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Digital Health in relation to Physiotherapy

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4040
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Article 1

Physiotherapists’ experiences of adopting an eTool in clinical practice: a post-phenomenological investigation


The purpose of the investigation has been performed to have the proper level of gaining the knowledge as per insights to have the experience in description along with integration in the specified level of use as tool in physiotherapy. There has been the use of convenience sampling which is considered to be similar to the researcher paper which is being used in the illustrating the health workers in a rabblement program reproduced stereotypes of home dwelling elderly people largely because of the way the program is designed. On the other hand, the both the studies have the properly investigated the term technology at the broader level which have the major level of inclusion of analysis of networks along the technological setup which have been performed at significant way. This method have actuality scrutinizes the human technological level of interaction by 'letting thing talks' to be performed.


The month is begun used by having proper filling of consent form which is being actually attached to emails by taking the 8 physiotherapists as the ratio of 3:1 between the private and municipally employed one. The analysis has been guided by the hermeneutic approach along with phenomenological mode in order to have interpretation of text. There is inclusion of both male and female therapist has been participated in the research. There is thematically also the elements which is being united by the sense ambiances. The research has been settled out in small sample in the small country which is making the easily level of identifiable be the respective level of colleagues so the finding have been represented in form of story that is of Alex. There is used of various level of examples in order to put the arguments across. On the hand making of various efforts to have acknowledged along with activity the preconception with prejudgments which is in order being brought up by interpreters to have the perfect level of analysis.


As per the Bødker,(2019), the article have the clear level of reevaluation in terms of how physiotherapists have the deployments of their respective skills as per the existence of resonance clinical skills which are considered to be active, critical and more level of appropriates of the e tool. On the other hand the contradict that despite having the ambiguous level of attitude towards the e tool, the psychotherapists have developed the ownership which is being related to the e tool which is actually balancing and combines the practice of two modes in order to have collection of data for research purpose and other one to have treatments of patients. The author also stated that the health technologies have developments of assessment protocol along with models to have the developments of health technologies which could be benefited from theoretical foundation along with acknowledging non neutrality and two side-mess of tools.

Reflection and Discussion

As per the view of Crowther and,( 2017) it has been stated that other studies which are in relation to the subject have addressed the technology in more explicit manner such as contrary to the theoretical aspects of radiology transient which have been use in implicit way to have interpretation at every stage. Research was based on interview. It is the most reliable method to collect information. Data collected through this is authentic. On the other hand, the Dunphy and, 2017) argued that there is are existence of interview based study which have the Revelations of the patients feeling along with responsibility bearing in order to take the prescribed medicines which is been correctly placed by nurses which is been replaced by electrostatic pill box. I have analyzed that there is existence of various challenges which is been faced by physiotherapists in more to have the adoption to e to such as the striking the balance which is pitching the e tool to have maintained a certain level of distance from it. There is also the level of risk among patients that they will lose the confidence and trust among therapist. The author has states that there is existence of close investigation and constant scrutiny of implementation the digital health practices in order to be developed and expansion with the sense of potentiality over specifies devices attention. I also analyzed that making use of digital technology has assisted patients in enhancing their health outcome. It has laid positive impact on their health and well-being.


On the other hand Crowther and, ( 2017) contradict that this finding cannot be considered as the generalized way to have the level of application in terms of e health which is being applied. The author also added that there are orphans impacts in which prediction along with in investigation and regulated are yet to be underpinned by methodology. On the other hand the Bødker,(2019), states the inquiry in the report have the elevation of promising approach which have major involvement of active, critical and appropriation of novel technologies. The author also stated that the health technologies have developments of assessment protocol along with models to have the developments of health technologies which could be benefited from theoretical foundation along with acknowledging non neutrality and two side-mess of tools. There is more level of identification of present hand in situation which is having the degree of transparency is getting being reduced with time. The last could be stated as therapist have the major level of inclinations in order to have the exploration of the possibility of implementation of e-tools along with its potential level of benefits in order to have the establishments of therapeutic relationship and the patients treatment and outcome. There is major level of indemnification between patients, physiotherapists along with e tools which have the major level of involvement of the split which ave the physiotherapist’s intentional directness in the actual situation. It has been argued by Friis, (2017) that the e tool is actually have the enhancing the therapist skills which have major providence of therapist towards extra points to have the different level of information which can be actually being in inculcate with experience or clinically relevant topics which have been actually remained unthematized.

