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Unit 15, Youth and Community Work

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  • Unit No: 15
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4074
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 218
Organization Selected : N/A


Youth and community work involves supporting children and young people to enhance their social, educational, and personal development. This work often focuses on individuals who are vulnerable or excluded from education and training, helping them access the resources and opportunities they need (Driskell, 2017). Many children from disadvantaged backgrounds struggle to afford education, but community workers assist them in becoming educated and acquiring valuable skills. This assignment focuses on Oxfam, an independent charitable organization dedicated to alleviating global poverty and helping people improve their basic social skills. Founded in Oxford, England, in 1942, Oxfam has been working towards these goals for over 77 years. The report will examine the legislation and methods used by youth and community workers, as well as their responsibilities within various initiatives and multidisciplinary teams. Additionally, it will address the issue of inequality and its impact on social cohesion.TASK 1

P1 Summarise key legislation of direct relevance to youth and community work practice and community development.

Youth and community work practice are the practices at professional level for performing social work by focusing on social system as well as social change. Such social workers help individuals of society to function by conducting some need assessments and giving referrals to sources in the society. Some of the key legislations for the development of youngsters and children in a community are discussed below.

Human Rights: Poor individuals living in a community or society often face discrimination and isolation for simply being poor. Human right act help young people an children by exposing government for failing to fulfil the needs of poor individuals in areas like health, education and even access to clean water (Thorpe, 2016). They exposes out how the poor individuals are more closer to exploitation just because of their economic status. They analyse how the economic equality is being developed and created by mismanagement of resources for public purpose. Each and every individual in youth and child has a right to live according to the standards and needs of well-being. Human right states to live with dignity, respect and without any discrimination. Oxfam is an organisation which implement human rights in their organisation to make sure that their service reach youth and children without any kind of discrimination. Human rights will help such individuals to life from poverty and injustice.

Equality act: This act is useful for legal protection of individuals from any sort of discrimination in a wider society. The act promotes a fair an equal society. It protects individuals who has been isolated from the society because of poor education, low financial status and lack of knowledge (Maccio and Ferguson, 2016). They protect them from being treated unfairly and give them a position in society. Oxfam implement such equality rights in their organisation and they provide services to the poor individuals and to those who are fighting for their fundamental rights. They provide food, funds and education along with medical facilities to the individuals including youngsters and children without any kind of discrimination and inequality.

Ofsted: It is and office that provide education and other basic facilities to the individuals. They are also involved in safeguarding an protecting children. Through OFSTED children and youth in a society could be able to educate and learn some skills for reducing poverty. Educating young individuals will help them to contribute in society and help them to reduce poverty. Work of this policy is evidence based and thus help to minimize poverty level and illiteracy in the society. They provide learning skills to the individuals and also regulate child day care in care homes.

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P2 Describe how youth and community workers can enable young people to develop themselves and contribute positively to society

Youth and community work contribute to the learning and development of young people in a society. The prior objective of youth and community workers is to enable youngsters and children to develop while working with them to enhance their personal, educational and social skills. They help the youngsters to raise their voice in society in order to reach their potential. Workers of youth and community help young people by building their self-esteem and confidence (Peters, 2017). It is the responsibility of a youth worker,to make a large difference in the lives of young people who are struggling in a society for their individual rights. Some societies discriminate such individuals just because they are poor and they are not well educated. Hence, youth and community workers support these individuals and provide them services such as education, fulfil their basic needs and support them financially. Some of the key responsibilities of youth workers are discussed here.

Developing confidentiality: It is important for youth and community workers to maintain confidentiality of individuals personal information while providing them services. Social workers should not promises bout any kind of absolute confidentiality if there are any chances of disclosure (Slovenko and Thompson, 2016). It must be made clear to the young individual if there are chances for any leakage. Oxfam maintain the confidentiality of their targeted population and give them trust about disclosure.

Engaging young people in the community: It is important for a youth worker to develop some strategies for engaging young people in a society. Social workers in Oxfam, engage young people in several activities and help them to claim about their rights regarding health and education. It is the responsibility of the youth workers to encourage young people an children for expressing their thoughts and opinions in a society. There must be flexible hours of the program develop by communities so that large portion of youngsters could participate in it. They should provide a trusted support.

