face by firm during implementation digital tools and techniques?
A. Marketing software is too hard to use
B. Ineffective leadership
C. Resistance to change
D. Weak or inappropriate strategy
Q8. Which kind of resources are required by Café Portrait to execute digitalisation?
A. Time and Cost-efficient
B. Expertise knowledge
C. Technical resources
Q9. After applying digital processes, what is major change seen in Café Portrait?
A. Better interaction with customers
B. Reduce service delivery time
C. Decrease production cost
Q10. What types of digital techniques are acquired by Café Portrait in order to reach large group of target audiences?
A. Become a prolific guest blogger
B. Use Facebook and Twitter ads
C. Conduct online surveys
Q11. Are you satisfied with products and services of Café Portrait?
A. Highly satisfied
B. Average satisfied
C. Not Satisfied
Q12. In how much time, the business organises training and development assistance to improve employees' technical knowledge?
A. Once in a quarter
B. Once in half year
C. At the time of induction only
Q13. Which digital skills needs to be improved in staff of Café Portrait?
A. Posting ads on social media
B. Taking online transactions
C. Effective use of employee communication applications
Q14. Give Recommendations, if any as Café Portrait can improvise its working activities and operational through digitalisation.

P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyses research finding and data

Theme 1: Customers are using services of Cafe Portrait more than a year ago.

Q1. Since how many time you are going in Café Portrait? Frequency
A. Last six months 20
B. Less than six months 15
C. Since one year 25

Interpretation – As per the above graphical presentation, it is analysed that Café Portrait has great customer appearance. In an online survey, 25 customers says that they are using services of this cafe since one year due to its good quality of products. Whereas 20 are going there from last six months. Remaining 15 stated that they are using services of Cafe Portrait since less than six months.

Theme 2: Cafe Portrait is using Digitalisation in food processing system.

Q2. Do you think that the organisation is using digitalisation in its food processing and delivery services? Frequency
A. Yes 45
B. No. 15

Interpretation – Digital transformation plays a crucial role in growth and success of small entities. In order to obtain high competitive edge, firms are tend towards applying digital tools in their production system thus increase its efficiency and save time as well. After conducting a market research it is overviewed that 45 respondents said Café Portrait is using digitalisation while processing food as well as service delivery system; it helps in giving great experience to customers. On the other hand, 15 stated that still organisation is not using digital tools and requires to modify its business processes and working styles with new equipment’s.

Theme 3: Digitalisation improves business activities and enhance their credibility.

Q3. Does adoption of innovative tools and techniques really affect working activities or operations of any business? Frequency
A. Yes 50
B. No 10

Interpretation: To stay competitive and successful business models adjust as per market demands through digitalising their systems and working activities. According to this graphical presentation, it is evaluated that 50 participants are in favour of digitalisation as it is putting a huge impact on business processes and operations. It contributes to attain real time supply chain visibility and increases planning, automate sales and enables traceability. Beside this, 10 refers that companies also have to make modifications in other areas as well thus to ensure success of working activities.

Theme 4: Initiatives taken by UK government for developing digitalisation

Q4. What initiatives have UK governments taken in response to development of digitalisation? Frequency
A. Fast and ubiquitous connectivity to all people 20
B. Reduce tariffs on internet or data networks 25
C. Conduct programmes to improve technical knowledge of individuals 15

Interpretation As a developed country, UK government has taken certain necessary initiatives to promote digitalisation and encourage people to adopt these technologies. This chart represents that government has reduced tariff rates on internet and data networks; with the viewpoint of 25 respondents. Whereas 15 stated that government has organised programmes for improvising technical knowledge of people as they learn more and more. And remaining 20 says that government can provide faster connectivity of data to Britishers.

Theme 5: Increasing social media presence is an effective digital technique for business development

Q5. Which one is best digital techniques for business to facilitate its business activities? Frequency
A. Creating own website 12
B. Staring a blog 8
C. Establishing a social media presence 25
D. Mobile marketing 15

Interpretation – Many companies are used effective digital tools and techniques for accomplishing their goals and objectives over market. According to this above diagram, it get evaluated that 25 respondents said that best digital strategy is to establish a social medial presence whereas 15 people thinks that company can also use mobile marketing by introducing its own mobile applications. On the other hand, 12 refers that creating own websites supports to attract many people towards cafe and further 8 states that firm can starts to write a blog about its services.

