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Construction Practice Management

University: Higher National Certificate/Diploma

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3582
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 262
Organization Selected : Chelsea Contractor Ltd


Construction practices involve planned activities to create and develop buildings and other structures. These practices encompass a variety of tasks, including building construction, woodwork, steel and composite structures, waterproofing, and thermal and moisture control. Effective management of these projects is crucial for successful outcomes. Chelsea Contractor Ltd, an SME, has managed numerous complex construction projects with ease. Their latest venture involves the development of a new industrial park, requiring strategic restructuring and robust policies. This report will explore the construction industry’s requirements for reorganizing and designing such a project. It will cover the use of steel or concrete for industrial complexes, the infrastructure needed for factory setups, and provide insights into different types of construction companies and the key stages of Building Information Modeling (BIM).


1. Encompassing professionalism in developing the structure of a company

Construction management is a challenging profession which requires professional skills and expert knowledge in the field of civil engineering (Alarcón and, 2016). Constructing a building require a critical observation about the place where building is required to be constructed and this need proper design and structure analysis of the industry. Chelsea construction Ltd is an Small- medium size company who is recently working on a large project of development of factory building in London and this construction industry was developed 2006 as a multi-faced company. The organisation have contracted many challenging constructions. This company earlier performs repairing works of constructed buildings but later it has evolves as a fastest growing construction practitioners.

The factory building need to be designed by addressing all the rules and regulations mentioned in code of conduct (Bennett and James, 2017). Architect of Chelsea contractors Ltd needs to perform a strict survey with respect to quantity, quality and all those designing concept which evidence a perfect construction of a building. It ensures the application of customer protection through professional expertise skills in construction. Following are the duties of exploring professionalism within the structure of the building:

  • Planning project organisation such as layout and accommodations, safety plans, manual and computer-based techniques etc.
  • Procurement scheduling and control includes plant, supply chain management, waste management and safe disposal of demolished material etc.
  • Proper utilisation of resources, budget and cost control factors etc.

All these duties explore professionalism in construction and restructure of company.

2.Scope and link between all the parties in order to construct an organisation

Construction of an organisation involves multiple parties in accomplishing the various tasks for the development of building. Duties and responsibilities are assigned to different teams in accomplishing the overall contract of building. Chelsea Contractor Ltd has been recently working in a large project of construction which aimed at commercialised work (Geisler and Wickramasinghe, 2015). Architect have to design the structure of a building which will be developed around Heathrow Airport in at South of England. The client has proposed a very huge construction project to Chelsea contractors to build a factory building which will be made up of steel and concreate for developing the infrastructure of factory.

There are different parties involved in completing the project of constructional site, such as technical and skills professionals, contractor and head office structure, site structure manager and organisation. Tasks and responsibilities of all the teams are interconnected with each other. Architect of Chelsea contractor Ltd is responsible for creating the design of the building and this sketch will then passed to skilled professionals so that society and ethical concerns are been addressed. Further whole plan of developing two factory buildings near two parallel main roads need to be discussed to contractor and head office in order to perform factory construction. It can be done using appropriate resources. In this way, all the parties play their role in developing the factory building for production of several commodities such as baby food products, soaps, perfumes etc.

Scope of developing this type of industry is that company will be able to maintain the structure of building for longer duration as walls do not get affected by production wastage of industry (Chalmers and Shaw, 2017). Therefore, it could be helpful in improving productivity of the organisation and hence this will create positive effects in managing the manufacturing activities of the business.

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3. Different types of contractual work tenders and its uses

Contractual tender work is the process of systematic management of all the details required to accomplish the construction process. Contractor prepares a tendering contract which includes all the work details required under the specific time period with certain amount of money. Basically, it can be considered as an offer to contractor for completion of project within a specific time period for a certain financial budget and this generally consists of bills of quantities and specification of working statements (Kebede and Patel, 2018). Chelsea contractor Ltd have undertaken a open tendering work of establishing 20 industrial buildings and factories for producing several goods and services like baby products, soaps and perfumes etc. this method was adopted because open tendering allows customised design of client and this technique also help in estimating the correct figure in terms financial budget. This industrial complex need to be developed near a couple of parallel highways which is 12 km away from international airport. The 20 m wide river is situated in middle of 4 kilometre landscape. There are many types of tender which are as follows:

Open tender: These tenders are generally open to all qualified builders. The main advantage of these kinds of contracts is that no favouritism is occurred and any contractor is allowed to tender their work.

Close tender: Here tenders open to bidders in stated categories only. These tender contractors are generally chosen for their expertise knowledge in constructive activities

Negotiated: In this type of contract only one contractor is generally approached and tenderer basically design contract using specialist design. This can be used at the time when architect and other team members require specialist knowledge in designing.

4. Analysing the overall development of construction industry in terms of employees and contract workers in Chelsea contractor Ltd

Chelsea contractors has an open tender for construction of industrial factories. These factories are required to be constructed using the mixture of steel and cocreate (Castillo, Alarcón and Pellicer, 2018). To build a interconnecting infrastructure between the industrial structure, this constructor require a person with specialised and expertise skills.

