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Ethical And Legal Conflict In Aged Care Setting: Healthcare Professionals

University: Australian National University

  • Unit No: 13
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 4 / Words 1038
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 1513
Question :

Health professional who provides care in the aged care setting which relates with their profession faces many conflict in while playing their role as a health professional. This leads to acknowledgement of legal and ethical consideration. Therefore, this study focused on ethical along with legal conflict where in the aged care setting as the healthcare professional with sufficient knowledge.

  • What are ethics and their importance in healthcare?
  • What are the ethical and legal conflicts in aged care setting?
  • How ethical and legal conflicts affects the healthcare professionals?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Woolworths Holding Limited

Ethics are the one which complies of set of values which professional should refer in their regular healthcare practices. In healthcare, there are many issues which are there required to regulate the profession with legality without any confusion. To regulate the healthcare by professional in effective manner they need to consider ethical and legal aspects which are having some of advantages in caring of patient in appropriate manner. Healthcare professional have some moral obligations which is towards their patients.

Importance of ethics in healthcare

Confidentiality of data

This is one of the most important part which is not disclosing the personal information of patients without their concerns. This helps the patient to get the proper treatment without any problem which also shows the better management regarding the ethical and legal consideration in aged care where patients needs the proper care and support which are there living with their health related issues and supposing to get over through this.

Helps in building trust towards health professionals

Ethics in the healthcare helps in building trust in their patients which ensures them to not getting any unfair treatment or any wrong healthcare practices on them. Ethics gives the confidence to share their personal information with heath professional which they don't want to share generally to others regarding their matter of privacy.

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Helps healthcare professional to get over the confusion

Ethics related with particular practices which gives the idea about the ethical or unethical practices which are having bad consequences and need to avoid such problems, such time ethics related with healthcare help them out to get sure what they need to do in such condition for the fair and legal practices.

In aged care setting there are many patients who needs proper care and support as well treatment regarding legal and ethical consideration which leads to better treatment of individual patients for the effective and efficient care. There are many conflict which occur and need to resolved for providing proper care to the patient.

Healthcare professional and patients confidentiality

One of most important conflict is revealing the confidential data of patient which is also unethical practices and are having high level of issues which need to be ensure about it. There is need to build some confidence in patients to be sure regarding safety of confidential data.

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Negligence and malpractice

Malpractice is one of the major reason of conflict in aged care setting where poor care along with negligence are there which need to keep in mind about legal and ethical consideration in aged care where there is need to reduce even stop. There should avoid such type of practices which can affect directly patient's health. Such practices should be avoided which include the unethical practices and leads to conflict between health professional and

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