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TOP9056 Unit 17Understanding and Leading Change


  • Unit No: 17
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3606
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: NA
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Organization Selected : Compass Group Plc


Change, a force both empowering and perilous, holds the potential to either unveil fresh prospects or impose formidable challenges upon any organization. It signifies the modification or overhaul of pre-existing operations. Grasping and addressing these shifts is crucial for an entity's survival amidst ruthless competition (Berman and Korsten, 2014). The business landscape is perpetually in flux, with its internal and external components perpetually evolving, compelling organizations to adapt their strategies, methods, and pivotal operations. In this context, Compass Group Plc, headquartered in Surrey, England, United Kingdom, has been selected as the focal entity for analysis.

This discourse delves into a juxtaposition of diverse organizational instances, showcasing the reverberations of change on strategic frameworks. Additionally, it scrutinizes the influence of both internal and external change catalysts on leadership, individual conduct, and collective dynamics, followed by a thorough examination of methods to alleviate detrimental impacts. Moreover, it explores the myriad barriers to transformation and their bearing on decision-making processes, while also dissecting various leadership methodologies aimed at navigating these transitions.

For those seeking coursework help, the nuances of this topic are intricately woven throughout the analysis, offering profound insights into organizational change management.


P1. Comparison of different organizational instances

Organizational strategy refers to plans or actions carried with an objective to achiever long term goals. It may involve strategic planning for the success of an enterprise. On the other hand, operations in an entity is practices or activities carried by various departments working in a company (Bligh, Kohles and Yan, 2018). Changes may have significant impact on business which should be considered for the success of an undertaking. Impact that change leaves on Compass Group Plc's strategies and operations can be understood through a comparison with any one of its competitors.

Compass Group Plc is a British company that provides contract based food service. It is based in Surrey, England and operates in multiple countries i.e. multinational. It is the largest contract food service company in the world. Further, it is listed in London Stock Exchange and a Fortune Global 500 company. It has presence in approx 50 countries and employs over 550,000 people.

The enterprise that has chose for a comparison with chosen company is Sodexo which is a France based entity providing food services and facilities management. It is also a multinational corporate giving tough competition to Compass Group.


Compass Group Plc


Vision plan

It has vision of becoming a world-class provider of contract food service and support services (Bristol, 2015). Along with this, it wish to be know for its great staff, great service and great results. It focus on quality of food it serves to all the customers.

It wish to provide unique food service with an aim to outperform its top rivals. For achieving this, expansion plans to different countries in which it is not present is there. Also, work in an ethical manner.


It has short and medium term goals which includes sustainable development for retaining the number one position which it has currently. And the long term goals are for delivering superior service in most efficient way so that it can benefit to customers, shareholders and associates.

It has long term objectives to improve quality of daily life for all stakeholders which will reflect the highest standards of business ethics and commitment. The company is focused into maintaining healthy relationship with employees, customers, shareholders, government etc.

Corporate Culture

The enterprise is working in approx 50 countries and has people from different backgrounds working in the company. This change is important for making company understand and remove barriers which may arise in conducting business at international level.

The company has policy to make changes in policies which is suitable to majority of workforce. It has aim of providing best environment for employees in order to retain them for a long time. Also,. It gives growth opportunities by decoding the impact of change in business.


Since its focus majorly on short and medium term goals, due to which it makes plans for six months to one year depending on the requirement.

It is more into making long term goals which involves strategic planning and detail blue print is prepared for guiding in execution of whole plan (Goleman, 2014).

Customer relations

It operates on contract by making adjustments in choices in menus. In other words, customised services are provided by it which can provide highest satisfaction.

The company has analysed rest of the stakeholders other than customers are equally important, hence, tries to have good rapport with parties along with customers. 


