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Cultural and Ethical Impact of Globalisation - Marks & Spencer

University: Kensington college of business

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3953
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: PM201
  • Downloads: 1300
Organization Selected : Marks & Spencer


Business strategies are necessary and important to conduct project in an effective manner. It has led success to achievement of an firm's targets and goals. Business strategies has become crucial and relevant for research project and activities(Coker, 2014.). In this current scenario, business objective and targets cannot be easily achieved and accomplish. This research project will be carried on Marks & Spencer, which is the leading British based multinational retail chain deals in clothing, home based, furniture, kids and luxury food products. The company is headquartered in city of Westminster and is listed on London Stock exchange. Apart from this, this project is divided into two parts: a) Research aim, objectives, and time frame of the research project and b) development of the project management plan and research methods to conduct the research project effectively and efficiently. Apart from this, this report will put light on concept of globalisation and how it will put impact on marketing function and business operations of an organization.

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P1 Devise project aim and objectives for the chosen organization

Research overview

This brief research will be conducted on Marks & Spencer which is the major British multinational retailer, which is British multinational leading retailer headquartered in the city of Westminster, London. The company has decided to expand their business function and its operation across other countries of the world. During such huge and big expansion, impact of globalisation will largely impact on the operation and marketing function of an organisation. The main reason behind this project is to understand and analyse the force of globalisation on the company, their customer satisfaction and also the brand building. This project will cover effective and profitable ways to enhance productivity and efficiency of the business.

Research background:

The term Globalisation means the global and worldwide expansion of an international trade, investment, information technology and cultures. It is defined as the transformation of national economies into the global trade power through generating the foreign direct investment, advancement of technology, trade generation and capital inflow. It was noticed that globalisation is the combination of technological, economic, socio-cultural and political factors etc. This project will show impact of all these factors on growth and business management in the Marks & Spencer(Parmenter, 2012.).

Aim of the project: To analyse the influence of political, economical and technological factors on the globalisation, marketing operation and function of an organisation. This project is based on current scenario of the Marks & Spencer.

Research Objectives:

  • To understand the basic concept of globalisation.
  • To analyse the positive economic, cultural and ethical impacts of globalisation on marketing operation and function of an organisation.
  • To realize the contribution of globalisation on expansion and growth of the Marks & Spencer.
  • To analyse the interrelationship between impact of globalisation on the success of the marketing and operation in the Marks & Spencer.

Research question:

  • What is the basic concept of globalisation.
  • What is the concept of economic, ethical and cultural influence of the globalisation on the company's marketing process and impact on within the international boundaries
  • What will be contribution and part of contribution in the success of the Marks & Spencer.
  • What is the effective relationship between impact of globalisation and success of the marketing process and function within an organisation(Byram, 2017).

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P2 Project management plan and procedures that will various covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources

The project manager of the Marks & Spencer is required to plan and structure the project management plan which is necessary and suitable to complete all tasks and activities during the set period of time. Let's talk brief about project management plan. It is refer as the formal and professional papers which is approved by top authority of the Marks & Spencer, which will show How the business project will be implement and regulate. For conducting the business project properly, it is necessary to discuss various components of the project management plan which would be used by project manager of the Marks & Spencer are as follows:

Cost: It is the major duty of project manager to calculate the appropriate amount of financial support for conducting all the activities of the business project in the systematic manner. The important aspects of the project management plan is calculating cost budgeting, requirement of the capital and cost control techniques etc(Ariely, 2012).

Scope: In this part, project scope and part should be mentioned. Here, project breakdown structure will be used to determined that would help the project manager to delegate each and every activities to their employee's as per their skills and knowledge. It has been noticed that globalisation has large scope which will help the Marks & Spencer to raise and expand their business. Also, this project will focus on increasing sales and revenue of this organisation.

Time: In this, project manager of the Marks & Spencer needs to find suitable time to plan and conduct the business project. Time should be specific and relevant may be a day, week, month or quarter. In order to complete the business project, specific timing needs to designed in the pre-stage of deciding the project.

Quality: Proper and effective quality is the necessity of every project whether research or brief assessment. The project manager of the Marks & Spencer needs to do perform pre-quality assessment before starting of the business project. It will help this firm to conduct and doing the business project properly and effectively. Pre-quality check is best suitable to check nature and requirement of the resource and information for regulating the project ethically(Adzic, 2011).

Risk: Project manager of the Marks & Spencer needs to risk assessment in the advance or before starting the business project. It is the role and duty of the project manager to find presence of the risk involved to implement the action plan in the best possible and proper way.