Article- 2

Acceptability of a digital health intervention alongside physiotherapy to support patients following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction


The research have used the qualitative research as long with the semi structured interviews. There is the use of convenience sampling in which there is existence of participants which have following of ACL construction long with their respective physiotherapists form the NHS hospital of London. The involved level of participant were asked to have TRAK which is considered to be alongside having face to face physiotherapy for time duration of 16 periods. There is absolute level of performance which have the major inclusion of the interview in which audio has been recorded along with transcribed verbatim in which coded by the two respective researcher independently.


On the other hand, the data is been analysis as per the thematic analysis. In order to have TRAK the Five physiotherapists were trained on how to use TRAK and integrate it into patient care alongside face-to-face physiotherapy (Blixt, Solbrække and Bjorbækmo, 2019). The use convenience sample method was done as patients were recruited from all stages of the physiotherapy post-operative ACL pathway. The major level of sample collection is done by having the predominantly recreational athletes who are astutely being referring to orthopedics. There is major level of involvement of the TRAK exercise programmers which is being actuarial mainstreamed and being updated by all the insisting level of physiotherapist who are actual involved in the group. The themes are being concluded as per the data which was actually analyzed with code by the principal level of investigator along with having separates codding witch is done by another team member. The interview questions were guided by topics that arose in previous related studies and from ongoing informed discussion within the research team. The TRAK have the inclusion to face physiotherapy for time duration of 16 periods involvement actuarial mainstreamed and being updated by all the insisting level of physiotherapist who are actual involved in the group.


The study was conducted on 25 individuals who were asked to contribute into this research practice. 24 of them agreed, in this study there were 8 females and 16 males who were of age 30. In this interview questions were being separately asked to patients and alongside face to face interview was also experienced by service users and physiotherapist. Results are totally based on the themes, it provided that users how and why users accept and do not accept TRAK procedure (Klucken and, 2018). It has been analyzed from patients that TRAK enhances their experience. Face to face care by physiotherapist and use of website which assist patients in self managing gave access to patients for resources which they can require all the time. It was reviewed from the article that patients who were personally engaged with both traditional physiotherapy and TRAK has improved health outcomes in comparison to those who felt like a burden to attend the rehab center. Some of the patients also reviewed that they were benefited by using TRAK as rehabilitation process. The videos through which they were practicing has assisted them in triggering their motivation and confidence level. They also mentioned that videos also helped them in knowing about what exercise they must be engaged in. This aspect has significantly improved their health outcomes. Patients discussed about extrinsic and intrinsic problems which were faced by them. They explained that TRAK as self-management tool was not so effective. They have problems related to communication which can be solved by better physiotherapist management.

Reflection and Discussion

This research has assisted me in knowing that patients generally accepted TRAK as a self-management tool that has helped them in triggering their motivation level and also by this tool they were able to know about what kind of exercise is right for them. Physiotherapists were also involved in managing this website and provided training on how patients can enhance their health through this tool. They also discussed about the risks which were associated while using TRAK. They laid special emphasis on red flag reminder and made sure that there is no delay in picking up of service users who are in need. Some of the patients also explained that TRAK made them dependent, as in this website they cannot perform interventions on their own. Slow respond to emails by physiotherapist has reduced the standard of care related with TRAK. Main challenge in management of TRAK is clinical time. Patients felt like making use of better hardware such as tablets can enhance marinating of TRAK information, it can increase efficiency and also personalized programs can be maintaining properly.


Patients opinion was being explored in article, it lays emphasis on the advantage of a blended approach. TRAK enhanced service user’s involvement in process of improving health outcome. But they also felt like some sort of technical improvement was been required in TRAK. It has enhanced the quality of physiotherapy practice.


Evaluation of a digital health resource providing physiotherapy information for postnatal women in a tertiary public hospital in Australia


This article laid emphasis on the importance of digital health resources provided by Physiotherapist in order to help women in overcoming problem of Postnatal depression. It is a kind of disorder that is being faced by females or girls after they have given birth to child. Physiotherapist who were involved in research provided women with video clips that can assist them in exercising so that they can overcome problem of Postnatal depression.