P2. Evaluation of ways in which internal and external drivers of change impact leadership, team and individual behaviours

Change factors or drivers exist in a business environment which have potential to make enterprises adjust their strategies, plans, designs, products and operations. These are divided into two categories viz. External and internal which may bring opportunities for organizations. However, negative impact can also be possible with the pressure for such forces. Modifications are done to work in a synced manner in such a dynamic environment. These have been explained below in detail:

Internal drivers

The elements which force internal activities, processes or procedures to change are known as internal drivers. These bring transformation in the business which may have significant impact on people working in the organization. Every entity must have experts or a team completely dedicated to identify and make alterations in existing practices. An explanation of internal drivers of Compass Group Plc have been discussed below:

Resources: It is prime factor which can affect business in an evident manner. In the context of organization, resources refers to human resources, capital, monetary and inputs required for achieving goals and objectives of an entity. These are vital and every company has required resources which is actually scarce. These must be utilised in optimal for getting maximum output. Compass Group Plc is leading in food service business as it is directed towards providing best quality with the its limited resources (Hodges, 2016). Also, it has realised the importance of sustainability which is achieved through abiding by laws and legislations. This can save a lot of costs which could be blocked otherwise in paying penalties. Furthermore, each of the resources can be more or less depending on need and presence in the market. The leadership styles are changed by leader according to changes taking place which helps in carrying work effectively. Also, all the units understand the guidance provided by leaders which help in achieving desired results. Furthermore, the behaviour of individual is positive as they become more aware about putting right amount of efforts for using the resources appropriately. Furthermore, teams work in an harmonised way as per the requirement of mission.

Organizational culture: This factor is related to employees who are one of the resources and without whom an organization can not achieve its targets. It refers to beliefs, attitudes, opinions etc. of people working in the organization. Compass Group Plc is a multinational company which has benefit of having diverse culture. Furthermore, it has always supported ideas of its employee and taken them into decision-making. This increases their affection and emotional attachment towards to company which ultimately reduces employee turnover. Also, it appoints the best talent who are eligible to hold the specific position within the organization (John and Kulkarni, 2014). The leaves a positive impact on leadership because of co-operations from top management and other employees at the time change occurs. They are able to guide team members in desired manner. Furthermore, individual behaviour becomes more positive and stable with expected changes in policies. Furthermore, team performs in a collaboration for the attainment of common goals.

External drivers

These refer to factors that are not present within the business organization but can influence its activities and decisions. Such drivers are beyond the control of internal management and are in fact unavoidable. They have significant impact on organizational strategies and operations. Quick adaption of changes are helpful in bringing co-ordination between work. It can be understood with PESTEL of Compass Group Plc, which is as follows:

Political factor- The activities related to policies made by government are termed as political factor. It includes, changes regarding legal, ethical, demographical etc. further, it holds a great value in modification of business practices. Compass Group Plc keep pace with requirements of corporate governance. It has started working ethically and contributes every year for the development of local communities as performed under CSR.

Economic factor: There are elements that governs an economic cycle which includes inflation rate, demand and supply in the market, exchange rate, interest rate etc. Compass Group Plc employs manpower according to prevailing growth rate. Also, it conducts research to know about the preferences of customers before making changes in existing practices (Lucas, 2015).

Social factor: The beliefs, perceptions and opinions of people living in the society can impact the business and its brand image. Compass Group Plc is directed towards helping the underprivileged people. They provide free meals to such category of individuals as a gesture of ethics (Martynovich and Lundquist, 2016).

Technological factor: These are the most vital in order to carry business in a competitive way. Compass Group Plc has underwent a transformation where by advanced technologies have been introduced for keeping pace with other rivals.

Environmental factor: Awareness among people regarding environment has increased majorly due to the reason of high level of CO2 emission. Compass Group Plc used most of the products which can be recycled and utilised again.

Legal factor: Legislation and rules are included in this factor. Every organisation has to follow laws that are applicable on its business. Compass Group Plc consider fulfilling the legal requirements as one of its prime goals. It has successfully changed policies to implement corporate governance practices.

External factors influenced leaders to have positive outlook of the of the changes taking place which are hard to avoid or control. They lower down the resistance of employees to accept the change and work accordingly. Individual's become more concentrated to put efforts for achieving their goals within the allotted time. Furthermore, teams directions provided by the leaders for improving the performance.

