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University: Pearson Education Limited

  • Unit No: HSC 3047
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3446
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: F/601/4056
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The quality of social care can be improved by appropriate use of medications. The medication usage with suitable guidelines and standards will be helpful for the society to improve the health standards of various sections of society. The health professionals and social care nurses can play significant role in improving the health quality of people. It is essential to involve various techniques for administrating and managing use of medications in proper direction so that it does not have any harmful effect (Dong and, 2017.

The report will develop an understanding of legislative framework for using medications in context of social care. It will describe the common medication types and responsibility of authorities involved in matters related to medications. The document will explain the techniques for administration and management of medications. Further it will discuss the importance of recording and reporting the use of medicines and rights of individuals which must be protected during medications.


1.1 Legislation governing use of medication in social care settings

Legislations are used to regulate the medications so that it does not lead to harm to well being of individuals and meets the objective of health care. The most influencing legislations which governs the medication in social care are as follows:

Medicine act 1968: This act regulate and monitors the manufacturing and supply of medicines so that medicines can be controlled for human and veterinary use.

Controlled drug regulation (2013): This act ensures the effective governance for management and use of controlled drugs. The aim of this regulation is to ensure that controlled drug are used only for the welfare of people in safe manner.

Drug misuse act 2001: This regulatory act of UK government ensures that controlled drugs are not misused, stored or distributed through an illegal procedure. It also monitors the supply of prohibited drugs to avoid any health risks due to these medications (Moore and, 2017).

These legislations regulate the supply, distribution and manufacturing of medications in social care.

1.2 Legal classification system for medication

According to medicines act 1968 medication system has been classified into following categories.

Over the counter medicines: These are also known as the pharmacy medicines. These medicines can be supply without prescription from doctors. Medications for diarrhoea, antibiotics and paracetamol in small quantity are in this category.

Medicines with prescription: Medicines which can be used and purchased only with the prescription from registered health professionals falls into this category. Medications for chronic diseases, depressants and opiate based medicines are common examples of this classification (Lind and, 2016).

Controlled drugs: The management and administration of this category medicines is under Misuse of drugs act 2001. The intake of theses medicines without medical reason and prescription is considered as the matter of abuse and strict punishments can be given for the same from legislative authorities. They are harmful and are valuable for illegal supply or drug smuggling.

General sale lists: Medicines such as ointment for grazes, antacids and remedies for cold or flue can be purchased from any shop without requirement of pharmacist or prescription are known as general sale lists.

1.3 Role of policies and procedures to incorporate with legislative requirements

The people associated with medications such as patients, medicine distributors, health professionals and manufacturers are required to work as per the legislative requirements. The disposal, dispense and management of medicines must be done with careful approach so that the risks associated with medications can be minimized or avoided. For example if medications are not in accordance with legislative requirement then unavailability of correct medicine can cause threat to the life of patient. Nurses and care workers must be provided complete knowledge of policies related to legislation of medications so that medicines errors are not encountered and prescribed medicines are available to users (Ragunathan, Jadeja and Owen, 2017). The legislations will allow people to access the required medicines on time and to improve their health quality. The procedures for administration of medicines so that safe medications can be followed irrespective of changes in consumers, nurses or legislations.


2.1 General types of medications

A variety of medicines can be used for general purpose. For instance certain medicines such as antibiotics, antihistamine are used by majority of people in their routine life. Certain medications such as cytotoxic medications, medicines related to hormones and anticoagulants are used for the treatment of critical diseases.

2.2 Conditions for each type of medications

The condition for commonly used medications are provided as below:

Psychotropic medicines: These medicines are used to treat psychological stress such as depression or hallucination.

Antibiotics and antihistamines: These are used to treat the infections and for quick relief from allergy symptoms. 

Antacids and anticoagulants: For providing relief from indigestion antacids are used (Sessa and, 2018). On the other hand blood clots can be treated by commonly used anticoagulants medicines.

Cytotoxic medicines: In the treatment of cancer this medication is preferred.

Hormonal medications and laxatives: For balancing the hormonal imbalance, insulin, steroids this group of medicines is used. Laxatives are used for alleviating the constipation.

2.3 Symptoms indicating adverse reaction from medication

Depending upon the physical characteristics of an individual, dosage, properties and type of medicines the individuals may show following signs which describe that the person has encountered side effect from medications.

  • Depression, confusion, paranoia and poor decision making ability
  • Unexplained reduction in weight
  • Rashes and unpaired skin integrity
  • Dehydration and spontaneous bleeding (Symptoms and Signs of Drug Abuse, 2018).
  • Bowel dysfunction and acute muscle pain
  • Urinary impairment, dizziness and seizures.