In this article Postnatal women were asked to be included in the survey related to digital health during the 17 days’ recruitment period. Thematic analysis was being done in article and also survey was mailed to women on their personal email address. In this article Physiotherapy department was engaged to provide advice to all postnatal women who were being going through various issues such as anxiety disorder, loss appetite, insomnia, fear of lessening everything, also they can consult physiotherapist for problems like musculoskeletal discomfort and floor dysfunction. Staff members gives services users with information sheet and also mentioned them that all data collected by them will be anonymous. Thematic analysis is being done when researchers are collecting qualitative data (Blixt, Solbrække and Bjorbækmo, 2019). This is being used by researchers in order to find out information related to common topic, and subject matter. This analysis is a part of descriptive research. In this article questionnaire was being mailed to personal email address of women who were involved in research. Discussion was made related to using of digital resources in physiotherapy in order to provide assistance to women suffering from Postnatal depression. Thematic analysis has assist researchers in knowing about the thoughts and perception of women related to using E-tools during this tough phase (Straker and, 2018). Thematic analysis also consists of two type of approaches which is inductive and deductive. In inductive approach evaluation of themes can be done. In deductive approach knowledge based methods is to be used. Thematic analysis will assist researchers in evaluating and interpreting information that can be useful for them


In this article evaluation about digital postnatal physiotherapy resource was being done. It was being analysed in article that giving birth to child has long lasting impact on health outcome of female. Health outcome can be improved by women engaged in taking physiotherapy after she was undergone the delivery process. It was being analysed that females have no adequate knowledge related to postnatal recovery and service which are being available to them after child birth was known to women. They also have no knowledge about the digital health resource in physiotherapy that was being available to them. From the survey it was identified that only 9 out of 27 women have gone through video clips which were being given by Physiotherapist that can assist them in improvising their habits. Some of the female and girls involved in research also forget to watch the video.

Reflection and Discussion

As in the article it was given that some women were not involved in watching the video which was being published by Physiotherapist. I realised that reason behind it was lack of time (Kononowicz and, 2019). Some women have watched the video and forgot about information which was published in it. Also I realised that providing information to women by using multiple formats has assisted me in enhancing my learning styles. It was identified from article that women who did not watch video reported about it and also went under consultation with their physiotherapist during their small ward stay. Some of the women also mentioned about as they are in huge pressure during discharge process and have less time to gain information form health care professionals, digital resources such as video given by Physiotherapist has assisted them in knowing about the forms of exercise which females can do in order to overcome from Postnatal depression.

These exercise forms have really helped them in enhancing their health outcome. Article also emphasised that participating Physiotherapist has under-gone training related to usage of E-tools or digital tools in order to provide assistance to female or girls after they have given child birth. I realised that women also listed about challenges on Postnatal women’s time. They have a problem with the length of video and also some of the women were not being interested in watching out video given by Physiotherapist. Most of the females who watched video were advised to do Pelvic Floor exercise. I also realised that lack of time was one of the common barrier that was being faced by females and girls.


Furthermore, article has emphasised upon enhancing awareness about resources that can be useful for females and girls facing issue of Postpartum depression. Various challenges faced by women has also been discussed in article. Ward based physiotherapy was given to women and postnatal education class was also been provided so that knowledge of females and girls can be enhanced. This can assist them in overcoming this problem of Postnatal depression. Also in article it was being advised to patient going through this issue about consuming a healthy diet which contains lots of fibre in it. In the article women also mentioned about themes related to recovery, health, fitness and well-being. They were motivated to watch videos and digital videos given by Physiotherapist. It has encouraged them to be engaged in doing floor exercise (Dyck, 2019). These aspects assisted women’s body during and after the time of pregnancy to respond positively to changes which they are facing in this critical time. It reduces level of dis-satisfaction among females and women. It was analysed in article that women who do not use English Language was excluded from research. Also some of the females made use of translators in order to understand what physiotherapist were trying to say. Some of the limitations were also being faced while doing research like reminder emails were being sent to women and girls so that they can complete it on time.

