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Unit 16 - Unit Title: Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care

University: St. Patrick’s International College

  • Unit No: 16
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4268
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 329
Organization Selected : Prince Trust

Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care


The specific needs in health and social care emphasize addressing the unique requirements of individuals with disabilities or disorders that impact their personal lives (Sedgwick, 2015). Modern healthcare systems provide therapy and related services to those with physical disabilities, and this report focuses on the Prince's Trust, a UK charity dedicated to helping vulnerable young people, particularly those with physical disabilities, regain control of their lives. The charity supports individuals aged 11 to 30 who face challenges such as school struggles, risk of exclusion, or unemployment. Through a case study of Hannah, a self-reliant wheelchair user and team member of the Prince's Trust, this report examines the evolving concepts of behavior, illness, and disability. It also analyzes the influence of society, social policy, and legislation on individuals with special needs, evaluates current support systems, and explores strategies for managing challenging behaviors and activities.

Task 1

1.1 Analyze concepts of disability, illness, behavior in relation to health and social care service users.

In the duration of the assessment in case study of Hannah that is unable to recognize the different types of aspects in association to the status that will be needful in future with the most effectual intervention of for Hannah. So they consider the health, illness disability and behavior that define as below:

Health- A person who is healthy must be capable to handle any type of challenge that is social, mental, physical. (Williams, 2016). Hence, a healthy individual is capable to perform their regular chores or evaluate to social performance similar to vocation efficiently without any complication. Nevertheless, in the case of Hannah this has been limited because of visually impaired or at time will desire the employment and services which is provided by care practitioners for given patients to giving few regular actions (Boudreaux, 2014). The health problems are because o chronic hardships in work, personal problems, pressure of employment as well as lowered standard of living.

Moreover, to these troubles a more unceasing problem which persists in the lives of various persons with disability. In recent time people are more aware about the issues which is associated with health and the perspective has modified a lot of users of health and social care services by doctors and care workers. Hannah play a very huge role with their disabilities are Facial weakness and learning disabilities with weakness in all limbs to improve with condition and take care of own.

Illness- It is determined as a condition for example that is prolonged, therefore impacting the mind or the body of a person (Krumholz, 2014). An individual who is suffering from illness chiefly depend on some other peoples to giving their regular basic normal necessity. This kind of dependency has impact on the disability with facial and learning as well as physical disabilities. The health of the ill person which also effect the productivity of those who are providing their services to disable people.

Disability- It is the physical injury that obstruct a person to have a usual living for example from one place to another position for their next comfortably which having a vocation or education. Hannah is physically impaired therefore unable to read clearly and proceed to a general life (Iwelunmor, 2014).

Behavioral Issues- At the time when person are confront with their health issues so people behavior has changed. As per results the people will show perceptible sign learning disabilities and brought up by physical issues (Stroumsa, 2014). Moreover, they create reserved nature, aggressive or gloomed. In this it tender content about a patient or how to create interference lay that well suit a particular requirements of the Hannah.

1.2 Access how the perceptions of specific needs have changed over time.

There are several ways in which the specific needs of individuals have evolved over time, reflecting changes in attitudes and perceptions towards disabled citizens and their requirements. In ancient times, disability was often viewed negatively, with individuals being perceived as cursed or possessed by evil spirits (Fredriksen-Goldsen, 2014). Those with disabilities were poorly treated and marginalized. However, over time, discriminatory practices have diminished, and attitudes have shifted. The development of more inclusive perspectives has led to a significant change in how society addresses the needs of individuals with disabilities. For those needing assistance, consider using services that can "write my assignment" to explore these evolving perceptions and their impact on disability support.

In the present time, the appropriate treatment is provided to these particular requests as they confront the harms is they are communicate their requirements or in the stage in their daily necessities. The concept of equality has been take on so as to give comparable conduct to each being and will give correct health and care services are propose to the person according to their specific needs. The type of disability beside fluctuate as a individual can have physical, mental, learning disability. As well as the particular special needs also differ according to the age of user of the survive. The regulations and rules have been casing for conservation the want with special person from the sick observe of the humanity.

In the physical disability as oppression signify that discrimination or unfairness immobilize or confine person live much more than harm do (Benach, 2014). It has move up political alertness helped with the cooperative empowerment of disabled public and made known disabled significant view on health and social care. On the other hand to change over time by social model of disability is source in a manner that culture is prepared, instead of through the person mutilation or differentiation. It come across the ways of eliminate wall that check life preference for the hinder person like Hannah.

