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Unit 47 Employability Skills Level 5


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  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4446
  • Paper Type: Business Plan
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Employability skills are the set of abilities an individual have which makes him/her employable in any organisation. These skills help employees to develop personally so that an organisation can also use their potentials in achieving firm's objectives (Cottrell, 2015). The present report is focussed on employability skills that are required in any company so that employee can dedicate their talent at workplace. The report will be focussed on same topic for Hilton group of hotels. Hilton is a public limited hospitality company which serves in various countries at a global level. The report will go on discussing skills that are required and its importance as well in company.

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Task 1

1.1 Own responsibilities and performance objectives

As an HR manager, I will have a lot of responsibilities in organisation towards staff and management as well (Smale and Fowlie, 2015). According to that I have assessed my personal strengths and weaknesses that can be helpful at workplace.

I have good managerial skills along with good time management ability. I have also good ability to organise team and work in cooperation with team members. I have a learning spirit as well which always encourage me to learn new things from wherever I can. Further, I have good knowledge of IT which helps me in handling issues related to technologies.

Besides all above strengths I am weak in starting communication with individuals (Verma, 2012). But I have a good opportunity to improve these skills as an HR manager because I will get more exposure of people through this post. The only threat is to manage all other staff as well according to organisational goals and objectives.

Above discussed SWOT analysis of myself now directs me to easily manage my own responsibilities at workplace which will be as follows:

  • Recruitment and selection will be the primary and foremost responsibility. It should be kept in mind that position which the organisation is looking for matches with candidate's skills and qualification (Ragonese and, 2014).
  • After recruitment, responsibility of induction, training etc. would be fulfilled by identifying needs of employees.
  • Besides this, monitoring of employees performance so that their work can be appraised and motivation can be given by using right tools.
  • Taking care of all employees welfare and safety at workplace and maintaining fair trade practices as well.
  • Helping senior management in making decisions related to workforce and handling grievances of workers.
  • Performance objectives
  • To ensure that all employees of organisation feel job security and have their grievances handled in well manner (Heimler, 2010).
  • By identifying needs of employees, arrangement of their training so that their personal development can be made which will be beneficial for company as well.
  • By applying right tools and methods of motivation so that workers remain encouraged to work with full interest and commitment.

All these objectives will act as a roadmap to fulfil responsibilities that are expected of an HR manager in organisation.

1.2 Effectiveness against objectives

To do the evaluation of my set objectives, I will first write down my all tasks that I am expected to do regularly. With tasks, all other related details like deadlines for particular tasks and their structure will also be noted (Wibrow, 2011). This will help in managing work according to time. Besides this, priority of work can also be decided so that important works can be carried out first. This list will be checked and updated on daily basis so that I can track my performance. Further, I will check and monitor performances of other employees as well in each department. This will help me in making appraisal of workers that assist in making performance sheet. This sheet is used as a base while making decisions about salary increment, promotions etc. (Poon, 2012). Moreover, all this recording and maintenance of checklist to track workings, is useful to know the areas where a person is good and where he/she is lacking. Thus, any guidance can also be asked from senior management on issues that are sensitive and complex to handle alone. This kind of decisions should be taken after discussing it with all the concerned persons. Thus all these ways help in comparing performances on timely basis and act as an encouraging tool to perform better.

1.3 Recommendations for improvements

As an HR manager, an individual has many responsibilities that should be fulfilled towards management and employees (Andrews and Russell, 2012). To improve upon current management at Hilton hotels, some recommendation are made that will definitely help in improving performance of employees which are as follows:

The employees can be encouraged to do the in teams. For engaging workers to perform their job as a team, they should be told about various benefits of working in team.
The employees who are not able to perform any specific task should be given proper guidance so that they can improve upon it. But if the task is complex and need proper training to learn it, manager can arrange for the same (Omar and, 2012). It should be kept in mind that every individual has different learning ability so it should be tried to give them training according to that ability.
Besides this, in cited hotel, manager can recommend the top level managers for engaging employees in activities of company and in decision making as well. This will help them in understanding values, vision, mission , goals etc. of company in well defined manner.

Instructions to all immediate supervisors and departmental managers can be given to monitor work of their subordinates so that their motivation can be done by applying right method (Dhiman, 2012). This is necessary as some workers are motivated through monetary terms hlie some through non-monetary factors.

All these recommendations will help in accelerating employees morale and their performance level.

1.4 Motivational techniques to improve quality of performance

Motivation is a factor that is used to improve the quality of performance. Motivation makes the quality of work better and also helps in satisfying the individual. Mentioned hotel use to give motivation through both tools that is monetary and non monetary one. This makes employees to feel proud and respectable in company. Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation is more applicable in modern scenario as it fulfils the basic needs to all higher level of needs (Nickson and, 2012). So same concept is applied in Hilton hotel as well in which basic need is accomplished by regular salary and after that higher needs are satisfied through various monetary and non monetary tools.