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Use of Tablet Computers to Promote Physical Therapy Students' Engagement in Knowledge Translation During Clinical Experiences


Main purpose of research was to analyse pattern of tablet computers that can be used by students studying physiotherapy during clinical rotation experiences. Study was funded by physical therapy department of University of Southern California.


In this study 13 physical therapy students were invited to take part in research purpose.There usage of tablet, I-pad which were full of social apps were being trapped. Duration of research was 16 weeks. Students were being invited by doing class announcement and also emails were sent on their personal mail address. In the article, researchers were engaged in doing qualitative research (Redfern, 2019). Data was recorded by using online Spread sheet. In the spread sheet user name and their clinical data information was being fitted. In order to interpret the result Ottawa model of research was being used. Conflicts between the qualitative description and designated category of use were resolved by the principal investigator in coordination with the user as needed. Descriptive statistic was also being used in article. In the article tablet was also been taken in order to educate service users about the benefits of doing physiotherapy while they are facing problems related to their muscles.

Professional communication was preferred by Researchers involving in this article. Many apps were also installed for the sole purpose of documentation. LLC were used in pediatric setting care (Cooper-Ryan and Ure, 2018). It will reduce patient’s distraction. Background and purpose of this article presented about how physical therapists were involved in combining research into daily practice. Tablet computer tool can be of utmost important that can be used by patients and clinical practitioners to share information and use them in their day to day health related activities.


Results extracted from article was consistent. Previously when computer system, tablets, I-pads were not being used by physical therapist in clinical setting sharing of information was really problematic and chaotic. Now with the use of E-tools such as tablets and I-pads it is easy for therapist to share information with students. This has also enhanced their knowledge related to subject matter. These devices have also helped physical therapist in educating patients about their disease and disorders. By having these device service users can install app which can provide information related to early signs and symptoms of disease. It will also service user know about benefits of doing Physiotherapy. Tablet and I-pads has power to affect structural, patient and social components in acquisition of knowledge. Usage of tablet computers were successful as it has assisted physical therapist in interacting with patients, exchanging information with them, educating them that has helped service users in enhancing their health outcome.

All the participants made effective utilization of tablets in clinical care setting. Also there were challenges faced by researchers while conducting research like the user has no idea how to make use of app, app do not have efficient features, app has lots of bugs. Like for example video related to exercise included in Physiotherapy was really slow and also it did not have HD content. Many users have also reported about theft and damage that was being done to Tablet and I-pads. Participants also faced problem like they do not have adequate information related to how to utilize tablet in clinical setting. Also they felt like apps need to have more feature on how to educate service and enhance their knowledge related to disease suffered by them. Also it must give a red alert notification to physical therapist so that they can serve patients during the time of need and there is no delay in it.

Reflection and Discussion

I have noticed that tablets and I-pads which consists of lots of commercial apps were being used by physical therapy students in clinical care setting. They were making use of tablets for extracting information. Tow third of data which was being seek by physiotherapist is related to medical and other data collected was linked with research article and synthesis. Physical therapist students making use of tablet have access to interrupted flow of information (Curtis and Price, 2017). Students put up the app on home screen so that information can be easily availed by them. I have also analyzed that there were various challenges faced by physical therapist students while making use of computer Tablets and I-pads. Like some students have no access to internet which made their practices in clinical care setting infective. Patients also enhance their knowledge related to disease by asking questions to physical therapist students on app. Open discussion was made between them. Health Literacy among service users through using this app has been improved. Positive response was collected form patients by making use of electronic devices. Specific investigation needs to be done of patient’s response, to do these physical therapy students can make use of tablets and I-pads.


It has been analyzed and interpreted from article that use of computer Tablets and I-pads with adequate resources can assist Physical therapy students in having more access to information and also they can enhance quality of service which is been given by them to service users. They can also educate patients on disorders and disease being faced, it can act as an intervention to improve service user’s health outcome (Lupton, 2019). Having access to information on time can also reduce gaps in services of health care professionals. Also it can become very easy for them to educate patients on diseases faced by them. Lots of Limitations were also presented while doing research like average therapist and skilled therapist both have different patterns to provide interventions to service users. For making research more effective it is suggested that researchers make use of large number of population. It will make research more diversify. Also the impact of Computer Tablet can easily be analyzed.

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