3.1 Roles and responsibilities of individuals involved in medication use in social care

The health care professionals, patients, manufacturers of medicines and pharmacist or suppliers which gives medications are associated with the medications. They have following responsibilities:

  • At first manufacturers are responsible to manufacture the correct medicines as per the required proportion of the components in medicines. It will reduce the medication error at great extent.
  • It is essential for the health professionals to accurately analyse the condition of patients and to give them suitable medication. They must ensure that there must be minimum possibility of adverse drug reaction.
  • The medicine supplier, pharmacist and store keeper must regulate that they deliver only prescribed medicines. Appropriate care must be maintained to avoid human errror in providing medicines (Goedecke and, 2016). In case if they have delivered incorrect medicines then they must contact immediately to the doctors.
  • It is also required for the users or patients to understand their role. They must consult their doctors before taking any medicines. People must also follow the guidelines for taking medicines so that adverse drug reactions can be avoided.

3.2 Responsibilities in context of over the counter supplements and remedies

For over the counter remedies the responsibilities lies within area of medicine supplier and users. At the time of giving medicines the pharmacist must describe the possible side effects to user. It will help them to be aware regarding medication usage. Users must make precautions that the medication they are taking will be helpful for them and if they have any doubt or query related to it they must consult with health professionals before consuming it (Nelson and Staggers, 2016). In cases if they encountered side effects they must report it as priority basis. The pharmacist are also responsible to give suitable medicines. They must be careful enough to provide accurate medicines.


4.1 Routes for administrating medications

The routes for administration of medications depends on several factors such as drug composition and its working mechanism as well as the organ which is to be treated. The most common routes are as follows:

Enternal routes: Through these routes medicines are directly subjected into intestine or stomach.

Topical and subcutaneous: In topical routes medications like lotions or ointments are applied to skin whereas in subcutaneous routes medicines like insulins are injected beneath the skin (Bowling, 2014.).

Oral path: This is most widely used route in which medicines are swallowed by oral means.

Instillation administration: In this mode liquid or suspension form of medications are instilled through nose, eyes and ears.

Intravenous and intramuscular administrating: Through intravenous injections medications are administrated directly into veins. Intramuscular type is injected directly into muscles. Thus, both of these routes are very effective and quick for instant relief.

Inhalation: The respiratory issues like asthma are delivered medicines directly to the lungs which is the site of action.

4.2 Different forms of medications

The medications can be presented in following formats:

  • Active component of some medicines is combined with liquid so that it can be easily absorbed. It gives liquid presentation of medication.
  • Soluble tablets of medications which are solid is another common form of medication.
  • In capsule format medicines are kept inside a plastic shell which can gradually dissolve in stomach (Wang, Hu and Siahaan, 2016).
  • Topical medications are in the form of lotion which can be directly applied to body.
  • Medications used in inhalers and injection form
  • Medication drops which directly reaches to affected areas such as eyes and ear.

4.3 Equipments and materials used for administration of medication

Following equipments are very helpful for medication administration.

Medicine cups: These are used for measurement of liquid medications which are orally administrated.

Calibrated droppers: It determines the small quantities and amount of active medicine delivered in each drop intake.

Nipple: It is used for medications provided to infants.

Compliance aids: These equipments like dose reminders encourages patients to take their prescription (Coffman and, 2017).

Naso gastric tube and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: The individuals who are find it difficult to swallow medications can be administrated by this method.

Solid dose oral formulations and liquids: Medications are formulated in the form of tablets, capsules or liquid syrups to aid compliance. Inhalers and injections can also be used for the purpose.


5.1 Approach to receive medication supply as per legal and regulated ways

The medications for home patients must be at home and if repeat of medicines is specified in care plan then care staff may collect them. The medication collection must be recorded so that it can be used for future reference. Medication audit and MAR chart must be completed by the care providing staff. Before the purchase of medications the general practitioner or health advisor must be informed so that they can give appropriate suggestion. It will reduce the risk of adverse drug reaction (Vallerand, 2018). When medications are dispensed then for avoiding mistakes they must be verified with MAR chart and prescription.

5.2 Safe storage of medication

Medications must be stored in cool and dry place because factors like heat, moisture, air and light can affects its configuration. For example in kitchen medicines must be stored away from the heat appliances and sink. Similarly, if medications are stored in bathrooms then due to moisture they may expire earlier. To increase the safety medicines must be kept in original containers only. The cotton ball must be removed from the medication bottle as it pulls the moisture into container. Temperature sensitive medicines must be place below 25 degree Celsius. A lockable medication fridge with temperature range 2 to 80 degree Celsius must be used. General and controlled drugs must be kept separately in locked cupboards (Aulton and Taylor, 2017).

5.3 Safe dispose of unwanted or unused medication

It is safe and required that unwanted and unused medicines must be disposed properly. People can return medications to pharmacy so that it can be disposed safely. The medications which are not removed from blister packs in nursing centres can be hand over to authorities with clinical waste license. People must ensure that medications are not disposed via sluices or other drainage methods. Nursing homes can destroy controlled drugs by using destruction kit. For damaged medicines which needs to be throw away as rubbish must be first mixed with coffee grounds or other materials which can completely ruin or damages it. Then these damage drugs must be sealed in plastic bags so that they can be dumped. The medications can also be disposed via community programs such as “Giving back drug” so that they can use or dumped safely.


