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Business Operations Management


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2794
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International management is considered as the practice of managing business operations within one or more country. However, it is essential for the business professionals to be familiar with the language, culture, economic and political environment so that MNC's can actively carry out their trade related activities (Forces driving globalization. 2015). The current study emphasizes upon Sony case study and thus identifies that Sony Corporation which is one of the world's successful consumer electronics company. Firm also enables to focus upon creating a strong sustainable competitive advantage and maintain effective culture and internationalisation strategy so that best results can be attained.

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As per the case of Sony In The New Millennium, Sony possess varied resources, capabilities and competencies in regard to grow the business successfully in the competitive consumer electronics industry. However, being a non-typical Japanese corporation Sony's possess an effective culture within its firm that attract worldwide market (Eshun, 2009). Business does not limit its growth till Japan but entered US market and attain growth in different markets as well. Following are the different resources, capabilities and competencies such as-


Resources are considered as the factors that firm own's controls and uses for the aim of creating value. Sony's different tangible and intangible resources assists in determining its distinctive competency and lead to maintain competitive advantage. Tangible resources of Sony possess its assets which are financial in nature or have physical properties. It also involves land, building, machinery and equipment in order to attain high profits and sales. Further, intangible resources involves non-physical assets which Sony could use to produce products or services that are demanded by consumers in market (Benett, 2002). Sony brand is linked with superior quality, innovation and style. Business also launches effective products and for that they carry out effective marketing efforts and product launches. Sony manages to create several successful sub brands and launched numerous of products to attract consumers towards the business.

Throuygh referring to the case study it can be evaluiated that Sony possess large number of skilled employees who have expertise and knowledge to employ best resources in worldwide market. Management of firm effectively coordinate with the employees and help them in exchanging the ideas so that culture of the firm could be maintained effectively. However, business utilises the human resources effectively in regard to deliver quality consumer products and services. There are different competitors available in market that give tough competition to Sony and impacts the business to attain desired results. Hence, business aims to grow alliance and develop innovative Sony PlayStation and other consumer electronics goods (Fahey and Narayanan, 2013). However, it also contributes to Sony's different tangible and intangible resources and help firm to sustain and maintain distinctive competency among rivals that in turn helps to attain sustainable competitive advantage.


Evaluaitng from the case it cna be referred that capabilities can be stated as the terms of the types of activity that helps firm to perform its activities and create value. Therefore, Sony performs a wide range of different products or services to create variety of actions in order to create value for its customers. Capabilities helps in creating value for its customers and in turn contributes to its competitive advantage. However, business capabilities possess an effective hierarchy of knowledge integration so that best results can be attained in market (Cuyvers and, 2011). Further, at the lowest level, Sony's workers are required to maintain individual capabilities so that specialised knowledge of the market can be attained and provide best products or services accordingly. Thus, it assists Sony to utilise this knowledge and the skills of workers in regard to manufacture and market its products or services and create value for its clients.

Sony has high market share in consumers goods market and attract worldwide consumers by segmenting the target market into different categories. It comprises of televisions, video and audio products. However, business faces varied issues at the starting and then gradually increases the product capability by improving its technology so that worldwide consumers can be attracted towards firm. Through referring the case, business introduces its first product that was transistor radio and television, VCR, Walkman, video camera etc. Since then business enhances its market share and launches various innovative products in market so that sales and market share of firm can be enhanced. Sony that launches its computer market with its launch of the VAIO and thus entered into mobile phone industry combining with several products to enhance capabilities.

However, the core capability of Sony lays in its inventiveness and creativity manifested in the succession of such products that are into existence. Main significance of Sony is its intellectual property and the number of patents its possess as a fundamental issues exists within the poor patent protection according to the complex consumer electronic products industry. Further, Sony also plans to enter into gaming industry and launched Sony PlayStation which proves to be one of the its strong capabilities (Yeung, 2005). It helps in attracting wide range of consumers and enhance the market share of firm. Sony continuously upgraded its technology with latest development so that best results can be

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