Moreover, The medical and technological advances have effect to enhanced continued existence of citizens with disabilities (Maslach, 2016). Nevertheless, in several researches these types of press forward have lead to raise in prenatal be concerned has upshot in attractive the charge of endurance in a very extreme manner and little birth newborn baby.

1.3 Analyses the impact of legislation, social policy, society and culture on the ways that services are made available for individuals with Specific needs

Legislation are crucial to assuring the people with their particular needs that are extravagance similarly without any prejudice. They must assure that those people with particular demands to get equal evaluation, opportunities, outcomes, treatments. Moreover, those type of person supposed to be treated with their self respect. It permit to take part in group of people, society and community activities or beside this select the life what they are desire to live without any sort of interference or at the same time they has been secluded from any impairment.

The Legislative and social policies are extremely significant for leading in any type of sector in the nation. In the Health and social care division has also been make easy by the lawmaking strategy in a very various manner. There are some legislative Acts which related to the specific needs of a disable person are as follows:

Health and social care Act 2008: This Acts is provide a different regulations and rules which need to be go after for the employment providers or the users of health in well-being and social care segment. Its not beside gives different kinds of guidelines to be followed through this department so that arranged smooth and fair for the health care workers. But, they also execute finer amenities management of the operations and supply reorganization which is associate to the workers involved in the health and social care centers.

The Disability Discrimination Act 2005In this Act it create unlawful to prejudice against disabled populations in association with their services and performance. Moreover the provisions of wages, goods, services and facilities or the management and disposal of their premises and location. For the disables persons they developed stipulation about the services and to begin a national disability counsel.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001- According to this Act the colleges, schools, adult education providers, universities, local education, statutory youth services are the government authorities that were needful to developed the similar kind or sensible alteration for the disabled persons.

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Task 2

2.1 Analyze the care needs of individuals with specific needs.

The intensive and extra advanced care must be taken for those type of persons with particular needs just because of these people are most liable to be destitute and demoralized. The disabled person do not genuinely obtain what they want ( Krahn, 2014). Therefore, the persons associated with to health and social care regarding them to be concerned. Therefore, according to the case study it has been organized that Hannah is living comfortable life with their learning disabilities and facial expression immobilized.

Maslow’s Model: It is generally depicted that the hierarchy order of their demands as like pyramid linked with various phases presenting specific demands and their requirements. The starting from the lowest part of this pyramid it comprises that:

Physiological or physical needs: These are the most important and incorporates things like sleep, sustenance etc. Until these kind of requirements are met a person will be focused on simply staying alive.

Intellectual needs: On the other hand the second lowest pyramid is security requirements that alluded to those things that maintain the person privileged from destruction.

Social needs: And the highest pyramid is social requests that humans are alluded to as social creatures with explicate their societal needs. In the specific needs is become the nearly all helpless section of the society.

Spiritual and sexual needs: The people have special type of care and attention that requirements which should be satisfied to delicacy them appropriately.

Esteem needs: The value and work, in this the demand of value and time for some others peoples.

Safety needsOther is security and safety, in this these physically disabled peoples like Hannah are in needful to safe, caring and protected housing place where they can expend their life contentedly.

In Down Syndrome this disorder is connected with a enduring disability but it can be extravagance by a different diversity of suitable involvement: the behavioral and educational interventions are the occupational therapies for the languages and speech to their modification in behavior and training for parent.

2.2 Explain current systems for supporting individuals with specific Needs

The person with the particular desire must be supported for the better life of the people and in the society. The population with specific requirements are usually deprived of the legal and common facilities to be present for them. Therefore, the further anthology must be made to formulate societal care structure presented for the disabled people like Hannah according to the given case study.

The statutory consider to pick up the disability which is connected to health and social care conclusion for all disabled peoples. To giving a community voice in personal health, to facilitate admittance to the broadcasting of in turn for the delivery of health and disability work in UK. On the other hand, the not for profit also known as the business entity is dedicated for future specific advocating and social reason for a distributed point of view. They share shareholders, leader or members. It is a kind of tax exempt or voluntary in which the disables person should pay over there for their treatment. Moreover, the self help formal is a self conducted development inexpensively, intellectually or emotionally. Frequently with a considerable physical disabilities basis they use community existing in sequence or help to assembly on the internet and in individual where natives in same conditions join together. On the other side, the formal informed care with a unchanging locate of rules of the progression and the configuration to motivation of well definite hierarchical status which is innate in any formal organization.