Promoting physical health: Youth workers and social workers in a community should promote physical health among young people and children. They should educate about health benefits of physical activities (Paceley, 2016). Such communities can conduct some events and activities related to physical health by involving some trainers who run the program and provide necessary equipments to the young people for performing such activities in efficient way. Oxfam which is a healthcare organisation provide free health screening and education services as it play a vital role in reducing poverty among young people in a society. Several health and wellness programs are conducted in a society with the help of youth workers for maintaining health conditions of young people and children.


P3 Describe how a local community initiative utilises youth and community work to enable positive outcomes for young people.

By the help of skills, talent and creativity young individuals of the society contribute in developing countries by making necessary social change and economical status of country. Somehow, they are lag behind in a society because they are not well educated and they are not financially stable. Local community initiatives are the network of individuals and some organisations who are involved in developing health and welfare of a community (Robinson and et. al., 2017). Oxfam is a local community which is involved in alleviation of global poverty and it is a non profitable organisation. Youth and community work is involved in providing services to the young people in a society who has been discriminated and isolated due to their low financial condition and lack of education. Local communities build a number of strategies for providing services to the individuals in a society. They utilizes some of the youth and community work for more better outcomes. They are involved in:

  • Build a strong community of trainers and educators for the young people and children so that they can get education at their level and learn how to gain a better position in a society. They educate them about their basic fundamental rights and help them to raise their voice by fighting for their needs. Such educational programs must be free of cost so that individual can participate actively without any hurdles of financial issues.
  • Engaging young individuals in number of activities for the welfare of society and for their own overall human development. They can involve young people in identifying priorities, in some project designs and engage them in social activities so that they can interact with other individuals in a society.
  • Provide them funds so that they could fulfil their basic needs and can can stand for themselves in a society (Coburn and Gormally, 2017). Supporting them financially is a major step towards reducing poverty in such young population as it will be worth investing because young individuals are the future of country.
  • Oxfam international is a local community which utilizes young and community work and provide services such as food, cloths and natural resource to the individuals so that they can survive in a society. They provide their services without any discrimination and promote equality and human rights.
  • They help young people to build interpersonal skills and gain self confidence and self esteem. They can engage them in a group and some community so that they could be able to see themselves individually (Zeedyk, Tipton and Blacher, 2016).
  • It will help them to be involved in some kind of illegal and unsafe activities as being educated can help them to analyse what is right and what is harmful for them. It will help them to be engage in activities like smoking, alcohol and other unhealthy stuffs that can decline their overall health status.

Thus, such kind of initiatives will help local communities to contribute in the development of young individuals in a society.

P4 Explain the responsibilities of different youth and community workers within the initiative identified

In context of youth community workers, they have various responsibilities within the initiative identified which are required to be fulfilled in proper manner. It is necessary for employees of Oxfam to focus on their responsibilities with the community initiative which facilitate to gain better outcomes of their efforts. However, it is significant for youth and community workers to fulfil desired responsibilities for providing proper support to needy children as well as young people. Thus, some of duties are given here.

Encourage youngsters to express their opinions: This can be described as a responsibility of community workers to motivate individual to share their actual problems and thoughts to them. It is favourable to identify actual societal threats and problems which are required to be solved for making life of youngsters stable. Oxfam staff can encourage young people to express their views through which they can gain better facilities to gain desired education and employment.

Provide alternatives to young groups: In context of Oxfam, it is necessary for them to establish strategies and alternative ways that can be used by young people to solve their problems related to eduction, employment and healthcare facilities. Meanwhile, it is favourable for them to enhance skills and capabilities of such individuals so that they can gain desired services in society for making their lives better. 

Trusted support: This includes the criterion of working through which community workers are required develop such an environment so that young individuals can easily trust them to gain help regarding education or employment. It is necessary for them to create a trust factor among them which is suitable to support more effectively. In case of Oxfam, staff is required to provide trusted support which facilitate to involve more youngsters in regards to achieve better outcomes.

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P5 Describe the responsibilities of youth and community workers when working in multidisciplinary teams

The youth and community workers help the uncivilized people and community which includes young people and children. They support the young people and children by providing them education, employment so that the people can lift out themselves from poverty (Frimpong"Manso, 2017). From the given organisation Oxfam, they work for disable people who are unable to gain education and other requirements of life due to their poverty. So in order to lift up them, the youth and community workers of this organisation work in multi-disciplinary team. The responsibilities of youth and community workers in team are described by many ways and they are below.