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P3 Developing the work breakdown and Gantt chart

Work breakdown and Gantt chart are both two identified as an essential and main part of this business projects. This will provide each and every details of this entire project and its related activities. Both are considered as the important part of the project management plan which is as follows:

Work breakdown structure: In this project management, work breakdown structure is defined as deliverable oriented breakdown into the smaller parts. Project manager of Marks & Spence will use this tool to classifying and simplifying the execution of this project in the proper and simpler manner. In work breakdown structure, larger tasks and activities are breakdown into small units of the assessments. In context with Marks & Spencer, main reason behind development and creation of WBS is to assign each and every task to members which are hired and selected for that purpose. In this type of structure, more priority is given to managing risk assessment, saving maximum cost and time and achieving the project milestone etc. In the Business project, WBS is an important aspects of the project timeline and life-cycle. This is why, because it enhances the durability, suitability and efficiency of the project for ascertaining the resource requirement such as time, manpower and cost beneficiary etc. It also focuses on attainment of an organisational goals(Adam, 2012).

Gantt chart: This kind of structure is identified as useful and valuable tool or technique which basically tasks or activities performed during the period. In context with M&S, it will be more essential and effective method for the project manager to complete entire activities of project during the defined period of time. Gantt chart provides various benefits such as proper communication, co-ordination among the teams. Consistency, flexibility and enables time management etc after the completing the project and its related activities.


P4 Small scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research

In conducting research, both qualitative and quantitative methods are essential technique which is generally used by researcher to collect and accumulate information and data from the respondents. In order to conduct the business projects properly and effectively, both methods are suitable and relevant in this projects which is as follows:

Qualitative: This is method of research is helpful in collecting the data or information in the best and proper manner. In this, data is generally collected through newspaper, internet, review of the documents, magazines and other journal etc. In this method, priority is more given to the quality rather than quantity.

Quantitative: This method is designed by the investigator to collect data and information in the bulk quantity. They believe that data should be of hard and cold facts. In this technique, data or information are collected on the basis of number or figures and also the results are calculated by doing statistical analysis and clarification.

Hence, both methods are relevant and useful to collect adequate amount of data or information from the respondents. According to the given topic, quantitative method is best suitable and relevant, because it will help the investigator or researcher to draw valid and effective conclusion and also arrange adequate information for the further research purpose. In this method, researcher needs to prepare the questionnaire which would help in collecting relevant and suitable data for arriving at the relevant conclusion.

Sampling technique: In this, there are two sampling methods or technique named as probabilistic or non-probabilistic. Researcher should use these methods to get select sample size from defined number of respondents. For this, total of 40 respondents are selected with help of convenience method, which is the core components of random sampling technique. Hence, it is necessary and crucial for the researcher to get select sample size out of defined population. The above questionnaire is as follows:


1) Are you aware of the concept of globalisation in an economy?

  • Yes
  • No

2) Tell me about contribution of the globalisation for the success and future growth of Marks & Spencer?

  • a) It provides scope for the market.
  • b) Helpful in the effective utilization of resources.

3) Are you currently using product of the Marks & Spencer at the frequent basis?

  • a) Yes
  • b) No

4) Tell me about relationship between impact of globalisation and success of marketing operation and function of the company?

  • a) Positive
  • b) Negative

5) Importance of the globalisation in case, when company is expanding their business operation and function at an international level?

  • a) Enhance economies of scale
  • b) Platform for free trade

6) Is globalisation is impacting the marketing operation and function within the Marks & Spencer?

  • a) Yes
  • b) No

7) Role of the marketing manager, when particular organisation is in globalisation stage?

  • a) Use varied promotional channels
  • b) Helpful in providing quality product at the best price

8) What are the positive influence of economic, cultural and ethical on company' globalisation for marketing of goods or services across the border?

  • a) Maximum outflow of the final products or services
  • b) High profit generation


P5 Research and data using different tools and techniques

In context with this business project, there are different types of data and related tools or techniques which is used by researcher's for collecting an adequate and suitable data from the interviewers. There are some different tools and techniques which is discussed as follows:

Data collection: There are tow types of data collection such as primary data and secondary data. This can also be considered as data collection tool which is used by an investigator to collect and arrange accurate information. In primary data collection, researcher has to develop the questionnaire which will be useful to collect information or data from the respondents. On the other hand, secondary collection tool is used when data or information is collected through books, newspaper, journals, Internet, magazine etc. to judge the quality and validity of the data. In this topic, primary research is best suitable and relevant for an investigator to draw valid conclusion and helpful in generating recommendation after the collection and analysis of the data.

Research design: In statistics, there are three types of research design such as descriptive , exploratory and experimental. There are three different types of research which will helpful in collecting, analysing and interpreting the conclusion and final results. For this research topic, descriptive research technique is more suitable and adequate for the researcher to arrive at the common conclusion at the right time.

Philosophy: This section of the research is divided into two aspects such as positivism and interpretivism. In positivism philosophy, more emphasize is given to collecting the most relevant and accurate information and data for effective research conclusion.

Limitation: Time is the major constraint in this whole project, because research topic is quite detailed and requires comprehensive analysis. In order to arrive at the conclusion, researcher must have adequate time to conduct each and every activities of the research project.