2.3 Evaluate the services available in a chosen locality for individuals with specific needs

The health and social care services is existing in a definite neighborhood and a place is an crucial indicator for the evaluation of the average of alive in a convinced zone. Therefore, the evaluation of social and healthcare service are accessible in main areas is very essential. Furthermore, the assessment of the work that are offered because it can effortlessly take to mean the requirements or the difficulty of the neighborhood to go round it into a superior position to subsist in for the people who are disabled like Hannah with their specific needs.

In their special need of education is to help the educating students such as Hannah for to treat their learning disabilities. They address and explicate their personal differences and their requirements. Ideally, this process involve the person plan or methodically observe their nation collection of procedures of teaching and equipment and materials. Recreation is the activity for specific needs of leisure being discretionary time. That need to do something for activity for the disabled individual is very central ingredient of human biology and psychology. These kinds of behavior are frequent done for amusement, pleasure and enjoyment that are included to be fun for those people who are disabled. As well as they provide transport services for people who are handicapped and disables.

Counseling is for specific needs of immobilized persons in locality is seen to gives the users of health and social care practitioners are with their special requirements. These armed forces are make obtainable to the populace manage them and regulate with the society in a improved suitable manner. These services are also helpful for the people who are confronting their physical concern to get well their barricade.

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3.1 Explain the approaches and interventions available to support individuals with specific needs.

The number of persons with disability has enhanced in the globalization. Although people have turn out to be more aware and knowledgeable. Some people think that disabled persons that have been analyzed by their problems of injury which restrictions as well as their behavior. They included disable persons are less able to do their work and faith that they should be excluded from any other social activities and performance or programs. In the given assignment there are several types of disabilities are as follows:

Approaches and interventions:

Self help: It is to control the weight and have fun exploit more and more essential function in explicating the corpulence epidemically (Jetten, 2014). It is very effective maybe an essential approach to improve the consequences as they are inexpensive to give a large numbers of patients. The aim of this is to help those people who are analyzed the effect of self help interventions on their disabilities for example depression, mental, physical as well as psychological in patients illness and physical illness.

Direct actions: It is organized as a political activist for the disabled persons who are economically and financially weak (Biedenweg, 2014). The acts in which the act workers use their influence to openly come close to to their firm ambition of concentration, in disparity to those proceedings who are interesting to other peoples.

Partnerships: In this approach the family and child practice model is based on the faith and trust that partnerships with diverse tribes, communities, and their diverse families (Braveman, 2014). This is very important in the journey to improving the employment and their penalty for families and children.

3.2 Explain the effectiveness of interventions strategies for an person with specific needs.

The goal of health policies is improving the basically based and quality on the themes of empowerment, participation in the social activities, having equal opportunities and rights, citizenship, making decisions to having choices etc. The potential tensions of right versus the protection of self and other is to freedom in which all human that are included entitled the liberty, freedom of thought and expression and equal treatment before the law between some others people who are disabled according to the given case study about Hannah physical disabilities. This right showing the entitlements of the persons of unit of the government and the responsibilities of a person and the authorities of the government. On the other hand, alleviation of needs versus remedial therapy it is the two or three approaches to deal and handle with the content (Cronin, 2014). The term elevation means that a person need a higher level of evaluation to the organization them at present have and require earnings to be temporally increased elevated to a more advantaged or powerful phase.

3.3 Discuss the potential impact of emerging developments on support for individuals with specific needs

The technological innovation has today distorted their effect which is disability and functional (Castro, 2016). There have been several technical improvements in the physical environments in the surrounding atmosphere including an example, packaging for poison prevention, better and safer housing, and roads etc. There are several advanced technologies is included as the good manner to sure the absolute chances of a healthy life for whole disable persons.

Task 4

4.1 Explain different concepts of challenging behaviour.

The challenging behavior refers to the abnormal behavior open individual for a particular duration of time or frequency. This indicates that the person have learning disabilities process. There are different various kind of causes of challenging behavior that include Frustration, difficult in communication, depression, anxiety, acquire of alcohol or drugs and lack of understanding. This Particularly shows the unfulfilled need of an individual that can be result in aggressive and self Injurious behavior. In health and social care the challenging behavior can put an individual at Which results in delivering of poor quality of health and care (fedosov and et. Al., 2016). This Type of people have some physical disability in doing everyday activities as their behavior leads to high Aggression and self harm. Each individual has some belief system which consists relationship Society and other things which leads to the change in their behavior and become challenging to Others. The pre scientific in health and social care provides the care bye counseling session to Providing the the things according to the individual that how individual can perceive things. The Influence of this belief system can construct on our mind and which makes the behavior of an Individual. It is basically consists two types of belief systems that is centric in cosmos centric the Theocentric based on the commitments that includes any spiritual words on which an individual Believe.