Mentioned hotel has devised a reward system that gives various benefits to an individual who give outstanding performance. The employees are given stars, points, and certificates etc. on giving good performance so that they can be given credit of making special Hilton moments. Moreover, they are given special discounts on accommodation, club membership, rate cuts in flights etc. for delivering quality service to guests (Crossman and Clarke, 2010). Further, best employee of month, Gems of year, etc. titles are given as a reward to workers who perform best. Thus company makes a provision to give both kind of motivation by satisfying needs of employees according to Maslow's theory.

Task 2

2.1 Solutions to work based problems

The mentioned organisation use to make recruitments and selections through internet most of the time. Sometimes, it uses brochures as well to advertise about its vacancies. This makes it clear that employees in company will come from various cultures and backgrounds that make the environment of firm very diverse. Hence to manage these diverse people to work as a team is a difficult task (Nilsson, 2010). This situation give rise to plenty of problems like differences in opinion, cultural adjustments, language barrier etc. To solve these kind of problems, managers can follow a set procedure universal for solving cases at workplace. These steps are highlighted as below:

Identification of problem: The first step should be towards identifying the problem along with its cause and effect. As mentioned earlier, various backgrounds and people of different nature when combine together, it originated the situation of conflicts. So it is the responsibility of managers to keep such problems to minimum. They should first find that how the particular problem developed among employees (Bridgstock, 2011). This will help in getting detailed knowledge of trouble and further direction to solve it.

Finding alternatives: Any problem has various kinds of solutions so a manger should try to think by looking at all aspects of solution. The alternatives can be discussed upon with other experts also so that pros and cons of that alternative can also be given a thought.

Choosing alternative: Out of various available solutions, it depends upon a lot of factors that make selection of an alternative possible. Before choosing any option, its different effects should also be think upon. After getting satisfaction about applicability of an option in all terms, it should be passed to implement (Hinchliffe and Jolly, 2011).

Implementation and control: the next step after choosing an alternate solution, it is necessary to implement it so that further proceedings can be done. It is also essential that manager keeps monitoring of implementation plan so that it cannot give rise to another problem in future. Besides this, it should be checked that solution is implemented in same way as planned by managers.

Problem solving model

Figure 1 : Problem-solving model
(Source: Fisher, R.J., 2016)

2.2 Communication of problem

The communication of problem should not follow any long chain as it will make the procedure unnecessarily long and more complex. It should always be kept in mind that any problem is good to solve at early stages than later on (Sewell and Dacre Pool, 2010). Mentioned hotel has used various plans that helps it in maintaining a sound and positive work environment at workplace. They use to encourage employees integration and involvement more in organisation's discussions and various decision making procedures. This involvement also gives them opportunity to discuss their problems at a time. The managers can think upon their only and discuss at the spot to find any solution or by making any important announcement before everyone. Besides this, every deserving employee is given an opportunity to mentor other employees. This thing work as a motivator also (Tymon, 2013). On other hand it also help in knowing the real situation which managers have to face for managing teams. Thus it gives a sense of responsibility in workers.

To communicate problems, open ended discussions should be made so that all involved parties can be taken to understand the situation. At lower level, problems can be communicated within department as it can be solved by its departmental manager. But if the problem is between two departments, it should be taken to top level managers so that it can be resolved in good way. Some issues that are related to employees at a larger level can also be referred to senior management (Keller, Parker and Chan, 2011). So, it depends on nature of problem that directs the style of its solution and communication. In cited hotel, it has developed a SPARK management programme in which everyone is given freedom to develop their skills to give a good shape to their career. Moreover, here, opportunities are also given to communicate their problems and resolve it by applying their skills and learning.

2.3 Effective time-management strategy

Time-management is an important element in organisations that should be taken care of to make employees responsible. Trainings can be given for this so that workers can know the importance of time at workplace (Jones, 2013). This management can be encouraged among employees by giving them time based tasks. This will make them able to manage their projects and responsibilities according to time. In aforesaid organisation, guests are served with best possible efforts that makes the success of hotel at world level. Guests prefer timely and fast service of employees hence, here importance of time management strategies become more crucial. So, management can introduce various plans so that workers can become able to manage their time.

They should be given tasks that are based on fixed time. It should be specified to them beforehand that how their task should be managed according to time (Griffin and Annulis, 2013). Moreover, tasks should be changed according to easy and hard levels so that it becomes interesting for them.

Trainings can be arranged where activities should be done that is related to complete any work on a fixed time. Trainee who performs good can be given reward by allotting them extra time in next task. This will encourage others as well and everyone will become capable of managing their jobs according to time.