  • Open communication:- The youth members should communicate with other members of team. Their communication should be open and honest about their research or experiences. They try to communicate freely with the other member so that they can share the case of each and every service users (Nayak, 2016). In order to achieve goals, the youth workers should respect the other members of multi-disciplinary team. The workers should listen the other team members carefully. They must considered opinion of others in order to achieve the goal of the organisation and also they should respect of others opinion.
  • Maintain the confidentially:- The workers must trust the multi-disciplinary team members to keep the records confidentially. Their responsibilities is to keep the commitment towards the team so that the aim of organisation can reach and services can provided to users. Their responsibilities includes maintain the records about the number of young people and children. The records should be effectively expressing the description of each and every patients. The workers need to keep the records on a confidentially place so that no records can be disclose.
  • Promote health:- The workers need to share the information regarding there research and treatment to the each and every individual in their team. The youth workers need to promote the health with the the help of multi-disciplinary team (Liang and et. al., 2017). The responsibilities of workers is to take charges and mistakes equally if any error occurred during their treatment.

The responsibilities of the given organization are to uplift young people and children from poverty. Youth and community workers are tasked with maintaining this goal alongside a multidisciplinary team. Their responsibilities include upholding the organization's policies to ensure proper facilities are provided to users. Additionally, the organization is responsible for analyzing and recording service users' information and delivering it to the appropriate professionals so that users can receive timely services. In cases where students face challenges, such as time constraints, organizations may also offer urgent assignment help to support educational needs efficiently.

P6 Explain the value of a multidisciplinary approach to youth and community work

The multi-disciplinary team refers to the group of health care workers which includes professionals from different background. There are different approaches of multi-disciplinary team which includes to increased the satisfaction for clients and to improve the health outcomes. The benefit of multidisciplinary team approach to youth and community work are described below.

  • With the approaches which is adapted by multi-disciplinary team members help the youth and community workers to work efficiently.
  • In the Oxfam organisation, the approach of sharing information with the workers occur. The youth and community workers can receive the appropriate information from the professionals so that they can provide a proper care to the service users (Kingston, Mihalic and Sigel, 2016). The value of this approach is effective as it motivates the workers to promote the health and services. The sharing information regarding patient history, treatment, list of service providers can also a beneficial value of the team in respect to the workers. With this approach the workers can communicate freely and in open way so that there way of thinking can expand.
  • The approach of multidisciplinary team is necessary to build the enthusiasm in workers so that they can work properly. The benefit of their approach is to maintain the discipline among workers to act toward common purposes.
  • The multi-disciplinary team members use the approaches so that the workers can provide services to enhance satisfaction of clients.
  • The value of approaches is to make the efficient use of resources by workers so that they can provide better resources to the young people and children to uplift from poverty. Their approaches includes the satisfaction of youth workers and the value of this is to increase the motivation towards work (Hanif and et. al., 2017).
  • By making flexible time hours, maintaining the work management of youth workers can also enhance them to work effectively. The multidisciplinary team approaches includes such activities from that the youth and community workers feel motivated and know the work of their description.
  • The benefit of this approach is that by communicating with the youth workers can build the trust and confidence in the workers so that they can consider their work and value of each and every person. The value of this approach is to build the relationship between the multi-disciplinary team and youth ad community workers.
  • There are lot of approaches which build the satisfaction and trust of youth and community workers and they are valued in various form of aspects. The value of approaches is benefited because the relation between the multi-disciplinary team and youth & community workers directly affected to the service users.
  • These approaches are necessary to build in a team work as it is empowered the organisation value and as well as enhance the health of users (Scheef, Barrio and Poppen, 2017).


P7 Describe a range of key issues of inequality and their impact on social cohesion

Youth and community work, assist young people in Oxfam. It consider the running youth, clubs, drop in services, drama classes, sports clubs etc. just need to learn good business skills as they will be deal with applying for grants and budgets. They acquire their, knowledge, education, social and personal development.

Social inequality is determined by the subsistence of unequal rewards and opportunities for various social positions or status in a community or society. It is the situation which mention to the uneven arrangement of income, wealth, unemployment, material goods. It remark atypically inside the state inequality on individual or group level for example between gender, rural or urban population, race etc. There are some key problems regarding Oxfam are as follows-

Economic Inequality, it is also called income and wealth difference, found in different measures of economical welfare with persons in group or unit in a population, within countries. Some causes are Personal factors, gender does matter, wages determines by labour market, eduction affects wages, growth in technology widens income gap (Sawyer, Thoroughgood and Webster, 2016).

