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Sample On Decision Making


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3146
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Introduction to Decision Making.

Health and social care is the crucial need of the society. All business operations and profits are worthless without proper health of an individual. In this complex lifestyles and tough working schedules, the current generation is drifting towards bad health practices. Their lifestyles has been defined high risk factors (Midwifery 2020. 2010.). The easy access to cigarettes and drugs has deteriorated the lives of young generation. Those fragile minds are unable to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. The current case scenario describes that a 17 year old young girl has been detected with possible signs of drug induced psychosis. The case clearly mentions that how a talented young woman is facing various behavioral changes due to occasional intake of drugs in for marijuana.

The present report focuses on providing the effective analysis about the case which reflects the current health issues of the society. This help in understanding the possible risks associated with the health issue (Nicklin and McVeety, 2001). The initial part of the report discusses the proper analysis of case and the issues that the patient is facing. This helps in exploring the concepts and assessment of the problem. The proper planning and intervention of the nursing staff will be discussed in order to meet the patient's need efficiently. It also emphasizes the crucial needs of patients in order to recover back from the health problem. The effective analysis of the role of nurse and local community as well helps in delivering the clear overview of the role and responsibilities of those (Hillier and, 2009). The report provides the effective understanding about the role and ethical consideration of nursing staff in helping an individual and society to recover from the critical health issue. It focuses on various skills needed in order to assess the prevailing risks in the society. It provides the wide perspective of national and professional guideline for care delivery to individuals.

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The current case scenario discusses the issue where a young woman of 17 years has been detected with the drug induced psychosis. Rose has been seen acting weird and different from a long period of time (Zwetsloot and, 2010). Her behavioral changes and unexpected reactions in school was observed and thus was provided the internal help of the school nurse. However, analyzing the current health of the patient the school nurse referred her to the A+E clinic.

Rose is a talented and creative art student in the school. Her work was highly appreciated by the teachers. However, from a little while there has been a considerable change in her drawing and painting styles.  Her work has gradually turned into dark and morbid style. Evaluation of her family history showed no results of any mental problem (Snelling, 2010). However, the patient accepted that she has occasional intake of drugs in form marijuana on weekends. All the above information depicted the bad and unhealthy lifestyle of Rose. Moreover, her behavior was observed to be changing on the continuous basis in the school. This was her first visit to any kind of medical help except that she was prescribed a dosage of Citalopran for mild depression in the past.

Observing the behavior of the patient in the clinic it can be clearly seen that she is suffering from loneliness and fear of insult. In order to distract her mind she often consumes drugs or prefer smoking which in-turn are unable to help her. Moreover, the patient has also been indulged in the acts of personal harm. Her hands had multiple scars representing her act. She was observed to be having the multiple issues of mood changes, impaired coordination, abstinence and difficulty in thinking and problem solving as well. On calling her mother, it was seen that her mother was least concerned about the medical help and suggestions. Rather, she took Rose blaming school for overreacting. This incidence clearly shows that the patient is suffering from lack of proper care and support.

The personal and family problems of rose helped the doctors and nurses in analyzing the key issue of the patient. Her behavioral change and metal state is all the outcome of drug intake. Moreover, the family condition of the patient showed the least concern of her mother in her health. This condition of the patient lead the clinical department into the dilemma of providing the correction treatment (Preston-Shoot and Kline, 2012). In order to recover the patient the team of medical staff will have to develop the effective strategy to deal with her issues. The approach of sensitive treatment may help her by wining her confidence and providing effective support and help.  Building close relationships may also help her in getting the effective information about what is her actual issue and why have she chosen this measure to overcome her problems. This may also help her from stopping from hurting herself. However, her present household conditions may not able to deliver the required results due to her uncooperative parents. Thus, the patient definitely needs the mental and personal care in order to overcome her problem and self destruction method.


A) Mental illness are the increasing issue of concern in this modern world. Vast population of all ages are continuously facing this problem. The societies are thus provided effective support and care in order to deal with this health inequalities (Collins, 2009). The patients gradually change their behavior in such problems and act in a very different way. In order to overcome this issue various social, behavioral and medical support is provided to the patient. The current case discusses the issue of mental illness in a minor child. Rose has the occasional intake of drugs and she often smokes this led to behavioral changes and mental disorders which are directly affecting her performance and daily life (Nicklin and McVeety 2001). In order to overcome this problem the systematic approach must be followed:

Regular examination: The child with behavioral changes and mental problems is pofetn recommended for the regular check and examination. The government of UK have clearly laid the health policies in order to overcome the health inequalities in the countries (Black, Hawks and Keene, 2006). These policies emphasize that the family and school association should take the active participation in approaching for the medical help in case of any health issues are identified in an individual (Green, 2006). The current case mentions that Rose was having the trouble in coping up with the regular school activities as the assessment of her health revealed that her performance in the school was observed to drift towards morbid and dark art. Moreover, it was also observed that the child was not provided enough medical help in the past by the family even though she had the history of medical help for mild depression.

