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Corporate social responsibility

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 8 / Words 1899
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 261
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A. Write- ups on three seminars

Seminar 1

The first seminar addressed the topic social media and the corporate social responsibility wherein the discussion was made on the concept of social media. Along with the concept importance and impact of social media was made on the SME that is the small and medium enterprises. Also, the discussion was made on the difficulties faced by SME in use of social media (Crane, Matten and Spence, eds., 2019). With the help of this seminar I learnt that social media is the combination of different websites and applications which are used in the sharing of the views and content with other people. On the other hand, the CSR is referred to as protection of the environment by the company. This is essential because of the fact that the company takes all the raw materials from the environment so it is the duty of the company to take care of the environment.

Also, with help of the seminar I learnt that the social media is helpful for the SME for many different reasons. The major importance is that this help the companies in marketing the goods and services in the market with low cost and maximum coverage. Also, the impact of social media on the SME was both the positive and also negative. The positive impact is because of the reason that use of social media helps in reducing the cost of the media advertising which is high as compared to social media and other advertising sources (Wright, 2018). But the negative impact of the use of social media for the SME is that this require a lot of time to design the site and post the advertisement and also there is high requirement of knowledgeable personnel to operate it.

But in the seminar some people argued that there are many difficulties which are faced by the SME while the use of social media. With the discussion I learnt that the most common difficulty is the lack of knowledge. This is majorly pertaining to the fact that the use of social media involves some of the technical knowledge which is not sure that every person has. Another difficulty which was discussed was that the companies were small and medium scaled thus, it was not possible for them to employ high use of social media into business (Livingstone and Local, 2017). Also, one more argument on the difficulties of social media over the SME is that it can have bad publicity as any one can post on the website of the company.

Earlier I presumed that social media is not a good option for the companies but with this seminar I changed my mind and gathered knowledge that use of social media is beneficial for companies. This is pertaining to the fact that this help the small companies in covering a large market for advertisement and that to with low cost (McWilliams, 2015).

Seminar 2

The second seminar discussed the topic of CSR and the global sustainable development. With the seminar I learnt that the global sustainability is defined as the condition in which the company need to think of the future development and future working as well. It is very necessary for the companies to think of the future as well because the resources are very limited. So, it is necessary for the company to maintain the resources for the future use as well. The social responsibility is the act of employees and company of safeguarding the environment in which the company work and operates.

With the seminar I learnt that for having sustainable development it is very necessary for the companies to employ social responsibility practices in the company. This is necessary because of the reason that if the environment will not be protected then the company will not be able to have sustainable development. If the environment will be protected by the SME then the resources will be made available for the future use as well. Thus, this will help the companies in having a better future growth and development for the company. Also, in this lecture I learnt about the fact that global sustainable development is very important for the SMEs. This is because of the fact that the competition is very tough and intense and it is very essential for the SME companies to sustain. For this the company have to work by taking care of the environment as this will attract more of the consumers and this will increase the profitability of the company.

The other arguments in the seminar discussed about the challenges which the SME faced at time of global sustainable development. With this seminar I learnt that the major challenge faced by the companies at time of working sustainably is the environment. This is a challenge because if the company is not paying attention towards the environment then the consumers will not like this. Another challenge is the social factors or the thinking and attitude of the people living in the society (Lins, Servaes and Tamayo, 2017). This is a challenge because of the fact that the social values keep on changing and if the companies do not take into consideration these changes then the consumers will not like the goods and services.

Seminar 3

This seminar took the discussion on the topic whistleblowing and workplace ethics which is very necessary to be maintained in this competitive world. With this lecture I learnt that whistleblowing is the concept or act of gaining the attention of the people or the authority within the company towards some unethical practices or the wrong doing of the business (Kang, Germann and Grewal, 2016). The common activities concerning to the unethical practices are like fraud, corruption, violation of laws relating to health and safety, bullying and many others. The person drawing the attention of the unethical or the wrong practice is termed as the whistle- blower. This person can be anyone who is either related to the company or not like employees, supplier or any other person who is hired by the company to do this work only. The other thing highlighted from the seminar is the workplace ethics which is defined as the fact that the work at the company must be taken in good and correct manner. This include the fact that the work done is carried on the basis that the work is correct morally and lead to development of the business.

Also, with some arguments within the seminar I learnt that there whistleblowing impacts the workplace ethics to a great extent. This is majorly because of the fact that whistleblowing helps the company in promoting the ethical working as the as if there is any misconduct then it is outlined by the whistle- blower. Thus, this enhance the workplace ethics at the company and improves the performance of the company. But then also there are some challenges faced by the whistle- blower at the workplace. This is majorly due to the fact that this increases the rivalry of the whistle- blower with the people whom wrong practices have been outlined by the whistle- blower. Also, other people may try to defame the whistle- blower as they other people did not like the fact that their unethical practices have been outlined by these people.

Earlier I believed that workplace ethics are not necessary for the company to maintain the ethical practices. But after the seminar I gathered the knowledge that it is very necessary for the companies to endure that all the working of the company is in ethical and morally correct manner. The different ethical practices are like integrity, fair responsibility, correct accountability, respect, loyalty, trustworthiness and many others (Jamali and Karam, 2018).

B. Reflection on relation with CSR

With the help of this discussion it can be included that all the above discussed lecture or the seminar are related to the corporate social responsibility. With this study I learnt that maintaining corporate social responsibility is very crucial and necessary for the company as this help both the company as well as the society. The company is benefitted by this because of the reason that if the company will pay attention to the environment protection then the brand image of the company will increase (Carley and Spapens, 2017). This will in turn also increase the sales of the company because more of the consumers will like the company taking measures to protect the en

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