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Business psychology

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 12 / Words 2997
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: QAB020C406A
  • Downloads: 260
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Business psychology is applied science which investigate how to form organization and people more effective. Social scientific research is used for studying individual, organization and workplace for align them better in multiple and sometime competing need.

The above report includes brief evaluation of the psychological approach for understanding self and other in workplace. Identification of three skills and attributes which have been explored. Report ends with identification and reflection of three development areas.

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Brief evaluation of the psychological approach for understanding self and others in workplace

The psychology of the self is study of either conative, cognitive or affective representation of particular individual's identity, or subject of the experience. The Earliest formulations of self modern psychology that is derived from distinction among self as, subjective knower and self as me, object which is known. Psychological approach for self and others play as integral part in cognition, human motivation, affect and social identity, that is self-esteem, self-awareness, self-perception and self-knowledge. Behavioral perspective focus on role of the environmental stimuli for determining way of people how they act. It states that what we are is the result of our past learning. With the help of this perspective individual could develop new skills and things in them as per their behavior and surroundings. The observable behavior and its relationship with the environmental condition which has focus on study (Dipboye, 2016). With the help of the behavioral perspective individual can improve these skills and thus implement this into their behavior & organization further they can perform their task and goal effectively. The Cognitive perspective mainly focus on how individual know, understands and thought about world. Much of the behavior involve metal or cognitive process that can remembering, perceiving and behavior. They are essential for the individual overall development and could develop various skills with the help of this perspective.

Identification of various skill or attribute that have been explored


Defining the core skill?

Time management is process of exercising and planning conscious control of the time spent on the specific activity, especially for enhancing effectiveness, productivity and efficiency. With the help of time management an individual could utilize their time for maximizing their productivity.

Importance of core skill?

In Time management is very essential skills. With the help of this skill an individual can perform their task on time or before time and along with that goal and objective of individual can also be achieved effectively. The goal setting theory mainly focus on gaining thing which are important to an individual. For example- Employee will be motivated for performing if they had specific and clear objective. So employee must have time management skill so that they can have properly managed time and could gain higher success and achieve goals effectively (McIntosh, Nicholas and Huq, 2019).

How competent you are currently?

I had average time management skill with the help of that I could manage task and activities easily. I always have time scheduled for each and every task which is given to me and always coordinate with that schedule so that goal of time management could be gained by me. But some time I lacked and couldn't be able to manage time properly and thus I couldn't effectively complete the task. The psychological test is used as toolkit for measuring my time management skill and evaluating whether I need to improve it or not.

Peer feedback: My peer had also told me that some time I effectively manage the task but sometime I couldn't manage task properly and thus couldn't effectively work upon it.

Tutor Feedback: My tutor also had same feedback that some time I lack to perform the task well and sometime it is done effectively.

Identification of contradiction, or allowable weakness from the above analysis?

I agree with the feedback from my peers and tutors that I have that I couldn't be able to always manage time. Due to this some time I couldn't manage the time and work effectively on task. I should always try to manage task on time so that I can achieve goal on time effectively. I am also reliable to the toolkit and its result as that also stated that I sometime manage the time and perform task well and sometime I can't manage it. I also think that I need to improve this skill so that I could properly manage the activity and time efficiently (Leóna and Moralesb, 2018).

How this skill will be help to me in future?

If I develop the time management skill then I could perform all the task properly on time and thus organizational goal could be gained by me. With the effective performance I could grow immensely and could be promoted on higher post in the organization. Better career opportunity could be gained by me if I pursue this skill in my work and task achievement. If proper time management is done by me for performing task then I could complete task on time or before time and thus it could be productive for company as well as this will be helpful in my professional and personal development.


Defining the core skill?

Team work involve shared collaboration and responsibility for the common outcome or objective. Group's cooperative effort of the group of individual who are seeking to attain the common objective of company. In team work all the team member had their individual role and contribution in team work (Wolniak and Grebski, 2018).

Importance of core skill?

Team work is very essential to attain high quality outcome which are more efficient, effective and thoughtful as well as faster. If a team work as a single unit they can easily accomplish more than individual can alone do. The Tuckman's theory explains that team develops ability and maturity, established relationship and leader change leadership styles. And thus a team could perform the task well and grow ahead, tackle the problem and finds solution & at last get to the desired result. For example- Each individual who work in team for particular task can brought various knowledge and information so that they can have better solution and approaches for task which is beneficial for company to achieve their set objective.

How competent you are currently?

I also give priority to work in team so that task could be completed quickly and effectively. Many more new things are explored by all team member and I could learn and improve my other skills also while working in team. It is far better for me to learn from team member and renders the task on time with high quality. The tool kit which is used for optimizing my team work skill is 123 test. This tool kit is helpful for me in analyzing my skill level.

Peer feedback: My peers had given feedback that I had good team work skill and could perform the task well and fast along with group of people as single unit.

Tutor Feedback: My tutors had also told me that I work effectively in team and gains organization's objective and many other skills had been developed in me during team work.

Identification of contradiction, or allowable weakness from the above analysis?

The feedback from my tutors and peer are true. I had efficient team work skill with the help of that I could manage all task and activities. Each and every team member learn from one another and implement changes in their skills and day by day their performance has been enhancing. It is helpful for the organization to have organizational success in the marketplace. As the aim and objective of company is being achieved by team members efficiently. But then I also I will develop it more so that all the task would be completed by me effectively in order to achieve company's overall goal.