P3.Evaluation of measures to mitigate negative effect of change on organizational behaviour

Organisational behaviour is the concept of people behaving in a particular way weather in the group or organisation. It is reflected in the performance of each individual. Furthermore, behaviour may have influence job structure, communication, motivation and many more. Leaders are appointed to encourage work force to perform for getting desired outcomes. Changes are inevitable which may have positive as well as negative impact on the perception, performance and behaviour of employees. If an entity understand the changes occurring and addresses them by making provisions for alterations, then it can survive in cut throat competition without missing a major. Hence, it is important to you have a control over the changes and should be reduced majorly (McCalman and Potter, 2015. For minimising the negative effect of change and evaluation of number of measures have been provided as under:

Lewin's force field model: It was given by Kurt Lewin who review the impact of change on organisational behaviour. According to this model, division has been created between the forces bringing change and forces limiting them. Along with this, an equation has been provided which states that in order to have a change, driving forces must exceed restricting forces. Also, basic and common perception is that main the external forces have major impact on organisational behaviour (Polden, 2015). In case of a change, it is evident that employees resisted change at initial level which causes problem. However it can be overcome through appropriate leadership.

Nudge theory: The theory is insist on inspiring individuals to adapt changes. It enables a person understand the existing change a business process or activity is going through. This ultimately helps in deciding weather 2 you eliminate it or except to a specific level which may be consider as positive. It is about providing direction to employees to influence preferences.

Both the above theories are in change management. Lewin’s force field analysis put focus on differentiating between driving and restricting forces. On the other hand, Nudge theory consider encouraging a person to accept change (Rhea, 2014). Furthermore, in this theory, ideas, feelings, opinions etc. Employees are taken into consideration while making decisions for reducing effect of change.

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P4. Different barriers for change and how they leadership decision making

Barriers are the challenges that an organisation may have during change management. They are responsible for giving negative results. It is necessary to find out such hurdles and their impact on leadership decision making so that corrective measures can be taken. Some of the barriers for change have been mentioned below:

Resistance to change: It is not easy to convince personnel to accept change and make adjustments to be able to perform according to directions provided. It has been observed that, a person is willing to work in an organisation that is stable as compared to others which are prone changes. Reason for it could be the opinion of majority of people that change will affect their performance negatively. In such a scenario, it becomes difficult for leaders to make decisions which can provide benefits to all (Rothwell, Stavros and Sullivan, 2015).

Unknown current state: in order to incorporate changes it is necessary for entities to have conducted in in depth examination of structure and likely impact of modifications that are going to take place. This may take time which cannot be awarded by organisation to invest into. Therefore, corporate scan proceed with making changes without any analysis. This may cause major issue which makes force the decisions to fail.

Integration: change require managing number of integration and which is actually not possible in a large scale company like Compass Group Plc. There are number of departments that a working on a specified process or structure which are changed while making modifications. It is not possible in a running business as it may disturb its activities (Storey, 2016). A leader has to change his style, policies, guidance and direction for making effective decision. This may need number of months to finish.

Competitive forces: an organisation is majorly affected by external drivers predominantly competitors. An entity like Compass Group Plc perform to retain the position in the market for which it has to provide services better than the rivals. Also, failure risks should be assessed before launching a service or a product with a view to give tough competition to the organisations operating in the same industry. The scan force leadership decision making to pressurise employees in an excessive manner resulting negative impact.


P5. Apply different leadership approaches to deal with change

Leadership approaches refer to providing direction, guidance and motivating people working in the organisation. A leader follow one more approaches to influence aphids or activities of an individual or a group. These are explained below :

Autocratic leaders: this type of approach is very rigid because ideas for millions of the members are not considered while execution making. Ultimate decision is taken by the manager or leader based on their knowledge and skills. It can be used to make prompt decisions. For example, Compass Group Plc can adopt this approach for preparing plans in which does not want intervention of team members or their advices are not important. Negative outcomes of this approach are high absenteeism and turnover in employment.

