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Unexpected Things You'll Experience While You are in College

03 Mar 2017 4317 4 minutes
Global Assignmnent Help Australia

Unexpected Things You’ll Experience While You are in College

So are you about to get enrolled in a university and on the path to shaping your future? But wait! There will be some unexpected experiences awaiting you. The experts who offer assignment writing service to the scholars have listed out some of the experiences that every college-goer encounters at least once in his/her college life. Curious to know what they are? Take a read and know more about them!

Friends are your biggest competitors

No matter how close you are to them, at some point in time, you’ll have to compete with each one of them. And, if you want to be in a better position, you need to prepare yourself in a better way. However, this does not mean that you should start hating them; you just need to have a healthy competition so that you can enjoy your college life without being stressed.

The most esteemed professors might take the worst lectures

One of the best things that can happen in a university is the guest lectures taken by the most renowned experts in a field. You expect the lectures to be extraordinary, but every now and then you’ll get a surprise! No matter how exceptional their work is, some people are not meant for social interactions. And you’ll feel that the graduate students would have explained the topic in a better way than them.

Food theft and new discoveries

Yes, it will happen, and no matter what measures you take to avoid it, you’ll never succeed! But the positive impact of this is that you’ll become more creative and experimental to hide your food. Be it the fast food or healthy stuff; you will become creative day by day and innovate new dishes prepared from whatever you could gather.

Your old clothes will never fit you the way they did

Blame the busy schedule or binge eating, but a vast difference in your physique will make sure that your old clothes will never look on you as good as they used to before! And, your wardrobe will be stuffed with all new collection of dresses that are in perfect accordance with your upgraded dressing sense.

Freedom at university comes with a price

An amazing thing about being in a student dorm of the university is that you are your own boss. You can do what you want, decide what you wish to wear or when to go to bed, but you will be burdened with a lot of responsibilities as well. All those chores that were once the responsibility of your guardians will become yours. If you fail to do so, you will probably end up with the messiest area and truckloads of pending tasks.

Hope these points have made you aware of the weirdest experiences that you are about to face in the upcoming years.

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