The other cosmetic system is based on the creation of any thing which becomes the belief System of an individuals life. The changes in their belief system can lead to the aggressive behavior towards the other people. The scientific belief system basically based on the scientific skills which have the limitation of philosophical subject (Cheers, 2019). Each and every individual in health and social care have some belief system in providing the care to the people. With the help of this scientific belief system the Identity of an individual can shape. The social constructive refers to individuals and groups who have there on concept of reality and knowledge. Mainly, the social constructive focuses on the learning pattern of individual and their communication in the social groups.

4.2 Describe the potential impact of challenging behavior on health and social care organizations.

The challenging behavior can potentially impacted on organization. This include the impact on staff, medical professionals and frustration of damaged integration property work related stress, etc. The challenging behavior can impacted on the staff members by delivering the health and social care to the individuals. As each individual has different challenges in their behavior some are more aggressive some different behavior leads to impact on the staff members. It is very tough to manage the challenging behavior individuals as they are danger for other patients and staff members too (Sipilä, 2019). The staff members need to be polite and gentle to these individuals in the health and social Care organization. They should communicate effectively with individuals so that better care can be implemented. In context of medical professionals, they are the people who are needed to set clear boundaries that can promote health care to individuals. They are most aware about the challenging behavior of an individual. the medical professionals are more related and communicated to the individual who has a problem of challenging behavior does they have higher chance of getting risk and hazard from these peoples.

This people can affect various other fellow patients. So the medical professional staff need to take care of these individuals with seriousness or by medication because the impact of this challenging behavior people can impacted on the other people very effectively. The impact of this challenging behavior patient can impacted on the organization very effectively as the health and social care professionals can developed there challenging skills towards other people. Thus, by delivering the specific needs of these individuals the impact can be reduced at much level. the impact of the challenging waiver occurs on the staff members and medical professional as their frustration level increases. this will lead to the damage of individual rights and property as they can deliver the proper care to the patients. Due to the challenging behavior of individuals, the stress and anxiety develops in this type of peoples or care professionals.

4.3Analyse strategies for working with challenging behaviors

There are some strategies occurred while dealing with the challenging behavior that includes anti behavior change and person centered approach. The anti change behavior refers to the change in behavior of or any action that harm other well being of people. It also includes the violent behavior of any person causes harm to other person. The anti social behavior basically developed through the social interaction with family and in groups. Basically develops from the families as the family is consist of various anti social behavior like alcohol drug abuse which is threatening to their family and cause economic distress in the family. The main objective of this and TV were changes to improve the challenging behavior of an individual by developing some strategies. These include some different kinds of interventions, codes of practice, policies and procedures and activities that promote an individual to change their aggressive and challenging behavior towards others (DePoy and Gitlin, 2015). This helps them to motivate in their life so that they can be discriminated from community. In this anti behavior change strategy, the families and communities are involved in developing the anti social behavior of an individual.

As they are adapted different threatening situation by thinking about the consequences from which they are embedded in this behavior challenging. The health and social care workers adapt different activities so that they can change the behavior of an individual. The advantage of this is that it focuses on the real behavior of an individual and disadvantage that involves the misunderstanding of an individual due to their challenging behavior. The person Center strategy and professional standards are occur to deliver the health and social care services to the individual so that make they can make their needs. It also includes the legal framework so that they can find out the best way to deliver the health care needs to them. The main objective of this strategies to treat people with their respect by aware of their values and beliefs. this strategy can help in reducing the challenging behavior of an individual as it delivers the best care according to their needs. The advantage of this is that the involvement of individuals in their own treatment and the disadvantage of this is that the challenging behavior can become challenging to the care workers.


From the above report, it has been concluded that addressing the specific needs of disabled individuals in the global health and social care sector is crucial. Protecting the rights of these individuals and providing them with a secure environment for better living is essential. Additionally, this essay typer has highlighted the importance of education and offering opportunities for disabled individuals to express their ideas and thoughts. The report also concludes that issues related to physical disability, mild impairment, and learning challenges, along with the specific requirements and demands associated with them, can be effectively managed through improved services provided by health and social care centers.

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