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Role Model Influence


  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 32 / Words 8049
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: CHA14398292
  • Downloads: 259
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Topic: To study the influence of role models on young adults' purchase behaviour. A case study on Indian market.


Overview of research

Role models are individuals who inspire and influence others by setting an example, often admired for their personal qualities, achievements, and behavior. They don’t provide direct instruction, but their actions encourage others to emulate and develop similar traits. These influences are especially profound in shaping the lives of young people. According to Duan, Liu, and Che (2018), role models can have a powerful impact, particularly on youth. Role models can be divided into two categories: direct models and vicarious models. Direct models include parents, friends, relatives, and peers—those close to us who influence our daily actions. On the other hand, vicarious role models encompass sports stars, actors, and entertainment celebrities who influence young people by shaping their opinions, views, and actions from afar.

This influence isn’t just limited to personal development; it also extends to consumer behavior. Role models can significantly impact young people's purchasing decisions and consumption habits. If you’re looking to explore more about the psychology behind such behaviors or need help with similar topics, don’t hesitate to seek my assignment help.

The Indian market is characterized as one of most fastest growing and developing market of economy and is the third largest nation of world in terms of purchasing power parity. Beside this, around half of the population of society is between the aged group of 18-35 i.e. a large population of youngsters is found in the society of India (Hagemann, 2018). Further, a lot of craze about role models and celebrities is seen the markets of India together with a multicultural, multiracial, multi religious and multilingual social catachrestic that makes it crucial and provides a concept to conduct research to have better understanding about there perception and behaviour of this diverse society (Ferreira, 2017). Thus, the following research is based on, €œ study about the role models influence on purchasing behaviour of young adults together with analysis of influence created on Indian youth market that includes individuals of age group between 18-21 and 22-25. 

Significance of study

This research project is based on the topic €œRole models influence on young adults purchase behaviour is significant and crucial for researcher as it yield an in-depth information to researcher about the Indian Youth market and the impact lead by role models on their purchasing behaviours and attitude. This research project also provide a comparison about lifestyle and purchasing attitude between the markets of UK and India with the help of Hofstede cultural dimensions (Gaitz and MacFarlane, 2018). Beside this, this research wok is also beneficial for multinational companies as it provide signifiant information regarding the purchasing behaviours of youth of Indian market thus, facilitates an opportunity for them to have effective planning for expansion in the market of India and can also compare the purchasing behaviour of UK and India to have effective decisions regarding its product portfolio (Josephidou, 2019). Apart from all, these benefits, this research project is significant for academic and educational purpose of researchers and can also be used by other investigator and scholars to have knowledge and information regarding the influence of role model over the purchasing behaviour of youth of Indian market.

Research Aims

Research aim basically represent the intention and aspiration behind the research study and basically summarise the main purpose of research in a single sentence which investigator wants achieve at the end of project. The main aim of this research conducted on Indian market is,€œTo analyse the influence of role models (direct and vicarious) on purchasing behaviour of young adults of age group 18-21 and 22-25.

Research Objectives

The research objectives are set to provide a guidance and direction for researcher and its team through facilitating a base for measuring their outcomes and end results of research. The main objectives of this research work conducted on markets of India are as follows:

  • To understand the concept of role models and purchasing behaviour of customers (Cheng, Song and Li, 2017).
  • To determine the different types of role models and their influence on young adults.
  • To analyse the influence of role model and celebrity on purchasing behaviour of young adults (between age group 18-21 and 22-25) in Indian market.
  • To ascertain whether young adults' purchasing behaviour and intention is influenced more by direct or vicarious role models.

Research Questions

  • What is the concept of role models and purchasing behaviour of customers?
  • What are the different types of role models and their influence on Indian young adults?
  • What is the influence of role model and celebrity on purchasing behaviour of young adults (between age group 18-21 and 22-25) in Indian market.
  • Which role model is more influential for young adults' purchasing behaviour and intention; direct or vicarious?

Research ethics

Research ethics are basically the representatives of moral implications and principles that must be followed by a researcher during the whole course of research. It mainly includes a description about doing correct things at correct time with the aim of maintaining integrity and viability of research (Marquis, 2018). A research can be conducted in an ethical way through providing respect and due importance to feelings and emotions of all individuals who are directly or indirectly associated with the research. It is the responsibility of researcher to keep a check and effectively monitor that the activities and task of the researcher should not harm or adversely affect or threaten any individuals, animal or other aspects of society neither physically nor mentally to complete a research in an ethical way. While conducting this research due care is provided to research ethics and a written consent from respondents and all individuals are taken before asking or involving them in research project (Dahlvig and Longman, 2016). Consent from all participant together with effective control measures to maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of research work is taken by investigator during all the activities of this research project. 