Besides this, it should be taken care that wherever it is necessary to concentrate more on tasks , disturbance level should be minimum (Omar, Bakar and Rashid, 2012). Employees should be instructed to record their work on daily basis along with time taken to complete it. This will act as a self analysis as well for them. Moreover, they will also realise about improvement in their performance and will get motivation to perform better.

Task 3

3.1 Role of people as a team

Building a team is important as it helps in accomplishing tasks that are difficult in simple way. Any work that is done with combined efforts of team is better than accomplished by an individual effort. Even any complex works can also be handled by team efforts (Zhu, Iles and Shutt, 2011). The mentioned hotel use to encourage team spirit so that it can make all its tasks easy to handle. Moreover, it also gives training and encourage employees to cooperate with each other so that a friendly environment can be maintained in organisation.

The team management in cited organisation is such which combines efforts of different skilled and talented persons. The company's growth clearly tells that communication is strong among employees and they have a feeling of belongingness which encourage them to work better for organisation and for themselves. The role of employees as a team can be understood in following points discussed below (Sniezek, 2016).

Aforesaid organisation use to make teams in which various employees having different set of skills are organised. This different pool of talents help in accomplishing tasks that need efforts of various backgrounds. So as a team, all members share their ideas, knowledge, and their skills which can enhance the quality of a task done.

A team with all required skills can establish a good communication as well because they know its importance. This strong communication helps in solving issues and removing barriers in completing any work. Moreover, it also reduce chances of conflicts between all members as they always try to create positive and coordinating environment (Messum, Wilkes and Jackson, 2011).

By working as a team, employees get more engaged with company. Their involvement increases and they try to understand concepts behind team work. Through this, their learnings and experience also increases as sharing of knowledge and ideas give opportunity to learn from each other. Besides this, it also benefits the firm as their training costs can also be saved when employees will learn from each other. This makes the quality of their work also extraordinary.

Thus, there are lots of benefits of organising people of organisation as team.

3.2 Team dynamics

The Hilton group has a very large organisational structure which is complex as well (Boden and Nedeva, 2010). In such situation its is clear that various kinds of dynamics exist that can affect firm's objectives. Analysis of group dynamics will help in identification of various kinds of diversities existing in groups and ways to manage them in wise manner so that their negative aspects can be neutralised. Forming a group with different cultured people with various backgrounds may give either positive or negative result. They may adopt to contribute and cooperate with each other by sharing their cultures and experiences. While in some cases it might be possible that they get separated. So it is a manager's responsibility to understand the effects of group dynamics in advance (O'Neil, 2014). So manager can devise plans that can increase interactions between all members. Besides this, they can be told about benefits of interactions between them. They should be given tasks that can encourage their contribution as a team effort. The size and stability among teams should also be maintained because more than required number of members in a team will create chaos and difficult to handle for manager as well. Further, stability is important because if team is changed frequently, employee will not get enough time to interact and make a good chemistry with its teammates. So a small group will have more closer and strong bond between them as everyone will have opportunity to understand each other (Cottrell, 2015).

Manager should allot works that is not only task oriented but also helpful in increasing social orientation. Group discussions should be allowed between them under the guidance of manager. Everyone should be encouraged to attaining group goals instead of individual goals. When employees are motivated to gain group objectives it will be easier to manage teams otherwise more conflicts can exist.

3.3 Ways to achieve goals and complete tasks

To achieve any objective it is essential that all related departments make their efforts in a group. To achieve goals of a company, contribution of group can be understood with the help of an example (Barker, 2014). If Hilton wants to adopt a new tool to advertise their recruitment news it will not be accomplished by a single department. This will demand the contribution of top level managers, marketing department, finance department, HR department etc. The need for this advertisement may be initiated by HR department. So, after this need arise, it will be discussed by top level managers to take their opinion. If managers approve this need then various plans will be made to give the advertisement. Marketing manager may be asked to suggest the best marketing tool that can address more number of people to give information about vacancy (Verma, 2012). Besides this, after getting any suggestion from marketing department, further decision will be asked from finance department. The finance department will decide that method will be useful or not according to budget. If the technique is under budget it will be passed by finance department. In next step, it will again go to HR and marketing department, so that they can decide about matter that will be shown in advertisement. Its designing and distribution channel etc. will be finalised and distributed to people.

Thus for a single task, it is necessary to do the work as a team according to skills that are required to complete the job ( Heimler, 2010). Besides this, communication and discussions should also be done at daily basis so that all relevant departments may remain aware of the progress of work. Priorities should be decided in advance to reduce duplication and confusion in work. Moreover, any confusion or query should be resolved as soon as possible.

