APA Format Guide: Follow It and Make Your Arts Assignment Perfect
29 Aug 2019 2190 7 minutes.jpg)
APA Format Guide: Follow It and Make Your Arts Assignment Perfect
Are you pursuing bachelor's in arts?
If so, then definitely your professor will ask you to write multiple assignments on it. Well, completing arts assignment is not that much difficult but, what's more difficult is referencing. Generally, the professor asks students to use APA Referencing style in arts assignment and being unaware of it, they seek arts assignment help from the experts.
According to our experts, it is very essential for the students to get familiar with the APA writing style, especially the students who are pursuing bachelors in arts.
Do you know the proper guidelines to do it?
If your answer is no, then just go through this simple guide and know how to complete your arts assignment in APA style.
How to Make a Perfect Assignment in APA Style?
The title page is the first page of the assignment so it should always be framed carefully. There are other things too that must be kept in mind while writing title page. They are as follows:
- The running head comes at the extreme left whereas, page number comes at the extreme right of the paper.
- The main title is placed at the center of the page in both upper case and lower case.
- Never use abbreviations in the title.
- The title must contains the following things - Full name, institute's name, institute location, the place where research is conducted.
- The maximum word limit of the title is 12 words
- It should be always written in the default font, i.e. size = 12pt., font =˜Times New Roman.
- The title is never written in bold, italics, or underline.
The abstract is the summary of your paper and is used to raise the interest of the reader in your assignment. So, when you write an abstract, just take care of the following things:
- It should always start with a new page.
- Every page must have a running head on the top left.
- The word abstract is written at the center of the page.
- It should not be written in quotation marks.
- Every major point must be included in a concise manner
- No long paragraphs in the abstract.
- After the abstract, its summary is written in 250 words.
This section comes in between the introduction and the conclusion section and consists of several paragraphs. While writing it, just keep these things in mind:
- Always keep the same format in every paragraph.
- If you are borrowing someone else thoughts, then cite them properly.
- Use the default font and size in the main body section.
- While doing in-text citation, mention the name of the author and year of publication.
The reference list is basically written at the end page of the assignment and used to reflect the authenticity of the document. So, it is very essential to reference the sources properly. For that, keep these things in mind:
- The reference list contains - Author Name, publication date, title, publication information.
- In case you are using online references, then it is very essential to provide DOI. It is a unique alphabetical sting that reflects the identity of the content.
Heading always makes the work easier and organized as by using heading and sub-heading, you can easily locate different pieces of information. They are the best ways to give an idea to the reader of what’s written inside. APA format usually consists of 5 parts. They are:
- First Part - The first part of the heading is known as the title. It is always written at the center of the page.
- Second Part - It is known as the level 2 heading placed opposite the left margin.
- Third Part - This heading is placed from the left-hand margin and written in bold letters.
- Fourth Part - It is also the same as level 3 sub-heading, but can be written in both bold and italics.
- Fifth Part - Level 5 heading is the mixture of both level 3 & 4 sub-headings.
So, this is all about how to write an arts assignment in APA style. Same as the writing its presentation also matters. So, while presenting your arts assignment, just make sure to keep the following things in mind. They are:
When it comes to writing an assignment in APA format, then you need to present more information in less words. So, make sure whatever you are writing, just write it in a clear and concise manner. Keep the length of the paper according to the guidelines and do not write any unnecessary details. Doing so will make the paper lengthy and the reader finds it boring to read.
Margin plays a very great role in the presentation of the paper as the paper with unsymmetrical margins look very untidy and create a negative impact on the professor. So, always make sure to keep equivalent margin on all four sides of the paper. According to the APA style guide, you should always leave one-inch margin from all the four sides of the paper.
The running head comes at the top of every page of the assignment. It is mainly divided into two parts that is title and the page number. Never write p. or pg. to denote the page number.
Hurrah!!! Finally, learned the ways. Now, you are aware of each and every thing needed to make your arts assignment perfect. Therefore, all you need to do is just implement it in your arts assignment and wait for the amazing results.
So, do not delay anymore and start working now...
Good Luck!!!
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