Justification and contextualization

Importance of Research

This research is based on the title €œRole models influence on young adults€™ purchase behaviour€ This study is significant as it helps researcher in gaining in-depth knowledge about the topic and gathering large amount of information on Indian Youth market and the influence of role models on their purchasing intentions and behaviours. This study provides an examination that how the directs role models like parents, relatives, peer group and friends influence the intention and views of young individuals together with a refection about vicarious role models that includes celebrities over behaviour and styling of young individuals. Thus, this research project is helpful for researcher as it enhance its knowledge and information level regarding the impact lead by role models on the views and behaviour of young. Apart from the topic, it also helps researcher in gaining knowledge of other areas also. Besides this, it is also helpful for academic purpose as it helps scholars in carry out further study on topic.

Why is it important to find what you are trying to find?

The research on topic €œRole models influence on young adults€™ purchase behaviour€ is conduct in order to find out the way role models like parents, celebrities, sports celebrities and friends influence purchasing behaviour and intentions of young adults. This study helps in gathering data on Indian market of young adults of age group 18-21 and 22-25. By this research, the researcher is trying to find out the influence of role model on buying behaviour of Indian young adults. It is very important to find out the impact as this helps in gathering data on Indian market and analysing the behaviour of young adults so as to draw valid conclusion on it.

Build on existing body of evidence

Use of both primary and secondary sources of data is made to collect information for this research to build on and provide relevant evidence for the collected research data. Use of primary sources has facilitated first hand and first time collected data to maintain the originality and authenticity of research. Use of an questionnaire is made to collect a precise and relevant information directly from the respondents. Beside this, secondary data collection method facilitates a support to primary findings and lead to better application of research and also provide evidence for collected information through making use of various articles, journals, internet sources , website and links. Thus, to build evidence for this research use of best research methods are made and timely recording keeping and documentation of all the research activity and data collected is also made to ensure the relevant evidence about the findings and research.

Is it timely? Does it respond to an existing need? What makes it so?

To ensure the the timely completion of research project and to finish all activities in systematic way and within the prescribed sequences through use of various time horizons are made. These time horizons are basically divided into two main parts that is cross sectional and longitudinal. Use of cross section time horizons facilitated detail regarding the time required for completion of each activity in an effective and appropriate way thus, ensures timely start and completion of each activity. Beside this longitudinal time horizon only provide information about various time interval but dose not provide specific information regarding each activity, thus, use of cross sectional time horizon has facilitated timely completion of this research project. This research is effectively responding on existing needs as provide all relevant information about the influence of role model on purchasing behaviour of youngsters belongs to age group of 18-12 and 21- 25. Use of effective research methodology together with other statistical tool and techniques makes this research project able to meet all the existing needs.


Literature review basically provides an in-depth discussion and critical evaluation about the various published sources and literature that are associated and related with a particular research topic (Xu and Jin, 2017). The main of literature review is to provide a comprehensive summary about the various aspects and point view related with the research topic with the help and support of various journal, articles, Ebooks, online sites and other scholarly literature to have better understanding and perception about the research work. This part of the research is concerned with analysing and surveying scholarly sources so that the key developments and concepts about a research topic can be found out. This helps in critical interpretation and evaluation of a source which gives a detailed idea about a topic which is under discussion. This part helps in analysing the ideas of various scholars on a given topic so that the topic can be studied under a broad spectrum. This research work is basically associated with the analysis of impact lead by Role models in the purchasing behaviour of young individuals of society of Indian market who basically belongs to the age group of 18-21 and 21-25. use of various online article and scholarly sites are made to have following findings related with topic and objectives of current research project.

To understand the concept of role models and purchasing behaviour of customers.

Role models are the person having some qualities and behaviour that have the ability to influence other and lead to an impact over their overall personality, views and purchasing behaviour. The individuals included in role model can be direct model like the parents, relatives and friend circle or the vicarious role model that consists of celebrities and sports personalities As per the view point of Martin, Craig A and Bush, Alan J, 2020, role have a significant level of influence on the teenager's and youth's purchase intentions and behaviour as they are the individuals who are having the capability to shape and direct the actions, views and ideas of a young person. The youngsters starts following their role models and try to learn good values and also started copying their dressing style or other factor for which they are the role model thus, lead to create an impact on views of youngsters and their purchasing behaviour (Sullivan, Childs and Gann, 2018).