Democratic leaders: it it is opposite to autocratic approach. Leaders take final decision by increasing employees to share their set of ideas which are included in all decision making process. This approach exercises active participation of team members which temperature send to show innovation in their performance. Compass Group Plc can apply this approach any matters of changes taking place in organization culture. Expectations and queries of an individual working in the company is important to consider for providing them high job satisfaction and motivate them to increase their productivity.

Laissez faire: is approaches light by employees because of high freedom given by the leaders. Feel motivated and free to share every bit of the work performed by them along with personal problems (Tombetti and Mason, 2018). This approach is helpful in creating a close relationship between leader and team members. Individuals get a sense of belongingness and connect with the company which helps in retaining them and increase their efficiency. Compass Group Plc what this approach for understanding the problems for reasons of resistance by the employees in accepting the changes.

Transformational leadership: the leaders following this approach are considered to be more emotionally stable and empathetic towards his subordinates. It is used in most of the organisations because of the features it has. Employees are motivated on the basis of the fact that each one of them are valuable to the company and expected to work by putting their best efforts. Also, leaders take the responsibility of the outcomes (Wilkinson and Kemmis, 2015). Compass Group Plc applies this approach to resolve conflicts in a prompt manner and for taking decisions to avoid disputes in future.


From the above report, it has been concluded that change is beyond the control of any person working in the organisation. It is important to understand and accept the change for making immediate adjustments in the business practices in order to save time and money. Furthermore, analysis of impact of changes taking place on business Strategies and operation should be the top priority so that require decisions can be made. Along with this, assessment of influence of internal and external forces must be done for uncovering the impact on behaviour of leaders, individuals and teams. Also, measures of evaluating alterations has to be done for choosing one model of change management. Along with this, barriers of change should be eliminated or reduced to a considerable level and write leadership approach must be chosen for adjusting the changes according to the desirability of the organisation.

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Books and Journals

Berman, S. and Korsten, P., 2014. Leading in the connected era. Strategy & Leadership. 42(1). pp.37-46.

Bligh, M. C., Kohles, J. C. and Yan, Q., 2018. Leading and learning to change: the role of leadership style and mindset in error learning and organizational change. Journal of Change Management. 18(2). pp.116-141.

Bristol, L., 2015. Leading-for-inclusion: transforming action through teacher talk. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 19(8). pp.802-820.

Goleman, D., 2014. Leading for the long future. Leader to Leader. 2014(72), pp.34-39.

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John, B. and Kulkarni, V., 2014. Effect of leading edge bluntness on the interaction of ramp induced shock wave with laminar boundary layer at hypersonic speed. Computers & Fluids. 96. pp.177-190.

Lucas, N., 2015. When leading with integrity goes well: Integrating the mind, body, and heart. New directions for student leadership. 2015(146). pp.61-69.

Martynovich, M. and Lundquist, K. J., 2016. Technological change and geographical reallocation of labour: On the role of leading industries. Regional Studies. 50(10). pp.1633-1647.

McCalman, J. and Potter, D., 2015. Leading cultural change: The theory and practice of successful organizational transformation. Kogan Page Publishers.

Polden, D. J., 2015. Leading Institutional Change: Law Schools and Legal Education in a Time of Crisis. Tenn. L. Rev. 83, p.949.

Rhea, Z. M., 2014. Leading and managing Indigenous education in the postcolonial world. Routledge.

Rothwell, W. J., Stavros, J. M. and Sullivan, R. L. Eds., 2015. Practicing organization development: Leading transformation and change. John Wiley & Sons.

Storey, D. J., 2016. Understanding the small business sector. Routledge.

Tombetti, E. and Mason, J.C., 2018. Takayasu arteritis: advanced understanding is leading to new horizons. Rheumatology. 58(2). pp.206-219.

Wilkinson, J. and Kemmis, S., 2015. Practice theory: Viewing leadership as leading. Educational 

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