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Identification of Employees Health Issues and Their Effects by Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd.

University: California Institute of Technology

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3321
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: BSBLED502
  • Downloads: 733

Question :

Project 1

You have to build a program in order to address the health and well-being issues that impacts the employee. And complete the given activities.

  • Generate how you will identify the employee health-related issues and generate the effects it makes on organisational outcomes. Provides the description of the three issues which is identified.
  • Explain options for addressing at least one of the issues which you have described and generate how you will obtained the support of the management from the given options which you have identified.
  • Highlight the process you will follow to plan the program comprises consultation with industry experts.
  • Summarise what is essential to implement, monitor and administer the program.
  • Develop the technique or the strategy for evaluating the program and explain why it essential.

 You should cover all the topics which is covered in the units. Also provide information about the conducted research.

Project 2

  • The management of Ross Cosmetics Australia Pvt. Ltd organisation plans to introduce a healthy canteen and all of the unhealthy foods are going to be removed. There are no alternative food outlets near your workplace. You are responsible for the introduction of the program in the workplace but not for the management of the canteen. That function has been outsourced and contracts has been signed.
  • You are responsible or advocated for the introduction of the healthy canteen as a part of the overall effectiveness of the program, the requirement has been arising due to employee health concern.
  • Explain how you will introduce the concept of the healthy canteen to the workers, how to manage the negative reactions and how you manage to get the workers to support the menu of the canteen.
  • Explain how canteen might be incorporated into the program to address health and well-being issues.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd


Leadership in a business is the ability of organisational management for setting or achieving goals and objectives by taking desirable actions when required and encourage other team members for performing efficiently. However, leaders are responsible for helping their team members for performing in a evolving environment and to ensure the health conditions of employees (Visser, 2017). In this study, Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd. has been chosen. It is a cosmetic manufacturing company in Australia which supply personal care, skin care, sun care and therapeutic products. The following report is going to cover identification of employees health issues and determine the effects they are facing. Further, it will address at least one of the issues and obtain the support of management for the options which has been identified. At last, it will cover number of strategies for evaluating the program and their necessity.

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1. Explain how you will identify employee health issues and determine the effect they are having on organisational outcomes. Provide a description of three of the issues that might be identified.

The cosmetic companies like Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd. is a licensed company for conducting appropriate and suitable cosmetic production process. Whenever new product has to be emerged the developer go through some creativity by understanding and analysing the physiology of different skin types and how the colours and ingredients will work on such kinds of skin. The chemist are involved in evaluating the accurate amount of chemicals which has to be added in the cosmetics in order to fulfil the demand and need of the market place and customers.

Such manufacturing and developmental processes are dealt by the operational workers and manufacturers. The processes which are involved in making any cosmetics may be long and hefty, and requires to be processed by very carefully (Ward, 2016). During the making and manufacturing the fumes and the waste which are generated at the end or during the production may be harmful to some workers depending upon their proximity with the machines and their handling. The types and quality of ingredients which are added to make the final product which may vary and their effects on the employee may be acute or chronic. The effects of such exposure on the health of the working employee and also on the scientist working in cosmetic manufacturing industry are discussed below.

Respiratory problems: The major issues which have been observed in the employees of such industries are respiratory problems. The harmful substances released during the making of beauty products are arsenic, benzene, coal tar, chromium, ethylene oxide, formaldehyde, silica, mineral oils, cadmium are some deadly and harmful chemicals which are present in the beauty products and are considered carcinogenic to the employee working under the manufacturing and effects their productivity in accomplishing the tasks (Becker, 2018).

Noise problem: The machines which are used for the production of finished goods create loud noises, such waves of sound are injurious to the ears of employee working close to them. The result of such practice is dangerous and may lead to use to hearing aids for the workers working in long hours. It may also cause deafness in extreme cases, if the exposure is prolonged. Such problems affects not only the individual but also the organisation's economy.