These industrial complex can be developed using the mixture of steel and cocreate. So Chelsea contractors have appointed expert architect to design the complexed industrial structure which is situated between two highways and architect also need to establish an interconnection between sites of complex which are situated on either sides of two parallel highways. Expertise team of workers are appointed to understand the concept of constructing two industrial concepts where 20 m wide river is flowing between landscape

5. Evaluating the design and structure of a building

The design and structure of building are two different concepts which differ in their functions. Structure of these industrial building can be considered the arrangement of elements and establishing the links between the complexed framework of buildings. This is basically used to develop the internal skeleton of site. On the other hand, design of the site is a plan or a sketch which is used to show the outlook and functioning of building before any construction is made . This generally deals with designing concept of the company.


1.Identify the different types of construction companies in the market and its key features.

There are various types of construction companies are available in market. Following are some general construction companies which are as follows:

ü Small Renovation Contractors:These companies generally works on the specific requirements of job construction of these types of companies do not need large capital investments. Fr example, small commercial works or home alterations etc.

ü General contractors:These companies poses high skills in either constructing new buildings or home alteration works.

ü Owner builders: In this method of construction, owners generally develop buildings for their own ownerships in order to sell or to offer the buildings on lease.

ü Professional construction manager: It can be determined as those activities which are required to perform the functioning of project as a agent of owner.

Here General construction company is suitable because here is the requirement of a constructing two complexed commercial buildings which needs to be interconnected in presence of river between factories, this needs an expertise knowledge in designing this type of industrial buildings.

2. Relationship between companies working on constructing project

companies perform constructional activities according to the structure and design of the project. Construction of sites require strategies and planning in order to achieve effective working procedures. It might be depend on the budget of clients, site meeting and reporting of the managers.

Companies require efficient and effective efforts of labours while constructing project. Companies main contractor makes contract agreement and instruct subcontractor to proceed further operational tasks. Both the parties are involved in a long term collaborative relationship which can be adversely affects management and operation of constructing a building. Constructing projects are activities of those sites which are already in progress. In this way both the terms are interrelated to each other.

3. Analyse the link which connects construction companies.

Construction companies are linked to each other in various ways like some are highly expertise engineers while some are small renovation contractors. So in case if companies get tenders of complexes process then contractors directly approach small contractors in undertaking the constructional activities of development of buildings.

4. Compare the main factors which differentiate between construction company contracts and tenders

Tender can be considered as an invitation of trade under specified terms and conditions of the company while contract refers to agreement between both the parties in order to complete construction of a building (Burtonshaw-Gunn, 2017). contractor is basically a person who undertakes operational activities and tender is a written agreement which is made between client and project manager. The main factor which differentiate between construction company contracts and tenders is that when both the parties agreed in undertaking the construction of a site then it will be termed as mutual agreement between companies and tender.


1. Identify the modern construction process used in today's industries

Modern construction methods offer different cocreate solutions which can be used to reduce construction. This determines the different approaches which are involved in Off-site manufacturing. Types of MMC are described below:

  • Volumetric construction:It can be considered as three-dimensional unit which can be fully fitted out-off site.Complexed factory which Chelsea Contractor Ltd have undertaken need to carried out using this MMC method.
  • Pods: These MMC methods are used for conjunction of area with another construction methods. Such as Toilets and kitchen pods etc.
  • Panelised system:These can be considered as pannels which are made up of timber light steel framing concepts or cross laminated timber.
  • Sub-assemblies and components: It determines the large components which are incorporated in newly designed homes (Hoesli and MacGregor, 2014). For example, Floor cassettes and prefabricated chimneys etc.

As Chelsea Contractor Ltd have to develop a factory building, so all these MMC methods need to be applied in industry so that operation activities could function properly.

2. Contract planning techniques used within micro and macro project

Contract planning is selected according to the budget of the project and this require preplanning and description of performing construction activities (Balasubramanian and Shukla, 2017). Construction planning includes contracts and design of structure which are created before the construction practices are performed. These techniques are covered in MMC. There are wide variety of methods which are applied in constructing buildings. Micro projects are small financed companies which consists of less financial budget and macro projects are more efficient as it uses 3D and 4D modelling concepts in constructing buildings. There are several contract planning techniques are available such as Bar charts, Critical path analysis, line of balance and Precedence diagram. Most suitable construction technique which Chelsea Contractor is applying current construction project is critical path analysis technique. This approach allows the contractor to carefully observe the construction requirement and timely monitor and check the work done.

3. Impact of BIM upon operation and construction companies

Building information modelling is the practice of designing the virtual concept throughout the whole constructional process of a building. Previously, design process of construction industry is relied on the effective implementation of a building. BIM basically allows the creation of 3D models by designers and contractors. There are following impacts of BIM on operation and construction industries:

  • It largely influences the working procedure of workers. This will be resulted in the effective performance of employees.
  • It will help in estimating the cost factor involved in construction of a particular site.
  • BIM mainly provides the basic 3D architecture and helps in getting the concept of building construction. This will provide a visual concept and effects operational activities of workers.
  • It establishes the modelling concept to accomplish efficient and effective construction.