Child counseling: This is a very effective and useful measure where the children with disruptive behavior are taken for the counseling in order to evaluate the actual problem of their problems. Here the children are approached in friendly manner to deal with the issues that they are facing (Lane and Tribe, 2006). Professional staff of medical executives helps in dealing with these issues. The professional takes the charge of low performance or depression or any other issue. He/she asks the child a series of friendly question to depict their thinking and behavior. The results help them in concluding what problem the child is facing and what effective steps must be taken by the guardians for the same. The current case shows that the Rose was facing the behavioral problem in her early teens, yet she was never provided any professional help which led to the current situation (Nordgren, 2011).

Eating habits: The proper check on the eating habits of the child is very important in order to determine that they do not intake any critically harmful object or substance. For this purpose children are made aware about the harmful effects of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol (Makrides and et. al., 2007). The age for this has been set by the government in order to determine the effective results and low health inequalities. The lifestyle of Rose however was destructive and harmful. She was occasional user of marijuana and cigarettes which was not helpful for her health (Nordgren, 2011).

Psychiatric help: The past history of medical pills for depression shows that the child was going through the mental problem from a long period of time. She must have been aided with effective psychiatric help in order to avoid the current situation (Glasby, 2004). However, Rose had no past medical history which show that she was not provided the needed car to control the issue in the required time. Moreover, the reaction of her mother on the present situation was also not in the favor of the recovery of the patient.

B) The above issues clearly shows that rose was provided effective care at school as well as at her home which led to the above serious issues. As a mental patient with psychosis she has the set of complex need which should be efficiently fulfilled in order to achieve her good health (Farnsworth, 2012). The consequence of mental health problems can be significant and may continue into adulthood, affecting functioning and productivity and the healthy development of the next generation. In order to effectively deal with the problem the complex need of the patients should be analyzed. The complex need of Rose as per the given case are:

Support and affection: The sport and affection are the very important factors for a child in order to overcome the issues of mental and behavioral disorders. The children are observed to act in an aggressive manner is they are not provided enough support and help at their home. As per the given case Rose was having the drug intake in for of marijuana on weekends (Anderson and McFarlane, 2010). This clearly represented that she was not checked and supported at her home. Morever, the ignorant behavior of her mother after the discussion of her health issue also reflected the same. Thus, the most crucial need of the patient is support and affection of the family. Loneliness and ignorance is driving her towards bad choices of life.

Health promotion activities: The health promotion activities aims at providing the information and education about what is good and what is bad for the health. This is the voluntary work of many renowned institutions. These practices are highly helpful for the major health problems and its control (Goodson, 2010). The proper counseling and effective discussion may help Rose in overcoming her problem. Moreover, this may help the professional in identifying the key issue of the patient and thus may suggest to help on the same.

Proper medical help: Effective medical help is very important for rose to overcome her problem of drug intake and behavioral change. The issue already have increased from a small problem to this stage (Dixon Hinde and Banwell, 2006). The delay in medical help may result in transferring this issue in the adulthood of the child which may prove to be dangerous for her health and mental condition. Psychiatric help is crucial in the given case.

Societal help: The support from society and school is very significant for the recovery of the patient. This will provide her the friendly and cooperative environment to recover from the mentioned problem.