Theme 6: Digitalisation minimise production cost and time.

Q6. What is the main benefit of digitalisation for Café Portrait? Frequency
A. Reducing time and production costs 30
B. Enhanced Information Preservation 18
C. Stay Competitive and successful 12

Interpretation – According to the above diagram, it get analysed that major benefits of digitalisation is to reduce production time and costs with the viewpoint of 30 participants whereas 18 signifies that it contributes to protect any kind of information or data. And remaining 12 stated that digitalisation will supports Café Portrait to stay competitive and leader in market thus many customers attract towards it.

Theme 7: Resistance to change is biggest challenge while implementing digitalisation

Q7. What is major challenges face by firm during implementation digital tools and techniques? Frequency
A. Marketing software is too hard to use 8
B. Ineffective leadership 15
C. Resistance to change 20
D. Weak or inappropriate strategy 17

Interpretation – According to this graphical presentation, it is overviewed that numerous challenges are being faced by companies while applying digital tools an techniques in their working styles. As 20 respondents refers that first one major challenge is resistance to change as still managers are not ready to modify their traditional working styles,. Beside this, 17 states that firms have vulnerable or inefficient strategy as their project cannot successful whereas 15 says that ineffective leadership is also a great challenge for digitalisation. And remaining 8 thinks that some employees cannot understand uses of marketing software.

Theme 8: Various resource are required to apply digital strategy

Q8. Which kind of resources are required by Café Portrait to execute digitalisation? Frequency
A. Time and Cost-efficient 12
B. Expertise knowledge 30
C. Technical resources 18

Interpretation Acquisition of digital technology requires various resources so as to successfully implement it within workplace. The market survey represents that while apply digital technology there is needed expertise knowledge as the viewpoint of 30 respondents whereas 18 thinks that Café Portrait has to acquire certain technical resources thus perform in well being manner. On the other hand, 12 refers that time and cost also an important resource.

Theme 9: Changes seen after digitalisation

Q9. After applying digital processes, what is major change seen in Café Portrait? Frequency
A. Better interaction with customers 15
B. Reduce service delivery time 25
C. Decrease production cost. 20

Interpretation – This graphical presentation signifies that so many changes have been seen in service and food quality of Café Portrait. As per the remarks of 25 customers, there is decreasing service delivery time within cafe whereas 20 refers that production cost of firm is reduced. And remaining 15 respondents think that now organisation enables to make better interaction with target audiences.

Theme 11: Attractive Facebook and Twitter ads is effective digital technique

Q11. Which types of digital techniques are acquired by Café Portrait in order to reach large group of target audiences? Frequency
A. Become a prolific guest blogger 10
B. Use Facebook and Twitter ads 35
C. Conduct online surveys 15

Interpretation- According to this above diagram, it is overviewed that 35 participants saying Café Portrait needs to upload attractive or innovative Facebook and Twitter Ads thus to reach an ample range of customers. Apart from this, 15 refers that management also conduct online surveys through mobile applications whereas 10 are in favour to use blogs and put effective content at there.

Theme 12: Customers are high satisfied with products and services of Café Portrait

Q12. Are you satisfied with products and services of Café Portrait? Frequency
A. Highly satisfied 30
B. Average satisfied 22
C. Not Satisfied 8

Interpretation – Café Portrait has applied digital processes in its working system as the firm has wide range of satisfied customers. The above given survey refers that there is 30 highly satisfied customers whereas 22 says offerings of cafe are quite average. Beside this, 8 are totally dissatisfied with food quality and service of this firm.