Further, as per the opinion of Shawn Grimsley, 2020, consumer buying behaviour is basically the sum total of individuals attitudes, intentions, preferences and decisions that lead and motivates them to make purchase of a specific thing or product. Role models are having the direct influence over the attitudes of individuals through setting a good example and strive them to develop similar qualities and behaviours to become successful thus, lead to impact on individuals purchasing behaviour especially on the youngsters belonging to the age group of 18-21 and 21-25. Role models plays an important role in life of individuals and strives to uncover their true potentials and overcome the weakness thus, facilitates effective changes in purchasing behaviour and lifestyle of a young individual.

To determine different types of role models and their influence on young adults

role model is a person who can influence others in behaving in a particular manner and changing the thinking of the person along with their perceptions regarding something. Role models can be anyone who can mould the behaviour of another person in a specific manner and the other person happily follows the instructions given by their role models to them. For children their role models can be their parents, teachers, celebrities etc. who influence their way of thinking which affect their behaviour.

As per the views of Naveed Fayyaz, 2018, during the early age of children they admire some elder people who they look up to and copy. The role models of a child keep ion changing as they grow old according to the change in their taste and preferences. However, it is important to have good role models in life as they play an important role in eventually shaping the life of a child. Individual's consumption behaviour is directly related to their learning experience which means that they can learn as they grow and are influenced by various people who affect their buying behaviour in market. Young adults in Indian market belonging to the age of 18-25 years are more influenced by the behaviour of their parents as they live with them and their spending behaviour is usually influenced by the spending behaviour of their parents. Role models can be of different types like they can be teachers, parents, peers, celebrities, peers, historical figures etc. who can have an impact on the overall behaviour of a person. However, now-a-days due to the increase in social media and the increased use of marketing techniques by various companies the buying behaviour of young adults are greatly influenced by people who appear on TVs, advertisements, social media etc. The companies use celebrities as their brand ambassadors so as to increase the sales of their company as many people in India consider them as their role models and are highly influenced by the messages they spread by the way of advertisements which influence them into buying certain items. Due to the increased use of role models in their advertisements, young people can be influenced in buying company items. However, the young adults can sometimes also be falsely affected by the faulty advertisements featuring the role models who claim that on purchasing the items of a company the buyers will be benefited which might not be true. This can have adverse affects on their safety and health and can also lead to drainage of their finances in purchasing certain items. Parents can play an important role in preventing their children from getting influenced by the faulty advertisements which feature role models of their children.

Thus it can be said that the effect of role models on the buying behaviour of young adults is high which affect the way in which they spend their money. In Indian markets though parents play an important role in affecting the spending pattern and choices of their children still young adults can get influenced due role models. For example if the role model of young adults are shown smoking or consuming alcohol then it will have a negative effect on young adults and they will also be inclined towards smoking and drinking which may have a negative effect on their health and also their financial sources.

To analyse the influence of role model and celebrity on purchasing behaviour of young adults in Indian markets

Popular personalities can convert into excellent salesmen. When companies sell their products or services in the market by using the face of a famous personality or celebrity it helps in spreading awareness about the company's products in the fastest and safest manner. Role models have a great influence on the buying behaviour of young adults in the Indian markets which creates an impact on the sales of company. Marketers thus increasing use role models for selling their products and services in the market as they create a high influence on the buying behaviour of people. Company can attach a well known face to their products which help in enhancing its brand image and also it helps in creating a strong image on the minds of young purchasers which influence them to buy the company's products.

According to the views of Kevin Stirtz, 2020, in order to improve customer service and increase customer loyalty, the companies use various role models so as to create an influence on their target audience which help in increasing their sales. Companies are extensively using various role models and celebrities so as to become a renowned brand in market and also influence customers by attracting them by using the face of a famous personality. In the Indian market the purchases can be increased by companies by using a famous face to sell their products. Advertisements extensively use celebrities, sports personalities and other influential people using company products and services and praising them as to how the company has helped in enhancing their standard of living. This helps the companies to attract young people toward their products. Beauty products are extensively sold in Indian markets by using role models as it is very easy to influence young people who are excessively worried about their looks and always try to look better. Cosmetic products, soaps, shampoos, beauty creams etc. are being sold by using role models as the brand ambassadors of company which can help in increasing company sales. As young people are highly vulnerable to nervous breakdown due to increased unemployment and the race of looking better it becomes easy for companies to influence their purchasing behaviour by using role models.