C) From the critically analysis of the case, it has been identified that Rose is going through various mental disorders due to drug induced psychosis. Further, it is found that a proper care or treatment to Rose is not provided by its family which create this severe situation for Rose. Now, by seeing and analyzing the complete case, it can be said that there is a serious need of care and concern for Rose so that she can get over from improved drug addiction and smoking and mental disorder like frequent aggressiveness, laughing without any reason, anxiety and rising of voice (Heimlich and Ardoin, 2008). Now the question is how these identified things can be overcome. So the answer of this question would be get by adopting different approaches and methods. However, prior of adopting any method of care, the fundamental role required to be come forth from the local community. In medical field, it is said that a patient can recover at fast pace if he or she would get love and support from the loved one as well as from the people who lives in his or her surrounding (Heimlich and Ardoin, 2008). The moral ethics says that a patient should be supported to get fast recovery or live his or her life like a normal human being. In the given case, it has been seen that Rose lost here long term friends because of her abnormal behavior and habits. Now, by seeing this aspect it is worth to mention that the long term friends of Rose should support her in improving her behavior (Miller Whoriskey and Cook, 2008). The long term friends of Rose must have to come forward to bring back Rose from the situation which she has been going through since very long time. If the family of Rose did not support her then long term friends should performed the role of caring which would have brought significant positive impact on the mental condition of Rose

Apart from friends, the school nurse should take this responsibility to bring Rose to a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric who would have recommended any medicines or treatment to the Rose. The situation which Rose is facing now is all because of negligence from the side of its family members, friends, school nurse and also its relatives and  neighbors. It was not like people were not aware about the situation of Rose but no one come forward to bring Rose to a Psychiatrist for the treatments and this cause major mental disorder and anxiety and change behavior in Rose. Thus, the thing which felt here by analyzing the whole scenario is that there is big miss from the side of local community which they have to undertake it as responsibility towards the human society or say health and social care needs of a individual who is patient of drug addiction and mental disorder (Rasheed, 2013). It is not like, the responsibility of taking care of a patients is only of health and social care or government but it is also the responsibility of every citizen of the community to come forward and give their support to the patient to overcome from any disorders or  drug addiction.

D) Nurse is a respectable status in the health and social care as it is the person who take care of a patient with its complete efforts and with ethical and moral grounds. A nurse performs different roles and responsibilities towards a patient (Rooney and Hackitt, 2008). The fundamental role which is performed by any nurse is sensitive care. Sensitive care means caring a patient in polite and amicable manner so that patient feel emotionally touch with the behavior of nurse. The performing of sensitive care is very essential for a nurse as it brings positiveness for fast improvement in the patient (Wilcock,  2005). By following the sensitive care role, a nurse helps patient in fulfilling of its psychological, spiritual and culture needs and this thrilled patient with positive energy.

The second most important role which is performed by a nurse is acting as a communicator between the patient and its family members. In the present case, the nurse of Rose would perform the role of communicator which will help rose in overcoming from the disorders in fast manner. As a communicator, a nurse also has to perform task like writing of improvements in patients health or making of patients charts which further studied by the practitioners or doctors to give advise related to the patient health (Walters, 2006). The third important role and responsibility which is performed a nurse is social care. In this role, a nurse talks, greets and make things which make the patient happy and lively. Further, the particular role also stimulates nurse to bring the patient in a lively and open environment like garden so that it can feel happy and joyous. The fourth most important role which is performed by a nurse is of teacher (Makrides and et. al., 2007). Acting as a teacher, a nurse helps patients in learning about how to take care of their health by taking medication, treatments and regular medical check up so that they would be updated with their health and fitness. Many of times, it happens that patients do not know or have knowledge about what disorder or disease happened to them. So, in this type of situation a nurse act as a teacher and give instruction to the patient and its family members about what precaution they have to undertake to gain fast improvements. A nurse never tell the patients about the disease or disorders in direct manner (Relationship between malnutrition and health. 2014). A nurse firstly make patients calm and pacify then it tells in a professional manner. Further, a nurse gives medicines to the patient at proper time which helps patient in gaining improvements in its health (Richardson, 2001). Thus, by seeing all this roles and responsibilities of a nurse it can be said that nurse performs significant role in health and social care for caring of patients.


The above report provide the effective analysis of the key issue of the modern lifestyles. The busy schedules of the parents and ignorance of the child's health may prove to be ineffective for the child's behavior and performance. The current case reflected the similar situation where a young woman of 17 years is facing the behavioral problems due to intake of drugs and smoking practice. This has impacted her performance in the school and if continued may ruin her dream to be an artist. Rose's parents are not very supportive for her problem thus she is facing the continuous deterioration of health.

In order to overcome this problem Rose must be referred to the significant medical help. The supportive environment and effective help may help her to recover well from the situation. The self destructive attitude may harm the patient if not properly cared thus the school and family must take the mutual effort in order to overcome the issue. Moreover, effective counseling must be preferred for the patient for her fast recovery. Help from nursing staff may prove to be efficiently helpful for her both mental and behavioral recovery.

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