4. Innovation and designing of construction for macro and micro projects

Innovation and designs are required to incorporated in new constructive sites but designs and innovative techniques are applied according to the economic status of the projects (Al Hattab and Hamzeh, 2015). Macro project are more sufficient as 3D designing concept is involved in such constructive projects. BIM concept ensures the visual structure of the factory building which is undertaken by Chelsea contractor Ltd. The factories are situated on the either side of 2 km river so it need proper planning to develop and interconnect two factories which are located at two opposite sides of the river. BIM provides a complete modelling figure in order to carry out commercial practices.


1. Health and safety as the integral part of construction

The health and safety principles defines includes the concept of work atmosphere, quality and status of equipments used as well as the available treatment strategies to deal with sudden injuries. These principles have become integral part at site so that employees can deliver quality services without their security being compromised. It enhances the trust among employees that their safety is priority and hence their efficiency is also increased. Legislations related to H&S also make it necessary for Chelsea contractor Ltd to make these policies their part. Chelsea contractor Ltd must consider the implementation of health and safety (H&S) standards on its site. It will minimize the accident probability. Construction industries are among most hazardous workplaces where occupational fatality and severe injury can be easily evidenced. Thus, the organisation seek to utilize construction regulations which monitors the H&S regulations. If these standards are not considered then, it may cause serious injuries to employees as well as people in the site area (Yirenkyi-Fianko and Chileshe, 2015). It will lead to bad impression in safe and quality work of company.

2. Government legislation benchmarking safety and health perspectives within construction

The negligence of H&S standards at construction site can lead to financial damages as well as injuries to human resources. To deal with such issues the UK government follows variety of legislations to benchmark H&S within construction.

Health and safety at work act (1974): This act explains the responsibilities of employer towards employee. It also describes that degree of risk in job must be balanced against cost, time and measures which can minimize the risk. For instance at construction site the risks can be diminished by using good quality equipments and first aid services.

UK construction design and management (CDM) regulation 1994: This regulation is applicable le to all construction sites where construction phase is more than 30 days and more than 4 employees are present on site. It regulates that all H&S management principles are effectively implemented at workplace.

Management of health and safety at work regulation 1992: According to this act H&S must be achieved at construction site. The employer must assess the possible risk so that H&S assistance and arrangements can be implemented. For accomplishing this Chelsea contractor Ltd must appoint H&S coordinator who is responsible for surveillance and assistance. The coordinator also provides training to employees on how to work on construction site so that risks can be minimized.

3. Role of communication and collaboration to accomplish safe work practices

Communication is the effective approach to implement health and safety legislations. H&S coordinator of construction organisation must communicate with the employees. It will help to conduct assessment of health risks and injuries at site with more practical and safe approach. For example; if safety at Chelsea contractor Ltd is affecting due to improper functioning of crane or other equipments then only employees can communicate with coordinator to inform the issue and to analyse what strategy can be used to overcome the situation. Similarly, as construction site as fast flow of river is also one of the site feature then coordinator must communicate and guide employees that how they can avoid possible cases of injuries related to it. In the absence of communication employee may not understand the requirement and impact of H&S policies which in turn can harm both organisation and employees.

4. Advantages of amendments in health and safety legislations to construction industries

Health and safety legislation has given number of benefits to construction industries. With the changed format and strictness in implementation of this legislation, construction companies have managed to reduce the incidences of health injuries. H&S coordinator of Chelsea contractor can assess the risk in advance so that their occurrence can be avoided. It gives huge benefits of costs and brand equity to organisation (Modern Methods of Construction -Details and Applications, 2018).

If construction sites are encountered with accidents then it creates a negative impression among consumers and thus brand value of organisation is directly affected. It can also cause loss of lives or property on site which can drag the company into legal troubles. Hence, huge amount of resources of company will be spent in compensating damages and work will also abolish. With effective H&S legislation the organisation has managed to avoid these possibilities and to accomplish its business activities without any difficulties.

5. Impact of health and safety legislation on construction companies

H&S legislations has enforced the necessity and awareness of safety requirements at construction site. The increasing number of accidents and injuries, risk factors involved in these jobs, high expenses in compensating the losses after accident are the leading drivers for this legislation. The lack of awareness among the employers of construction companies also urged the need to implement health and safety related regulations. Though it had included additional workforce and expenses for ensuring the safety at workplace but has provided with significant advantages as well. It has successfully managed to reduce the expenses involved in disaster control after injuries by pre-assessing the risk. It guides employees that how they can communicate with employers to implement these policies (Health and safety in the construction industry, 2015).


From the above report, it can be concluded that over the past years the construction companies have undergone great number of significant changes. It has described the various types of construction organisations and tendering. The document has supported the relationships between these types. Report has also discussed the stages involved in construction project and contract planning techniques which can be used in macro and micro projects. It has analysed the collaboration strategies which supports health and safety in construction industry. It has explained the role of government legislation in benchmarking health and safety parameters within construction. Thus, it can be concluded from the report that the evolution of construction companies in terms of innovations, tendering and safety aspect is remarkable and this must be continued with advanced technologies and researches.

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