Thus it can be said that the influence of role models on buying behaviour of young people in Indian market is very high and companies are using them in order to increase their sales. Different people have different role models depending on their characteristics which means that one role model can only appeal to a specific group of people which means that different company use different face so as to sell their products in market and influence the behaviour of people. India is an emerging economy which means that companies are trying to grow and expand their business by increasing their sales so that increasing profits can help them in expanding globally. Hence the use of role models in advertisement is increasing so that more number of customers can be influenced to buy company products.

To ascertain whether young adult's purchasing behaviour and intention is influenced more by direct or vicarious role models

Direct role models are the people who influence the behaviour of others by remaining in their vicinity so that their intentions and actions can be influenced. The direct role models involve teachers, parents, family members, peers etc. who have a direct influence on the actions of a person. Vicarious role models are the people who gain popularity through mediated communication source like TVs, social media etc. who influence the intentions and actions of people by indirectly influencing them. Both the direct and vicarious role models can influence the intentions and purchasing behaviour of young adults.

As per the views of Craig and Alan, 2000, to determine whether the young adults are more influenced by direct role models like parents or they are more influenced by vicarious role models like favourite entertainers and athletes affects the way in which companies formulate their marketing strategies. The buying behaviour of young adults can be easily influenced as they strive to look better in their family and friend groups which helps in influencing their consumption and buying behaviour. The ever-increasing adolescent consumer market makes it important for companies to understand their behaviour so that their sales can increase. As young generation is more actively involved in the society they try to out stand in the crowd so that their separate identity can be build. Also they are highly active on social media sites which gains their attraction and attention and also influence their thoughts and their buying behaviour. The influence of vicarious role models on the purchasing behaviour of young adults is more than the direct role models. This also helps the companies to increase their sales by increasingly using role models so as to influence more customers towards their products and services. The vicarious role models are favourite entertainers or athletes of young adults who are shown on social media, TVs and other advertisements using the products and services of company which influence young people to buy company products so that they can also gain the same level of experience as their role models.

Thus it can be seen that the vicarious role models play an important role in influencing the consumption and spending pattern of young adults. They also impact their consumption pattern like if their role models are shown eating a certain food or taking diet pills so as to remain fit then the young adult can also be influenced to purchase the food and diet pills so as to remain in figure. This might also have a negative impact on their health and safety which means that the companies need to be careful and also make advertisements which are ethically correct. Indian market has a large number of youth population which means that the companies need to be careful in using role models to sell their products.

Comparison of difference in Indian and UK culture

the difference in culture between the two nations India and UK can be done by using Hofstede's cultural dimensions model which will help in evaluating the difference in culture based on following six dimensions:

  • Power Distance Index: There is a high level of PDI which means that inequality exist in the Indian market and the people in India accept the unequal distribution of power among them. This means that role models have a high impact on the purchasing behaviour of young adults in India. Whereas in UK there is low level of PDI which means that people do not accept unequal distribution of power among them thus making it difficult to influence the behaviour of young adults through role models.
  • Individualism vs collectivism: There exists high collectivism in Indian society which means that people usually behave under the social framework of society. Also it means that society has a huge impact on the behaviour of young adults. In UK on the other hand individualism is high which means that they give more preference to personal interest and makes it difficult to influence young adults through role models.
  • Masculinity vs Femininity: India and UK are both considered as masculine society which means that the impact of men in society is more which means that male role models impact the behaviour of young adults.
  • Uncertainty avoidance index: The UAI is high which means that people in India try to avoid uncertainty which means that if their role models are shown using a particular company's products then they can be influenced to purchase that product. While in UK UAI is low which means they try products at their own risk without being influenced by role models.
  • Orientation: People in India have a long term orientation which means that they use products if they trust them and role models can help in influencing them. While in UK short term orientation is present which means that they cannot be easily influenced by role models.
  • Indulgence: In India the ability to control the desires of people is high which means they can kill their desires and do something they do not want to do which means that role models can influence their buying behaviour while this is not the case for UK people who do what they want and do not kill their desires.