Theme 13: Training programmes organised half yearly basis in organisation

Q13. In how much time, the business organises training and development assistance to improve employees' technical knowledge? Frequency
A. Once in a quarter 20
B. Once in half year 30
C. At the time of induction only 10

Interpretation – In over dynamic business environment, organisations have to arrange training and development events thus to boost up certain skills of staff members. Having great knowledge of technology makes easier the process of accomplishing any task or activity in efficient manner. According to this above diagram, it is assessed that companies must organise training or development programmes for improving skills or core competencies of staff members. With the viewpoint of 30 respondents, the cafe conduct training events once in half year, 20 says that it organise once in a quarter. Beside this, 10 refers that Cafe Portrait provide training at the time of induction only.

Theme 14: Skills needs to be improved in staff members

Q14. Which digital skills needs to be improved in staff of Café Portrait? Frequency
A. Posting ads on social media 12
B. Taking online transactions 20
C. Effective use of employee communication applications 28

Interpretation - Every business wants to be successful and become a market leader, in this perspective it is focusing on boost up employees' skills. As the staff of firm is not properly aware about using digital technology. The above graphical presentation shows that employees of Cafe Portrait are not able to make effective utilization of communication applications; it leads improper interaction at workplace. Whereas, 20 refers that workers are unable to make online transactions and remaining 12 thinks that they cannot posts effective ads on social media sites. All these can reflect customers' interest towards the brand.


P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience

As per current scenario, concept of digital technology play vital role in making all the activities appropriate and easy as well. With the use of this company can easily improve their growth level at market place. Implementation of digital technologies are more beneficial for business organization as is provide opportunities to the company to enhance their productivity level by connecting with large number of customers. This will contribute in increasing strong customer base and at the same time also influence them,to buy company products and services.

Apart from this, digital technology play vital role in connecting as well as communicating with large n umber of customers at market place. As it help in managing all the activities of the company in systematic way and also improve the chances of attaining desirable goals and objectives.


P6 Reflection on the effectiveness of research methods and techniques

Research is important activity for every business organization to determine specific issues. It also includes various techniques and methodologies through which researcher can easily carry out the research activities with the purpose of attaining desirable results. Along with this, collection of data is also consider as an important way to gather relevant information towards research objectives. As, a researcher, I have used primary and secondary methods because both are appropriate for conducting research activities in systematic manner. In this context, primary method relate with survey in which I have prepare questionnaire and fill from respondents to collect valid information. On the other side, secondary method relate with various sources such as books journals, articles and many more. All these provide support me at the time of carry out research activities. With the help of this I can easily draw a valid conclusion by gathering relevant data and information.

P7 Determine alternative research methodologies for the project

For carry out the research, number of alternative methods are there through which researcher easily execute research activities in effective way. As a investigator, I have taken questionnaire method for conducting research. With the help of this, I can easily collect and gather relevant information by filling questionnaire from respondents. It also help in drawing a valid conclusion. On the other side some alternative options are also there like interview. This method is also appropriate for the project to attain positive outcomes. In this various questions ask from respondents to understand their views and opinion towards the research project. Along with this, research is based on the digitalisation which help in connecting and communicating large number of customers. With this research, the lesson learnt for me that concept of digitalisation help every business organization to enhance their productivity level at market place by increasing their customers base.

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From the above study, it is comprehend that driven economics getting benefits of digitalisations as it changed their business conditions. Most of companies are utilising technical knowledge in completion of its operations and activities. In present market, business associations cannot even survive without having any digital strategy. The overall assignment is based upon an aim to justify the influence of digitalisation on business activities and operations. In this manner, there has formulated certain objectives so as to find out better solution of given situation of problem. For getting brief understanding about the topic, there has done a literature review by considering viewpoints of various authors who had studied on subject area of concern. It supports readers to clearly understand the impact of new technology on different areas of a business.

Cafe Portrait is a small unit which is tend towards applying new and innovative technologies in its working styles or process thus to serve in well being manner and obtain competitive edge. Although, firm is providing training as its staff members can acquire more and more digital knowledge. The overall information has gathered through various research methodologies, i.e. qualitative and quantitative. After that, the entire data is evaluated through questionnaire methods thus to recognise customers' opinions and make modifications accordingly. However, if a small business unit acquire effective digitalisation strategy then it will surely accomplish its goals and objectives in a certain time period.

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Books and Journal

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