Skin problems: The release of compounds like benzene, arsenic, chromium, coal tar, mineral oils from various beauty enhancing or other products also causes skin irritation and may cause ulcers and blisters on the skin of the members of cosmetic industries working with such chemicals. Such effects lowers the efficiency of the ability of people in the organisation and make them less productive.

2. Describe options for addressing at least one of the issues you have described and how you will obtain the support of management for the options you have identified.

The issues regarding respiration, noise and skin in the employee have been increasing drastically due to the heavy demand of the customers and brands for discovering new and advanced products (Veldsman and Johnson, 2016). The major and high concerning problem is respiratory which may be life threatening and cause such diseases which have chronic consequences and effects on the health of such individuals.

Respiratory issue effects

The elements like arsenic and benzene which are present in conditioners, shampoos, foundations and styling lotion can target lungs and cause lung and lymphatic cancer. Benzene has been considered as human respiratory toxicants which directly target skin, eyes, central nervous as well as respiratory system. Cadmium fumes and chromium being carcinogenic in nature present as a colourants in glossy lip balm and various eyeshadow which can enter inside respiratory system and enhance the risk of occurring emphysema and chronic lung diseases in such working employees.

The harmful compounds like coal tar comes in the bottle of dandruff shampoos and hair dyes which have been observed to cause allergic reactions and cancers in lung, kidney, bladder, digestive tract. The workers having impaired pulmonary function and airway disease, if inhale the mist of mineral oil can cause intensification of symptoms due to allergic and irritant characteristics (Swanson and Frederick, 2016). Mineral oils exist in variety of lipsticks, moisturiser, concealer and in hair colour. The use of silica in many beauty products like eyeliner, sunscreen and lotion has been increasing and inhalation of silica dust can lead to severe coughing, lung scarring, asthma and fatigue because it has been evidenced that the dust of silica can cause building of fluid and further scar the tissue in lungs of the employee working in cosmetic industry.

The support from Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd. management can be demanded to assist the employee and lower the level of contamination and improve their health status. The management should use provide some engineering safety control measures for lowering the inhalation of fumes of harmful compounds. The particulate control for controlling the exposure can be lowered by providing mask and proper suits for protecting the employee from respiratory issues. Through, such support from the department of management, an organisation can aid in mitigating few issues.

3. Outline the processes you will follow to plan the program, including consultation with industry experts.

The employees are at high risk for getting exposed to the deadly and hazardous compounds especially during weighing, grinding and combining steps in the process of manufacturing (Ciulla, 2017). However, it has been observed that some of the employees comes in contact to such dusts while fixing the machines and moving the slots and also exposed while settling the ingredients and material in the machine for further processing. The scientist who are working on the research and development sector in cosmetic industries for processing new products and make up or even cosmetics can get access to particulate while testing and analysing the reaction of any chemical combination required to form a certain product. It has been showed that while working with cosmetics that are powder based like blushes, pigments, eye shadow or cosmetics containing nanomaterial, creates high probability of exposing to the repairable harmful particulates.

Programs and appropriate measures must be adopted to lower the emission as well as inhalation of such powders. The installation of Sentry Air systems offers and deliver protection to employee, while safeguarding the health and status of an individual. Such use of air system lower the chances of inhaling harmful fumes directly and in turn maintain the lungs and skin healthy (Freeman, 2016). Proper and enclosed protective mask and suits should be made primarily for the workers and the scientist for lowering the exposure and transmission of hazardous mist and gases. Such practice not only protect the skin from being exposed directly but it also lower the inhalation level of dust to some extent. The protective eye mask also defend the eyes from being damaged due to fumes.

The management department should consult the experts from different industry of same domain to know which advancement and better technique can be used to safeguard the employee from low to high level of such dust particulates. Consultation from health experts are necessary for the employees as it will help them to know about their current health status. Employees are need to monitor their health conditions so that they can take necessary actions regarding any serious risks that may be arise in future. Moreover, programs relating to training sessions must also be provided to the employee during their joining. This practice assist in making the employee understand how the work is done and what all protective measures they have to adapt while working with the chemicals and the mixtures (Heald, 2018).