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Task 4

4.1 Tools and methods to solve a problem

A problem arises when various differences in nature, opinions and attitude exist. To solve any issue it is necessary to understand its origination and cause. There are different methods to solve an issue but different managers have various thinking to solve any problem (Poon, 2012). For understanding in a better way, an issue related to recruitment and selection in Hilton can be taken. So according to that several tools will be used to solve an issue which are demonstrated below:

Avoiding a problem: A manager may have the attitude of avoiding a situation and leave it on time. But this, method cannot be helpful in all situations and sometimes it can make a small problem a big matter in future. In present scenario, the need of recruitment for new staff can be taken by a manager in lenient way and may ignore it for present time (Omar and, 2012). So this may make situation solved for sometime, but in future this situation will need a quick act.

Solving a problem: This attitude is good for organisation as it shows that manager is potential to work upon tasks given in time. In same scenario, when the need arises for a new staff, manager will start thinking upon various plans that should be made to recruit employees. This process will include identifying qualifications and skills required for desired post, its advertising medium, cost etc. The venue and time will also be decided and all other essential things necessary for procedure will be arranged (Nickson and, 2012). This whole process will help in accomplishing the task on time.

Seeking problem: This is the ideal attitude of any manager that an organisation always prefer to have in its employees. In this method, mangers use to forecast about a situation in advance and also make plans beforehand so that when same event happens that can be managed with pre determined plan. A manger can assess the need of recruiting new employees in advance by checking monthly reports which contain information about employees who are working in notice periods. Manager can also take help of attrition rates so that a provision can be made in advance to meet the demand (Nilsson, 2010). Plans about designing of advertisement, channel of distribution etc. can be planned for future.

4.2 Strategy to solve the problem

To solve the issue of recruitment and selection, mentioned hotel use to adopt an elevator scheme in four stages are involved for recruitment procedure. In all these four stages, a candidate have to pass from various kinds of tests that are organised to assess various kinds of abilities in candidate.

At first stage, an individual have to fill an application form online. This form consists of basic information about candidate's personal details, educational qualification, past work experience, marital status, strengths, weaknesses etc (Hinchliffe and Jolly, 2011). This form is checked by the recruiting manager and those forms are selected who match with the required position. Selected forms are separated and invited for further tests while others are kept in records so that it can be used in future. In second step, candidate is given a test in which his/her numerical and verbal reasoning are tested along with knowledge of values and current trends. Passed candidates are promoted to next level for personal interviews and final decision is taken.

The above decision of recruiting and selecting candidates is useful in solving issue at physical level (Tymon, 2013). But if company intends to organise the process online, all these tests can also be made online at a specified time by company. The final procedure of interview can also be completed through video calling. Thus this will save a lot of time and cost for company.

4.3 Impact on organisation

Strategies are made and implemented to make a company competitive and able to make profits. Various strategies are made in organisation to execute different functions. The strategy can be related to any function of various department. These strategies are made so that company can adopt a differentiated operation which can make company successful in market defeating its rivals (Jones, 2013). Moreover, these tactics are a directional map that guides the action of employees and managers. The HR manager is responsible for making various plans, policies, standard procedures etc. that can serve as a guiding path to do any task. These plans and policies are also made with consideration of company's objectives. The strategy does not remain same for all kinds of operations and it needs changes and modifications as and when any fluctuation arise in environment. These fluctuations may come in internal as well as external surroundings but in both situations it use to affect the company (Omar, Bakar and Rashid, 2012). Hilton use to apply various tactics that helps in maintaining its position in market among top hospitality companies. It concentrates on all the departments of company so that it may not lag behind due to a defect in any sphere. Also it use to serve customers and gives priority to their maximum satisfaction.


The employability skills are the core part of an individual that makes a person employable in company. The above report has discussed various elements that are used at workplace for solving problems. The report concludes that team building is necessary in every organisation to complete any task on time. Besides this, by the help of discussion on Hilton group of hotels, importance of team building has been discussed. Further, solution of problem by matching differences of team members have also been focussed. The whole report has concluded that a person should have skills that can make him/her adjustable in working environment with all its differences. This is the real ability of an individual that makes a person employable.


  • Andrews, G. and Russell, M., 2012. Employability skills development: strategy, evaluation and impact. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning.
  • Barker, B., 2014. Employability skills: Maintaining relevance in marketing education. The Marketing Review.
  • Boden, R. and Nedeva, M., 2010. Employing discourse: universities and graduate ‘employability’. Journal of Education Policy.
  • Bridgstock, R., 2011. Skills for creative industries graduate success. Education+ Training.
  • Cottrell, S., 2015. Skills for Success: Personal Development and Employability. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Crossman, J.E. and Clarke, M., 2010. International experience and graduate employability: Stakeholder perceptions on the connection. Higher education
  • Dhiman, M.C., 2012. Employers' perceptions about tourism management employability skills. Anatolia.
  • Griffin, M. and Annulis, H., 2013. Employability skills in practice: the case of manufacturing education in Mississippi. International Journal of Training and Development.
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