It effect on the society on the large level, Oxfam consider as raised rates of violence, crime, impeded productivity or impaired functioning of representative democracy. Reducing income inequality offers the prospect of greater social cohesiveness and better population oh health.

Pay Inequality

An individual pay is contrary to their income. It mention to payment from employment and workers only. This can be an monthly, hourly, yearly basis, its typically paid monthly weekly and also consider bonuses. Pay inequalities consequently describes the difference between person pay in the Oxfam charity.

According to Oxfam a large gap between poor and rich people vantage to higher fatality rate through with crack-up of social coherence. The modern flowing in financial gain inequality in many nation has been attended by a starred improvement in the act compactness of poorness. This effect on society at huge like accumulated pace of violence and crime, impeded economic growth and productivity (Kuipers and et. al., 2016). Reduction of this, it turned the chance of greater social cohesiveness and better grouping and population health.

Inequality in Education, All the students have accession to the identical point and the same possibilities are make over to spend equal effect in education. Difference in schools in a particular groups either race, gender, ethnicity etc. not given the same resources and possibility as other units, and they don't given a chance to getting the same results as other groups. This issue is global.

Effect of inequality in education on social cohesion through education has re emerged as an crucial policy objective in many states. But the Oxfam organisation has developed a policies for the children's and provide supports by cohesiveness. It also impact on their future achievement, earnings, health status, political participation. Social expression is the capability of a social grouping to assure the wellness of all its minimizing maternity and confront hard-scrabble and marginalization.

P8 Analyse the impact of key issues on the development and well-being of an identified young person requiring the support of youth and community services

Inequality not only erodes their corporate attempt to achieve economic growth, trim down poverty and increase social mobility. It also raises opinion tension and all excessively frequently fuels conflict and unstableness (Watt, 2017). Without any consideration of some other uncertain such as ethnicity or income. For example is to measure of the well-being evaluation on the top of well-upbeat dispersion.

In Oxfam, they organise inequalities between population units is the deviation in ordinary well-being heaps between accumulation of people. Lower income units always have lower well-being but higher income groups and ethnic-al minorities attend ton have let down well-welfare.

There is a need for social agents who could develop programs for the help of those people who is suffering from inequality. Oxfam Plan Policies to better understand the role youth in community development process.

Some factors influence youth participation in the community spend a significant amount of time in activities extracurricular to school, considering involvement in Oxfam organisation. Move with people inside them. Most experts that time of life inhabit a important role in contemporary human improvement for contrary interconnected reasons (Naidoo and et. al., 2018). In equality one people delicacy with children and students in school and colleges in a bad manner. By this, students suffer from some mental issues like depression, stress, etc. So they need support and care by social worker and care practitioners to overcome inequalities.

In some states girls are more liable to die in childbirth than they to finishing school, or an approximation one in three girls are married earlier the age of eighteen this is also a large content in equivalence. Social workers assist them by some policies they provide them shelter and fulfil needs according to their demands.

Economic inequality effects accession to education, health and some other employment for youth. Poorness act with economical inequality to evolve device of disadvantage which push the poorest most to the lowermost and keep them there. The social worker provide free educational employment and public health are strong weapon system in fight against economic inequality (Bowler, 2017). Care practitioners play a critical role in Oxfam, authorise the girls gives shelter and household facilities by charity, so that could control over their lives. And prevent child marriage, encourage fewer children and leads to stronger economic position. High tuition fees are an big issue for youngsters in big countries. Oxfam provide scholarships less free in their educational organisation.


From the above report, it has been concluded that youth and community work involves supporting children and young people to help them thrive. This includes considering human rights, the Equality Act, and Ofsted standards while providing assistance. Youth and community work positively contributes to society by fostering confidentiality, engaging young people in the community, and promoting physical health. It also involves the responsibilities of youth workers, such as open communication, maintaining confidentiality, promoting health, and more, within a multidisciplinary team. Additionally, it is crucial for them to collaborate with other professionals to achieve better outcomes. This work engages young people in society, helping to support them more effectively. Moreover, key issues like economic inequality, pay inequality, and inequality in education negatively impact young people. Tools like an essay typer can be useful in exploring these topics further in academic work.

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