6.1 Key principles for using medications

Consent: People have right to refuse for medication and thus medication must be provided with their consent. Even if after knowledge of its impact people does not provide consent then it must be informed to health professional (Chang, Couch and Burnside, 2014). However, those who are not able to make decisions then mental capacity act 2005 is used to make judgement.

Self medication or active participation: Patients must actively decide that when they have to take medicine and at what place. Though they may seek help of carers but they have control over their medication. It will help them to participate in their own care.

Dignity: During medication if individuals require privacy then it must be supported. They have right to protect their dignity and carers must respect it. For instance if patient request to take medication from the same gender then this must be considered to respect their dignity.

Confidentiality: The past medications or current prescriptions must not be discussed without consent of the individual. They may feel uncomfortable or unpleasant. Carers must discuss the medications with the consent of patient only so that their confidentiality can be protected.

6.2 Risk assessment for management of medications

The risk assessment is crucial so that medication risks can be minimized. It will provide guidelines to individuals so that self medication can give them effective results. Risk assessment does not prohibit people from doing activities but rather it educates them that how their actions can support medication (Kozak and, 2016). For example when people will be aware about situations in which medicines can be damaged and can cause harm then people will always ensure to avoid such situations. Thus risk assessment must be accomplished periodically so that individuals can manage their medications.

6.3 Ethical issues in medication

Medication management must consider following ethical issues:

Religious issues: Some people may not want to take medications due to religious concerns. For example vegetarians or vegans may oppose medications made up of gelatin. In such cases doctors can prescribe other medications.

Personal preferences:Due to deteriorating health or unsatisfactory results people may prefer to discontinue medication. In such cases they must be provided environment where they can put their opinion freely and can be guided properly.


7.1 Way to access information regarding medication of an individual

Following approaches can be used to access medication knowledge of people:

  • Communicating with them can give basic information
  • Medication administrate record (MAR) can be checked (Mt-Isa and, 2014).
  • Discussion with the general practitioner
  • Researches can be made about side effects, frequency, dosage and administration route of medication.
  • Hygiene must be maintained during medication. Hands must be cleaned and from blister pack medicines must be directed directly to medicine pot.
  • MAR charts must be used so that correct medicine is given to correct person. The side effects and route of administration must be known so that safe medication is accomplished. If person refuses to take medicine then, it must be disposed with appropriate way.
  • Gender, cultural preferences and dignity of patients must be maintained and respected. If patient request for medication in a private room or from same gender then this must be granted (Lind and, 2016).
  • Patients must be encouraged for self medication to increase their active participation. If they require support then it must be provided.

7.2 Ways to encourage medication with its key principles

7.3 Strategies for accurate administration of medication

The health professionals and carers must use following strategies:

  • MAR sheet must be used to ensure that correct medications are provided in right doses.
  • Medicines are provided on time and through accurate route.
  • Privacy, dignity and agreement of patient must be supported.
  • MAR charts must be used to avoid errors.
  • Pharmacy labelled container should be used to administer.
  • Carers and staff members must be trained.
  • Patient and medication must be verified before giving medications (Medication Administration: Why It’s Important to Take Drugs the Right Way, 2016.).

7.4 Remedies to address practical difficulties during medication

7.5 Approach to access support for the use of medication

In following cases further information of medication must be accessed:

  • When medication dose is missed or dropped then it must be recorded and given again.
  • Medication errors must be reported on urgent basis without making attempts to hide them.
  • If vomiting or other adverse reactions occurred then it must be reported through yellow card system.
  • Records must be updated and clear. Audit trails must be maintained for supply, disposal and storage of each medication.
  • MAR chart must be maintained regularly and it must be in accordance with the care plan.
  • When adverse effects are observed than it must also be recorded so that it can be used for future reference or other nursing staff.
  • For reporting of adverse reactions due to medication yellow card must be used. The general practitioner must be informed about the medication used.
  • When control drugs are missing and no records of their usage are found at home or nursing clinics then this fact must be immediately acknowledged to police and legal authorities (Bowling, 2014.).
  •  When some medications are not taken by patient or dropped then this fact must also be included in MAR charts.


8.1 Recording medication and changes associated with it

8.2 Reporting medication and problems associated medication usage


From the report, it can be concluded that for healthy and safe living, it is essential to develop a proper understanding of medication management. The report has explained the legislative framework of medication and commonly used medications. It has discussed the roles and responsibilities for medication use and techniques to administrate medication. For those using an essay typer, this report offers a comprehensive overview of these critical aspects. The document has also described the ways to store, receive, and dispose of medicines safely, and how the rights of individuals can be protected during medication. Further, it can also be concluded from the report that reporting and recording of medication with the above-described principles will encourage and support medication so that adverse drug reactions can be eliminated or minimized. For those seeking assignment help, this report provides valuable insights into medication management and its critical aspects.

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