Research methodology is a theoretical framework which present detail information regrading the type of tools or techniques that are used in order to gather, interpret and present the information as per the objectives in more effective manner (Flick, 2015). This section will support the investigator in making right choice in term of method to be used so that it can present and evaluate the information in more effective manner so that appropriate outcome can be extracted. For evaluating the most suitable tools and technique, a framework will be used within investigation which is named as Research onion which consists of several layers that represent about the several tools and techniques that are used within an investigation. The techniques used by an investigator in this investigation are mentioned below:-

Research philosophy:- It is a set of belief and specific way that an investigator adopt in order to achieve the outcome in positive manner. The research philosophy are of two type such as Interpretivism and positivism. Among them interpretivism is a research philosophy that help in collecting the realistic approach which affect the outcome of investigation (Gioia, Corley and Hamilton, 2013). On other side the positivism philosophy is based over the scientific review which is given by previous author that provide an overview according to the conclusion or recommendation of present report. In order to perform this investigation positivism philosophy will be taken into consideration as it help in presenting the statistical information in more effective manner.

Research approach:- It is a process and plan that consists of step of wider assumption for in depth data collection, interpretation and evaluation. The research approach are mainly based on the nature as well as type of investigation. There are two type of research approach such as inductive and deductive (Green, Camilli and Elmore, 2012). Among them the inductive approach focuses toward shifting from one particular observation to another one by creating several different theories in order to update the current knowledge. On the other hand, deductive approach is one which put emphasis toward gathering the information by creating hypothesis and testing it to prove them wrong or right. For performing this study the deductive approach would be taken into consideration which support in evaluating the numerical data in more effective manner.

Time horizon:- It is a most crucial factor within an investigation as it represent the duration as well as sequence of each and every activity involve within a study to perform it in effective manner toward accomplishment of research aims & objectives. The time horizon are divided into two parts such as cross sectional and longitudinal. Among them longitudinal is a time horizon which provide several different interval without any sort of specific format to perform research activities (Kumar, 2019). On the other side the cross sectional is one which provide detail regarding the time required for completing each activity in effective manner so that it become much understandable to the investigator or team to perform the activities in effective manner. In order to perform this investigation the cross sectional time horizon would be taken into consideration as it provide better understanding to researcher about time required for completing each task and activities.

Research methods:- The research method for performing an investigation are consider to be most crucial part of a research that support in conducting the investigation in more effective manner. The research methods are of two type such as qualitative and quantitative research methods. Among them the qualitative research method is one that gain an understanding about the underlying opinion and reasons that help in getting insight regarding issues for uncovering the trends in opinion and thoughts (Mackenzie and et. al., 2012). On other hand the quantitative method used to generate hard fact and numerical data for implementing the mathematical, statistical and logical technique in order to quantify the behaviour or opinion for generalising the outcome from selected audience. 

n order to perform this investigation the quantitative research method will be taken into consideration as it will support in evaluating and analysing the numerical data with the help of statistical techniques so that best possible outcome can be extract toward the accomplishment of research aims and objectives.

Data collection methods:- This aspect is refer to the process of collecting and gartering data or information from targeted respondents with aim of understanding the population views and also to provide better solution for identified research questions in an effective manner. Along with this, data collection method has been classified into two types i.e. primary and secondary which varies from each other in terms of function or procedure is explained below:

  • Primary data collection method:- This is concern with those process in which researcher collects data for the first time which states that it is not attempted by any other investigator before as it it not available within current market that shows the originality of report. However, the core feature that primary data render to researcher is that it help them to acquire precise, new and relevant information related to specified topic for developing accurate report (Mackey and Gass, 2015). Some of the types through which primary data can gather are questionnaire, survey, observation, interview etc.
  • Secondary data collection method:- Under this, researcher make use of those data or content which is already available inside market as it is attempted by several other scholars or publishers before. However, the benefit that researcher obtain by the application of secondary data is that they can achieve information in a reasonable and quicker manner that assist them to accomplish their objective in an efficacious way. Some of the kinds to gather secondary data are articles, journals, books, internal sources etc.

However, in regard of this research report, researcher utilises both primary and secondary method. In perspective of primary data, investigator acquire information with the preparation of questionnaire method as well as also obtain data from various scholars, articles, online sources , journals and presented in the form of literature review.

Data analysis:- In this component of research methodology, it is relate with the procedure of analysing or evaluating the acquired data with the utilisation of accurate statistical tool. Due to which, it enable them to improve the overall performance of report and lead them to make best decisions (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015). However, in data analysis, researcher receive data from primary source with a purpose of analysing and interpreting for creating improved level of final results. In context of this report, investigator applies thematic approach by implying accurate graphs or chart to make report more reliable and informative to respondents.