How this skill will be help to me in future?

This team work skill is helpful for me in achieving goal and objective of company. With the help of team work all task and activities could be completed in the minimum time frame. The conflicts among team member could also be resolved and further each and every individual could have their contribution in team work. If employees of company are working in team with positive attitude then they are productive resource for them. I can also gain success in my career further on both the levels (Riggio, 2017).


Defining the core skill?

Written communication is defined as sending message, order or instruction in writing by circular, letter, report, manual, office memo, telegram and bulletin etc., It involves type of interaction which made the use of written word. Communication by writing is important in modern world and has become more common in the age of information.

Importance of core skill?

Written business communication is professional, concise and clear. It is very essential form of communication as it has permanent record of idea, proposal, incident and other fact. With the help of this an individual could effectively communicate with any other and cold get all information quickly. For example- if a company gives a clear message to their consumer than they can build trust and integrity for them. So its is very helpful for an individual for building a healthy relationship with anyone. Development communication theory which state that there is no development without communication. So an individual must have written communication skill they can communicate and develop more (Dahlstrom and Nygaard, 2016).

How competent you are currently?

I don't have good communication skill. So firstly I am not able to communicate with anyone effectively. I also couldn't gain trust of anyone and thus nobody easily relies on me. Some times due to lack of writing communication I couldn't state information and idea properly and thus I feel demotivated. Due to this my confidence level also declines many times. Written communication is very essential in the professional career. The Johri window tool kit is used for testing this skill and evaluating where I'm lacking and need to improve that.

Peer feedback: My peers had also told me that I could state things, idea and information properly through written communication. I am so poor at this.

Tutor Feedback: My tutor also spoken to me about that I don't have good written communication and thus I'm weak at expressing things in written communication.

Identification of contradiction, or allowable weakness from the above analysis?

Feedback from tutor and peer are also agreeable by me. I also knew that I'm too weak at my written communication skill and couldn't even communicate with anyone effectively through it. I also agree with the toolkit result that I need to work on my written communication skill. It is the major thing which is need to develop to enhance my career and its growth. I could confidently communicate with anyone at the business level. And one could not even get through what I'm trying to say them which is then create misconception among one another and create a situation of conflict.

How this skill will be help to me in future?

This written communication skill is very helpful for me and my career. Now in the information age written communication is becoming more essential at business level. One could perform the task well and communicate with anyone easily if individual has expertise in this particular field. If I will enhance and develop written communication skill in me then I could easily communicate with anyone on written basis and could gain anybody's trust. Overall confidence would also be enhanced in me so that I could perform all other task also in appropriate manner that it could be helpful for me to develop my professional and personal career as well (Davidsson, 2016).

Identification and reflection on the areas of development-

Summary and Action Plan

By analyzing the personal strength and weakness an individual could easily optimize where they are lacking. It is very essential to analyze these so that an individual could develop more strength and then further convert weakness into the major strength. Individual could improve further their skills where they are lacking (Islam, 2019). Thus, they can enhance their performance and develop more new skills in them with the analyzation.


  • I had effective leadership skill and could effectively lead and manage team.
  • I could perform the team working effectively.
  • I always focus and pay attention to my work.


  • I'm poor at resolving conflicts.
  • Lack of confidence.
  • I couldn't have good written communication skills.






Development Area 1

Solving conflicts

I need to work on solving conflicts among my co-workers so that I could easily manage and control them.

Improvement will be further measure by estimating whether I could solve the conflicts and employees are working effectively in team without any dispute in them.

Evidence could be got from team's and individual's performance.

I will join group discussion and interact with each group member.

Interacting with the employees and other co-worker so better coordination can be build and could work with coordination(Strike, Michel and Kammerlander, 2018).

This is action will be helpful for me to improve this skill and enhance them to work in team and have coordination among each other.

1 months

Development Area 2

Written communication

I need to develop written communication in me so that I could easily communicate with any one in written form and convey message correctly.

Improvement will be measured by me with the help of feedback from my seniors and tutors so that I could improve this (Passmore, 2016).

I will also take feedback from my peers also so that they could provide my guideline whether incorrect or not.

I will join the writing classes and will further practice for it with the help of various application.

Trying to write informal letters so that I could improve my writings.

This action could be helpful for me in developing my written communication skill and could easily communicate with effectively.

3 months

Development Area 3

Lack of confidence

I want to raise confidence in me so that I could confidently perform task and implement this in my personal life as well.

Improvement could be done by the feedback from my tutor and peers.

I will try to interact with my seniors that where I'm lacking and I need to improve further (Roetzel, 2019).

I will join motivational classes so that I could raise my confidence.

I will try to interact with group of people or individual so that I could enhance confidence in me.

This action will helpful in enhancing my confidence level and thus further confidently perform task which I need to complete.

2 months


From the above study it has been concluded that effective time management, written communication and team working skills are very helpful for an individual for developing their personal and professional career. An individual could effectively perform the task and activity if it had these skills. These skills play a major role in growth and development of an individual. An individual could gain organizational goal and objective effectively with the help of these skills. If time is specified and managed then one can perform the task on time with quality along with team work. Enhancing written communication skill will be helpful for an individual to effectively communicate with others.

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