4. Summarise what will be necessary to implement, administer and monitor the program.

The programs and the suitable measures which are planned for addressing and reducing the probability of contact with the dust and particulates like coal tar, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, silica, ethylene oxide, nanoparticles, benzene and many more. For such particles the necessary programs should be implemented, administer and monitor accurately so as to enhance the effectiveness of the applied plan and measures.

The Sentry Air systems must be made huge and implemented at the initial stage of processing, it must be administered to all working individual as well as the scientist who are experimenting the combination of compounds to make unique beauty products. The use of protective eye mask and enclosed suits must be made of high quality fabric and should be implemented to all the workers every time they enter in the area where actually the processing and manufacturing takes place. The scientist must wear lab coats and gloves all the times so as to lower the administration rate.

The consultation with the experts must be implemented in regular interval of time to evaluate the health condition of the individuals. The employee are free to share their thoughts and ideas for amending any faulty systems and loopholes. The management of such industry should implement ways to consult with other industry experts (Bird and Mendenhall, 2016). Implementation of training sessions at the prior stages of employee is also necessary and must be administered to all workers. Once the programs are implemented and being administered to different individual at various level of their working, the monitoring process begins. The evaluation and monitoring process involves in examining whether the programs which have been implemented are working properly and whether all the individual working in the industry are following the plan accurately. During monitoring process, the working of sentry air systems, ideal use of mask and suits, thorough analysis of consultation and efficient training sessions are evaluated and monitored. All the aspects are judged and the consequences are determined, which may be analysed further.

5. Develop a strategy or number of strategies for evaluating the program and explain why this is necessary.

Evaluating a program is important for strengthening the quality of the program and to improve the desirable outcomes for the employees. Evaluation help to critically analyse program and involves collecting and analysing information regarding activities of program and their results (Wood and Logsdon, 2017). Programs were implemented for ensuring the health of employees working in Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd. Organisation. It is necessary to evaluate such programs as actions for determining the positive and negative effects of program on health conditions of employees. It is important to regularly access programs as it will help the employees to get over from such unhealthy conditions within organisation. Some of the strategies for evaluating program is given here.

  • Program which has been developed for addressing respiratory problem can be evaluated by analysing what substances and factors at their work place are causing such problems so that necessary actions could be implemented in order to eliminate the utilization of such toxic substances and machines which are releasing fumes that could effect respiratory system of workers.
  • Program for addressing skin problems could be evaluated by gathering evidences and draw conclusions that what safety resumes are necessary for the employees to reduce the effect of chemicals and heavy metals on their skin. It is necessary for focusing on the design of the evaluation program so that overall workforce could be a part of it (Klaus and Fernando, 2016).
  • Noise pollution in the respective organisation is obvious as it is a manufacturing company. However, in order to evaluate the program it is necessary to analyse what machines and equipments are causing noise and it is necessary that evaluation program must focus on ways to reduce noise as it can cause hearing problems or issues within the employees.

Hence, overall outcomes of the program is need to be analyse and necessary actions must be implemented in the respective organisation for reducing the risks of health problems of employees working in the organisation.


Describe how you will introduce the concept of a healthy canteen to the workers.

Concept of a healthy canteen in Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd. is focused on providing healthy and fresh food to the employees. The canteen in the organisation will utilize high quality of resources , printed menu boards and professional equipments. Core objective of the canteen is to create a healthy menu and to make natural and fresh foods that workers can consume. Employers of the organisation are require to provide healthier food in staff canteen in order to maintain health conditions of employees (Silva, 2016). Promotion of a healthy canteen at the workplace is the major element for eliminating overweight, obesity and many chronic diseases. Improving dietary intakes at workplace will lead to create conditions that supports health eating habits of individuals and an active lifestyle.