Analysis of data: In this research, thematic analysis will be used for effective assessment of the research topic and conducting every aspects of an activities in the adequate manner. The entire analysis and interpretation will done in above given theme are as follow:


Theme 1

1) Awareness of the globalization







The above graph shows that 26 respondents says “Yes” which means that they are aware about the concept of globalisation and rest 14 respondents say “No”, as they are not aware about globalization.

Theme 2

2) Contribution of the globalisation for success of Marks & Spencer


a) It provides scope for the market.


b) Helpful in the effective utilization of resources.



This given graph shows that out of the total 40 respondents, 25 respondents say that it will be helpful in providing the scope for the market expansion and rest 15 respondents say that it would be helpful in effective utilization of the resources.

Theme 3

3) Products usage of Marks & Spencer


a) Yes


b) No



This given graph shows that out of the total 40 respondents, 28 people says that they have used products of Marks & Spencer and rest 12 respondents not have used the firm's products.

Theme 4

4)Relationship between impact of globalisation and success of marketing operation


a) Positive


b) Negative




The given graph shows that out of the total 40 respondents, 20 responders are positive about the relationship between impact of globalisation and success of marketing operation and function and rest 20 respondents feels negative about the same.

Theme 5

Importance of globalisation for business expansion of the Marks & Spencer


a) Enhance economies of scale


b) Platform for free trade




The given graph reveals that out of the total 40 respondents, 27 says that globalisation enhances the economies of scale and rest 13 respondents believes that it is a platform for free trade.

Theme 6

6) Is globalisation is impacting on marketing operation and function in the business


a) yes


b) No




The above graph shows that out of the total 40 respondents, 30 people believes that globalisation is impacting the marketing operation and function of Marks & Spencer and rest 10 respondents feels that it has no impact over marketing operation of the organisation.

Theme 7

7) Role of marketing manager, when company is in globalisation stage


a) Use varied promotional channels


b) Helpful in providing quality product at the best price



The graph shows that out of the total 40 respondents, 15 says that the role of marketing manager in globalisation stage is helpful to use varied promotional channels and rest 25 respondents believes that this role would be helpful in providing the quality products and services at an affordable price.

Theme 8

8) Positive influence of economic, cultural and ethical on company' globalisation for marketing of goods or services


a) Maximum outflow of the final products or services


b) High profit generation




The given diagram reveals that out of the total 40 respondents, 22 responders says that maximum outflow of final products or services are occurred as the result of positive influence of an economic, cultural and ethics on company's marketing of goods or services and rest 18 respondents says that high profit generation is occurred as result of such positive influence.

P6 Appropriate recommendation after the complete result of research and data analysis

From the last few decades, it has been observed that globalisation has put both positive and negative impact on business enterprises and their respective operation and functions. In the positive side, it has made the functioning of the business and its activities in an effective manner, which has raised possibilities of maximum profit and revenue. On the negative part, globalisation through use of advance technology has decreased the employment opportunities and job generation, because of involvement of technology in every sector of the business. In context with Marks & Spencer, there are various recommendation and advises which would be beneficial for their long term growth and revenue generation. Such recommendations needs to be follow to accomplish desired and set goals of the Marks & Spencer. The above recommendation are as follows:

  • Marks & Spencer should down control the usage of technology and again prefer to go with manpower process in their production process and activities. This is why because high usage of the technology has led down the involvement of physical workforce which resulted in loss of job opportunities.
  • Organisation should implement various plans and strategies to apply different promotional channels such as involvement of social media, mobile application, TV advertisement and newspaper and magazine etc. This will result in achievement of well-defined goals and targets.
  • Business of the Marks & Spencer should use different and innovative entry modes such as joint venture, amalgamation, merger with other firms and by bringing foreign direct investment etc to support an organisation to survive and expand their business at the huge level.

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P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives

For collection of an accurate amount of information, there are various types of the data collection such as primary and secondary data. The various concept of the research such as qualitative and quantitative research, research methodologies and design and research approach has been taken into the consideration. All this terminology helped a lot in arriving at the common conclusion and results. During the research, it was noticed that respondents have answered the question in most appropriate and interactive manner. This project has develop and raise self knowledge and learning by doing the continuous practice of an action plan into the defined and effective strategies and course of action. It has led development of the self desired skills such as communication, analytical and proper management skills and exposure.


From the research project, it is concluded effective and successful management has been resulted in an achievement of an organisation goals and targets. It was noticed that if the projects are well-initiated and developed, it would be easy and reliable for an organisation to reach at the complete and proper conclusion. Globalisation has put impact in both positive and negative manner. It has enhance the market attractiveness and customer outlook throughout the company. It is also concluded that if proper strategies and plans has been initiated and implement, it would be suitable for an organisation to conduct and perform various activities of business projects effectively and efficiently. Organisation needs to understand and realize the role of marketing manager to enhance the company's performance and high revenue generation. Lastly, it is concluded that companies should implement strategies and plan to design and structure effective and proper project management plan.

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