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Designing a Care Package for Neurological Disorder Case

University: University of Chester

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2129
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: M/508/6738
  • Downloads: 1094

Table of Content

Question :

This assessment focuses on designing a care package that will be helpful in structuring the essay at the same time fulfilling the learning outcomes.

  • Identifying and designing a care package to fulfill the holistic needs of Mr. A who is moving to the UK.
  • Conducting an examination of the service provider for a person who possesses a learning disability.
  • Examining the cultural needs of an individual.
  • Determining whether religious culture carries any impact on service provision or not.
Answer :


A critical exploration of the impact of a person with learning disabilities arriving in the UK

The role of community nurses is to visit patients at home, the focus of nurses is on serving care service after the discharge of patients from the hospital. The individuals are allotted duty for coordinating care needs and ensuring equality of health care for vulnerable people at their homes.  The report will outline the impact on Mr. A, a Zimbabwean boy who is suffering from a learning disability and arrived in the UK for treatment in community health practitioners. However, the foremost responsibility of the nurse is to maintain the confidentiality of patients and their health records. However, it is the right of patients to have personal, identifiable medical information kept private.

According to Nursing Times, (2017) initial assessment is the procedure where the nurse will need to gather information from questions that will be asked during the process and on-going observations. The information will provide a comprehensive description of the individual and focus on the individual's needs at that moment in time and possible needs that may be addressed in the future. It also focuses deeper on an individual's illness and preventing more problems from arising.

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Learning disability is the most common disorder faced by the majority population across the globe .however, it cannot be said that the person suffering from a mental disorder is facing a learning disability because learning disability is the problems occur due to lack of knowledge, linguistic barriers, differences in beliefs, etc. (Murtadha-Watts & Stoughton, 2017). However, the aim of the report is to explore the impact of a person with learning disabilities when arrives in the UK. Further, it will outline the support of a Community Nurse (living at Home) where the focus of study is to determine a package of care to meet the holistic needs of the person with a learning disability who has arrived from Zimbabwe. The packaged care is for a young man who is of 18 years and is suffering from epilepsy which is a neurological disorder.  The person is suffering from a learning disability due to a genetic disorder and has arrived in the UK for special treatment at home. Chewa is his spoken language and therefore he has been facing difficulty in communication with community nurses. The spoken language of the nurse is English whereas the individual can understand English but faces difficulty in communication with the practitioner. Thus, the report will outline the language barriers between people of two different countries.

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To develop a critical understanding of disability the study is focused on analyzing cultural base stereotypes and intervention to reduce the language communication barrier. Hence, it will outline cultural beliefs, practices, food, and ethnicity of a person which demonstrate cultural differences with community nurse. Thus, it will discover intervention measure which will help community nurse in removing gap which can arise due to stigmatization.Chewa is the spoken language of a young man who has arrived in UK for treatment of epilepsy, which is a genetic neurological disorder.  According to cultural beliefs of people of Zimbabwean, it is a punishment given by God to person for his or her sins. Apart from cultural values and beliefs, the person is facing difficulty because the boy is facing difficulty in communicating with community nurse. However, as per the case the individual do not understand English where nurses do not understand Chewa (Hessari&Hill (2017) further it is important for the nurse to communicate with the young man in order to enable treatment for his learning disability. Communication is the key source for intervention measures where the nurses plans steps for treatment according to the patient’s holistic needs. Treating a person with learning disability is itself an achievement because it is a responsibility of health care provider to ensure safe practices around the person according to his or her need. However, communication barriers in care practices are another obstacle which established challenges for community nurse and patient in managing safe and quality care. Language barrier was a common concern in entire care practices because his first language was Chewa and he was not at all aware about English As per the evaluation, it can be said that he needed interpreter because As per the views of Mencap, Scior, and Werner, 2015, it has been analysed that it is important for the nurses to make effective communication with person with learning disability. The author states that communication is the key of recovery for disabled person because it helps the practitioner in analysing holistic needs of service user.  Communication plays an important role in deriving I basic needs and requirement which can be related to medication of informal recovery. As per Mr A, it can be said that it was important for the nurse to understand his family needs for medication plans because it was based on their ethnic and oral beliefs. However, to manage communication with a young man from Zimbabwe, the nurse will implement the use of different level of communication which will assist in establishing effective interaction. Further, the nurse will speak slowly and clearly at the time of interacting with Zimbabwean patient (Macfarlane, 2017). It is the strategy which will help in reducing chances of miscommunication and misunderstanding. Furthermore, the nurse will make use of simple English words and gestures to establish effective communication with patient. Thus, use of body language for communicating message is the most effective intervention which helps practitioner in effective interaction