For introducing this particular concept at the respective organisation, it is important to aware individuals about the negative consequences for eating unhealthy food and regarding food which is already being served in the staff canteen. It is necessary for implementing a personal effectiveness program for the workers and educate them regarding harmful effects of being overweight and regarding unhealthy food which contains saturated fats, high amount of sugar and lack of fibres. It has been analysed that canteen of the organisation was serving snacks, deep fried products, high sugar drinks along with different varieties of fast foods. Such food products are need to be removed from the menu as it leads to a unhealthy organisation. Employees might get suffer from serious health conditions such as obesity, high cholesterol level, diabetes, heart problems and many more. The program will help the employees to change their choice behaviour regarding food and encourage them to introduce health food into their life. However, it is quite difficult to deal with negative reactions of the workers who are fond of fast food.

Thus, to deal with such reactions it is important that chefs and cooks must show some creativity in order to add taste in food and let them know that along with being tasty, such foods are also providing health benefits without causing any harm to their internal systems. Hygiene and cleanliness must be maintain in the staff canteen of the respective organisation and menu should include food such as fresh fruit salads, green vegetable salads, foods cooked in healthy oil,juices and many more (Ashley, 2016). Everyone is conscious of their health thus, it is necessary to tell the health benefits of a healthy canteen at their workplace in order to get support of the workers. Healthy food canteen will lead to healthy work force and thus a healthy work force in Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd. will eventually leads to overall success of the organisation.

Explain how the canteen might be incorporated into a program to address health and well-being issues.

Health and well being of employees are essential for maintaining and increasing performance and productivity along with engagement and job satisfaction within particular work place. Programs for addressing health and well being issues in respective organisation are the intervention program provided by the employers for improving the health and lifestyle choices of individuals in order to prevent occurrence of chronic diseases. Being a cosmetic manufacturer organisation,workers of the Ross Cosmetics Australia Pty. Ltd. Must be dealing with variety of chemical on daily basis. In order to reduce the effect of such chemicals and heavy metals on their body and skin, supervisors must implement some effective personal health program. Staff canteen also play a major role in deteriorating health conditions of the workers. Serving unhealthy food in canteen of respective organisation would have a major negative consequences on health of their staff members. However, it is necessary that the program should also focus on what kind of food has been served in the canteen. Employees working in the organisation are mostly overweight or dealing with some health problems. There is a necessity of introducing healthy food canteen in the premises. This implementation will help the workers to improve their health conditions at least during their working hours. Unhealthy and unhygienic staff canteen is also a major health issue in many organisations. It makes the workers sick and thus it has serious effects on health conditions of the employees. It will decrease the overall productivity of the organisation (Aronoff and Ward, 2016). Thus, it is the foremost important thing that clean and healthy food must be served in canteen. Healthy canteen will help the employees to maintain their health conditions. Hence it will lead to a healthy organisation. Canteen of the organisation plays a major role in maintaining health of the employees and to ensure the well-being of the individuals. It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure that healthy food is being served to the employees an there must be no utilization of products that could harm the health of the employees. Canteen can be incorporated into the program by introducing healthy food stuffs and by making the workers aware regarding harmful impacts of junk foods.

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From the above study it can be concluded that business leadership is important in an organisation as it help to ensure all necessities of the employees along with their health conditions. It is important to maintain health and safety within the premiss of the organisation for overall success and increasing productivity. It can be analyse that health issues facing by employees has a negative impact on organisational outcomes. However,programs has been develop to address such issues in order to recover such problems within employees. Evaluation of program has been conducted.


Books and journals

Aronoff, C. and Ward, J., 2016. Family business governance: Maximizing family and business potential. Springer.

Ashley, P.A., 2016. Corporate social responsibility: From business leadership to multi-actors’ policy coherence. In Territories of Social Responsibility (pp. 55-74). Routledge.

Becker, G.K., 2018. Moral leadership in business. Contemporary Issues in Leadership, pp.237-257.

Bird, A. and Mendenhall, M.E., 2016. From cross-cultural management to global leadership: Evolution and adaptation. Journal of World Business51(1), pp.115-126.

Ciulla, J.B., 2017. Trust and the future of leadership. The Blackwell guide to business ethics, pp.334-351.

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