Research sampling:- Under this procedure, it refer to those aspect which states that choosing a number of population from a larger amount of population. However, it is divided in two types that are discussed beneath: 

  • Probabilistic sampling method:- This research sampling technique relate with a selection of larger population with an aim of providing equal opportunity to each individual in regard of sharing their opinion or views towards specified research topic.
  • Non-probabilistic sampling method:- In this type of sampling method, investigator take an initiative to select any group of individuals from wider population in an odd way. But, it does not render equal chance to members for expressing their ideas (Miller and et. al., 2012).

In regard of existing research report, researcher make an attempt to apply non- probabilistic sampling method by avoiding the fact of occurring bias behaviour in final outcome. Moreover, random sampling method is used by researcher that lead them to choose respondents on random basis in order to enrich the accuracy and validity investigation in an amended way. The sample size which researcher prefer for present report is 50 respondents who are young adults from IT profession and mainly follows different role models to make a decision regrading purchase behaviour for particular brand.

Research ethics:- Under this concept, it is link with the practice of ethical ways or methods during the procedure of investigation regarding any specified area and study (Quinlan and et. al., 2019). However, the foremost benefit which investigator obtain by applying research ethics is that it empower them to collect accurate and reliable information that drive them to enrich report validity in an improved mode. IN relation to current research report, researcher maintain all personal data of targeted respondents very confidential and secure in order to obtain positive response from other scholars or researcher within the industry.

Research limitation:- This aspect of methodology is concern with those process which impact researcher investigation in term of preparing findings and interpretation of particular research. In context of this investigation, researcher faced issue in collecting data from respondents as people were not much aware about this topic that only provide limited amount of information.

Research reliability and validity:- In this determinant of methodology, it is relate with keeping reliable content and also the practice of high level of consistency of measures during testing instrument in an amended way such as questionnaire (Riedl, Davis and Hevner, 2014). Along with this, it also empower researcher to put their main focus over gathering relevant and appropriate data from suitable sources. In views of reliability of research, whole investigation should acquire valid or suitable information as it can be derivable from various considerations.





Provides a good model for me to follow


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation: From the above mentioned table it has been determined that average weighted mean of 40 respondents (parents) to the question €œProvides a good model for me to follow€ is 4.4 i.e. 4 which reflects agree.


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation:- According to the above mentioned report it has been identified that the weighted average mean of 40 respondents is 3.6 which stated that the majority of people are agree that their friends are proves to be good model for them. 


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation:- From the above mentioned information within table it has been identified that the weighted average mean for the total of 40 respondents is 3.9 which is rated as 4. This means that the 15 respondents are agree over the likert scale that the sports celebrities are one that act as a role model for them.


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation:- As per the above mentioned information it has identified that the weighted average mean of the data gathered from 40 respondents is 3.8 which means that around 18 respondents rated 4. This means that these 18 respondents believe that entertainment celebrities are one that act as a role model for several people

Acts as a role model for me


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation:- According to the information which is presented within the table regarding the question €œAct as a model for me€ which was asked by 40 respondents, it has been found that the weighted average mean for this is 4.4. By this it can be identified that the 22 respondents out of 40 said that their family act as a role model for them.


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation:- As per the data presented above it has been determined that the 40 respondents are agreed with the question which get rated as 4 over the weightage average mean of 3.5. This state that the 19 respondents out of 40 state that their friend act as a role model for them.


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation:- As per the information presented within the table it has been identified the weighted average mean over the question that Sport celebrities act as a role model is 3.9. From this it has been found that 15 out of 40 respondents mark high over the likert scale as they are agree that sport celebrities usually act as a role model for them.


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation:- From the above mentioned information it has been identified that the weighted average mean is 3.6 for the 40 respondents regarding the questions €œEntertainment Celebrities act as a role model for me. This information depict that majority of people believe that they consider entertainment celebrity as their role model.

3. Sets a positive example for others to follow


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation: The above shown table is concern about creating positive response among others with aim to make them follow. However, out of 40 respondents of average weighted mean(parents) i. e. 4.7 in which majority of the respondents states that it is necessary for every individual to set a positive example for others in terms of follow them back.


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)
























Mean Average


Interpretation: It has been demonstrated from the drawn table that out of 40 respondents (friends) of weighted average mean i. e. 3.7 in which majority of the individuals says that it is good for creating an impressive level of example over others with an intention of making them follow. 


Respondent (A)

Weightage (B)

















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