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A Handbook for Writing Alluring Dissertation Introductions

03 May 2022 1015 14 minutes
How to Write Enticing Dissertation Introduction

Beginnings are always important!

And after reading the opening lines of Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” everyone would say the same. It has one of the most famous introduction lines in the world of fiction:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

This might not be exactly what you want to write in your dissertation introduction, but this is a perfect example of what it should be, i.e. intriguing and impressive. Read this blog to create magic while writing a dissertation introduction.

What Is an Introduction? | Purpose of Writing It

Simply put, an introduction is the opening statement of any document. It is written for the purpose of beginning the chosen topic, object, person, etc. The aim is to sensitize the audience to what is to come next and what they should expect.

In an academic document like a dissertation, the introduction is the sixth chapter. It comes after the contents page and before the literature review. This makes its position appropriate for shedding light on the chosen dissertation topic. It is crucial to include what would make your head turn or draw your attention in your own introduction. This ensures that a reader’s interests will be peaked.

The purpose of writing a dissertation introduction is to make the reader understand what exactly you are trying to find out and what problem you picked to solve.

Different Types of Introduction with Examples

There might be one target that any introduction tries to achieve, but there are many ways of achieving it. Depending upon the nature of your dissertation, there will be a perfect type of introduction to go alongside it. Here are some different types of dissertation introduction example that you can use while working on your own document.

1. Inquisitive Introduction

They are usually characterized by questions. When a question is raised at the beginning of a paragraph, it generates curiosity and grabs the attention of the reader. The goal is to generate interest of the reader by putting up inquisitive questions. They might have an answer for them or they might not. But they will most definitely have their attention drawn to the content.

Example of an Inquisitive Introductions

Inquisitive Introductions Example

2. Paradoxical Introductions

The name precisely suggests what techniques should be used while writing a dissertation introduction that follows the paradoxical approach. The word simply means something that is absurd or contradictory in itself. So if someone were to use this approach in their introduction, they should begin with an unsolvable puzzle or something that blows the reader’s mind away. This is another good way to grab the attention of the reader.

Example of a Paradoxical Introductions

Paradoxical Introductions Example

3. Corrective Introductions

This approach is very simple to use and usually starts with capturing and maintaining the audience's attention by stating that your document will rectify a widely held yet incorrect belief about your topic of discussion, a topic that has been misunderstood, neglected, or misrepresented. In this way, the reader gets fixated on the document in hopes of finding the answer that they most probably do not have.

Example of a Corrective Introductions

Corrective Introductions Example

4. Preparatory Introductions

This approach is very straightforward. It uses the simple technique of saying something completely unexpected. This creates enough suspense and curiosity in the reader to go through the entire document. In the context of the dissertation introduction, one can start by mentioning any particular findings from the research that have a preparatory effect. If you have some unusual discoveries to share with your readers, go ahead and draft a preparatory introduction.

Example of a Preparatory Introductions

Preparatory Introductions Example

5. Narrative Introductions

These are the simplest yet most effective forms of writing a dissertation introduction because they support a to-the-point and direct approach of telling things as they are. To create interest among the readers, this type of introduction uses anecdotal leads. The goal is to give away the relevant information in the simplest form possible. So that the reader gets it the minute they see it.

Example of a Narrative Introductions

Narrative Introductions Example

Whatever might be your research theme and research methodology, the best dissertation introduction writing website for college advises you to always make it relevant and enticing.

You may also read this: History dissertation topics

Structure and Elements of a Beguiling Introduction

If you are also wondering how to write a dissertation introduction, stop right here. We have all the information that you need to know regarding the structure of an introduction and the various elements that are crucial to formulating an exquisite introduction.

Most students are often not clear on the length of their introductory chapter. There is a very strict structure and word limit that are supposed to be followed while writing the introduction of a dissertation. According to the experts of assignment writing services, any introduction, irrespective of the document that it is being written for, should be 10% of its length. Because saying that an introduction can be 800 to 1000 words long would be an ambiguous statement. Therefore, 10% of your dissertation should be your introduction. This is just the right number of words to explain research-related crucial aims and targets.

Mold your introduction in such a way that it provides the readers with a roadmap of your work. This will help you and them equally because the readers will not be confused and will have a clear understanding of what you want them to see.

Elements of Good Introduction

Any good introduction will contain the following elements:

  • Background to the situation
  • Any historical references if there are
  • Identify a problem(s)
  • Why the problem needs to be solved
  1. Negative consequences
  2. Positive consequences
  • Give appropriate solution(s)
  • Mention any refutation on the topic
  • Thesis statement

Tips for Making an Introduction Captivating

A dissertation introduction is the window to your entire research; it gives the readers a full view and understanding of your chosen topic. Writing a well-defined introduction is important because it will help the professor see your vision for the theme very clearly and, at the same time, assist any non scholarly reader in getting a good and clear idea about your topic. Here is what you should mention in the introduction.

  • The setting in which your research was conducted.
  • Why is the chosen issue important?
  • Who are the key participants in the investigation area?
  • Are there some variables that can confuse the readers, or should they be aware of them?
  • A clear and unambiguous statement of the aim and objectives of the research that you will address and how will you meet them?

After the academic tips for writing a dissertation introduction, here are some techniques to convert an informative and technical piece of writing into a captivating piece:

  • Take the reader by surprise
  • Put in any finding that is unusual or unexpected to give a shock to the reader
  • Your reader should want more information
  • Indulge the reader

Take the above-mentioned tips to make your dissertation introduction the best in class. You can make a proper and personal ratio of the academic and non-academic tips according to the kind of research study you are planning. Create an introduction that suits you and your methodology the best.

Students also like to read: Guide to Create the Perfect Dissertation Contents Page

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Writing a lengthy academic document is equal parts important and tedious for students. This is due to the rigidity of the structure and the multitude of guidelines that need to be followed by them. The professors want every piece of information presented in these documents to be accurate. And achieving that is no easy task. Most students feel disheartened and helpless while creating their first-ever dissertation. But this can be averted easily with the help of the best dissertation writing services. If you are in any doubt about availing of the exceptional services of our experts, just read the below-mentioned benefits that they offer. It will surely change your mind. Listed below are some benefits of taking academic assistance from us:

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