These individuals are focused and believes in their cultural values regardless of situations.  Thus, it can be said that, when setting treatment plans for the young man, it is important for the nurse to ensure clarity in communication which can be through use of sign language, gestures, etc. Interaction is the key to plan inclusion plans and as per the case linguistic difference between care provider and services has become obstacle. Therefore, to plan inclusion the practitioner will first analyse ways to remove communication gap like interaction with the help of visual representation, gestures, physical body movement etc. Interaction between users and service provider is the base of which will help in treating patient with learning disability. As per case communication will help the practitioner in communicating to the young man about the need of taking medication regardless of cultural beliefs (Greene, 2017).  It is also important for the nurse to gather necessary information about patients, this will help the individual in developing understanding over one’s disability, medication requirement, cultural beliefs, life styles etc. Analysis of these measures assist the care practitioners in removing hindrance which arise due to cultural diversity at time of managing inclusion, treatment and medication of service users. Cultural beliefs play an important role in interaction for service user and provider. The young man   from Zimbabwe who has been suffering from leaning disability and has arrived to UK for treatment, According to Zimbabwean cultural values learning disability can not cure with medication because it is the curse given as punishment for the sins of individuals. Therefore, in this case the health practitioner will be focused on developing understanding about the diseases as per Zimbabwean culture in order to make patient comfortable for medication and treatment plans. Communicating with patient about disorder is the practice which helps in boosting morale of person for own recovery.  The individual lacks knowledge over the  disease due to lack of resources and poor living condition. Thus, to make boy comfortable for treatment the nurse will be focusing on developing understanding over disability to person accord to his beliefs and norms which will help in getting support to intervention (Vollebergh, Veenman and Hagendoorn, 2017). Nursing intervention will help community nurse in managing safe of care practices where she will ensure communication with Zimbabwean by for convincing him to take medication regardless of beliefs and values.

Furthermore, cultural differences are the major challenge for the community nurse by enabling health care services to individual at home because of attitude of individual towards disability and medication for disability. In case of cultural diversity, it becomes important for the nurses to ensure culturally appropriate and competent practices for the patient. Thus, it has been analysed ,  according to the  patient everything is  related to God and can be treated by prayers and asking God for help whereas according to  the nurse God is just a viewer and cannot treat any disability instead, it is essential for the patient to involve medication and clinical practices in order to recover. Hence, as per the case it will be challenging for the nurse to convince 18-year old man  to take medication as per prescription (Dawe, 2016). Therefore, in such case the care provider will be focusing on understand his frame of mind for medication. Further, to provide treatment the nurses will communicate with the young man in his language and will establish intervention according to his holistic needs .When in the UK, it is possible that the individual can face difficulty in adjusting because of differences in cultural beliefs, language barriers etc. Adjustment of person with learning disability in a new environment is the most difficult target of health care provider because it is the situation which can impact mental stability of the person. Anxiety, depression, restlessness are the common health changes which arise in person due to changes (Setume, 2016).  However, in accordance to this situation it is important for the nurse to ensure safe medication and treatment practices for a person. In this the focus of nurse will be on social and vocational needs for the young man because English and Chewa are both difficult spoken languages and cannot be understood by both person. Therefore, the intervention of practitioner will be focused on reducing communication by implementing strategies such as gestures, physical movement etc. Further, it is essential for care provider to understanding cultural beliefs of person in order to motivate him for taking treatment.  Valuing each other cultural perspective and level of understanding is the practices which assist in establishing safe treatment and medication plans. The person suffering from learning disability is vulnerable to changes due to which individual faces mental disorders like anxiety, depression, Thus in such case it is important for the nurse to make individual adapt to changing situation in order to overcome the  disability (Roberts, Hovanes and Butler, 2014).

Religion, beliefs, practising, food ethnicity of the young with learning disability from Zimbabwe is based on prayers and God. According to person it is important for the individual and nurses to seek permission for god before providing any treatment plans. However, changes in eating habit will make person vulnerable because according to Zimbabwean culture dietary modification and changes in life style cann not be done without permission of God especially in case of epilepsy. Nevertheless,cope up with this situation the practitioner will respect his belief and will support his eating habit in order to gain his trust (Cortiella and Horowitz, 2014). The beliefs of changing eating habits will impact the medication plan of community nurse because when enabling proper medication, it is the responsibility of nurse to make dietary modification in order to derive healthy outcomes of care services. Developing trust is the factor which helps in establishing changes in future practices. Initially support him with his learning and inclusive need is the only intervention which can helps care providers in treating him. In addition, when dealing with the young man the foremost intervention will be focused on reducing language barrier for which the nurse will make use of medium of communication like gaming tools, clarification, patience etc. Apart from this, the nurse will make use of Cultural competent nursing which will comprise, empathy, flexibility and sensitive healthcare. The guidelines and intervention will include, knowledge over different medical issues in which making assumption can be risky. Therefore, in this intervention plan the nurse will first analyse the situation which can arise when handling teach disabled person who belongs to some other region. Further, the intervention will be focused on developing understanding with young man from Zimbabwe by developing understanding over each others' culture and beliefs (Bigby, Frawley &Ramcharan,  2014). In this the nurse will aim at explaining to the young man the advantages of taking medicine keeping in mind his cultural beliefs.

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